# Common.pm: definition of commands. Common code of other Texinfo modules.
# Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# Original author: Patrice Dumas
# Parts (also from Patrice Dumas) come from texi2html.pl or texi2html.init.
package Texinfo::Common;
use strict;
# for unicode/layer support in binmode
use 5.006;
# to determine the null file
use Config;
use File::Spec;
use Texinfo::Documentlanguages;
# debugging
use Carp qw(cluck);
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
# This allows declaration use Texinfo::Covert::Text ':all';
# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
# will save memory.
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(
) ] );
@EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
@EXPORT = qw(
$VERSION = '5.0';
# i18n
sub N__($)
return $_[0];
# determine the null devices
my $default_null_device = File::Spec->devnull();
our %null_device_file = (
$default_null_device => 1
# special case, djgpp recognizes both null devices
if ($Config{osname} eq 'dos' and $Config{osvers} eq 'djgpp') {
$null_device_file{'/dev/null'} = 1;
$null_device_file{'NUL'} = 1;
# these are the default values for the parser state that may be
# initialized to values given by the user.
# They are defined here, because they are used below and we
# don't want Texinfo::Common to use Texinfo::Parser.
our %default_parser_state_configuration = (
# this is the initial context. It is put at the bottom of the
# 'context_stack'. It is not clear if this is really useful to be
# able to customize that value.
'context' => '_root',
'expanded_formats' => [],
'gettext' => sub {return $_[0];},
'pgettext' => sub {return $_[1];},
'include_directories' => [ '.' ],
# these are the user-added indices. May be an array reference on names
# or an hash reference in the same format than %index_names below
'indices' => [],
# the following are dynamically modified during the document parsing.
'aliases' => {}, # key is a command name value is the alias
'clickstyle' => 'arrow',
'documentlanguage' => undef,
# Current documentlanguage set by
# @documentlanguage
'explained_commands' => {}, # the key is a command name, either acronym
# or abbr, the value is a hash. The key hash
# is a normalized first argument of the
# corresponding command, the value is the
# contents array of the previous command with
# this first arg and a second arg.
'kbdinputstyle' => 'distinct',
'labels' => {}, # keys are normalized label names, as described
# in the `HTML Xref' node. Value should be
# a node/anchor or float in the tree.
'macros' => {}, # the key is the user-defined macro name. The
# value is the reference on a macro element
# as obtained by parsing the @macro
'merged_indices' => {}, # the key is merged in the value
'novalidate' => 0, # same as setting @novalidate.
'sections_level' => 0, # modified by raise/lowersections
'values' => {'txicommandconditionals' => 1},
# the key is the name, the value the @set name
# argument. A Texinfo tree may also be used.
# command-line options
#my @command_line_settable_at_commands = ('footnotestyle', 'novalidate',
# 'documentlanguage', 'paragraphindent');
# FIXME maybe this should better be set as texinfo passed to texi2any as
# texi2dvi --command
# customization options
our %document_settable_at_commands = (
'allowcodebreaks' => 'true',
'clickstyle' => '@arrow',
'codequotebacktick' => 'off',
'codequoteundirected' => 'off',
'contents' => 0,
'deftypefnnewline' => 'off',
'documentencoding' => 'us-ascii',
'documentlanguage' => 'en',
# is N ems in TeX, 0.4 in.
'exampleindent' => 5,
'firstparagraphindent' => 'none',
'frenchspacing' => 'off',
'headings' => 'on',
'kbdinputstyle' => 'distinct',
'paragraphindent' => 3,
'shortcontents' => 0,
'urefbreakstyle' => 'after',
'xrefautomaticsectiontitle' => 'off',
# those should be unique
our %document_settable_unique_at_commands = (
# when passed through a configuration variable, documentdescription
# should be already formatted for HTML
'documentdescription' => undef,
'evenfootingmarks' => undef,
'evenheadingmarks' => undef,
'everyfootingmarks' => 'bottom',
'everyheadingmarks' => 'bottom',
'fonttextsize' => 11,
'footnotestyle' => 'end',
'novalidate' => 0,
'oddfootingmarks' => undef,
'oddheadingmarks' => undef,
# FIXME not clear here.
'pagesizes' => undef,
'setchapternewpage' => 'on',
'setcontentsaftertitlepage' => 0,
'setfilename' => undef,
'setshortcontentsaftertitlepage' => 0,
'everyheading' => undef,
'everyfooting' => undef,
'evenheading' => undef,
'evenfooting' => undef,
'oddheading' => undef,
'oddfooting' => undef,
my @command_line_settables = ('FILLCOLUMN', 'SPLIT', 'SPLIT_SIZE',
# documented in the Texinfo::Parser pod section
# all are lower cased in texi2any.pl
my @parser_options = map {uc($_)} (keys(%default_parser_state_configuration));
my @obsolete_variables = ('TOP_HEADING_AT_BEGINNING', 'USE_SECTIONS',
my @variable_settables_not_used = ('COMPLETE_IMAGE_PATHS', 'TOC_FILE',
my @formats_settable = (
my @variable_string_settables = (
'L2H_L2H', 'L2H_SKIP', 'L2H_TMP', 'L2H_FILE', 'L2H_CLEAN',
# Not strings.
# FIXME To be documented somewhere, but where?
my @variable_other_settables = (
my %valid_options;
foreach my $var (keys(%document_settable_at_commands),
@command_line_settables, @variable_string_settables,
@variable_other_settables, @parser_options,
@obsolete_variables, @variable_settables_not_used) {
$valid_options{$var} = 1;
my %obsolete_options;
foreach my $var (@obsolete_variables) {
$obsolete_options{$var} = 1;
sub valid_option($)
my $option = shift;
return $valid_options{$option};
sub obsolete_option($)
my $option = shift;
return $obsolete_options{$option};
my %customization_variable_classes = (
'document_settable_at_commands' => [ sort(keys(%document_settable_at_commands)) ],
'document_settable_unique_at_commands' => [ sort(keys(%document_settable_unique_at_commands)) ],
'command_line_settables' => \@command_line_settables,
'variable_string_settables' => \@variable_string_settables,
'variable_other_settables' => \@variable_other_settables,
'parser_options' => \@parser_options,
#'formats_settable' => \@formats_settable,
'obsolete_variables' => \@obsolete_variables,
'variable_settables_not_used' => \@variable_settables_not_used,
my @secondary_customization_variables = (
'obsolete_variables', 'variable_settables_not_used'
sub _customization_variable_classes(;$)
my $print_all = shift;
my $result = '';
foreach my $type (sort(keys(%customization_variable_classes))) {
next if (!$print_all
and grep {$_ eq $type} @secondary_customization_variables);
foreach my $variable (@{$customization_variable_classes{$type}}) {
$result .= "$variable\t$type\n";
return $result;
my %valid_tree_transformations;
foreach my $valid_transformation ('simple_menus',
'fill_gaps_in_sectioning', 'move_index_entries_after_items',
'complete_tree_nodes_menus', 'regenerate_master_menu',
'indent_menu_descriptions') {
$valid_tree_transformations{$valid_transformation} = 1;
sub valid_tree_transformation ($)
my $transformation = shift;
return 1 if (defined($transformation)
and $valid_tree_transformations{$transformation});
return 0;
our %no_brace_commands; # commands never taking braces
%no_brace_commands = (
'*', "\n",
' ', ' ',
"\t", ' ',
"\n", ' ',
'-', '', # hyphenation hint
'|', '', # used in formatting commands @evenfooting and friends
'/', '',
':', '',
'!', '!',
'?', '?',
'.', '.',
'@', '@',
'}', '}',
'{', '{',
'\\', '\\', # should only appear in math
# commands taking a line as argument or no argument.
# sectioning commands and def* commands are added below.
# index commands are added dynamically.
# The values signification is:
# special: no value and macro expansion, all the line is used, and
# analysed during parsing (_parse_special_misc_command)
# lineraw: no value and macro expansion, the line is kept as-is, not
# analysed
# skipline: no argument, everything else on the line is skipped
# skipspace: no argument, following spaces are skipped.
# noarg: no argument
# text: the line is parsed as texinfo, and the argument is converted
# to simple text (in _end_line)
# line: the line is parsed as texinfo
# a number: the line is parsed as texinfo and the result should be plain
# text maybe followed by a comment; the result is analysed
# during parsing (_parse_line_command_args).
# The number is an indication of the number of arguments of
# the command.
# Beware that @item and @itemx may be like 'line' or 'skipspace' depending
# on the context.
our %misc_commands = (
'node' => 'line', # special arg
'bye' => 'skipline', # no arg
'end' => 'text',
# set, clear
'set' => 'special', # special arg
'clear' => 'special', # special arg
'unmacro' => 'special',
# comments
'comment' => 'lineraw',
'c' => 'lineraw',
# special
'definfoenclose' => 3,
'alias' => 2,
# number of arguments is not known in advance.
'columnfractions' => 1,
# file names
'setfilename' => 'text',
'verbatiminclude' => 'text',
'include' => 'text',
'raisesections' => 'skipline', # no arg
'lowersections' => 'skipline', # no arg
'contents' => 'skipline', # no arg
'shortcontents' => 'skipline', # no arg
'summarycontents' => 'skipline', # no arg
'insertcopying' => 'noarg', # no arg
'clickstyle' => 'special', # arg should be an @-command
# more relevant in preamble
'setcontentsaftertitlepage' => 'skipline', # no arg
'setshortcontentsaftertitlepage' => 'skipline', # no arg
'documentencoding' => 'text', # or 1?
