/* * Copyright 2008-2009 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven * * Use of this software is governed by the MIT license * * Written by Sven Verdoolaege, K.U.Leuven, Departement * Computerwetenschappen, Celestijnenlaan 200A, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium */ #ifndef ISL_STREAM_H #define ISL_STREAM_H #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif enum isl_token_type { ISL_TOKEN_ERROR = -1, ISL_TOKEN_UNKNOWN = 256, ISL_TOKEN_VALUE, ISL_TOKEN_IDENT, ISL_TOKEN_GE, ISL_TOKEN_LE, ISL_TOKEN_GT, ISL_TOKEN_LT, ISL_TOKEN_NE, ISL_TOKEN_EQ_EQ, ISL_TOKEN_LEX_GE, ISL_TOKEN_LEX_LE, ISL_TOKEN_LEX_GT, ISL_TOKEN_LEX_LT, ISL_TOKEN_TO, ISL_TOKEN_AND, ISL_TOKEN_OR, ISL_TOKEN_EXISTS, ISL_TOKEN_NOT, ISL_TOKEN_DEF, ISL_TOKEN_INFTY, ISL_TOKEN_NAN, ISL_TOKEN_MIN, ISL_TOKEN_MAX, ISL_TOKEN_RAT, ISL_TOKEN_TRUE, ISL_TOKEN_FALSE, ISL_TOKEN_CEILD, ISL_TOKEN_FLOORD, ISL_TOKEN_MOD, ISL_TOKEN_STRING, ISL_TOKEN_MAP, ISL_TOKEN_AFF, ISL_TOKEN_CEIL, ISL_TOKEN_FLOOR, ISL_TOKEN_IMPLIES, ISL_TOKEN_LAST }; struct isl_token { int type; unsigned int on_new_line : 1; unsigned is_keyword : 1; int line; int col; union { isl_int v; char *s; isl_map *map; isl_pw_aff *pwaff; } u; }; __isl_give isl_val *isl_token_get_val(isl_ctx *ctx, struct isl_token *tok); __isl_give char *isl_token_get_str(isl_ctx *ctx, struct isl_token *tok); int isl_token_get_type(struct isl_token *tok); void isl_token_free(struct isl_token *tok); struct isl_stream { struct isl_ctx *ctx; FILE *file; const char *str; int line; int col; int eof; char *buffer; size_t size; size_t len; int c; int un[5]; int n_un; struct isl_token *tokens[5]; int n_token; struct isl_hash_table *keywords; enum isl_token_type next_type; }; struct isl_stream* isl_stream_new_file(struct isl_ctx *ctx, FILE *file); struct isl_stream* isl_stream_new_str(struct isl_ctx *ctx, const char *str); void isl_stream_free(struct isl_stream *s); void isl_stream_error(struct isl_stream *s, struct isl_token *tok, char *msg); struct isl_token *isl_stream_next_token(struct isl_stream *s); struct isl_token *isl_stream_next_token_on_same_line(struct isl_stream *s); int isl_stream_next_token_is(struct isl_stream *s, int type); void isl_stream_push_token(struct isl_stream *s, struct isl_token *tok); void isl_stream_flush_tokens(struct isl_stream *s); int isl_stream_eat_if_available(struct isl_stream *s, int type); char *isl_stream_read_ident_if_available(struct isl_stream *s); int isl_stream_eat(struct isl_stream *s, int type); int isl_stream_is_empty(struct isl_stream *s); int isl_stream_skip_line(struct isl_stream *s); enum isl_token_type isl_stream_register_keyword(struct isl_stream *s, const char *name); struct isl_obj isl_stream_read_obj(struct isl_stream *s); __isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_stream_read_multi_aff(struct isl_stream *s); __isl_give isl_map *isl_stream_read_map(struct isl_stream *s); __isl_give isl_set *isl_stream_read_set(struct isl_stream *s); __isl_give isl_pw_qpolynomial *isl_stream_read_pw_qpolynomial( struct isl_stream *s); __isl_give isl_union_map *isl_stream_read_union_map(struct isl_stream *s); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif