/* __gmp_doprnt_mpf -- mpf formatted output. THE FUNCTIONS IN THIS FILE ARE FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. THEY'RE ALMOST CERTAIN TO BE SUBJECT TO INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES OR DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY IN FUTURE GNU MP RELEASES. Copyright 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU MP Library. The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include "config.h" #if HAVE_STDARG #include /* for va_list and hence doprnt_funs_t */ #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "gmp.h" #include "gmp-impl.h" /* change this to "#define TRACE(x) x" for diagnostics */ #define TRACE(x) /* The separate of __gmp_doprnt_float_digits and __gmp_doprnt_float is so some C++ can do the mpf_get_str and release it in case of an exception */ #define DIGIT_VALUE(c) \ (isdigit (c) ? (c) - '0' \ : islower (c) ? (c) - 'a' + 10 \ : (c) - 'A' + 10) int __gmp_doprnt_mpf (const struct doprnt_funs_t *funs, void *data, const struct doprnt_params_t *p, const char *point, mpf_srcptr f) { int prec, ndigits, free_size, len, newlen, justify, justlen, explen; int showbaselen, sign, signlen, intlen, intzeros, pointlen; int fraczeros, fraclen, preczeros; char *s, *free_ptr; mp_exp_t exp; char exponent[BITS_PER_MP_LIMB + 10]; const char *showbase; int retval = 0; TRACE (printf ("__gmp_doprnt_float\n"); printf (" conv=%d prec=%d\n", p->conv, p->prec)); prec = p->prec; if (prec <= -1) { /* all digits */ ndigits = 0; /* arrange the fixed/scientific decision on a "prec" implied by how many significant digits there are */ if (p->conv == DOPRNT_CONV_GENERAL) MPF_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS (prec, PREC(f), ABS(p->base)); } else { switch (p->conv) { case DOPRNT_CONV_FIXED: /* Precision is digits after the radix point. Try not to generate too many more than will actually be required. If f>=1 then overestimate the integer part, and add prec. If f<1 then underestimate the zeros between the radix point and the first digit and subtract that from prec. In either case add 2 so the round to nearest can be applied accurately. */ ndigits = prec + 2 + EXP(f) * (__mp_bases[ABS(p->base)].chars_per_limb + (EXP(f)>=0)); ndigits = MAX (ndigits, 1); break; case DOPRNT_CONV_SCIENTIFIC: /* precision is digits after the radix point, and there's one digit before */ ndigits = prec + 1; break; default: ASSERT (0); /*FALLTHRU*/ case DOPRNT_CONV_GENERAL: /* precision is total digits, but be sure to ask mpf_get_str for at least 1, not 0 */ ndigits = MAX (prec, 1); break; } } TRACE (printf (" ndigits %d\n", ndigits)); s = mpf_get_str (NULL, &exp, p->base, ndigits, f); len = strlen (s); free_ptr = s; free_size = len + 1; TRACE (printf (" s %s\n", s); printf (" exp %ld\n", exp); printf (" len %d\n", len)); /* For fixed mode check the ndigits formed above was in fact enough for the integer part plus p->prec after the radix point. */ ASSERT ((p->conv == DOPRNT_CONV_FIXED && p->prec > -1) ? ndigits >= MAX (1, exp + p->prec + 2) : 1); sign = p->sign; if (s[0] == '-') { sign = s[0]; s++, len--; } signlen = (sign != '\0'); TRACE (printf (" sign %c signlen %d\n", sign, signlen)); switch (p->conv) { case DOPRNT_CONV_FIXED: if (prec <= -1) prec = MAX (0, len-exp); /* retain all digits */ /* Truncate if necessary so fraction will be at most prec digits. */ ASSERT (prec >= 0); newlen = exp + prec; if (newlen < 0) { /* first non-zero digit is below target prec, and at least one zero digit in between, so print zero */ len = 0; exp = 0; } else if (len <= newlen) { /* already got few enough digits */ } else { /* discard excess digits and round to nearest */ const char *num_to_text = (p->base >= 0 ? "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" : "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); int base = ABS(p->base); int n; ASSERT (base <= 36); len = newlen; n = DIGIT_VALUE (s[len]); TRACE (printf (" rounding with %d\n", n)); if (n >= (base + 1) / 2) { /* propagate a carry */ for (;;) { if (len == 0) { s[0] = '1'; len = 1; exp++; break; } n = DIGIT_VALUE (s[len-1]); ASSERT (n >= 0 && n < base); n++; if (n != base) { TRACE (printf (" storing now %d\n", n)); s[len-1] = num_to_text[n]; break; } len--; } } else { /* truncate only, strip any trailing zeros now exposed */ while (len > 0 && s[len-1] == '0') len--; } /* Can have newlen==0, in which case the truncate was just to check for a carry turning it into "1". If we're left with len==0 then adjust exp to match. */ if (len == 0) exp = 0; } fixed: ASSERT (len == 0 ? exp == 0 : 1); if (exp <= 0) { TRACE (printf (" fixed 0.000sss\n")); intlen = 0; intzeros = 1; fraczeros = -exp; fraclen = len; } else { TRACE (printf (" fixed sss.sss or sss000\n")); intlen = MIN (len, exp); intzeros = exp - intlen; fraczeros = 0; fraclen = len - intlen; } explen = 0; break; case DOPRNT_CONV_SCIENTIFIC: { long int expval; char expsign; if (prec <= -1) prec = MAX (0, len-1); /* retain all digits */ scientific: TRACE (printf (" scientific s.sss\n")); intlen = MIN (1, len); intzeros = (intlen == 0 ? 