'novalidate' => 'skipline', # no arg
'dircategory' => 'line', # line. Position with regard
# with direntry is significant
'pagesizes' => 'line', # can have 2 args
# or one? 200mm,150mm 11.5in
'finalout' => 'skipline', # no arg
'paragraphindent' => 1, # arg none asis
# or a number and forbids anything else on the line
'firstparagraphindent' => 1, # none insert
'frenchspacing' => 1, # on off
'codequoteundirected' => 1, # on off
'codequotebacktick' => 1, # on off
'xrefautomaticsectiontitle' => 1, # on off
'deftypefnnewline' => 1, # on off
'fonttextsize' => 1, # 10 11
'allowcodebreaks' => 1, # false or true
'exampleindent' => 1, # asis or a number
'footnotestyle' => 1, # end and separate, nothing else on the line
'urefbreakstyle' => 1, # after|before|none
'afourpaper' => 'skipline', # no arg
'afivepaper' => 'skipline', # no arg
'afourlatex' => 'skipline', # no arg
'afourwide' => 'skipline', # no arg
'headings' => 1, #off on single double singleafter doubleafter
# interacts with setchapternewpage
'setchapternewpage' => 1, # off on odd
# only relevant in TeX, and special
'everyheading' => 'lineraw', # @*heading @*footing use @|
'everyfooting' => 'lineraw', # + @thispage @thissectionname
'evenheading' => 'lineraw', # @thissectionnum @thissection
'evenfooting' => 'lineraw', # @thischaptername @thischapternum
'oddheading' => 'lineraw', # @thischapter @thistitle @thisfile
'oddfooting' => 'lineraw',
'smallbook' => 'skipline', # no arg
'syncodeindex' => 2, # args are index identifiers
'synindex' => 2,
'defindex' => 1, # one identifier arg
'defcodeindex' => 1, # one identifier arg
'documentlanguage' => 'text', # language code arg
'kbdinputstyle' => 1, # code example distinct
'everyheadingmarks' => 1, # top bottom
'everyfootingmarks' => 1,
'evenheadingmarks' => 1,
'oddheadingmarks' => 1,
'evenfootingmarks' => 1,
'oddfootingmarks' => 1,
# not valid for info (should be in @iftex)
'cropmarks' => 'skipline', # no arg
# formatting
'center' => 'line',
'printindex' => 1,
'listoffloats' => 'line',
# especially in titlepage
# 'shorttitle' => 'line',
'shorttitlepage' => 'line',
'settitle' => 'line',
'author' => 'line',
'subtitle' => 'line',
'title' => 'line',
'sp' => 1, # numerical arg
'page' => 'skipline', # no arg (pagebreak)
'need' => 1, # one numerical/real arg
# formatting
'noindent' => 'skipspace', # no arg
'indent' => 'skipspace',
'exdent' => 'line',
'headitem' => 'skipspace',
'item' => 'skipspace', # or line, depending on the context
'itemx' => 'skipspace', # or line, depending on the context
'tab' => 'skipspace',
# only valid in heading or footing
'thischapter' => 'noarg',
'thischaptername' => 'noarg',
'thischapternum' => 'noarg',
'thisfile' => 'noarg',
'thispage' => 'noarg',
'thistitle' => 'noarg',
# not valid for info (should be in @iftex)
'vskip' => 'lineraw', # arg line in TeX
# obsolete @-commands.
'refill' => 'noarg', # no arg (obsolete, to be ignored)
# Remove spaces and end of lines after the
# commands? If no, they can lead to empty lines
'quote-arg' => 'skipline',
'allow-recursion' => 'skipline',
# key is index name, keys of the reference value are the prefixes.
# value associated with the prefix is 0 if the prefix is not a code-like
# prefix, 1 if it is a code-like prefix (set by defcodeindex/syncodeindex).
#our %index_names = (
# 'cp' => {'cp' => 0, 'c' => 0},
# 'fn' => {'fn' => 1, 'f' => 1},
# 'vr' => {'vr' => 1, 'v' => 1},
# 'ky' => {'ky' => 1, 'k' => 1},
# 'pg' => {'pg' => 1, 'p' => 1},
# 'tp' => {'tp' => 1, 't' => 1}
our %index_names = (
'cp' => {'prefix' => ['c'], 'in_code' => 0},
'fn' => {'prefix' => ['f'], 'in_code' => 1},
'vr' => {'prefix' => ['v'], 'in_code' => 1},
'ky' => {'prefix' => ['k'], 'in_code' => 1},
'pg' => {'prefix' => ['p'], 'in_code' => 1},
'tp' => {'prefix' => ['t'], 'in_code' => 1},
foreach my $index(keys(%index_names)) {
$index_names{$index}->{'name'} = $index;
push @{$index_names{$index}->{'prefix'}}, $index;
our %default_index_commands;
# all the commands are readded dynamically in the Parser.
foreach my $index_name (keys (%index_names)) {
foreach my $index_prefix (@{$index_names{$index_name}->{'prefix'}}) {
next if ($index_prefix eq $index_name);
# only put the one letter versions in the hash.
$misc_commands{$index_prefix.'index'} = 'line';
$default_index_commands{$index_prefix.'index'} = 1;
# command with braces. Value is the max number of arguments.
our %brace_commands;
our %letter_no_arg_commands;
foreach my $letter_no_arg_command ('aa','AA','ae','oe','AE','OE','o','O',
'ss','l','L','DH','dh','TH','th') {
$letter_no_arg_commands{$letter_no_arg_command} = 1;
$brace_commands{$letter_no_arg_command} = 0;
foreach my $no_arg_command ('TeX','LaTeX','bullet','copyright',
'atchar', 'lbracechar', 'rbracechar', 'backslashchar', 'hashchar', 'comma',
'euro', 'geq','leq','tie','textdegree','click',
'guillemotright','guilsinglleft','guilsinglright') {
$brace_commands{$no_arg_command} = 0;
# accent commands. They may be called with and without braces.
our %accent_commands;
foreach my $accent_command ('"','~','^','`',"'",',','=',
'udotaccent','v','ogonek','tieaccent', 'dotless') {
$accent_commands{$accent_command} = 1;
$brace_commands{$accent_command} = 1;
our %style_commands;
foreach my $style_command ('asis','cite','clicksequence',
'dfn', 'emph',
'sc', 't', 'var',
'headitemfont', 'code', 'command', 'env', 'file', 'kbd',
'option', 'samp', 'strong') {
$brace_commands{$style_command} = 1;
$style_commands{$style_command} = 1;
our %regular_font_style_commands;
foreach my $command ('r', 'i', 'b', 'sansserif', 'slanted') {
$regular_font_style_commands{$command} = 1;
$brace_commands{$command} = 1;
$style_commands{$command} = 1;
foreach my $one_arg_command (
'ctrl','dmn', 'w', 'key',
'titlefont','hyphenation','anchor','errormsg') {
$brace_commands{$one_arg_command} = 1;
our %code_style_commands;
foreach my $command ('code', 'command', 'env', 'file', 'kbd', 'key', 'option',
'samp', 'indicateurl', 'verb', 't') {
$code_style_commands{$command} = 1;
$brace_commands{$command} = 1;
# Commands that enclose full texts
our %context_brace_commands;
foreach my $context_brace_command ('footnote', 'caption', 'shortcaption', 'math') {
$context_brace_commands{$context_brace_command} = $context_brace_command;
$brace_commands{$context_brace_command} = 1;
our %explained_commands;
foreach my $explained_command ('abbr', 'acronym') {
$explained_commands{$explained_command} = 1;
$brace_commands{$explained_command} = 2;
our %inline_format_commands;
foreach my $inline_format_command ('inlineraw', 'inlinefmt') {
$inline_format_commands{$inline_format_command} = 1;
$brace_commands{$inline_format_command} = 2;
foreach my $two_arg_command('email') {
$brace_commands{$two_arg_command} = 2;
foreach my $three_arg_command('uref','url','inforef') {
$brace_commands{$three_arg_command} = 3;
foreach my $five_arg_command('xref','ref','pxref','image') {
$brace_commands{$five_arg_command} = 5;
# some classification to help converters
our %ref_commands;
foreach my $ref_command ('xref','ref','pxref','inforef') {
$ref_commands{$ref_command} = 1;
our %in_heading_commands;
foreach my $in_heading_command ('thischapter', 'thischaptername',
'thischapternum', 'thisfile', 'thispage', 'thistitle') {
$in_heading_commands{$in_heading_command} = 1;
