#!/usr/bin/env python2 '''Script to validate the DQ flags written into the db Author F. R. Di Lodovico, QMUL, Oct, 2010 ''' import databaseUtils import getopt import os import sys import commands import time def usage(): '''Function to print out the usage of the script ''' print "Script to validate the DQ flags written into the db " print "Usage:" print "validateDQFlags.py [-h] [-v -p -n -l -s -d -b -e ]" print "" print "Where:" print " is the subdetector." print " is the division of the subdetector." print " is the time in seconds the event was taken." print " is the time in seconds the event was taken." print "" print "Options:" print "-h, --help Prints this help." print "-p, --production Choosing the production tables for the chosen db (default is test tables)." print "-n, --cosmics Choosing the cosmics tables for the chosen db (default is test tables)." print "-s, --subdetector Subdetector to query (default is all subdetectors)." print " A ':'-separated list of subdetectors can be supplied" print " ECAL:TPC:P0D to select ECAL, TPC and P0D." print "-d, --division= The division of the subdetector to select. Allowed values" print " are TPC1, TPC2, TPC3, FGD1, FGD2, DSECAL, P0DECAL, BarECAL" print "-b, --begintime= The start time interval in seconds." print "-e, --endtime= The end time interval in seconds." print "-l, --log Produces log-scale graphs. Note that the plot" print " may contain discontinuities as values of -1" print " are not plotted in the log graph." print "-v, --verbose Prints verbose output." print "" def modifyInterval(starttime, endtime, inFlag, aboveIntervals): '''Function to modify the interval according to intervals above it ''' valid = -10 # print 'aboveIntervals: ', aboveIntervals # print 'candidate interval: ', starttime, endtime, inFlag if (len(aboveIntervals) == 0): # print 'length is zero!' aboveIntervals.append((starttime, endtime, inFlag)) valid = 1 return (valid, aboveIntervals) for startTime, endTime, flag in aboveIntervals: # Completely contained in above interval # in which case set the interval to 0 and ignore it if (starttime >= startTime and endtime <= endTime): # print 'Completely contained!' valid = 0 break # Partially contained in above interval (start inside, end outside) if (starttime >= startTime and endtime > endTime and starttime < endTime): # print 'start in end out: ', startTime, endTime newStart = endTime newEnd = endtime # print 'newStart %s newEnd %s ' % (newStart, newEnd) # Check if new interval complete contained in an above interval if (1 == completelyContained(newStart, newEnd, aboveIntervals)): # print 'Completely contained 1' valid = 0 break # If the interval spans a long period check if there are gaps # in above intervals and save the gaps gaps = checkGaps(newStart, newEnd, inFlag, aboveIntervals) if (len(gaps) > 0): for gap in gaps: aboveIntervals.append(gap) valid = 0 break # # Check if new interval partially contained in an above interval # (start outside, end inside). Need to check the pared-down # interval until we find no intervals it's contained within savedValid = -1 savedEnd = -1 savedStart = -1 while (1): newStart, newEnd, valid = \ partiallyContained1(newStart, newEnd, aboveIntervals) print "newStart %s newEnd %s valid %s " % \ (newStart, newEnd, valid) if (valid == -1): break else: savedStart = newStart savedEnd = newEnd savedValid = valid if (savedValid == 1): aboveIntervals.append((savedStart, savedEnd, inFlag)) # Check if new interval partially contained in above interval # (start inside, end outside). Need to check the pared-down # interval until we find no intervals it's contained within savedValid = -1 savedStart = -1 savedEnd = -1 while (1): newStart, newEnd, valid = \ partiallyContained2(newStart, newEnd, aboveIntervals) # print 'newStart2 %s newEnd2 %s valid2 %s' % \ # (newStart, newEnd, valid) if (valid == -1): break else: savedStart = newStart savedEnd = newEnd savedValid = valid if (savedValid == 1): aboveIntervals.append((savedStart, savedEnd, inFlag)) if (valid == -10): saveStart = -1 saveEnd = 10000000000000000 for startTime, endTime, flag