-- WirePlumber -- -- Copyright © 2021 Asymptotic Inc. -- @author Sanchayan Maity -- -- Based on bt-profile-switch.lua in tests/examples -- Copyright © 2021 George Kiagiadakis -- -- Based on bluez-autoswitch in media-session -- Copyright © 2021 Pauli Virtanen -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT -- -- Checks for the existence of media.role and if present switches the bluetooth -- profile accordingly. Also see bluez-autoswitch in media-session. -- The intended logic of the script is as follows. -- -- When a stream comes in, if it has a Communication or phone role in PulseAudio -- speak in props, we switch to the highest priority profile that has an Input -- route available. The reason for this is that we may have microphone enabled -- non-HFP codecs eg. Faststream. -- We track the incoming streams with Communication role or the applications -- specified which do not set the media.role correctly perhaps. -- When a stream goes away if the list with which we track the streams above -- is empty, then we revert back to the old profile. local config = ... local use_persistent_storage = config["use-persistent-storage"] or false local applications = {} local use_headset_profile = config["media-role.use-headset-profile"] or false local profile_restore_timeout_msec = 2000 local INVALID = -1 local timeout_source = nil local restore_timeout_source = nil local state = use_persistent_storage and State("policy-bluetooth") or nil local headset_profiles = state and state:load() or {} local last_profiles = {} local active_streams = {} local previous_streams = {} for _, value in ipairs(config["media-role.applications"] or {}) do applications[value] = true end metadata_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "metadata", Constraint { "metadata.name", "=", "default" }, } } devices_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "device", Constraint { "device.api", "=", "bluez5" }, } } streams_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "node", Constraint { "media.class", "matches", "Stream/Input/Audio", type = "pw-global" }, -- Do not consider monitor streams Constraint { "stream.monitor", "!", "true" } } } local function parseParam(param_to_parse, id) local param = param_to_parse:parse() if param.pod_type == "Object" and param.object_id == id then return param.properties else return nil end end local function storeAfterTimeout() if not use_persistent_storage then return end if timeout_source then timeout_source:destroy() end timeout_source = Core.timeout_add(1000, function () local saved, err = state:save(headset_profiles) if not saved then Log.warning(err) end timeout_source = nil end) end local function saveHeadsetProfile(device, profile_name) local key = "saved-headset-profile:" .. device.properties["device.name"] headset_profiles[key] = profile_name storeAfterTimeout() end local function getSavedHeadsetProfile(device) local key = "saved-headset-profile:" .. device.properties["device.name"] return headset_profiles[key] end local function saveLastProfile(device, profile_name) last_profiles[device.properties["device.name"]] = profile_name end local function getSavedLastProfile(device) return last_profiles[device.properties["device.name"]] end local function isSwitched(device) return getSavedLastProfile(device) ~= nil end local function isBluez5AudioSink(sink_name) if sink_name and string.find(sink_name, "bluez_output.") ~= nil then return true end return false end local function isBluez5DefaultAudioSink() local metadata = metadata_om:lookup() local default_audio_sink = metadata:find(0, "default.audio.sink") return isBluez5AudioSink(default_audio_sink) end local function findProfile(device, index, name) for p in device:iterate_params("EnumProfile") do local profile = parseParam(p, "EnumProfile") if not profile then goto skip_enum_profile end Log.debug("Profile name: " .. profile.name .. ", priority: " .. tostring(profile.priority) .. ", index: " .. tostring(profile.index)) if (index ~= nil and profile.index == index) or (name ~= nil and profile.name == name) then return profile.priority, profile.index, profile.name end ::skip_enum_profile:: end return INVALID, INVALID, nil end local function getCurrentProfile(device) for p in device:iterate_params("Profile") do local profile = parseParam(p, "Profile") if profile then return profile.name end end return nil end local function highestPrioProfileWithInputRoute(device) local profile_priority = INVALID local profile_index = INVALID local profile_name = nil for p in device:iterate_params("EnumRoute") do local route = parseParam(p, "EnumRoute") -- Parse pod if not route then goto skip_enum_route end if route.direction ~= "Input" then goto skip_enum_route end Log.debug("Route with index: " .. tostring(route.index) .. ", direction: " .. route.direction .. ", name: " .. route.name .. ", description: " .. route.description .. ", priority: " .. route.priority) if route.profiles then for _, v in pairs(route.profiles) do local priority, index, name = findProfile(device, v) if