# commands delimiting blocks, with an @end.
# Value is either the number of arguments on the line separated by
# commas or the type of command, 'raw', 'def' or 'multitable'.
our %block_commands;
# commands that have a possible content before an item
our %block_item_commands;
sub gdt($)
return $_[0];
our %def_map = (
# basic commands.
# 'arg' and 'argtype' are for everything appearing after the other
# arguments.
'deffn', [ 'category', 'name', 'arg' ],
'defvr', [ 'category', 'name' ],
'deftypefn', [ 'category', 'type', 'name', 'argtype' ],
'deftypeop', [ 'category', 'class' , 'type', 'name', 'argtype' ],
'deftypevr', [ 'category', 'type', 'name' ],
'defcv', [ 'category', 'class' , 'name' ],
'deftypecv', [ 'category', 'class' , 'type', 'name' ],
'defop', [ 'category', 'class' , 'name', 'arg' ],
'deftp', [ 'category', 'name', 'argtype' ],
# shortcuts
'defun', {'deffn' => gdt('Function')},
'defmac', {'deffn' => gdt('Macro')},
'defspec', {'deffn' => '{'.gdt('Special Form').'}'},
'defvar', {'defvr' => gdt('Variable')},
'defopt', {'defvr' => '{'.gdt('User Option').'}'},
'deftypefun', {'deftypefn' => gdt('Function')},
'deftypevar', {'deftypevr' => gdt('Variable')},
'defivar', {'defcv' => '{'.gdt('Instance Variable').'}'},
'deftypeivar', {'deftypecv' => '{'.gdt('Instance Variable').'}'},
'defmethod', {'defop' => gdt('Method')},
'deftypemethod', {'deftypeop' => gdt('Method')},
# the type of index, f: function, v: variable, t: type
my %index_type_def = (
'f' => ['deffn', 'deftypefn', 'deftypeop', 'defop'],
'v' => ['defvr', 'deftypevr', 'defcv', 'deftypecv' ],
't' => ['deftp']
our %command_index_prefix;
$command_index_prefix{'vtable'} = 'v';
$command_index_prefix{'ftable'} = 'f';
foreach my $index_type (keys %index_type_def) {
foreach my $def (@{$index_type_def{$index_type}}) {
$command_index_prefix{$def} = $index_type;
our %def_commands;
our %def_aliases;
foreach my $def_command(keys %def_map) {
if (ref($def_map{$def_command}) eq 'HASH') {
my ($real_command) = keys (%{$def_map{$def_command}});
$command_index_prefix{$def_command} = $command_index_prefix{$real_command};
$def_aliases{$def_command} = $real_command;
$block_commands{$def_command} = 'def';
$misc_commands{$def_command.'x'} = 'line';
$def_commands{$def_command} = 1;
$def_commands{$def_command.'x'} = 1;
$command_index_prefix{$def_command.'x'} = $command_index_prefix{$def_command};
#print STDERR "".Data::Dumper->Dump([\%def_aliases]);
#print STDERR "".Data::Dumper->Dump([\%def_prepended_content]);
$block_commands{'multitable'} = 'multitable';
$block_item_commands{'multitable'} = 1;
# block commands in which menu entry and menu comments appear
our %menu_commands;
foreach my $menu_command ('menu', 'detailmenu', 'direntry') {
$menu_commands{$menu_command} = 1;
$block_commands{$menu_command} = 0;
our %align_commands;
foreach my $align_command('raggedright', 'flushleft', 'flushright') {
$block_commands{$align_command} = 0;
$align_commands{$align_command} = 1;
$align_commands{'center'} = 1;
foreach my $block_command(
'cartouche', 'group', 'indentedblock', 'smallindentedblock') {
$block_commands{$block_command} = 0;
our %region_commands;
foreach my $block_command('titlepage', 'copying', 'documentdescription') {
$block_commands{$block_command} = 0;
$region_commands{$block_command} = 1;
our %preformatted_commands;
our %preformatted_code_commands;
foreach my $preformatted_command(
'example', 'smallexample', 'lisp', 'smalllisp') {
$block_commands{$preformatted_command} = 0;
$preformatted_commands{$preformatted_command} = 1;
$preformatted_code_commands{$preformatted_command} = 1;
foreach my $preformatted_command(
'display', 'smalldisplay', 'format', 'smallformat') {
$block_commands{$preformatted_command} = 0;
$preformatted_commands{$preformatted_command} = 1;
our %format_raw_commands;
foreach my $format_raw_command('html', 'tex', 'xml', 'docbook') {
$block_commands{$format_raw_command} = 0;
$format_raw_commands{$format_raw_command} = 1;
our %raw_commands;
# macro/rmacro are special
foreach my $raw_command ('verbatim',
'ignore', 'macro', 'rmacro') {
$block_commands{$raw_command} = 'raw';
$raw_commands{$raw_command} = 1;
our %texinfo_output_formats;
foreach my $command (keys(%format_raw_commands), 'info', 'plaintext') {
$block_commands{'if' . $command} = 'conditional';
$block_commands{'ifnot' . $command} = 'conditional';
$texinfo_output_formats{$command} = $command;
$block_commands{'ifset'} = 'conditional';
$block_commands{'ifclear'} = 'conditional';
$block_commands{'ifcommanddefined'} = 'conditional';
$block_commands{'ifcommandnotdefined'} = 'conditional';
# 'macro' ?
foreach my $block_command_one_arg('table', 'ftable', 'vtable',
'itemize', 'enumerate', 'quotation', 'smallquotation') {
$block_commands{$block_command_one_arg} = 1;
$block_item_commands{$block_command_one_arg} = 1
unless ($block_command_one_arg =~ /quotation/);
$block_commands{'float'} = 2;
# commands that forces closing an opened paragraph.
our %close_paragraph_commands;
foreach my $block_command (keys(%block_commands)) {
$close_paragraph_commands{$block_command} = 1
unless ($block_commands{$block_command} eq 'raw' or
$block_commands{$block_command} eq 'conditional'
or $format_raw_commands{$block_command});
$close_paragraph_commands{'verbatim'} = 1;
foreach my $close_paragraph_command ('titlefont', 'insertcopying', 'sp',
'verbatiminclude', 'page', 'item', 'itemx', 'tab', 'headitem',
'printindex', 'listoffloats', 'center', 'dircategory', 'contents',
'shortcontents', 'summarycontents', 'caption', 'shortcaption',
'setfilename', 'exdent') {
$close_paragraph_commands{$close_paragraph_command} = 1;
foreach my $close_paragraph_command (keys(%def_commands)) {
$close_paragraph_commands{$close_paragraph_command} = 1;
our %item_container_commands;
foreach my $item_container_command ('itemize', 'enumerate') {
$item_container_commands{$item_container_command} = 1;
our %item_line_commands;
foreach my $item_line_command ('table', 'ftable', 'vtable') {
$item_line_commands{$item_line_command} = 1;
our %deprecated_commands = (
'ctrl' => '',
'allow-recursion' => N__('recursion is always allowed'),
'quote-arg' => N__('arguments are quoted by default'),
# commands that should only appear at the root level and contain up to
# the next root command. @node and sectioning commands.
our %root_commands;
our %command_structuring_level = (
'top', 0,
'chapter', 1,
'unnumbered', 1,
'chapheading', 1,
'appendix', 1,
'section', 2,
'unnumberedsec', 2,
'heading', 2,
'appendixsec', 2,
'subsection', 3,
'unnumberedsubsec', 3,
'subheading', 3,
'appendixsubsec', 3,
'subsubsection', 4,
'unnumberedsubsubsec', 4,
'subsubheading', 4,
'appendixsubsubsec', 4,
our %level_to_structuring_command;
my $sections = [ ];
my $appendices = [ ];
my $unnumbered = [ ];
my $headings = [ ];
foreach my $command (keys (%command_structuring_level)) {
if ($command =~ /^appendix/) {
$level_to_structuring_command{$command} = $appendices;
} elsif ($command =~ /^unnumbered/ or $command eq 'top') {
$level_to_structuring_command{$command} = $unnumbered;
} elsif ($command =~ /section$/ or $command eq 'chapter') {
$level_to_structuring_command{$command} = $sections;
} else {
$level_to_structuring_command{$command} = $headings;
= $command;
$level_to_structuring_command{'appendixsection'} = $appendices;
$level_to_structuring_command{'majorheading'} = $headings;
$level_to_structuring_command{'centerchap'} = $unnumbered;
# out of the main hierarchy
$command_structuring_level{'part'} = 0;
# this are synonyms
$command_structuring_level{'appendixsection'} = 2;
# command_structuring_level{'majorheading'} is also 1 and not 0
$command_structuring_level{'majorheading'} = 1;
$command_structuring_level{'centerchap'} = 1;
our %sectioning_commands;
foreach my $sectioning_command (keys (%command_structuring_level)) {
$misc_commands{$sectioning_command} = 'line';
if ($sectioning_command =~ /heading/) {
$close_paragraph_commands{$sectioning_command} = 1;
} else {
$root_commands{$sectioning_command} = 1;
$sectioning_commands{$sectioning_command} = 1;
$root_commands{'node'} = 1;
our %all_commands;
foreach my $command (
) {
$all_commands{$command} = 1;
'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May',
'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
'November', 'December'
sub locate_include_file($$)
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $file;
my $ignore_include_directories = 0;
my ($volume, $directories, $filename) = File::Spec->splitpath($text);
my @directories = File::Spec->splitdir($directories);
#print STDERR "$self $text @{$self->{'include_directories'}}\n";
