#ifndef t2kalignvar_hxx_seen #define t2kalignvar_hxx_seen #include "TObject.h" #include "TVector3.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" class t2kalignvar : public TObject { public: int Stimestampev; //time stamp of the event double Sxtrack; // x coordinate of the starting point of the track double Sytrack; // y coordinate of the starting point of the track double Sztrack; // z coordinate of the starting point of the track double Stx; // slope dx/dz of the starting point of the track double Sty; // slope dy/dz of the starting point of the track double Srho; // curvature of the track double Stime; // initial time of the track double StimeCath; // time at central cathode int Stbits; // trigger bits int Snyhits; int Snyhits; // number of FGD Y hits double Sy[100]; // y coordinate of the FGD Y hit double Syz[100]; // z coordinate of the FGD Y hit double Syx[100]; // x coordinate of the extraporated TPC track double Syy[100]; // y coordinate of the extraporated TPC track double Sdy[100]; // = yy[] - y[] double Sqy[100]; // charge of the FGD Y hit pe int Snxhits; // number of FGD X hits double Sx[100]; // x coordinate of the FGD X hit double Sxz[100]; // z coordinate of the FGD X hit double Sxy[100]; // y coordinate of the extraporated TPC track double Sxx[100]; // x coordinate of the extraporated TPC track double Sdx[100]; // = xx[] - x[] double Sqx[100]; // charge of the FGD X hit pe int Sneyhits; // number of DSECAL Y hits int SneyLayer[200]; // nth y-layer in the DESCAL double Sey[200]; // y coordinate of the DSECAL Y hit double Seyz[200]; // z coordinate of the DSECAL Y hit double Seyx[200]; // x coordinate of the extraporated TPC track double Seyy[200]; // y coordinate of the extraporated TPC track double Sedy[200]; // = eyy[] - ey[] double Seqy[200]; // charge of the DSECAL Y hit int Snexhits; // number of DSECAL Y hits int SnexLayer[200]; // nth x-layer in the DESCAL double Sex[200]; // x coordinate of the DSECAL Y hit double Sexz[200]; // z coordinate of the DSECAL Y hit double Sexy[200]; // y coordinate of the extraporated TPC track double Sexx[200]; // x coordinate of the extraporated TPC track double Sedx[200]; // = exx[] - ex[] double Seqx[200]; // charge of the DSECAL X hit int Snnodepid; //number of nodes from pid int Snnodetrk; //number of nodes from trk (whic is a GetConstituents from a pid) int Stpcnum[3]; //which tpc was hit int Stpctrkcount[3]; //how many tracks per tpc double Schioftrack; //quality of track=chi2 int Sndoftrack;//num of degrees of freedom double Smupull; //muon pull value, defines a muon double Sepull; //electron pull value, defines a muon int Snevt; //event index double SBf; //magnetic field double Smomentum;// track momentum double Svertexpos[3];//position of track vertex //I realize that these following 3 variables are actually present in my leaves already //double Scurvtrk;//curvature of the track TVector3 Strkdir;//trk direction TLorentzVector Strkendpos; //(reco/d? I think so since it is the last node) trk end position TVector3 Strkenddir;//(reco/d - same as b4, last node) trk end direction //TLorentzVector STruePrimMom; //initial momentum of primary particle //TLorentzVector STruePrimPos; //initial position of primary particle t2kalignvar(): Stimestampev(0), Sxtrack(0.), Sytrack(0.), Sztrack(0.), Stx(0.), Sty(0.), Srho(0.), Stime(0.), StimeCath(0.), Stbits(0), Snyhits(0), Snxhits(0), Sneyhits(0), Snexhits(0), Snnodepid(0), Snnodetrk(0), Schioftrack(0.), Sndoftrack(0), Smupull(0.), Sepull(0.), Snevt(0), SBf(0), Smomentum(0.), //Scurvtrk(0.), #if ( ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(5,34,18) ) Strkdir(), Strkendpos(), Strkenddir() #else Strkdir(0.), Strkendpos(0.), Strkenddir(0.) #endif //STruePrimMom(-9999.), //STruePrimPos(-9999.) { for(Int_t ii=0; ii<3; ++ii) { Stpcnum[ii] = 0; Stpctrkcount[ii] = 0; Svertexpos[ii] = 0.; } for(Int_t ii=0; ii<100; ++ii) { Sy[ii] = 0.; Syz[ii] = 0.; Syx[ii] = 0.; Syy[ii] = 0.; Sdy[ii] = 0.; Sqy[ii] = 0.; Sx[ii] = 0.; Sxz[ii] = 0.; Sxy[ii] = 0.; Sxx[ii] = 0.; Sdx[ii] = 0.; Sqx[ii] = 0.; } for(Int_t ii=0; ii<200; ++ii) { SneyLayer[ii] = 0; Sey[ii] = 0.; Seyz[ii] = 0.; Seyx[ii] = 0.; Seyy[ii] = 0.; Sedy[ii] = 0.; Seqy[ii] = 0.; SnexLayer[ii] = 0; Sex[ii] = 0.; Sexz[ii] = 0.; Sexy[ii] = 0.; Sexx[ii] = 0.; Sedx[ii] = 0.; Seqx[ii] = 0.; } } ClassDef (t2kalignvar,8); }; #endif//t2kalignvar_hxx_seen