/* mpz expression evaluation, simple part Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU MP Library. The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include #include "gmp.h" #include "expr-impl.h" /* Change this to "#define TRACE(x) x" to get some traces. */ #define TRACE(x) /* These are macros, so need function wrappers. */ static int e_mpz_sgn (mpz_srcptr x) { return mpz_sgn (x); } static int e_mpz_odd_p (mpz_srcptr x) { return mpz_odd_p (x); } static int e_mpz_even_p (mpz_srcptr x) { return mpz_even_p (x); } /* These wrapped because MPEXPR_TYPE_I_ functions are expected to return "int" whereas these return "unsigned long". */ static void e_mpz_hamdist (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr x, mpz_srcptr y) { mpz_set_ui (w, mpz_hamdist (x, y)); } static void e_mpz_popcount (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr x) { mpz_set_ui (w, mpz_popcount (x)); } static void e_mpz_scan0 (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr x, unsigned long start) { mpz_set_ui (w, mpz_scan0 (x, start)); } static void e_mpz_scan1 (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr x, unsigned long start) { mpz_set_ui (w, mpz_scan1 (x, start)); } /* These wrapped because they're in-place whereas MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY_UI expects a separate source and destination. Actually the parser will normally pass w==x anyway. */ static void e_mpz_setbit (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr x, unsigned long n) { if (w != x) mpz_set (w, x); mpz_setbit (w, n); } static void e_mpz_clrbit (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr x, unsigned long n) { if (w != x) mpz_set (w, x); mpz_clrbit (w, n); } static __gmp_const struct mpexpr_operator_t _mpz_expr_standard_table[] = { { "**", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_pow_ui, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY_UI | MPEXPR_TYPE_RIGHTASSOC, 220 }, { "~", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_com, MPEXPR_TYPE_UNARY | MPEXPR_TYPE_PREFIX, 210 }, { "!", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_sgn, MPEXPR_TYPE_LOGICAL_NOT | MPEXPR_TYPE_PREFIX, 210 }, { "-", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_neg, MPEXPR_TYPE_UNARY | MPEXPR_TYPE_PREFIX, 210 }, { "*", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_mul, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY, 200 }, { "/", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_tdiv_q, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY, 200 }, { "%", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_tdiv_r, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY, 200 }, { "+", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_add, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY, 190 }, { "-", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_sub, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY, 190 }, { "<<", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_mul_2exp, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY_UI, 180 }, { ">>", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_tdiv_q_2exp, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY_UI, 180 }, { "<=", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_cmp, MPEXPR_TYPE_CMP_LE, 170 }, { "<", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_cmp, MPEXPR_TYPE_CMP_LT, 170 }, { ">=", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_cmp, MPEXPR_TYPE_CMP_GE, 170 }, { ">", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_cmp, MPEXPR_TYPE_CMP_GT, 170 }, { "==", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_cmp, MPEXPR_TYPE_CMP_EQ, 160 }, { "!=", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_cmp, MPEXPR_TYPE_CMP_NE, 160 }, { "&", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_and, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY, 150 }, { "^", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_xor, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY, 140 }, { "|", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_ior, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY, 130 }, { "&&", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_sgn, MPEXPR_TYPE_LOGICAL_AND, 120 }, { "||", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_sgn, MPEXPR_TYPE_LOGICAL_OR, 110 }, { ":", NULL, MPEXPR_TYPE_COLON, 101 }, { "?", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_sgn, MPEXPR_TYPE_QUESTION, 100 }, { ")", NULL, MPEXPR_TYPE_CLOSEPAREN, 4 }, { "(", NULL, MPEXPR_TYPE_OPENPAREN, 3 }, { ",", NULL, MPEXPR_TYPE_ARGSEP, 2 }, { "$", NULL, MPEXPR_TYPE_VARIABLE, 1 }, { "abs", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_abs, MPEXPR_TYPE_UNARY }, { "bin", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_bin_ui, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY_UI }, { "clrbit", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_clrbit, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY_UI }, { "cmp", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_cmp, MPEXPR_TYPE_I_BINARY }, { "cmpabs", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_cmpabs, MPEXPR_TYPE_I_BINARY }, { "congruent_p",(mpexpr_fun_t)mpz_congruent_p, MPEXPR_TYPE_I_TERNARY }, { "divisible_p",(mpexpr_fun_t)mpz_divisible_p, MPEXPR_TYPE_I_BINARY }, { "even_p", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_even_p, MPEXPR_TYPE_I_UNARY }, { "fib", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_fib_ui, MPEXPR_TYPE_UNARY_UI }, { "fac", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_fac_ui, MPEXPR_TYPE_UNARY_UI }, { "gcd", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_gcd, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY | MPEXPR_TYPE_PAIRWISE }, { "hamdist", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_hamdist, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY }, { "invert", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_invert, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY }, { "jacobi", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_jacobi, MPEXPR_TYPE_I_BINARY }, { "kronecker", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_kronecker, MPEXPR_TYPE_I_BINARY }, { "lcm", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_lcm, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY | MPEXPR_TYPE_PAIRWISE }, { "lucnum", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_lucnum_ui, MPEXPR_TYPE_UNARY_UI }, { "max", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_cmp, MPEXPR_TYPE_MAX | MPEXPR_TYPE_PAIRWISE }, { "min", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_cmp, MPEXPR_TYPE_MIN | MPEXPR_TYPE_PAIRWISE }, { "nextprime", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_nextprime, MPEXPR_TYPE_UNARY }, { "odd_p", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_odd_p, MPEXPR_TYPE_I_UNARY }, { "perfect_power_p", (mpexpr_fun_t)mpz_perfect_power_p, MPEXPR_TYPE_I_UNARY}, { "perfect_square_p",(mpexpr_fun_t)mpz_perfect_square_p,MPEXPR_TYPE_I_UNARY}, { "popcount", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_popcount, MPEXPR_TYPE_UNARY }, { "powm", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_powm, MPEXPR_TYPE_TERNARY }, { "probab_prime_p", (mpexpr_fun_t)mpz_probab_prime_p, MPEXPR_TYPE_I_UNARY}, { "root", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_root, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY_UI }, { "scan0", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_scan0, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY_UI }, { "scan1", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_scan1, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY_UI }, { "setbit", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_setbit, MPEXPR_TYPE_BINARY_UI }, { "tstbit", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_tstbit, MPEXPR_TYPE_I_BINARY_UI }, { "sgn", (mpexpr_fun_t) e_mpz_sgn, MPEXPR_TYPE_I_UNARY }, { "sqrt", (mpexpr_fun_t) mpz_sqrt, MPEXPR_TYPE_UNARY }, { NULL } }; /* The table is available globally only through a pointer, so the table size can change without breaking binary compatibility. */ __gmp_const struct mpexpr_operator_t * __gmp_const mpz_expr_standard_table = _mpz_expr_standard_table; int #if HAVE_STDARG mpz_expr (mpz_ptr res, int base, __gmp_const char *e, ...) #else mpz_expr (va_alist) va_dcl #endif { mpz_srcptr var[MPEXPR_VARIABLES]; va_list ap; int ret; #if HAVE_STDARG va_start (ap, e); #else mpz_ptr res; int base; __gmp_const char *e; va_start (ap); res = va_arg (ap, mpz_ptr); base = va_arg (ap, int); e = va_arg (ap, __gmp_const char *); #endif TRACE (printf ("mpz_expr(): base %d, %s\n", base, e)); ret = mpexpr_va_to_var ((void **) var, ap); va_end (ap); if (ret != MPEXPR_RESULT_OK) return ret; return mpz_expr_a (mpz_expr_standard_table, res, base, e, strlen(e), var); }