// Standard string functions tapset.
// Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Red Hat, Inc.
// This file is part of systemtap, and is free software.  You can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
// Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any
// later version.

 * sfunction strlen - Returns the length of a string
 * @s: the string
 * Description: This function returns the length of the string, which
 * can be zero up to MAXSTRINGLEN.
function strlen:long(s:string)
%{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ /* unmodified-fnargs */

 * sfunction substr - Returns a substring
 * @str: the string to take a substring from
 * @start: starting position of the extracted string (first character is 0)
 * @length: length of string to return
 * Description: Returns the substring of the given string at the given
 * start position with the given length (or smaller if the length of the
 * original string is less than start + length, or length is bigger than
function substr:string(str:string,start:long, length:long)
%{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ /* unmodified-fnargs */
	int64_t length = clamp_t(int64_t, STAP_ARG_length + 1, 0, MAXSTRINGLEN);
	if (STAP_ARG_start >= 0 && STAP_ARG_start < strlen(STAP_ARG_str))
		strlcpy(STAP_RETVALUE, STAP_ARG_str + STAP_ARG_start, length);

 * sfunction stringat - Returns the char at a given position in the string
 * @str: the string to fetch the character from
 * @pos: the position to get the character from  (first character is 0)
 * Description: This function returns the character at a given position in
 * the string or zero if the string doesn't have as many characters. Reports
 * an error if pos is out of bounds.
function stringat:long(str:string, pos:long)
%{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ /* unmodified-fnargs */
	if (STAP_ARG_pos >= 0 && STAP_ARG_pos < strlen(STAP_ARG_str))
	else {
                STAP_ERROR("Position out of bounds");

 * sfunction isinstr - Returns whether a string is a substring of another string
 * @s1: string to search in
 * @s2: substring to find
 * Description: This function returns 1 if string @s1 contains @s2,
 * otherwise zero. 
function isinstr:long(s1:string,s2:string)
%{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ /* unmodified-fnargs */

 * sfunction strpos - Returns location of a substring within another string
 * @s1: string to search in
 * @s2: substring to find
 * Description: This function returns location of the first occurence of string
 * @s2 within @s1, namely the return value is 0 in case @s2 is a prefix of @s1.
 * If @s2 is not a substring of @s1, then the return value is -1.
function strpos:long(s1:string,s2:string)
%{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ /* unmodified-fnargs */
	long pos = (long)strstr(STAP_ARG_s1,STAP_ARG_s2);
	STAP_RETURN ((pos != 0) ? (pos - (long)STAP_ARG_s1) : (-1));

 * sfunction text_str - Escape any non-printable chars in a string
 * @input: the string to escape
 * Description: This function accepts a string argument, 
 * and any ASCII characters that are not
 * printable are replaced by the corresponding escape sequence in the
 * returned string.
function text_str:string(input:string)
%( runtime != "bpf" %? 
  %{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ /* unmodified-fnargs */
	  if (_stp_text_str(STAP_RETVALUE, STAP_ARG_input, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) < 0) {
		  STAP_RETVALUE[0] = '\0';
  %{  /* bpf */
      0xbf, 1, $input, -, -;  /* mov r1, $input */
      0x85, 0, 0, 0, -10;     /* call BPF_FUNC_TEXT_STR */
      0xbf, $$, 0, -, -;      /* return r0 */

 * sfunction text_strn - Escape any non-printable chars in a string
 * @input: the string to escape
 * @len: maximum length of string to return (0 implies MAXSTRINGLEN)
 * @quoted: put double quotes around the string. If input string is
 * truncated it will have "..." after the second quote
 * Description: This function accepts a string of designated length,
 * and any ASCII characters that are not
 * printable are replaced by the corresponding escape sequence in the
 * returned string.
function text_strn:string(input:string, len:long, quoted:long)
%{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ /* unmodified-fnargs */
	int64_t len = clamp_t(int64_t, STAP_ARG_len, 0, MAXSTRINGLEN);
	if (_stp_text_str(
			STAP_RETVALUE, STAP_ARG_input, 0, len, STAP_ARG_quoted, 0, 0) < 0) {
		STAP_RETVALUE[0] = '\0';

 * sfunction - str_replace Replaces all instances of a substring with another
 * @prnt_str: the string to search and replace in
 * @srch_str: the substring which is used to search in @prnt_str string
 * @rplc_str: the substring which is used to replace @srch_str
 * Description: This function returns the given string with
 * substrings replaced.
function str_replace:string (prnt_str:string, srch_str:string, rplc_str:string)
%{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */
	char *ptr = (char *)(uintptr_t)STAP_ARG_prnt_str;
	char *ptr_base = (char *)(uintptr_t)STAP_ARG_prnt_str;
	int strlen_srch_str = strlen(STAP_ARG_srch_str);

	STAP_RETVALUE[0] = '\0';
	if(strlen_srch_str == 0) {
                STAP_RETURN (ptr_base);

	while((ptr = strstr(ptr, STAP_ARG_srch_str)) != NULL) {

		*ptr = '\0';
		strlcat(STAP_RETVALUE, ptr_base, MAXSTRINGLEN);
		ptr = ptr + strlen_srch_str;
		ptr_base = ptr;

	strlcat(STAP_RETVALUE, ptr_base, MAXSTRINGLEN);

 * sfunction - strtol - Convert a string to a long
 * @str: string to convert
 * @base: the base to use
 * Description: This function converts the string representation of a number to an integer. 
 * The @base parameter indicates the number base to assume for the string (eg. 16 for hex, 8 for octal, 2 for binary).
function strtol:long(str:string, base:long)
%{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ /* unmodified-fnargs */
	STAP_RETURN(simple_strtol(STAP_ARG_str, NULL, STAP_ARG_base));

 * sfunction isdigit - Checks for a digit
 * @str: string to check
 * Description: Checks for a digit (0 through 9) as the first
 * character of a string.  Returns non-zero if true, and a zero if
 * false.
function isdigit:long(str:string)
%{ /* pure */ /* unprivileged */ /* unmodified-fnargs */

 * sfunction string_quoted - Quotes a given string
 * @str: The kernel address to retrieve the string from
 * Description: Returns the quoted string version of the given string,
 * with characters where any ASCII characters that are not printable
 * are replaced by the corresponding escape sequence in the returned
 * string. Note that the string will be surrounded by double quotes.
function string_quoted:string (str:string)
%( runtime != "bpf" %? 
  %{ /* pure */ /* unmodified-fnargs */
    /* This can't fail, since the input string is already in stap context space. */
    (void) _stp_text_str(STAP_RETVALUE,
                         (char *)(uintptr_t)STAP_ARG_str,
                         MAXSTRINGLEN, MAXSTRINGLEN, 1, 0, 0);
  %{  /* bpf */
      0xbf, 1, $str, -, -;  /* mov r1, $input */
      0x85, 0, 0, 0, -11;     /* call BPF_FUNC_STRING_QUOTED */
      0xbf, $$, 0, -, -;      /* return r0 */