#!/usr/bin/bash # # Auto-generate requirements for executables (both ELF and a.out) and library # sonames, script interpreters, and perl modules. # ulimit -c 0 filelist=`sed "s/[]['\"*?{}]/\\\\\&/g"` [ -x /usr/lib/rpm/rpmdeps -a -n "$filelist" ] && \ echo $filelist | tr '[:blank:]' \\n | /usr/lib/rpm/rpmdeps --requires # # --- Kernel module imported symbols # # Since we don't (yet) get passed the name of the package being built, we # cheat a little here by looking first for a kernel, then for a kmod. # unset is_kmod for f in $filelist; do if [ $(echo "$f" | sed -r -ne 's:^.*/lib/modules/(.*)/(.*)\.ko(\.gz|\.bz2|\.xz)?$:\2:p') ] then is_kmod=1; elif [ $(echo "$f" | sed -r -ne 's:^.*/boot/(.*):\1:p') ] then unset is_kmod; break; fi done # Disabling for now while the Fedora kernel doesn't produce kABI deps. #[ -x /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/find-requires.ksyms ] && [ "$is_kmod" ] && # printf "%s\n" "${filelist[@]}" | /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/find-requires.ksyms exit 0