-- WirePlumber -- -- Copyright © 2021 Collabora Ltd. -- @author George Kiagiadakis -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT local config = ... or {} config.roles = config.roles or {} config["duck.level"] = config["duck.level"] or 0.3 function findRole(role) if role and not config.roles[role] then for r, p in pairs(config.roles) do if type(p.alias) == "table" then for i = 1, #(p.alias), 1 do if role == p.alias[i] then return r end end end end end return role end function priorityForRole(role) local r = role and config.roles[role] or nil return r and r.priority or 0 end function getAction(dominant_role, other_role) -- default to "mix" if the role is not configured if not dominant_role or not config.roles[dominant_role] then return "mix" end local role_config = config.roles[dominant_role] return role_config["action." .. other_role] or role_config["action.default"] or "mix" end function restoreVolume(role, media_class) if not mixer_api then return end local ep = endpoints_om:lookup { Constraint { "media.role", "=", role, type = "pw" }, Constraint { "media.class", "=", media_class, type = "pw" }, } if ep and ep.properties["node.id"] then Log.debug(ep, "restore role " .. role) mixer_api:call("set-volume", ep.properties["node.id"], { monitorVolume = 1.0, }) end end function duck(role, media_class) if not mixer_api then return end local ep = endpoints_om:lookup { Constraint { "media.role", "=", role, type = "pw" }, Constraint { "media.class", "=", media_class, type = "pw" }, } if ep and ep.properties["node.id"] then Log.debug(ep, "duck role " .. role) mixer_api:call("set-volume", ep.properties["node.id"], { monitorVolume = config["duck.level"], }) end end function getSuspendPlaybackMetadata () local suspend = false local metadata = metadata_om:lookup() if metadata then local value = metadata:find(0, "suspend.playback") if value then suspend = value == "1" and true or false end end return suspend end function rescan() local links = { ["Audio/Source"] = {}, ["Audio/Sink"] = {}, ["Video/Source"] = {}, } Log.info("Rescan endpoint links") -- deactivate all links if suspend playback metadata is present local suspend = getSuspendPlaybackMetadata() for silink in silinks_om:iterate() do if suspend then silink:deactivate(Feature.SessionItem.ACTIVE) end end -- gather info about links for silink in silinks_om:iterate() do local props = silink.properties local role = props["media.role"] local target_class = props["target.media.class"] local plugged = props["item.plugged.usec"] local active = ((silink:get_active_features() & Feature.SessionItem.ACTIVE) ~= 0) if links[target_class] then table.insert(links[target_class], { silink = silink, role = findRole(role), active = active, priority = priorityForRole(role), plugged = plugged and tonumber(plugged) or 0 }) end end local function compareLinks(l1, l2) return (l1.priority > l2.priority) or ((l1.priority == l2.priority) and (l1.plugged > l2.plugged)) end for media_class, v in pairs(links) do -- sort on priority and stream creation time table.sort(v, compareLinks) -- apply actions local first_link = v[1] if first_link then for i = 2, #v, 1 do local action = getAction(first_link.role, v[i].role) if action == "cork" then if v[i].active then v[i].silink:deactivate(Feature.SessionItem.ACTIVE) end elseif action == "mix" then if not v[i].active and not suspend then v[i].silink:activate(Feature.SessionItem.ACTIVE, pendingOperation()) end restoreVolume(v[i].role, media_class) elseif action == "duck" then if not v[i].active and not suspend then v[i].silink:activate(Feature.SessionItem.ACTIVE, pendingOperation()) end duck(v[i].role, media_class) else Log.warning("Unknown action: " .. action) end end if not first_link.active and not suspend then first_link.silink:activate(Feature.SessionItem.ACTIVE, pendingOperation()) end restoreVolume(first_link.role, media_class) end end end pending_ops = 0 pending_rescan = false function pendingOperation() pending_ops = pending_ops + 1 return function() pending_ops = pending_ops - 1 if pending_ops == 0 and pending_rescan then pending_rescan = false rescan() end end end function maybeRescan() if pending_ops == 0 then rescan() else pending_rescan = true end end silinks_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "SiLink", Constraint { "is.policy.endpoint.client.link", "=", true }, }, } silinks_om:connect("objects-changed", maybeRescan) silinks_om:activate() -- enable ducking if mixer-api is loaded mixer_api = Plugin.find("mixer-api") if mixer_api then endpoints_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "endpoint" }, } endpoints_om:activate() end metadata_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "metadata", Constraint { "metadata.name", "=", "default" }, } } metadata_om:connect("object-added", function (om, metadata) metadata:connect("changed", function (m, subject, key, t, value) if key == "suspend.playback" then maybeRescan() end end) end) metadata_om:activate()