1 : 0); fraczeros = 0; fraclen = len - intlen; expval = (exp-intlen); if (p->exptimes4) expval <<= 2; /* Split out the sign since %o or %x in expfmt give negatives as twos complement, not with a sign. */ expsign = (expval >= 0 ? '+' : '-'); expval = ABS (expval); #if HAVE_VSNPRINTF explen = snprintf (exponent, sizeof(exponent), p->expfmt, expsign, expval); /* test for < sizeof-1 since a glibc 2.0.x return of sizeof-1 might mean truncation */ ASSERT (explen >= 0 && explen < sizeof(exponent)-1); #else sprintf (exponent, p->expfmt, expsign, expval); explen = strlen (exponent); ASSERT (explen < sizeof(exponent)); #endif TRACE (printf (" expfmt %s gives %s\n", p->expfmt, exponent)); } break; default: ASSERT (0); /*FALLTHRU*/ /* to stop variables looking uninitialized */ case DOPRNT_CONV_GENERAL: /* The exponent for "scientific" will be exp-1, choose scientific if this is < -4 or >= prec (and minimum 1 for prec). For f==0 will have exp==0 and get the desired "fixed". This rule follows glibc. For fixed there's no need to truncate, the desired ndigits will already be as required. */ if (exp-1 < -4 || exp-1 >= MAX (1, prec)) goto scientific; else goto fixed; } TRACE (printf (" intlen %d intzeros %d fraczeros %d fraclen %d\n", intlen, intzeros, fraczeros, fraclen)); ASSERT (p->prec <= -1 ? intlen + fraclen == strlen (s) : intlen + fraclen <= strlen (s)); if (p->showtrailing) { /* Pad to requested precision with trailing zeros, for general this is all digits, for fixed and scientific just the fraction. */ preczeros = prec - (fraczeros + fraclen + (p->conv == DOPRNT_CONV_GENERAL ? intlen + intzeros : 0)); preczeros = MAX (0, preczeros); } else preczeros = 0; TRACE (printf (" prec=%d showtrailing=%d, pad with preczeros %d\n", prec, p->showtrailing, preczeros)); /* radix point if needed, or if forced */ pointlen = ((fraczeros + fraclen + preczeros) != 0 || p->showpoint != 0) ? strlen (point) : 0; TRACE (printf (" point |%s| pointlen %d\n", point, pointlen)); /* Notice the test for a non-zero value is done after any truncation for DOPRNT_CONV_FIXED. */ showbase = NULL; showbaselen = 0; switch (p->showbase) { default: ASSERT (0); /*FALLTHRU*/ case DOPRNT_SHOWBASE_NO: break; case DOPRNT_SHOWBASE_NONZERO: if (intlen == 0 && fraclen == 0) break; /*FALLTHRU*/ case DOPRNT_SHOWBASE_YES: switch (p->base) { case 16: showbase = "0x"; showbaselen = 2; break; case -16: showbase = "0X"; showbaselen = 2; break; case 8: showbase = "0"; showbaselen = 1; break; } break; } TRACE (printf (" showbase %s showbaselen %d\n", showbase == NULL ? "" : showbase, showbaselen)); /* left over field width */ justlen = p->width - (signlen + showbaselen + intlen + intzeros + pointlen + fraczeros + fraclen + preczeros + explen); TRACE (printf (" justlen %d fill 0x%X\n", justlen, p->fill)); justify = p->justify; if (justlen <= 0) /* no justifying if exceed width */ justify = DOPRNT_JUSTIFY_NONE; TRACE (printf (" justify type %d intlen %d pointlen %d fraclen %d\n", justify, intlen, pointlen, fraclen)); if (justify == DOPRNT_JUSTIFY_RIGHT) /* pad for right */ DOPRNT_REPS (p->fill, justlen); if (signlen) /* sign */ DOPRNT_REPS (sign, 1); DOPRNT_MEMORY_MAYBE (showbase, showbaselen); /* base */ if (justify == DOPRNT_JUSTIFY_INTERNAL) /* pad for internal */ DOPRNT_REPS (p->fill, justlen); DOPRNT_MEMORY (s, intlen); /* integer */ DOPRNT_REPS_MAYBE ('0', intzeros); DOPRNT_MEMORY_MAYBE (point, pointlen); /* point */ DOPRNT_REPS_MAYBE ('0', fraczeros); /* frac */ DOPRNT_MEMORY_MAYBE (s+intlen, fraclen); DOPRNT_REPS_MAYBE ('0', preczeros); /* prec */ DOPRNT_MEMORY_MAYBE (exponent, explen); /* exp */ if (justify == DOPRNT_JUSTIFY_LEFT) /* pad for left */ DOPRNT_REPS (p->fill, justlen); done: (*__gmp_free_func) (free_ptr, free_size); return retval; error: retval = -1; goto done; }