RELEASE The Linux man-pages maintainer proudly announces. . . man-pages-posix-2017-a.tar.gz - POSIX man pages For further information, visit POSIX This release contains a copy of the POSIX 1003.1-2017 man pages. The directories man0p, man1p, man3p contain descriptions of the headers, the utilities, and the functions documented in that standard. For the copyright notice, see the file POSIX-COPYRIGHT. In order to use this, put in {/usr/share/misc/}man.conf{ig} or so your favourite order of looking at these pages, for example, MANSECT 1p:1:8:0p:3p:2:3:4:5:6:7:9:tcl:n:l:p:o or set the MANSECT environment variable. Here is a breakdown of what this distribution contains: Section 0p = POSIX headers Section 1p = POSIX utilities Section 3p = POSIX functions Copyright information: For the POSIX pages, permission to distribute was given by IEEE and the Open Group, see POSIX-COPYRIGHT.