priority ~= INVALID then if profile_priority < priority then profile_priority = priority profile_index = index profile_name = name end end end end ::skip_enum_route:: end return profile_priority, profile_index, profile_name end local function hasProfileInputRoute(device, profile_index) for p in device:iterate_params("EnumRoute") do local route = parseParam(p, "EnumRoute") if route and route.direction == "Input" and route.profiles then for _, v in pairs(route.profiles) do if v == profile_index then return true end end end end return false end local function switchProfile() local index local name if restore_timeout_source then restore_timeout_source:destroy() restore_timeout_source = nil end for device in devices_om:iterate() do if isSwitched(device) then goto skip_device end local cur_profile_name = getCurrentProfile(device) saveLastProfile(device, cur_profile_name) _, index, name = findProfile(device, nil, cur_profile_name) if hasProfileInputRoute(device, index) then Log.info("Current profile has input route, not switching") goto skip_device end local saved_headset_profile = getSavedHeadsetProfile(device) index = INVALID if saved_headset_profile then _, index, name = findProfile(device, nil, saved_headset_profile) end if index == INVALID then _, index, name = highestPrioProfileWithInputRoute(device) end if index ~= INVALID then local pod = Pod.Object { "Spa:Pod:Object:Param:Profile", "Profile", index = index } Log.info("Setting profile of '" .. device.properties["device.description"] .. "' from: " .. cur_profile_name .. " to: " .. name) device:set_params("Profile", pod) else Log.warning("Got invalid index when switching profile") end ::skip_device:: end end local function restoreProfile() for device in devices_om:iterate() do if isSwitched(device) then local profile_name = getSavedLastProfile(device) local cur_profile_name = getCurrentProfile(device) saveLastProfile(device, nil) if cur_profile_name then Log.info("Setting saved headset profile to: " .. cur_profile_name) saveHeadsetProfile(device, cur_profile_name) end if profile_name then local _, index, name = findProfile(device, nil, profile_name) if index ~= INVALID then local pod = Pod.Object { "Spa:Pod:Object:Param:Profile", "Profile", index = index } Log.info("Restoring profile of '" .. device.properties["device.description"] .. "' from: " .. cur_profile_name .. " to: " .. name) device:set_params("Profile", pod) else Log.warning("Failed to restore profile") end end end end end local function triggerRestoreProfile() if restore_timeout_source then return end if next(active_streams) ~= nil then return end restore_timeout_source = Core.timeout_add(profile_restore_timeout_msec, function () restore_timeout_source = nil restoreProfile() end) end -- We consider a Stream of interest to have role Communication if it has -- media.role set to Communication in props or it is in our list of -- applications as these applications do not set media.role correctly or at -- all. local function checkStreamStatus(stream) local app_name = stream.properties["application.name"] local stream_role = stream.properties["media.role"] if not (stream_role == "Communication" or applications[app_name]) then return false end if not isBluez5DefaultAudioSink() then return false end -- If a stream we previously saw stops running, we consider it -- inactive, because some applications (Teams) just cork input -- streams, but don't close them. if previous_streams[stream["bound-id"]] and stream.state ~= "running" then return false end return true end local function handleStream(stream) if not use_headset_profile then return end if checkStreamStatus(stream) then active_streams[stream["bound-id"]] = true previous_streams[stream["bound-id"]] = true switchProfile() else active_streams[stream["bound-id"]] = nil triggerRestoreProfile() end end local function handleAllStreams() for stream in streams_om:iterate { Constraint { "media.class", "matches", "Stream/Input/Audio", type = "pw-global" }, Constraint { "stream.monitor", "!", "true" } } do handleStream(stream) end end streams_om:connect("object-added", function (_, stream) stream:connect("state-changed", function (stream, old_state, cur_state) handleStream(stream) end) stream:connect("params-changed", handleStream) handleStream(stream) end) streams_om:connect("object-removed", function (_, stream) active_streams[stream["bound-id"]] = nil previous_streams[stream["bound-id"]] = nil triggerRestoreProfile() end) devices_om:connect("object-added", function (_, device) -- Devices are unswitched initially if isSwitched(device) then saveLastProfile(device, nil) end handleAllStreams() end) metadata_om:connect("object-added", function (_, metadata) metadata:connect("changed", function (m, subject, key, t, value) if (use_headset_profile and subject == 0 and key == "default.audio.sink" and isBluez5AudioSink(value)) then -- If bluez sink is set as default, rescan for active input streams handleAllStreams() end end) end) metadata_om:activate() devices_om:activate() streams_om:activate()