# If the path is absolute or begins with . or .., do not search in
# include directories.
if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($text)) {
$ignore_include_directories = 1;
} else {
foreach my $dir (@directories) {
if ($dir eq File::Spec->updir() or $dir eq File::Spec->curdir()) {
$ignore_include_directories = 1;
} elsif ($dir ne '') {
#if ($text =~ m,^(/|\./|\.\./),) {
if ($ignore_include_directories) {
$file = $text if (-e $text and -r $text);
} else {
my @dirs;
if ($self) {
@dirs = @{$self->{'include_directories'}};
} else {
# no object with directory list and not an absolute path, never succeed
return undef;
foreach my $include_dir (@{$self->{'include_directories'}}) {
my ($include_volume, $include_directories, $include_filename)
= File::Spec->splitpath($include_dir, 1);
my $possible_file = File::Spec->catpath($include_volume,
@directories), $filename);
#$file = "$include_dir/$text" if (-e "$include_dir/$text" and -r "$include_dir/$text");
$file = "$possible_file" if (-e "$possible_file" and -r "$possible_file");
last if (defined($file));
return $file;
sub open_out($$;$)
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $encoding = shift;
if (!defined($encoding) and $self
and defined($self->get_conf('OUTPUT_PERL_ENCODING'))) {
$encoding = $self->get_conf('OUTPUT_PERL_ENCODING');
if ($file eq '-') {
binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding($encoding)") if ($encoding);
if ($self) {
$self->{'unclosed_files'}->{$file} = \*STDOUT;
return \*STDOUT;
my $filehandle = do { local *FH };
if (!open ($filehandle, '>', $file)) {
return undef;
if ($encoding) {
if ($encoding eq 'utf8' or $encoding eq 'utf-8-strict') {
binmode($filehandle, ':utf8');
} else { # FIXME also right for shiftijs or similar encodings?
binmode($filehandle, ':bytes');
binmode($filehandle, ":encoding($encoding)");
if ($self) {
push @{$self->{'opened_files'}}, $file;
$self->{'unclosed_files'}->{$file} = $filehandle;
#print STDERR "OOOOOOO $file ".join('|',@{$self->{'opened_files'}})."\n";
return $filehandle;
sub warn_unknown_language($$) {
my $lang = shift;
my $gettext = shift;
my @messages = ();
my $lang_code = $lang;
my $region_code;
if ($lang =~ /^([a-z]+)_([A-Z]+)/) {
$lang_code = $1;
$region_code = $2;
if (! $Texinfo::Documentlanguages::language_codes{$lang_code}) {
push @messages, sprintf(&$gettext(N__("%s is not a valid language code")),
if (defined($region_code)
and ! $Texinfo::Documentlanguages::region_codes{$region_code}) {
push @messages, sprintf(&$gettext(N__("%s is not a valid region code")),
return @messages;
my %possible_split = (
'chapter' => 1,
'section' => 1,
'node' => 1,
sub warn_unknown_split($$) {
my $split = shift;
my $gettext = shift;
my @messages = ();
if ($split and !$possible_split{$split}) {
push @messages, sprintf(&$gettext(N__("%s is not a valid split possibility")),
return @messages;
# This should do the job, or at least don't do wrong if $self
# is not defined, as could be the case if called from
# Texinfo::Convert::Text.
sub expand_verbatiminclude($$)
my $self = shift;
my $current = shift;
return unless ($current->{'extra'} and defined($current->{'extra'}->{'text_arg'}));
my $text = $current->{'extra'}->{'text_arg'};
my $file = locate_include_file($self, $text);
my $verbatiminclude;
if (defined($file)) {
if (!open(VERBINCLUDE, $file)) {
if ($self) {
$self->line_error(sprintf($self->__("could not read %s: %s"), $file, $!),
} else {
if ($self and defined($self->get_conf('INPUT_PERL_ENCODING'))) {
binmode(VERBINCLUDE, ":encoding(".
$verbatiminclude = { 'cmdname' => 'verbatim',
'parent' => $current->{'parent'},
'extra' =>
{'text_arg' => $current->{'extra'}->{'text_arg'}} };
while () {
push @{$verbatiminclude->{'contents'}},
{'type' => 'raw', 'text' => $_ };
if (!close (VERBINCLUDE)) {
"error on closing \@verbatiminclude file %s: %s"),
$file, $!));
} elsif ($self) {
$self->line_error(sprintf($self->__("\@%s: could not find %s"),
$current->{'cmdname'}, $text), $current->{'line_nr'});
return $verbatiminclude;
sub definition_category($$)
my $self = shift;
my $current = shift;
return undef if (!$current->{'extra'} or !$current->{'extra'}->{'def_args'});
my $arg_category = $current->{'extra'}->{'def_parsed_hash'}->{'category'};
my $arg_class = $current->{'extra'}->{'def_parsed_hash'}->{'class'};
return $arg_category
if (!defined($arg_class));
my $style =
if ($style eq 'f') {
if ($self) {
return $self->gdt('{category} on {class}', { 'category' => $arg_category,
'class' => $arg_class });
} else {
return {'contents' => [$arg_category, {'text' => ' on '}, $arg_class]};
} elsif ($style eq 'v') {
if ($self) {
return $self->gdt('{category} of {class}', { 'category' => $arg_category,
'class' => $arg_class });
} else {
return {'contents' => [$arg_category, {'text' => ' of '}, $arg_class]};
sub expand_today($)
my $self = shift;
if ($self->get_conf('TEST')) {
return {'text' => 'a sunny day'};
my($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst)
= localtime(time);
$year += ($year < 70) ? 2000 : 1900;
return $self->gdt('{month} {day}, {year}',
{ 'month' => $self->gdt($MONTH_NAMES[$mon]),
'day' => $mday, 'year' => $year });
sub translated_command_tree($$)
my $self = shift;
my $cmdname = shift;
if ($self->{'translated_commands'}->{$cmdname}) {
return $self->gdt($self->{'translated_commands'}->{$cmdname});
return undef;
sub numbered_heading($$$;$)
my $self = shift;
my $current = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $numbered = shift;
my $number;
if (defined($current->{'number'}) and ($numbered or !defined($numbered))) {
$number = $current->{'number'};
my $result;
if ($self) {
if (defined($number)) {
if ($current->{'cmdname'} eq 'appendix' and $current->{'level'} == 1) {
$result = $self->gdt('Appendix {number} {section_title}',
{'number' => $number, 'section_title' => $text},
} else {
$result = $self->gdt('{number} {section_title}',
{'number' => $number, 'section_title' => $text},
} else {
$result = $text;
} else {
$result = $text;
$result = $number.' '.$result if (defined($number));
if ($current->{'cmdname'} eq 'appendix' and $current->{'level'} == 1) {
$result = 'Appendix '.$result;
chomp ($result);
return $result;
sub definition_arguments_content($)
my $root = shift;
my $result;
return undef if (!defined($root->{'extra'})
or !defined($root->{'extra'}->{'def_args'}));
my @args = @{$root->{'extra'}->{'def_args'}};
while (@args) {
last if ($args[0]->[0] ne 'spaces'
and !$root->{'extra'}->{'def_parsed_hash'}->{$args[0]->[0]});
shift @args;
if (@args) {
foreach my $arg (@args) {
push @$result, $arg->[1];
return $result;
# find the accent commands stack and the innermost text contents
sub find_innermost_accent_contents($;$)
my $current = shift;
my $encoding = shift;
my @accent_commands = ();
my $debug = 0;
while (1) {
# the following can happen if called with a bad tree
if (!$current->{'cmdname'}
or !$accent_commands{$current->{'cmdname'}}) {
#print STDERR "BUG: Not an accent command in accent\n";
cluck "BUG: Not an accent command in accent\n";
#print STDERR Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo::convert($current)."\n";
#print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([$current]);
push @accent_commands, $current;
# A bogus accent, that may happen
if (!$current->{'args'}) {
return ([], \@accent_commands);
my $arg = $current->{'args'}->[0];
if (!$arg->{'contents'}) {
print STDERR "BUG: No content in accent command\n";
#print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([$current]);
#print STDERR Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo::convert($current)."\n";
return ([], \@accent_commands);
# inside the argument of an accent
my $text_contents = [];
foreach my $content (@{$arg->{'contents'}}) {
if (!($content->{'extra'} and $content->{'extra'}->{'invalid_nesting'})
and !($content->{'cmdname'} and ($content->{'cmdname'} eq 'c'
or $content->{'cmdname'} eq 'comment'))) {
if ($content->{'cmdname'} and $accent_commands{$content->{'cmdname'}}) {
