/// /// For questions or suggestions about this module please contact the /// current responsible and CC in the oaAnalysis package manager. /// /// 21-Jul-2010: Current responsible for this module is, /// Ben Still (b.still [*a*t*] qmul.ac.uk) /// #ifndef TP0DECALReconModule_hxx_seen #define TP0DECALReconModule_hxx_seen #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "IReconShower.hxx" #include "IReconTrack.hxx" #include "IReconPID.hxx" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "IAnalysisReconModuleBase.hxx" namespace COMET { class IP0DReconECalModule; }; /// IP0DReconECalModule /// /// Summary information about ECAL clusters. /// The primary level store the RunNo, EventID, number of tracks and showers and TCloneArrays /// of TP0DECALTracks and TP0DECALShowers which are TObjects that are root browsable. /// /// class COMET::IP0DReconECalModule : public IAnalysisReconModuleBase { public: /// IP0DReconECalTrack /// The main object that contains ECAL track information /// Feel free to add to. class IP0DReconECalTrack : public TObject { public: virtual ~IP0DReconECalTrack(); /// The object UniqueID which can be used to match this object to the Global Recon object UInt_t UniqueID; // /// The name of the algorithm that created this reconstruction object. // std::string AlgorithmName; double Curvature; ///< The track curvature around the X axis. TVector3 Direction; ///< The track direction. double EDeposit; ///< the energy deposited in the track. ///< the full name of this datum. The full name places the datum in the ///< data tree and has the syntax //xxxx/yyyy/zzzz. // TString FullName; int NDOF; ///< the number of degrees of freedom in the reconstruction. TLorentzVector Position; ///< the track starting position. double Quality; ///< the goodness of fit for the reconstruction. TVector3 Width; ///< the width of the track. double AMR; ///< The Pid Variables double CWTrackWidth; ///< The Pid Variables double Max_Ratio; ///< The Pid Variables double NormChargeSD; ///< The Pid Variables double PathChargeRatio; ///< The Pid Variables double TrShval; ///< The Pid Variables int NHits; ///< TVector3 BenCWPosition; ///