//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Copyright (c) 2013 Kyle Lutz <kyle.r.lutz@gmail.com> // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 // See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // // See http://boostorg.github.com/compute for more information. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// #ifndef BOOST_COMPUTE_PROGRAM_HPP #define BOOST_COMPUTE_PROGRAM_HPP #include <string> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <streambuf> #ifdef BOOST_COMPUTE_DEBUG_KERNEL_COMPILATION #include <iostream> #endif #include <boost/compute/config.hpp> #include <boost/compute/context.hpp> #include <boost/compute/exception.hpp> #include <boost/compute/exception/program_build_failure.hpp> #include <boost/compute/detail/assert_cl_success.hpp> #ifdef BOOST_COMPUTE_USE_OFFLINE_CACHE #include <sstream> #include <boost/optional.hpp> #include <boost/compute/platform.hpp> #include <boost/compute/detail/getenv.hpp> #include <boost/compute/detail/path.hpp> #include <boost/compute/detail/sha1.hpp> #endif namespace boost { namespace compute { class kernel; /// \class program /// \brief A compute program. /// /// The program class represents an OpenCL program. /// /// Program objects are created with one of the static \c create_with_* /// functions. For example, to create a program from a source string: /// /// \snippet test/test_program.cpp create_with_source /// /// And to create a program from a source file: /// \code /// boost::compute::program bar_program = /// boost::compute::program::create_with_source_file("/path/to/bar.cl", context); /// \endcode /// /// Once a program object has been successfully created, it can be compiled /// using the \c build() method: /// \code /// // build the program /// foo_program.build(); /// \endcode /// /// Once the program is built, \ref kernel objects can be created using the /// \c create_kernel() method by passing their name: /// \code /// // create a kernel from the compiled program /// boost::compute::kernel foo_kernel = foo_program.create_kernel("foo"); /// \endcode /// /// \see kernel class program { public: /// Creates a null program object. program() : m_program(0) { } /// Creates a program object for \p program. If \p retain is \c true, /// the reference count for \p program will be incremented. explicit program(cl_program program, bool retain = true) : m_program(program) { if(m_program && retain){ clRetainProgram(m_program); } } /// Creates a new program object as a copy of \p other. program(const program &other) : m_program(other.m_program) { if(m_program){ clRetainProgram(m_program); } } /// Copies the program object from \p other to \c *this. program& operator=(const program &other) { if(this != &other){ if(m_program){ clReleaseProgram(m_program); } m_program = other.m_program; if(m_program){ clRetainProgram(m_program); } } return *this; } #ifndef BOOST_COMPUTE_NO_RVALUE_REFERENCES /// Move-constructs a new program object from \p other. program(program&& other) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : m_program(other.m_program) { other.m_program = 0; } /// Move-assigns the program from \p other to \c *this. program& operator=(program&& other) BOOST_NOEXCEPT { if(m_program){ clReleaseProgram(m_program); } m_program = other.m_program; other.m_program = 0; return *this; } #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_NO_RVALUE_REFERENCES /// Destroys the program object. ~program() { if(m_program){ BOOST_COMPUTE_ASSERT_CL_SUCCESS( clReleaseProgram(m_program) ); } } /// Returns the underlying OpenCL program. cl_program& get() const { return const_cast<cl_program &>(m_program); } /// Returns the source code for the program. std::string source() const { return get_info<std::string>(CL_PROGRAM_SOURCE); } /// Returns the binary for the program. std::vector<unsigned char> binary() const { size_t binary_size = get_info<size_t>(CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES); std::vector<unsigned char> binary(binary_size); unsigned char *binary_ptr = &binary[0]; cl_int error = clGetProgramInfo(m_program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES, sizeof(unsigned char **), &binary_ptr, 0); if(error != CL_SUCCESS){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(opencl_error(error)); } return binary; } #if defined(BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_VERSION_2_1) || defined(BOOST_COMPUTE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) /// Returns the SPIR-V binary for the program. std::vector<unsigned char> il_binary() const { return get_info<std::vector<unsigned char> >(CL_PROGRAM_IL); } #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_VERSION_2_1 std::vector<device> get_devices() const { std::vector<cl_device_id> device_ids = get_info<std::vector<cl_device_id> >(CL_PROGRAM_DEVICES); std::vector<device> devices; for(size_t i = 0; i < device_ids.size(); i++){ devices.push_back(device(device_ids[i])); } return devices; } /// Returns the context for the program. context get_context() const { return context(get_info<cl_context>(CL_PROGRAM_CONTEXT)); } /// Returns information about the program. /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clGetProgramInfo} template<class T> T get_info(cl_program_info info) const { return detail::get_object_info<T>(clGetProgramInfo, m_program, info); } /// \overload