$current = $content;
next ACCENT;
} else {
push @$text_contents, $content;
# we go here if there was no nested accent
return ($text_contents, \@accent_commands);
sub trim_spaces_comment_from_content($)
my $contents = shift;
shift @$contents
if ($contents->[0] and $contents->[0]->{'type'}
and ($contents->[0]->{'type'} eq 'empty_line_after_command'
or $contents->[0]->{'type'} eq 'empty_spaces_after_command'
or $contents->[0]->{'type'} eq 'empty_spaces_before_argument'
or $contents->[0]->{'type'} eq 'empty_space_at_end_def_bracketed'
or $contents->[0]->{'type'} eq 'empty_spaces_after_close_brace'));
while (@$contents
and (($contents->[-1]->{'cmdname'}
and ($contents->[-1]->{'cmdname'} eq 'c'
or $contents->[-1]->{'cmdname'} eq 'comment'))
or ($contents->[-1]->{'type'}
and ($contents->[-1]->{'type'} eq 'spaces_at_end'
or $contents->[-1]->{'type'} eq 'space_at_end_block_command')))) {
pop @$contents;
sub float_name_caption($$)
my $self = shift;
my $root = shift;
my $caption;
if ($root->{'extra'}->{'caption'}) {
$caption = $root->{'extra'}->{'caption'};
} elsif ($root->{'extra'}->{'shortcaption'}) {
$caption = $root->{'extra'}->{'shortcaption'};
#if ($self->get_conf('DEBUG')) {
# my $caption_texi =
# Texinfo::Convert::Texinfo::convert({ 'contents' => $caption->{'contents'}});
# print STDERR " CAPTION: $caption_texi\n";
my $type;
if ($root->{'extra'}->{'type'}->{'normalized'} ne '') {
$type = {'contents' => $root->{'extra'}->{'type'}->{'content'}};
my $prepended;
if ($type) {
if ($caption) {
if (defined($root->{'number'})) {
$prepended = $self->gdt('{float_type} {float_number}: ',
{'float_type' => $type,
'float_number' => $root->{'number'}});
} else {
$prepended = $self->gdt('{float_type}: ',
{'float_type' => $type});
} else {
if (defined($root->{'number'})) {
$prepended = $self->gdt("{float_type} {float_number}\n",
{'float_type' => $type,
'float_number' => $root->{'number'}});
} else {
$prepended = $self->gdt("{float_type}\n",
{'float_type' => $type});
} elsif (defined($root->{'number'})) {
if ($caption) {
$prepended = $self->gdt('{float_number}: ',
{'float_number' => $root->{'number'}});
} else {
$prepended = $self->gdt("{float_number}\n",
{'float_number' => $root->{'number'}});
return ($caption, $prepended);
# decompose a decimal number on a given base.
sub _decompose_integer($$)
my $number = shift;
my $base = shift;
my @result = ();
while ($number >= 0) {
my $factor = $number % $base;
push (@result, $factor);
$number = int(($number - $factor) / $base) - 1;
return @result;
sub enumerate_item_representation($$)
my $specification = shift;
my $number = shift;
if ($specification =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
return $specification + $number -1;
my $result = '';
my $base_letter = ord('a');
$base_letter = ord('A') if (ucfirst($specification) eq $specification);
my @letter_ords = _decompose_integer(ord($specification) - $base_letter + $number - 1, 26);
foreach my $ord (@letter_ords) {
$result = chr($base_letter + $ord) . $result;
return $result;
our %htmlxref_entries = (
'node' => [ 'node', 'section', 'chapter', 'mono' ],
'section' => [ 'section', 'chapter','node', 'mono' ],
'chapter' => [ 'chapter', 'section', 'node', 'mono' ],
'mono' => [ 'mono', 'chapter', 'section', 'node' ],
sub parse_htmlxref_files($$)
my $self = shift;
my $files = shift;
my $htmlxref;
foreach my $file (@$files) {
print STDERR "html refs config file: $file\n" if ($self->get_conf('DEBUG'));
unless (open (HTMLXREF, $file)) {
sprintf($self->__("could not open html refs config file %s: %s"),
$file, $!));
my $line_nr = 0;
my %variables;
while (my $hline = ) {
my $line = $hline;
next if $hline =~ /^\s*#/;
#$hline =~ s/[#]\s.*//;
$hline =~ s/^\s*//;
next if $hline =~ /^\s*$/;
chomp ($hline);
if ($hline =~ s/^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*//) {
# handle variables
my $var = $1;
my $re = join '|', map { quotemeta $_ } keys %variables;
$hline =~ s/\$\{($re)\}/defined $variables{$1} ? $variables{$1}
: "\${$1}"/ge;
$variables{$var} = $hline;
my @htmlxref = split /\s+/, $hline;
my $manual = shift @htmlxref;
my $split_or_mono = shift @htmlxref;
#print STDERR "$split_or_mono $Texi2HTML::Config::htmlxref_entries{$split_or_mono} $line_nr\n";
if (!defined($split_or_mono)) {
$self->file_line_warn($self->__("missing type"), $file, $line_nr);
} elsif (!defined($htmlxref_entries{$split_or_mono})) {
$self->file_line_warn(sprintf($self->__("unrecognized type: %s"),
$split_or_mono), $file, $line_nr);
my $href = shift @htmlxref;
next if (exists($htmlxref->{$manual}->{$split_or_mono}));
if (defined($href)) { # substitute 'variables'
my $re = join '|', map { quotemeta $_ } keys %variables;
$href =~ s/\$\{($re)\}/defined $variables{$1} ? $variables{$1}
: "\${$1}"/ge;
$href =~ s/\/*$// if ($split_or_mono ne 'mono');
$htmlxref->{$manual}->{$split_or_mono} = $href;
if (!close (HTMLXREF)) {
"error on closing html refs config file %s: %s"),
$file, $!));
return $htmlxref;
sub parse_renamed_nodes_file($$;$$)
my $self = shift;
my $renamed_nodes_file = shift;
# if not given they are automatically created
my $renamed_nodes = shift;
my $renamed_nodes_lines = shift;
if (open(RENAMEDFILE, "<$renamed_nodes_file")) {
if ($self->get_conf('INPUT_PERL_ENCODING')) {
binmode(RENAMEDFILE, ":encoding(".
my $renamed_nodes_line_nr = 0;
my @old_names = ();
while () {
next unless (/\S/);
next if (/^\s*\@c\b/);
if (s/^\s*\@\@\{\}\s+(\S)/$1/) {
if (scalar(@old_names)) {
foreach my $old_node_name (@old_names) {
$renamed_nodes->{$old_node_name} = $_;
$renamed_nodes_lines->{$_} = $renamed_nodes_line_nr;
@old_names = ();
} else {
$self->file_line_warn($self->__("no node to be renamed"),
$renamed_nodes_file, $renamed_nodes_line_nr);
} else {
$renamed_nodes_lines->{$_} = $renamed_nodes_line_nr;
push @old_names, $_;
if (scalar(@old_names)) {
$self->file_line_warn($self->__("nodes without a new name at the end of file"),
$renamed_nodes_file, $renamed_nodes_line_nr);
if (!close(RENAMEDFILE)) {
"see HTML Xref Link Preservation in the Texinfo manual for context",
"error on closing node-renaming configuration file %s: %s"),
$renamed_nodes_file, $!));
} else {
$self->document_warn(sprintf($self->__("could not open %s: %s"),
$renamed_nodes_file, $!));
return ($renamed_nodes, $renamed_nodes_lines);
sub collect_renamed_nodes($$;$$)
my $self = shift;
my $basename = shift;
my $renamed_nodes = shift;
my $renamed_nodes_lines = shift;
my $renamed_nodes_file;
if (defined($self->get_conf('RENAMED_NODES_FILE'))) {
$renamed_nodes_file = $self->get_conf('RENAMED_NODES_FILE');
} elsif (-f $basename . '-noderename.cnf') {
$renamed_nodes_file = $basename . '-noderename.cnf';
if (defined($renamed_nodes_file)) {
my ($renamed_nodes, $renamed_nodes_lines)
= parse_renamed_nodes_file($self, $renamed_nodes_file, $renamed_nodes,
return ($renamed_nodes, $renamed_nodes_lines, $renamed_nodes_file);
return (undef, undef, undef);
sub normalize_top_node_name($)
my $node = shift;
if ($node =~ /^top$/i) {
return 'Top';
return $node;
sub _convert_text_options($)
my $self = shift;
my %options;
if ($self->get_conf('ENABLE_ENCODING')) {
if ($self->get_conf('OUTPUT_ENCODING_NAME')) {
$options{'enabled_encoding'} = $self->get_conf('OUTPUT_ENCODING_NAME');
} elsif ($self->get_conf('INPUT_ENCODING_NAME')) {
$options{'enabled_encoding'} = $self->get_conf('INPUT_ENCODING_NAME');
$options{'TEST'} = 1 if ($self->get_conf('TEST'));
$options{'NUMBER_SECTIONS'} = $self->get_conf('NUMBER_SECTIONS');
$options{'converter'} = $self;
$options{'expanded_formats_hash'} = $self->{'expanded_formats_hash'};
return %options;
sub count_bytes($$;$)
my $self = shift;
my $string = shift;
my $encoding = shift;
if (!defined($encoding) and $self and $self->get_conf('OUTPUT_PERL_ENCODING')) {
$encoding = $self->get_conf('OUTPUT_PERL_ENCODING');
if ($encoding and $encoding ne 'ascii') {
return length(Encode::encode($encoding, $string));
} else {
return length($string);
