#ifndef t2kalignvart_hxx_seen #define t2kalignvart_hxx_seen #include "TObject.h" #include "TVector3.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" class t2kalignvart : public TObject { public: int Spdgpart; //pdg code of particle int Spdgprim; //pdg code of primary particle (primary=first GEANT input) TLorentzVector STrueMom; //initial momentum of trajectory TLorentzVector STruePos; //initial position of trajectory TLorentzVector STrueFinPos; //final position of trajectory TLorentzVector STruePrimMom; //initial momentum of primary particle TLorentzVector STruePrimPos; //initial position of primary particle TLorentzVector STruePrimFinPos; //final position of primary particle t2kalignvart(): Spdgpart(-9999), Spdgprim(-9999), #if ( ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(5,34,18)) STrueMom ( -9999. , -9999. , -9999. , -9999.) , STruePos ( -9999. , -9999. , -9999. , -9999.) , STrueFinPos ( -9999. , -9999. , -9999. , -9999.) , STruePrimMom ( -9999. , -9999. , -9999. , -9999.) , STruePrimPos ( -9999. , -9999. , -9999. , -9999.) , STruePrimFinPos ( -9999. , -9999. , -9999. , -9999.) #else STrueMom(-9999.), STruePos(-9999.), STrueFinPos(-9999.), STruePrimMom(-9999.), STruePrimPos(-9999.), STruePrimFinPos(-9999.) #endif { } ClassDef (t2kalignvart,1); }; #endif//t2kalignvart_hxx_seen