template<int Enum> typename detail::get_object_info_type<program, Enum>::type get_info() const; /// Returns build information about the program. /// /// For example, this function can be used to retreive the options used /// to build the program: /// \code /// std::string build_options = /// program.get_build_info<std::string>(CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_OPTIONS); /// \endcode /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clGetProgramInfo} template<class T> T get_build_info(cl_program_build_info info, const device &device) const { return detail::get_object_info<T>(clGetProgramBuildInfo, m_program, info, device.id()); } /// Builds the program with \p options. /// /// If the program fails to compile, this function will throw an /// opencl_error exception. /// \code /// try { /// // attempt to compile to program /// program.build(); /// } /// catch(boost::compute::opencl_error &e){ /// // program failed to compile, print out the build log /// std::cout << program.build_log() << std::endl; /// } /// \endcode /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clBuildProgram} void build(const std::string &options = std::string()) { const char *options_string = 0; if(!options.empty()){ options_string = options.c_str(); } cl_int ret = clBuildProgram(m_program, 0, 0, options_string, 0, 0); #ifdef BOOST_COMPUTE_DEBUG_KERNEL_COMPILATION if(ret != CL_SUCCESS){ // print the error, source code and build log std::cerr << "Boost.Compute: " << "kernel compilation failed (" << ret << ")\n" << "--- source ---\n" << source() << "\n--- build log ---\n" << build_log() << std::endl; } #endif if(ret != CL_SUCCESS){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(program_build_failure(ret, build_log())); } } #if defined(BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_VERSION_1_2) || defined(BOOST_COMPUTE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) /// Compiles the program with \p options. /// /// \opencl_version_warning{1,2} /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clCompileProgram} void compile(const std::string &options = std::string(), const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, program> > &headers = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, program> >()) { const char *options_string = 0; if(!options.empty()){ options_string = options.c_str(); } cl_int ret; if (headers.empty()) { ret = clCompileProgram( m_program, 0, 0, options_string, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } else { std::vector<const char*> header_names(headers.size()); std::vector<cl_program> header_programs(headers.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < headers.size(); ++i) { header_names[i] = headers[i].first.c_str(); header_programs[i] = headers[i].second.m_program; } ret = clCompileProgram( m_program, 0, 0, options_string, static_cast<cl_uint>(headers.size()), header_programs.data(), header_names.data(), 0, 0 ); } if(ret != CL_SUCCESS){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(opencl_error(ret)); } } /// Links the programs in \p programs with \p options in \p context. /// /// \opencl_version_warning{1,2} /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clLinkProgram} static program link(const std::vector<program> &programs, const context &context, const std::string &options = std::string()) { const char *options_string = 0; if(!options.empty()){ options_string = options.c_str(); } cl_int ret; cl_program program_ = clLinkProgram( context.get(), 0, 0, options_string, static_cast<uint_>(programs.size()), reinterpret_cast<const cl_program*>(&programs[0]), 0, 0, &ret ); if(!program_){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(opencl_error(ret)); } return program(program_, false); } #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_VERSION_1_2 /// Returns the build log. std::string build_log() const { return get_build_info<std::string>(CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, get_devices().front()); } /// Creates and returns a new kernel object for \p name. /// /// For example, to create the \c "foo" kernel (after the program has been /// created and built): /// \code /// boost::compute::kernel foo_kernel = foo_program.create_kernel("foo"); /// \endcode kernel create_kernel(const std::string &name) const; /// Returns \c true if the program is the same at \p other. bool operator==(const program &other) const { return m_program == other.m_program; } /// Returns \c true if the program is different from \p other. bool operator!=(const program &other) const { return m_program != other.m_program; } /// \internal_ operator cl_program() const { return m_program; } /// Creates a new program with \p source in \p context. /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clCreateProgramWithSource} static program create_with_source(const std::string &source, const context &context) { const char *source_string = source.c_str(); cl_int error = 0; cl_program program_ = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, uint_(1), &source_string, 0, &error); if(!program_){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(opencl_error(error)); } return program(program_, false); } /// Creates a new program with \p sources in \p context. /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clCreateProgramWithSource} static program create_with_source(const std::vector<std::string> &sources, const context &context) { std::vector<const char*> source_strings(sources.