# FIXME is the following required for correct count of end of lines?
#if ($encoding) {
# return length(Encode::encode($encoding, $string));
#} else {
# return length(Encode::encode('ascii', $string));
# also recurse into
# extra->misc_args, extra->args_index
# extra->index_entry extra->type
# extra that should point to other elements:
# command_as_argument
# @block_command_line_contents @brace_command_contents @misc_content end_command
# associated_section part_associated_section associated_node associated_part
# @prototypes @columnfractions titlepage quotation @author command
# menu_entry_description menu_entry_name
# should point to other elements, or be copied. And some should be recursed
# into too.
# extra->type->content
# extra->nodes_manuals->[]
# extra->node_content
# extra->node_argument
# extra->explanation_contents
# extra->menu_entry_node
# extra->def_arg
sub _copy_tree($$$);
sub _copy_tree($$$)
my $current = shift;
my $parent = shift;
my $reference_associations = shift;
my $new = {};
$reference_associations->{$current} = $new;
$new->{'parent'} = $parent if ($parent);
foreach my $key ('type', 'cmdname', 'text') {
$new->{$key} = $current->{$key} if (exists($current->{$key}));
foreach my $key ('args', 'contents') {
if ($current->{$key}) {
if (ref($current->{$key}) ne 'ARRAY') {
my $command_or_type = '';
if ($new->{'cmdname'}) {
$command_or_type = '@'.$new->{'cmdname'};
} elsif ($new->{'type'}) {
$command_or_type = $new->{'type'};
print STDERR "Not an array [$command_or_type] $key ".ref($current->{$key})."\n";
$new->{$key} = [];
$reference_associations->{$current->{$key}} = $new->{$key};
foreach my $child (@{$current->{$key}}) {
push @{$new->{$key}}, _copy_tree($child, $new, $reference_associations);
if ($current->{'extra'}) {
$new->{'extra'} = {};
foreach my $key (keys %{$current->{'extra'}}) {
if ($current->{'cmdname'} and $current->{'cmdname'} eq 'multitable'
and $key eq 'prototypes') {
$new->{'extra'}->{$key} = [];
$reference_associations->{$current->{'extra'}->{$key}} = $new->{$key};
foreach my $child (@{$current->{'extra'}->{$key}}) {
push @{$new->{'extra'}->{$key}},
_copy_tree($child, $new, $reference_associations);
} elsif (!ref($current->{'extra'}->{$key})) {
$new->{'extra'}->{$key} = $current->{'extra'}->{$key};
return $new;
# Not used.
sub _collect_references($$);
sub _collect_references($$)
my $current = shift;
my $references = shift;
foreach my $key ('args', 'contents') {
if ($current->{$key}) {
$references->{$current->{$key}} = $current->{$key};
foreach my $child (@{$current->{$key}}) {
$references->{$child} = $child;
_collect_references($child, $references);
sub _substitute_references_in_array($$$);
sub _substitute_references_in_array($$$)
my $array = shift;
my $reference_associations = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $result = [];
my $index = 0;
foreach my $item (@{$array}) {
if (!ref($item)) {
push @{$result}, $item;
} elsif ($reference_associations->{$item}) {
push @{$result}, $reference_associations->{$item};
} elsif (ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
push @$result,
_substitute_references_in_array($item, $reference_associations,
"$context [$index]");
} elsif (defined($item->{'text'})) {
my $new_text = _copy_tree($item, undef, $reference_associations);
substitute_references($item, $new_text, $reference_associations);
push @{$result}, $new_text;
} else {
print STDERR "Trouble with $context [$index] (".ref($item).")\n";
push @{$result}, undef;
return $result;
sub substitute_references($$$);
sub substitute_references($$$)
my $current = shift;
my $new = shift;
my $reference_associations = shift;
foreach my $key ('args', 'contents') {
if ($new->{$key}) {
my $index = 0;
foreach my $child (@{$new->{$key}}) {
substitute_references($child, $current->{$key}->[$index],
if ($current->{'extra'}) {
foreach my $key (keys %{$current->{'extra'}}) {
if (ref($current->{'extra'}->{$key})) {
my $command_or_type = '';
if ($new->{'cmdname'}) {
$command_or_type = '@'.$new->{'cmdname'};
} elsif ($new->{'type'}) {
$command_or_type = $new->{'type'};
if ($current->{'cmdname'} and $current->{'cmdname'} eq 'multitable'
and $key eq 'prototypes') {
my $index = 0;
foreach my $child (@{$new->{'extra'}->{$key}}) {
substitute_references($child, $current->{'extra'}->{$key}->[$index],
} elsif ($reference_associations->{$current->{'extra'}->{$key}}) {
= $reference_associations->{$current->{'extra'}->{$key}};
#print STDERR "Done [$command_or_type]: $key\n";
} else {
if (ref($current->{'extra'}->{$key}) eq 'ARRAY') {
#print STDERR "Array $command_or_type -> $key\n";
$new->{'extra'}->{$key} = _substitute_references_in_array(
$current->{'extra'}->{$key}, $reference_associations,
} else {
if (($current->{'cmdname'}
and ($current->{'cmdname'} eq 'listoffloats'
or $current->{'cmdname'} eq 'float')
and $key eq 'type')
or ($key eq 'index_entry')
or ($current->{'type'}
and $current->{'type'} eq 'menu_entry'
and $key eq 'menu_entry_node')) {
foreach my $type_key (keys(%{$current->{'extra'}->{$key}})) {
if (!ref($current->{'extra'}->{$key}->{$type_key})) {
= $current->{'extra'}->{$key}->{$type_key};
} elsif ($reference_associations->{$current->{'extra'}->{$key}->{$type_key}}) {
= $reference_associations->{$current->{'extra'}->{$key}->{$type_key}};
} elsif (ref($current->{'extra'}->{$key}->{$type_key}) eq 'ARRAY') {
= _substitute_references_in_array(
} else {
print STDERR "Not substituting [$command_or_type]{$key}: $type_key\n";
} else {
print STDERR "Not substituting [$command_or_type]: $key ($current->{'extra'}->{$key})\n";
sub copy_tree($;$)
my $current = shift;
my $parent = shift;
my $reference_associations = {};
my $copy = _copy_tree($current, $parent, $reference_associations);
substitute_references($current, $copy, $reference_associations);
return $copy;
sub modify_tree($$$;$);
sub modify_tree($$$;$)
my $self = shift;
my $tree = shift;
my $operation = shift;
my $argument = shift;
#print STDERR "modify_tree tree: $tree\n";
if ($tree->{'args'}) {
my @args = @{$tree->{'args'}};
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#args; $i++) {
my @new_args = &$operation($self, 'arg', $args[$i], $argument);
modify_tree($self, $args[$i], $operation, $argument);
# this puts the new args at the place of the old arg using the
# offset from the end of the array
splice (@{$tree->{'args'}}, $i - $#args -1, 1, @new_args);
#foreach my $arg (@new_args) {
# modify_tree($self, $arg, $operation);
if ($tree->{'contents'}) {
my @contents = @{$tree->{'contents'}};
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#contents; $i++) {
my @new_contents = &$operation($self, 'content', $contents[$i], $argument);
modify_tree($self, $contents[$i], $operation, $argument);
# this puts the new contents at the place of the old content using the
# offset from the end of the array
splice (@{$tree->{'contents'}}, $i - $#contents -1, 1, @new_contents);
#foreach my $content (@new_contents) {
# modify_tree($self, $content, $operation);
return $tree;
sub _protect_comma($$$)
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $current = shift;
return _protect_text($current, quotemeta(','));
sub protect_comma_in_tree($)
my $tree = shift;
return modify_tree(undef, $tree, \&_protect_comma);
sub _new_asis_command_with_text($$;$)
my $text = shift;
my $parent = shift;
my $text_type = shift;
my $new_command = {'cmdname' => 'asis', 'parent' => $parent };
push @{$new_command->{'args'}}, {'type' => 'brace_command_arg',
'parent' => $new_command};
push @{$new_command->{'args'}->[0]->{'contents'}}, {
'text' => $text,
'parent' => $new_command->{'args'}->[0]};
if (defined($text_type)) {
$new_command->{'args'}->[0]->{'contents'}->[0]->{'type'} = $text_type;
return $new_command;
sub _protect_text($$)
my $current = shift;
my $to_protect = shift;
#print STDERR "$to_protect: $current "._print_current($current)."\n";
if (defined($current->{'text'}) and $current->{'text'} =~ /$to_protect/
and !(defined($current->{'type'}) and $current->{'type'} eq 'raw')) {