in aboveIntervals: # print 'startTime ', startTime, ' starttime ', starttime, ' endTime ', endTime, ' endtime ', endtime # Lower interval spans above interval and more # We have 2 intervals one at the beginning and one at the end if (starttime < startTime and endtime > endTime): if (startTime < saveEnd): saveEnd = startTime if (endTime > saveStart): saveStart = endTime # Check if completely contained in an existing interval contained1 = completelyContained(starttime, saveEnd, aboveIntervals) contained2 = completelyContained(saveStart, endtime, aboveIntervals) if (saveStart != -1 and saveEnd != 10000000000000000): if (contained1 == 0): aboveIntervals.append((starttime, saveEnd, inFlag)) if (contained2 == 0): aboveIntervals.append((saveStart, endtime, inFlag)) valid = 0 # If the interval doesn't meet any overlap criteria keep it as is if (valid == -10): valid = 1 aboveIntervals.append((starttime, endtime, inFlag)) # print 'aboveIntervals is now: ', aboveIntervals return (valid, aboveIntervals) def completelyContained(starttime, endtime, aboveIntervals): '''Function to check if an interval is completely contained in above intervals ''' contained = 0 for startt, endt, flag in aboveIntervals: if (starttime >= startt and endtime <= endt): contained = 1 break return contained def checkGaps(starttime, endtime, flag, aboveIntervals): '''Function to check if the above intervals have gaps in which case we resize the interval for just the gaps ''' pieces = [(starttime, endtime, flag)] piecesIn = [(starttime, endtime, flag)] count = 0 countOld = 100 aboveCopy = sorted(aboveIntervals, key=lambda x: x[0]) while (1): # print 'start pieces: ', pieces # print 'aboveCopy: ', aboveCopy for startPiece, endPiece, flagPiece in pieces: for startt, endt, flag in aboveCopy: if (startPiece < startt and endPiece > endt and endPiece > startt and startPiece < endt): if (completelyContained(pieces[count][0], startt, aboveIntervals)): pieces[count] = (endt, endPiece, flagPiece) else: pieces[count] = (pieces[count][0], startt, flagPiece) pieces.append((endt, endPiece, flagPiece)) count += 1 # If we have reached the end of the series check the last # interval to make sure we're not overlapping if (countOld == count): break countOld = count # print 'pieces: ',pieces if (len(pieces) == 1): if (pieces[0][0] == piecesIn[0][0] and pieces[0][1] == piecesIn[0][1]): pieces = [] gaps = [] for piece in pieces: if (0 == completelyContained(piece[0], piece[1], aboveCopy)): gaps.append(piece) return gaps def partiallyContained1(starttime, endtime, aboveIntervals): '''Function to check if an interval is partially contained in the interval (start outside end inside) ''' contained = -1 savedStart = -1 savedEnd = -1 for startt, endt, flag in aboveIntervals: if (starttime < startt and endtime < endt and endtime > startt): contained = 1 savedStart = starttime savedEnd = startt break # Is the new interval completely contained within existing # intervals - in which case ignore it for sstarttime, sendtime, sflag in aboveIntervals: if (savedStart >= sstarttime and savedEnd <= sendtime): contained = 0 savedStart = 0 savedEnd = 0 break return (savedStart, savedEnd, contained) def partiallyContained2(starttime, endtime, aboveIntervals): '''Function to check if an interval is partially contained in the interval (start inside end outside) ''' contained = -1 savedStart = -1 savedEnd = -1 for startt, endt, flag in aboveIntervals: if (starttime > startt and starttime < endt and endtime > endt): contained = 1 savedStart = starttime savedEnd = sstarttime break # Is the new interval completely contained within an existing # interval - in which case ignore it for sstarttime, sendtime, sflag in aboveIntervals: if (savedStart >= sstarttime and savedEnd <= sendtime): contained = 0 savedStart = 0 savedEnd = 0 break return (savedStart, savedEnd, contained) def getFlagIntervals(rows, begin, end, division): '''Function to return the flag and corresponding start time it is valid for (end time assumes infinity or endtime limit) for each subdetector ''' detectorRows = {} subdetectors = [] for