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++){ source_strings[i] = sources[i].c_str(); } cl_int error = 0; cl_program program_ = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, uint_(sources.size()), &source_strings[0], 0, &error); if(!program_){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(opencl_error(error)); } return program(program_, false); } /// Creates a new program with \p file in \p context. /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clCreateProgramWithSource} static program create_with_source_file(const std::string &file, const context &context) { // create program return create_with_source(read_source_file(file), context); } /// Creates a new program with \p files in \p context. /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clCreateProgramWithSource} static program create_with_source_file(const std::vector<std::string> &files, const context &context) { std::vector<std::string> sources(files.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { // open file stream std::ifstream stream(files[i].c_str()); if(stream.fail()){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::ios_base::failure("failed to create stream.")); } // read source sources[i] = std::string( (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(stream)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>() ); } // create program return create_with_source(sources, context); } /// Creates a new program with \p binary of \p binary_size in /// \p context. /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clCreateProgramWithBinary} static program create_with_binary(const unsigned char *binary, size_t binary_size, const context &context) { const cl_device_id device = context.get_device().id(); cl_int error = 0; cl_int binary_status = 0; cl_program program_ = clCreateProgramWithBinary(context, uint_(1), &device, &binary_size, &binary, &binary_status, &error); if(!program_){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(opencl_error(error)); } if(binary_status != CL_SUCCESS){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(opencl_error(binary_status)); } return program(program_, false); } /// Creates a new program with \p binary in \p context. /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clCreateProgramWithBinary} static program create_with_binary(const std::vector<unsigned char> &binary, const context &context) { return create_with_binary(&binary[0], binary.size(), context); } /// Creates a new program with \p file in \p context. /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clCreateProgramWithBinary} static program create_with_binary_file(const std::string &file, const context &context) { // open file stream std::ifstream stream(file.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); // read binary std::vector<unsigned char> binary( (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(stream)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>() ); // create program return create_with_binary(&binary[0], binary.size(), context); } #if defined(BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_VERSION_1_2) || defined(BOOST_COMPUTE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) /// Creates a new program with the built-in kernels listed in /// \p kernel_names for \p devices in \p context. /// /// \opencl_version_warning{1,2} /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels} static program create_with_builtin_kernels(const context &context, const std::vector<device> &devices, const std::string &kernel_names) { cl_int error = 0; cl_program program_ = clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels( context.get(), static_cast<uint_>(devices.size()), reinterpret_cast<const cl_device_id *>(&devices[0]), kernel_names.c_str(), &error ); if(!program_){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(opencl_error(error)); } return program(program_, false); } #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_VERSION_1_2 #if defined(BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_VERSION_2_1) || defined(BOOST_COMPUTE_DOXYGEN_INVOKED) /// Creates a new program with \p il_binary (SPIR-V binary) /// of \p il_size size in \p context. /// /// \opencl_version_warning{2,1} /// /// \see_opencl21_ref{clCreateProgramWithIL} static program create_with_il(const void * il_binary, const size_t il_size, const context &context) { cl_int error = 0; cl_program program_ = clCreateProgramWithIL( context.get(), il_binary, il_size, &error ); if(!program_){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(opencl_error(error)); } return program(program_, false); } /// Creates a new program with \p il_binary (SPIR-V binary) /// in \p context. /// /// \opencl_version_warning{2,1} /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clCreateProgramWithIL} static program create_with_il(const std::vector<unsigned char> &il_binary, const context &context) { return create_with_il(&il_binary[0], il_binary.size(), context); } /// Creates a new program in \p context using SPIR-V /// binary \p file. /// /// \opencl_version_warning{2,1} /// /// \see_opencl_ref{clCreateProgramWithIL} static program create_with_il_file(const std::string &file, const context &context) { // open file stream std::ifstream stream(file.