my @result = ();
my $remaining_text = $current->{'text'};
while ($remaining_text) {
if ($remaining_text =~ s/^(.*?)(($to_protect)+)//) {
if ($1 ne '') {
push @result, {'text' => $1, 'parent' => $current->{'parent'}};
$result[-1]->{'type'} = $current->{'type'}
if defined($current->{'type'});
if ($to_protect eq quotemeta(',')) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < length($2); $i++) {
push @result, {'cmdname' => 'comma', 'parent' => $current->{'parent'},
'args' => [{'type' => 'brace_command_arg'}]};
} else {
push @result, _new_asis_command_with_text($2, $current->{'parent'},
} else {
push @result, {'text' => $remaining_text, 'parent' => $current->{'parent'}};
$result[-1]->{'type'} = $current->{'type'}
if defined($current->{'type'});
#print STDERR "Result: @result\n";
return @result;
} else {
#print STDERR "No change: $current\n";
return ($current);
sub _protect_colon($$$)
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $current = shift;
return _protect_text ($current, quotemeta(':'));
sub protect_colon_in_tree($)
my $tree = shift;
return modify_tree(undef, $tree, \&_protect_colon);
sub _protect_node_after_label($$$)
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $current = shift;
return _protect_text ($current, '['. quotemeta(".\t,") .']');
sub protect_node_after_label_in_tree($)
my $tree = shift;
return modify_tree(undef, $tree, \&_protect_node_after_label);
sub _is_cpp_line($)
my $text = shift;
return 1 if ($text =~ /^\s*#\s*(line)? (\d+)(( "([^"]+)")(\s+\d+)*)?\s*$/);
return 0;
sub _protect_hashchar_at_line_beginning($$$)
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $current = shift;
#print STDERR "$type $current "._print_current($current)."\n";
# if the next is a hash character at line beginning, mark it
if (defined($current->{'text'}) and $current->{'text'} =~ /\n$/
and $current->{'parent'} and $current->{'parent'}->{'contents'}) {
my $parent = $current->{'parent'};
#print STDERR "End of line in $current, parent $parent: (@{$parent->{'contents'}})\n";
my $current_found = 0;
foreach my $content (@{$parent->{'contents'}}) {
if ($current_found) {
#print STDERR "after $current: $content $content->{'text'}\n";
if ($content->{'text'} and _is_cpp_line($content->{'text'})) {
$content->{'extra'}->{'_protect_hashchar'} = 1;
} elsif ($content eq $current) {
$current_found = 1;
my $protect_hash = 0;
# if marked, or first and a cpp_line protect a leading hash character
if ($current->{'extra'} and $current->{'extra'}->{'_protect_hashchar'}) {
delete $current->{'extra'}->{'_protect_hashchar'};
if (!scalar(keys(%{$current->{'extra'}}))) {
delete $current->{'extra'};
$protect_hash = 1;
} elsif ($current->{'parent'} and $current->{'parent'}->{'contents'}
and $current->{'parent'}->{'contents'}->[0]
and $current->{'parent'}->{'contents'}->[0] eq $current
and $current->{'text'}
and _is_cpp_line($current->{'text'})) {
$protect_hash = 1;
if ($protect_hash) {
my @result = ();
if ($current->{'type'} and $current->{'type'} eq 'raw') {
if ($self) {
my $parent = $current->{'parent'};
while ($parent) {
if ($parent->{'cmdname'} and $parent->{'line_nr'}) {
"could not protect hash character in \@%s"),
$parent->{'cmdname'}), $parent->{'line_nr'});
$parent = $parent->{'parent'};
} else {
$current->{'text'} =~ s/^(\s*)#//;
if ($1 ne '') {
push @result, {'text' => $1, 'parent' => $current->{'parent'}};
push @result, {'cmdname' => 'hashchar', 'parent' => $current->{'parent'},
'args' => [{'type' => 'brace_command_arg'}]};
push @result, $current;
return @result;
} else {
return ($current);
sub protect_hashchar_at_line_beginning($$)
my $self = shift;
my $tree = shift;
return modify_tree($self, $tree, \&_protect_hashchar_at_line_beginning);
sub protect_first_parenthesis($)
my $contents = shift;
return undef if (!defined ($contents));
my @contents = @$contents;
my $brace;
if ($contents[0] and $contents->[0]{'text'} and $contents[0]->{'text'} =~ /^\(/) {
if ($contents[0]->{'text'} !~ /^\($/) {
$brace = shift @contents;
my $brace_text = $brace->{'text'};
$brace_text =~ s/^\(//;
unshift @contents, { 'text' => $brace_text, 'type' => $brace->{'type'},
'parent' => $brace->{'parent'} } if $brace_text ne '';
} else {
$brace = shift @contents;
unshift @contents, _new_asis_command_with_text('(', $brace->{'parent'},
return \@contents;
sub find_parent_root_command($$)
my $parser = shift;
my $current = shift;
my $root_command;
while (1) {
if ($current->{'cmdname'}) {
if ($root_commands{$current->{'cmdname'}}) {
return $current;
} elsif ($region_commands{$current->{'cmdname'}}) {
if ($current->{'cmdname'} eq 'copying' and $parser
and $parser->{'extra'} and $parser->{'extra'}->{'insertcopying'}) {
foreach my $insertcopying(@{$parser->{'extra'}->{'insertcopying'}}) {
my $root_command
= $parser->find_parent_root_command($insertcopying);
return $root_command if (defined($root_command));
} else {
return undef;
if ($current->{'parent'}) {
$current = $current->{'parent'};
} else {
return undef;
# Should never get there
return undef;
# for debugging
sub _print_current($)
my $current = shift;
if (ref($current) ne 'HASH') {
return "_print_current: $current not a hash\n";
my $type = '';
my $cmd = '';
my $parent_string = '';
my $text = '';
$type = "($current->{'type'})" if (defined($current->{'type'}));
$cmd = "\@$current->{'cmdname'}" if (defined($current->{'cmdname'}));
$cmd .= "($current->{'level'})" if (defined($current->{'level'}));
$text = "[text: $current->{'text'}]" if (defined($current->{'text'}));
if ($current->{'parent'}) {
my $parent = $current->{'parent'};
my $parent_cmd = '';
my $parent_type = '';
$parent_cmd = "\@$parent->{'cmdname'}" if (defined($parent->{'cmdname'}));
$parent_type = "($parent->{'type'})" if (defined($parent->{'type'}));
$parent_string = " <- $parent_cmd$parent_type\n";
my $args = '';
my $contents = '';
$args = "args(".scalar(@{$current->{'args'}}).')' if $current->{'args'};
$contents = "contents(".scalar(@{$current->{'contents'}}).')'
if $current->{'contents'};
if ("$cmd$type" ne '') {
return "$cmd$type : $text $args $contents\n$parent_string";
} else {
return "$text $args $contents\n$parent_string";
sub move_index_entries_after_items($) {
# enumerate or itemize
my $current = shift;
return unless ($current->{'contents'});
my $previous;
foreach my $item (@{$current->{'contents'}}) {
#print STDERR "Before proceeding: $previous $item->{'cmdname'} (@{$previous->{'contents'}})\n" if ($previous and $previous->{'contents'});
if (defined($previous) and $item->{'cmdname'}
and $item->{'cmdname'} eq 'item'
and $previous->{'contents'} and scalar(@{$previous->{'contents'}})) {
my $previous_ending_container;
if ($previous->{'contents'}->[-1]->{'type'}
and ($previous->{'contents'}->[-1]->{'type'} eq 'paragraph'
or $previous->{'contents'}->[-1]->{'type'} eq 'preformatted')) {
$previous_ending_container = $previous->{'contents'}->[-1];
} else {
$previous_ending_container = $previous;
my @gathered_index_entries;
#print STDERR "Gathering for item $item in previous $previous ($previous_ending_container)\n";
while ($previous_ending_container->{'contents'}->[-1]
and (($previous_ending_container->{'contents'}->[-1]->{'type'}
and $previous_ending_container->{'contents'}->[-1]->{'type'} eq 'index_entry_command')
or ($previous_ending_container->{'contents'}->[-1]->{'cmdname'}
and ($previous_ending_container->{'contents'}->[-1]->{'cmdname'} eq 'c'
or $previous_ending_container->{'contents'}->[-1]->{'cmdname'} eq 'comment')))) {
unshift @gathered_index_entries, pop @{$previous_ending_container->{'contents'}};
#print STDERR "Gathered: @gathered_index_entries\n";
if (scalar(@gathered_index_entries)) {
# put back leading comments
while ($gathered_index_entries[0]
and (!$gathered_index_entries[0]->{'type'}
or $gathered_index_entries[0]->{'type'} ne 'index_entry_command')) {
#print STDERR "Putting back $gathered_index_entries[0] $gathered_index_entries[0]->{'cmdname'}\n";
push @{$previous_ending_container->{'contents'}},
shift @gathered_index_entries;
