/* PowerPC-32 gmp-mparam.h -- Compiler/machine parameter header file. Copyright 1991, 1993, 1994, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU MP Library. The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #define BITS_PER_MP_LIMB 32 #define BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB 4 /* This file is supposed to be used for 604, 604e, 744x/745x/747x (G4+), i.e., 32-bit PowerPC processors with reasonably fast integer multiply insns. The values below are chosen to be best for the latter processors, since 604 is largely irrelevant today. In mpn/powerpc32/750/gmp-mparam.h there are values for 75x (G3) and for 7400/7410 (G4), both which have much slower multiply instructions. */ /* 1417 MHz PPC 7447A */ /* Generated by tuneup.c, 2009-01-14, gcc 4.3 */ #define MUL_KARATSUBA_THRESHOLD 14 #define MUL_TOOM3_THRESHOLD 73 #define MUL_TOOM44_THRESHOLD 106 #define SQR_BASECASE_THRESHOLD 4 #define SQR_KARATSUBA_THRESHOLD 24 #define SQR_TOOM3_THRESHOLD 77 #define SQR_TOOM4_THRESHOLD 130 #define MULLOW_BASECASE_THRESHOLD 0 /* always */ #define MULLOW_DC_THRESHOLD 52 #define MULLOW_MUL_N_THRESHOLD 292 #define DIV_SB_PREINV_THRESHOLD 0 /* always */ #define DIV_DC_THRESHOLD 46 #define POWM_THRESHOLD 87 #define MATRIX22_STRASSEN_THRESHOLD 15 #define HGCD_THRESHOLD 127 #define GCD_DC_THRESHOLD 361 #define GCDEXT_DC_THRESHOLD 382 #define JACOBI_BASE_METHOD 1 #define DIVREM_1_NORM_THRESHOLD 0 /* always */ #define DIVREM_1_UNNORM_THRESHOLD 0 /* always */ #define MOD_1_NORM_THRESHOLD 0 /* always */ #define MOD_1_UNNORM_THRESHOLD 0 /* always */ #define MOD_1_1_THRESHOLD 7 #define MOD_1_2_THRESHOLD 21 #define MOD_1_4_THRESHOLD 68 #define USE_PREINV_DIVREM_1 1 #define USE_PREINV_MOD_1 1 #define DIVEXACT_1_THRESHOLD 0 /* always */ #define MODEXACT_1_ODD_THRESHOLD 0 /* always (native) */ #define GET_STR_DC_THRESHOLD 22 #define GET_STR_PRECOMPUTE_THRESHOLD 42 #define SET_STR_DC_THRESHOLD 788 #define SET_STR_PRECOMPUTE_THRESHOLD 1554 #define MUL_FFT_TABLE { 304, 672, 1152, 2560, 6144, 24576, 0 } #define MUL_FFT_MODF_THRESHOLD 320 #define MUL_FFT_THRESHOLD 2816 #define SQR_FFT_TABLE { 272, 672, 1152, 2560, 10240, 24576, 0 } #define SQR_FFT_MODF_THRESHOLD 288 #define SQR_FFT_THRESHOLD 2304