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); // read binary std::vector<unsigned char> il( (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(stream)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>() ); // create program return create_with_il(&il[0], il.size(), context); } #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_VERSION_2_1 /// Create a new program with \p source in \p context and builds it with \p options. /** * In case BOOST_COMPUTE_USE_OFFLINE_CACHE macro is defined, * the compiled binary is stored for reuse in the offline cache located in * $HOME/.boost_compute on UNIX-like systems and in %APPDATA%/boost_compute * on Windows. */ static program build_with_source( const std::string &source, const context &context, const std::string &options = std::string() ) { #ifdef BOOST_COMPUTE_USE_OFFLINE_CACHE // Get hash string for the kernel. device d = context.get_device(); platform p = d.platform(); detail::sha1 hash; hash.process( p.name() ) .process( p.version() ) .process( d.name() ) .process( options ) .process( source ) ; std::string hash_string = hash; // Try to get cached program binaries: try { boost::optional<program> prog = load_program_binary(hash_string, context); if (prog) { prog->build(options); return *prog; } } catch (...) { // Something bad happened. Fallback to normal compilation. } // Cache is apparently not available. Just compile the sources. #endif const char *source_string = source.c_str(); cl_int error = 0; cl_program program_ = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, uint_(1), &source_string, 0, &error); if(!program_){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(opencl_error(error)); } program prog(program_, false); prog.build(options); #ifdef BOOST_COMPUTE_USE_OFFLINE_CACHE // Save program binaries for future reuse. save_program_binary(hash_string, prog); #endif return prog; } /// Create a new program with \p file in \p context and builds it with \p options. /** * In case BOOST_COMPUTE_USE_OFFLINE_CACHE macro is defined, * the compiled binary is stored for reuse in the offline cache located in * $HOME/.boost_compute on UNIX-like systems and in %APPDATA%/boost_compute * on Windows. */ static program build_with_source_file( const std::string &file, const context &context, const std::string &options = std::string() ) { return build_with_source(read_source_file(file), context, options); } private: #ifdef BOOST_COMPUTE_USE_OFFLINE_CACHE // Saves program binaries for future reuse. static void save_program_binary(const std::string &hash, const program &prog) { std::string fname = detail::program_binary_path(hash, true) + "kernel"; std::ofstream bfile(fname.c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (!bfile) return; std::vector<unsigned char> binary = prog.binary(); size_t binary_size = binary.size(); bfile.write((char*)&binary_size, sizeof(size_t)); bfile.write((char*)binary.data(), binary_size); } // Tries to read program binaries from file cache. static boost::optional<program> load_program_binary( const std::string &hash, const context &ctx ) { std::string fname = detail::program_binary_path(hash) + "kernel"; std::ifstream bfile(fname.c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (!bfile) return boost::optional<program>(); size_t binary_size; std::vector<unsigned char> binary; bfile.read((char*)&binary_size, sizeof(size_t)); binary.resize(binary_size); bfile.read((char*)binary.data(), binary_size); return boost::optional<program>( program::create_with_binary( binary.data(), binary_size, ctx ) ); } #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_USE_OFFLINE_CACHE static std::string read_source_file(const std::string &file) { // open file stream std::ifstream stream(file.c_str()); if(stream.fail()){ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::ios_base::failure("failed to create stream.")); } // read source return std::string( (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(stream)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>() ); } private: cl_program m_program; }; /// \internal_ define get_info() specializations for program BOOST_COMPUTE_DETAIL_DEFINE_GET_INFO_SPECIALIZATIONS(program, ((cl_uint, CL_PROGRAM_REFERENCE_COUNT)) ((cl_context, CL_PROGRAM_CONTEXT)) ((cl_uint, CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES)) ((std::vector<cl_device_id>, CL_PROGRAM_DEVICES)) ((std::string, CL_PROGRAM_SOURCE)) ((std::vector<size_t>, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES)) ((std::vector<unsigned char *>, CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES)) ) #ifdef BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_VERSION_1_2 BOOST_COMPUTE_DETAIL_DEFINE_GET_INFO_SPECIALIZATIONS(program, ((size_t, CL_PROGRAM_NUM_KERNELS)) ((std::string, CL_PROGRAM_KERNEL_NAMES)) ) #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_VERSION_1_2 #ifdef BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_VERSION_2_1 BOOST_COMPUTE_DETAIL_DEFINE_GET_INFO_SPECIALIZATIONS(program, ((std::vector<unsigned char>, CL_PROGRAM_IL)) ) #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_CL_VERSION_2_1 } // end compute namespace } // end boost namespace #endif // BOOST_COMPUTE_PROGRAM_HPP