# We have the index entries of the previous @item or before item.
# Now put them right after the current @item command.
if (scalar(@gathered_index_entries)) {
my $item_container;
if ($item->{'contents'} and $item->{'contents'}->[0]
and $item->{'contents'}->[0]->{'type'}
and $item->{'contents'}->[0]->{'type'} eq 'preformatted') {
$item_container = $item->{'contents'}->[0];
} else {
$item_container = $item;
foreach my $entry(@gathered_index_entries) {
$entry->{'parent'} = $item_container;
if ($item_container->{'contents'}
and $item_container->{'contents'}->[0]
and $item_container->{'contents'}->[0]->{'type'}) {
if ($item_container->{'contents'}->[0]->{'type'} eq 'empty_line_after_command') {
unshift @gathered_index_entries, shift @{$item_container->{'contents'}};
} elsif ($item_container->{'contents'}->[0]->{'type'} eq 'empty_spaces_after_command') {
unshift @gathered_index_entries, shift @{$item_container->{'contents'}};
$gathered_index_entries[0]->{'type'} = 'empty_line_after_command';
$gathered_index_entries[0]->{'text'} .= "\n";
unshift @{$item_container->{'contents'}}, @gathered_index_entries;
$previous = $item;
sub _move_index_entries_after_items($$$)
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $current = shift;
if ($current->{'cmdname'} and ($current->{'cmdname'} eq 'enumerate'
or $current->{'cmdname'} eq 'itemize')) {
return ($current);
sub move_index_entries_after_items_in_tree($)
my $tree = shift;
return modify_tree(undef, $tree, \&_move_index_entries_after_items);
=head1 NAME
Texinfo::Common - Classification of commands and miscellaneous methods
use Texinfo::Common qw(expand_today expand_verbatiminclude);
if ($Texinfo::Common::accent_commands{$a_command}) {
print STDERR "$a_command is an accent command\n";
my $today_tree = expand_today($converter);
my $verbatiminclude_tree
= expand_verbatiminclude(undef, $verbatiminclude);
Texinfo::Common holds interesting hashes classifying Texinfo @-commands,
as well as miscellaneous methods that may be useful for any backend
converting texinfo trees.
It also defines, as our variable a hash for default indices,
named C<%index_names>. The format of this hash is described in
Hashes are defined as C variables, and are therefore available
outside of the module.
The key of the hashes are @-command names without the @. The
following hashes are available:
=item %all_commands
All the @-commands.
=item %no_brace_commands
Commands without brace with a single character as name, like C<*>
or C<:>. The value is an ascii representation of the command. It
may be an empty string.
=item %misc_commands
Command that do not take braces and are not block commands either, like
C<@node>, C<@chapter>, C<@cindex>, C<@deffnx>, C<@end>, C<@footnotestyle>,
C<@set>, C<@settitle>, C<@indent>, C<@definfoenclose>, C<@comment> and many
=item %default_index_commands
Index entry commands corresponding to default indices. For example
=item %root_commands
Commands that are at the root of a Texinfo document, namely
C<@node> and sectioning commands, except heading commands.
=item %sectioning_commands
All the sectioning and heading commands.
=item %brace_commands
The commands that take braces. The associated value is the maximum
number of arguments.
=item %letter_no_arg_commands
@-commands with braces but no argument corresponding to letters,
like C<@AA{}> or C<@ss{}> or C<@o{}>.
=item %accent_commands
Accent @-commands taking an argument, like C<@'> or C<@ringaccent>
including C<@dotless> and C<@tieaccent>.
=item %style_commands
Commands that mark a fragment of texinfo, like C<@strong>,
C<@cite>, C<@code> or C<@asis>.
=item %code_style_commands
I that have their argument in code style, like
=item %regular_font_style_commands
I that have their argument in regular font, like
C<@r> or C<@slanted>.
=item %context_brace_commands
@-commands with brace like C<@footnote>, C<@caption> and C<@math>
whose argument is outside of the main text flow in one way or another.
=item %ref_commands
Cross reference @-command referencing nodes, like C<@xref>.
=item %explained_commands
@-commands whose second argument explain first argument and further
@-command call without first argument, as C<@abbr> and C<@acronym>.
=item %block commands
Commands delimiting a block with a closing C<@end>. The value
is I for C<@if> commands, I for definition
commands like C<@deffn>, I for @-commands that have no expansion
of @-commands in their bodies and I for C<@multitable>.
Otherwise it is set to the number of arguments separated by commas
that may appear on the @-command line. That means 0 in most cases,
1 for C<@quotation> and 2 for C<@float>.
=item %raw_commands
@-commands that have no expansion of @-commands in their bodies,
as C<@macro>, C<@verbatim> or C<@ignore>.
=item %format_raw_commands
@-commands associated with raw output format, like C<@html>, or
=item %texinfo_output_formats
Cannonical output formats that have associated conditionals. In
practice C<%format_raw_commands> plus C and C.
=item %def_commands
=item %def_aliases
Definition commands. C<%def_aliases> associates an aliased command
to the original command, for example C is associated to C.
=item %menu_commands
@-commands with menu entries.
=item %align_commands
@-commands related with alignement of text.
=item %region_commands
Block @-commands that enclose full text regions, like C<@titlepage>.
=item %preformatted_commands
=item %preformatted_code_commands
I<%preformatted_commands> is for commands whose content should not
be filled, like C<@example> or C<@display>. If the command is meant
for code, it is also in I<%preformatted_code_commands>, like C<@example>.
=item %item_container_commands
Commands holding C<@item> with C<@item> that contains blocks of text,
like C<@itemize>.
=item %item_line_commands
Commands with C<@item> that have their arguments on their lines, like
=head1 METHODS
No method is exported in the default case.
Most methods takes a I<$converter> as argument, sometime optionally,
to get some information and use methods for error reporting,
see L and L.
=item $tree = expand_today($converter)
Expand today's date, as a texinfo tree with translations.
=item $tree = expand_verbatiminclude($converter, $verbatiminclude)
The I<$converter> argument may be undef. I<$verbatiminclude> is a
C<@verbatiminclude> tree element. This function returns a
C<@verbatim> tree elements after finding the included file and
reading it.
=item $tree = definition_category($converter, $def_line)
The I<$converter> argument may be undef. I<$def_line> is a
C texinfo tree container. This function
returns a texinfo tree corresponding to the category of the
I<$def_line> taking the class into account, if there is one.
=item $result = numbered_heading ($converter, $heading_element, $heading_text, $do_number)
The I<$converter> argument may be undef. I<$heading_element> is
a heading command tree element. I<$heading_text> is the already
formatted heading text. if the I<$do_number> optional argument is
defined and false, no number is used and the text is returned as is.
This function returns the heading with a number and the appendix
part if needed.
=item ($caption, $prepended) = float_name_caption ($converter, $float)
I<$float> is a texinfo tree C<@float> element. This function
returns the caption that should be used for the float formatting
and the I<$prepended> texinfo tree combining the type and label
of the float.
=item $text = enumerate_item_representation($specification, $number)
This function returns the number or letter correponding to item
number I<$number> for an C<@enumerate> specification I<$specification>,
appearing on an C<@enumerate> line. For example
enumerate_item_representation('c', 3)
is C.
=item trim_spaces_comment_from_content($contents)
Remove empty spaces after commands or braces at begin and
spaces and comments at end from a content array, modifying it.
=item $normalized_name = normalize_top_node_name ($node_string)
Normalize the node name string given in argument, by normalizing
Top node case.
=item protect_comma_in_tree($tree)
Protect comma characters, replacing C<,> with @comma{} in tree.
=item protect_colon_in_tree($tree)
=item protect_node_after_label_in_tree($tree)
Protect colon with C and characters that
are special in node names after a label in menu entries (tab
dot and comma) with C.
The protection is achieved by putting protected characters
in C<@asis{}>.
=item $contents_result = protect_first_parenthesis ($contents)
Return a contents array reference with first parenthesis in the
contents array reference protected.
=item protect_hashchar_at_line_beginning($parser, $tree)
Protect hash character at beginning of line if the line is a cpp
line directive. The I<$parser> argument maybe undef, if it is
defined it is used for error reporting in case an hash character
could not be protected because it appeared in a raw environment.
=item move_index_entries_after_items_in_tree($tree)
In C<@enumerate> and C<@itemize> from the tree, move index entries
appearing just before C<@item> after the C<@item>. Comment lines
between index entries are moved too.
=item $command = find_parent_root_command($parser, $tree_element)
Find the parent root command of a tree element (sectioning command or node).
The C<$parser> argument is optional, it is used to continue
through C<@insertcopying> if in a C<@copying>.
=item valid_tree_transformation($name)
Return true if the I<$name> is a known tree transformation name
that may be passed with C to modify a texinfo
=head1 SEE ALSO
L, L and L.
=head1 AUTHOR
Patrice Dumas, Epertusus@free.frE
Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.