row in rows[1:]: elements = row.split('\t') if (len(elements) > 5): subdetector = elements[0] starttime = int(elements[1]) endtime = int(elements[2]) createtime = int(elements[4]) flag = int(elements[3]) flags = [] if (division != ""): if (subdetector == "TPC"): flags = databaseUtils.unpackTPCValidateFlag(flag) if (division == "TPC1"): flag = flags[1] if (division == "TPC2"): flag = flags[2] if (division == "TPC3"): flag = flags[3] if (subdetector == "ECAL"): flags = databaseUtils.unpackECALValidateFlag(flag) if (division == "DSECAL"): flag = flags[1] if (division == "P0DECAL"): flag = flags[2] if (division == "BarECAL"): flag = flags[3] if (subdetector == "FGD"): flags = databaseUtils.unpackFGDValidateFlag(flag) if (division == "FGD1"): flag = flags[1] if (division == "FGD2"): flag = flags[2] if (subdetector not in subdetectors): subdetectors.append(subdetector) if (detectorRows.has_key(subdetector)): detectorRows[subdetector].append((createtime, starttime, endtime, flag)) else: detectorRows[subdetector] = [(createtime, starttime, endtime, flag)] subdetectorFlags = {} for subdetector in subdetectors: detectorRows[subdetector].sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) detectorRows[subdetector].reverse() for createtime, starttime, endtime, flag in detectorRows[subdetector]: # print 'detectorRows: ',createtime,' ', starttime,' ', endtime,' ',flag # print 'detectorRows: %s %s %s %d \n' % \ # (time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y::%H:%M:%S", # time.gmtime(float(createtime))), # time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y::%H:%M:%S", # time.gmtime(float(starttime))), # time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y::%H:%M:%S", # time.gmtime(float(endtime))), # flag) # Modify the interval according to the intervals above if (not subdetectorFlags.has_key(subdetector)): subdetectorFlags[subdetector] = [] valid, subdetectorFlags[subdetector] = \ modifyInterval(starttime, endtime, flag, subdetectorFlags[subdetector]) subdetectorFlags[subdetector].sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) return subdetectorFlags def parseOptions(): '''Function to read in the command line options ''' detectors = ["TPC", "FGD", "P0D", "ECAL", "SMRD", "MAGNET", "INGRID"] eventtime = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:d:b:e:c:r:f:a:pnvl", ["help", "subdetector=", "division=", "flag=", "version=", "author=", "begintime=", "endtime=", "createtime=", "production", "cosmics", "verbose", "log"]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) usage() sys.exit(2) mode = "test" cmode = False begintime = -1 endtime = -1 subdetectors = [] division = "" verboseFlag = False logFlag = False for opt, val in opts: if (opt in ("-h", "--help")): usage() sys.exit() if (opt in ("-p", "--production")): mode = "production" if (opt in ("-n", "--cosmics")): cmode = True if (opt in ("-l", "--log")): logFlag = True if (opt in ("-v", "--verbose")): verboseFlag = True if (opt in ("-s", "--subdetector")): if (":" in val): subdetectors = val.split(":") else: subdetectors = [val] if (opt in ("-d", "--division")): division = val.strip() if (opt in ("-b", "--begintime")): begintime = int(val) if (opt in ("-e", "--endtime")): endtime = int(val) if (cmode): if (mode == "production"): mode = "prodcosmics" else: mode = "testcosmics" # Return the event time and the subdetectors selected return (mode, subdetectors, division, begintime, endtime, verboseFlag, logFlag) def createPlotMacro(starttime, endtime, flagmax, logFlag): # Function to create the gnuplot macro print "start ", starttime print "end ", endtime outputStartTime = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y::%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(float(starttime+32400))) outputEndTime = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y::%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(float(endtime+32400))) macroFile = 'plotDQFlag' try: fh = file(macroFile, 'w') except Exception, err: print 'Error creating macro file %s' % macroFile print str(err) sys.exit(1) #set macro \n if (logFlag): output1 = ''' set logscale y \n set xdata time \n set timefmt "%%d/%%m/%%Y::%%H:%%M:%%S" \n set xrange["%s":"%s"] \n set yrange[1:%e] \n ''' % (outputStartTime, outputEndTime, float(flagmax+flagmax*0.5)) else: output1 = ''' set xdata time \n set timefmt "%%d/%%m/%%Y::%%H:%%M:%%S" \n set xrange["%s":"%s"] \n set yrange[-1.5:%e] \n ''' % (outputStartTime, outputEndTime, float(flagmax+2)) output2 = ''' set format x "%d/%b" \n set grid \n plot '/tmp/mysql_results.tmp' using 2:1 with line lw 3 lc rgb "red" title "DQ Flag" \n set term gif small \n set output "validation.gif" \n replot \n set term postscript \n set output "validation.eps" \n replot \n set term X11 \n ''' output = output1 + output2 #print output fh.write(output) fh.close() def queryDQ(): # Read in the command-line options mode, subdetectors, division, begintime, \ endtime, verboseFlag, logFlag = parseOptions() if (division != ""): validDivision = False for subdetector in subdetectors: if (subdetector in division): validDivision = True break if (validDivision == False): print "Error: Incompatible division for subdetector!" usage() sys.exit(1) # Read in the table schemas dqTableName, authorTableName, flagDefsTableName, versionTableName, subdetectorTableName = databaseUtils.dqTables(mode, verboseFlag) # Read in the schema dqSchema = databaseUtils.DQSchema(dqTableName, verboseFlag) # Get the database tables dqtable = databaseUtils.DQTable(dqSchema, verboseFlag) # Read the list of time intervals within the request time interval. # Query the dataquality table for the dq flag, creation time # Must pass the subdetector schema as an argument for the join query # Returned rows are of the format flag, starttime, endtime, createtime # Query the table if subdetector + begintime + endtime supplied # if (len(subdetectors) > 0 and begintime > 0 and endtime > 0 and # createtime == -1 and flag == -1 and len(versions) == 0 and len(authors) == 0): queryStartTime = begintime queryEndTime = endtime rows = dqtable.getRowsWithSubdetectorBeginEndTime(subdetectors, begintime, endtime) #in case the query is inside an interval: if ( len(rows) == 0 ): rows = dqtable.getRowsWithSubdetectorBeginEndTime2(subdetectors, begintime, endtime) # Process the returned rows to create flags for intervals flagIntervals = getFlagIntervals(rows, begintime, endtime, division) #print 'flagIntervals: ',flagIntervals flagmax = -1000 for subdetector in flagIntervals.keys(): results_file = '/tmp/mysql_results_' + subdetector + '.tmp' fo = file(results_file, 'w') bad_file = '/tmp/mysql_badinterv_' + subdetector + '.txt' fobad = file(bad_file, 'w') for starttime,endtime,flag in flagIntervals[subdetector]: if( flag != 0 ): stringb = str(starttime) +' '+ str(endtime) fobad.write(stringb + '\n') timestampStart=starttime starttime = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y::%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(float(starttime+32400))) string0 = "%d %s" % (flag, starttime) fo.write(string0 + '\n') timestampEnd=endtime endtime = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y::%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(float(endtime+32400))) string1 = "%d %s" % (flag, endtime) print flag, timestampStart," ",starttime," ",timestampEnd," ", endtime if (flag > flagmax): flagmax = flag fo.write(string1 + '\n') fo.close() fobad.close() # Create the script to generate the plots createPlotMacro(queryStartTime, queryEndTime, flagmax, logFlag) string2 = 'mv ' + results_file + ' /tmp/mysql_results.tmp' commands.getstatusoutput(string2) string3 = "gnuplot plotDQFlag" status3, output3 = commands.getstatusoutput(string3) print 'status, command ', string3, ' ',status3,' ', output3 string4 = subdetector if (mode == "prodcosmics" or mode == "testcosmics"): string4 = subdetector + "_cosmics" if (division): string4 = subdetector + "_" + division string5 = 'mv validation.gif validation_' + string4 + '.gif' commands.getstatusoutput(string5) string6 = 'mv validation.eps validation_' + string4 + '.eps' commands.getstatusoutput(string6) #os.remove(results_file) if __name__ == '__main__': queryDQ()