/* Reference mpz functions. Copyright 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU MP Library. The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ /* always do assertion checking */ #define WANT_ASSERT 1 #include #include /* for free */ #include "gmp.h" #include "gmp-impl.h" #include "longlong.h" #include "tests.h" /* Change this to "#define TRACE(x) x" for some traces. */ #define TRACE(x) /* FIXME: Shouldn't use plain mpz functions in a reference routine. */ void refmpz_combit (mpz_ptr r, unsigned long bit) { if (mpz_tstbit (r, bit)) mpz_clrbit (r, bit); else mpz_setbit (r, bit); } unsigned long refmpz_hamdist (mpz_srcptr x, mpz_srcptr y) { mp_size_t xsize, ysize, tsize; mp_ptr xp, yp; unsigned long ret; if ((SIZ(x) < 0 && SIZ(y) >= 0) || (SIZ(y) < 0 && SIZ(x) >= 0)) return ULONG_MAX; xsize = ABSIZ(x); ysize = ABSIZ(y); tsize = MAX (xsize, ysize); xp = refmpn_malloc_limbs (tsize); refmpn_zero (xp, tsize); refmpn_copy (xp, PTR(x), xsize); yp = refmpn_malloc_limbs (tsize); refmpn_zero (yp, tsize); refmpn_copy (yp, PTR(y), ysize); if (SIZ(x) < 0) refmpn_neg_n (xp, xp, tsize); if (SIZ(x) < 0) refmpn_neg_n (yp, yp, tsize); ret = refmpn_hamdist (xp, yp, tsize); free (xp); free (yp); return ret; } /* (0/b), with mpz b; is 1 if b=+/-1, 0 otherwise */ #define JACOBI_0Z(b) JACOBI_0LS (PTR(b)[0], SIZ(b)) /* (a/b) effect due to sign of b: mpz/mpz */ #define JACOBI_BSGN_ZZ_BIT1(a, b) JACOBI_BSGN_SS_BIT1 (SIZ(a), SIZ(b)) /* (a/b) effect due to sign of a: mpz/unsigned-mpz, b odd; is (-1/b) if a<0, or +1 if a>=0 */ #define JACOBI_ASGN_ZZU_BIT1(a, b) JACOBI_ASGN_SU_BIT1 (SIZ(a), PTR(b)[0]) int refmpz_kronecker (mpz_srcptr a_orig, mpz_srcptr b_orig) { unsigned long twos; mpz_t a, b; int result_bit1 = 0; if (mpz_sgn (b_orig) == 0) return JACOBI_Z0 (a_orig); /* (a/0) */ if (mpz_sgn (a_orig) == 0) return JACOBI_0Z (b_orig); /* (0/b) */ if (mpz_even_p (a_orig) && mpz_even_p (b_orig)) return 0; if (mpz_cmp_ui (b_orig, 1) == 0) return 1; mpz_init_set (a, a_orig); mpz_init_set (b, b_orig); if (mpz_sgn (b) < 0) { result_bit1 ^= JACOBI_BSGN_ZZ_BIT1 (a, b); mpz_neg (b, b); } if (mpz_even_p (b)) { twos = mpz_scan1 (b, 0L); mpz_tdiv_q_2exp (b, b, twos); result_bit1 ^= JACOBI_TWOS_U_BIT1 (twos, PTR(a)[0]); } if (mpz_sgn (a) < 0) { result_bit1 ^= JACOBI_N1B_BIT1 (PTR(b)[0]); mpz_neg (a, a); } if (mpz_even_p (a)) { twos = mpz_scan1 (a, 0L); mpz_tdiv_q_2exp (a, a, twos); result_bit1 ^= JACOBI_TWOS_U_BIT1 (twos, PTR(b)[0]); } for (;;) { ASSERT (mpz_odd_p (a)); ASSERT (mpz_odd_p (b)); ASSERT (mpz_sgn (a) > 0); ASSERT (mpz_sgn (b) > 0); TRACE (printf ("top\n"); mpz_trace (" a", a); mpz_trace (" b", b)); if (mpz_cmp (a, b) < 0) { TRACE (printf ("swap\n")); mpz_swap (a, b); result_bit1 ^= JACOBI_RECIP_UU_BIT1 (PTR(a)[0], PTR(b)[0]); } if (mpz_cmp_ui (b, 1) == 0) break; mpz_sub (a, a, b); TRACE (printf ("sub\n"); mpz_trace (" a", a)); if (mpz_sgn (a) == 0) goto zero; twos = mpz_scan1 (a, 0L); mpz_fdiv_q_2exp (a, a, twos); TRACE (printf ("twos %lu\n", twos); mpz_trace (" a", a)); result_bit1 ^= JACOBI_TWOS_U_BIT1 (twos, PTR(b)[0]); } mpz_clear (a); mpz_clear (b); return JACOBI_BIT1_TO_PN (result_bit1); zero: mpz_clear (a); mpz_clear (b); return 0; } /* Same as mpz_kronecker, but ignoring factors of 2 on b */ int refmpz_jacobi (mpz_srcptr a, mpz_srcptr b) { mpz_t b_odd; mpz_init_set (b_odd, b); if (mpz_sgn (b_odd) != 0) mpz_fdiv_q_2exp (b_odd, b_odd, mpz_scan1 (b_odd, 0L)); return refmpz_kronecker (a, b_odd); } int refmpz_legendre (mpz_srcptr a, mpz_srcptr b) { return refmpz_jacobi (a, b); } int refmpz_kronecker_ui (mpz_srcptr a, unsigned long b) { mpz_t bz; int ret; mpz_init_set_ui (bz, b); ret = refmpz_kronecker (a, bz); mpz_clear (bz); return ret; } int refmpz_kronecker_si (mpz_srcptr a, long b) { mpz_t bz; int ret; mpz_init_set_si (bz, b); ret = refmpz_kronecker (a, bz); mpz_clear (bz); return ret; } int refmpz_ui_kronecker (unsigned long a, mpz_srcptr b) { mpz_t az; int ret; mpz_init_set_ui (az, a); ret = refmpz_kronecker (az, b); mpz_clear (az); return ret; } int refmpz_si_kronecker (long a, mpz_srcptr b) { mpz_t az; int ret; mpz_init_set_si (az, a); ret = refmpz_kronecker (az, b); mpz_clear (az); return ret; } void refmpz_pow_ui (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr b, unsigned long e) { mpz_t s, t; unsigned long i; mpz_init_set_ui (t, 1L); mpz_init_set (s, b); if ((e & 1) != 0) mpz_mul (t, t, s); for (i = 2; i <= e; i <<= 1) { mpz_mul (s, s, s); if ((i & e) != 0) mpz_mul (t, t, s); } mpz_set (w, t); mpz_clear (s); mpz_clear (t); }