-- WirePlumber -- -- Copyright © 2021 Collabora Ltd. -- @author Julian Bouzas -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT -- Receive script arguments from config.lua local config = ... or {} config.roles = config.roles or {} local self = {} self.scanning = false self.pending_rescan = false function rescan () for si in linkables_om:iterate() do handleLinkable (si) end end function scheduleRescan () if self.scanning then self.pending_rescan = true return end self.scanning = true rescan () self.scanning = false if self.pending_rescan then self.pending_rescan = false Core.sync(function () scheduleRescan () end) end end function findRole(role, tmc) if role and not config.roles[role] then -- find the role with matching alias for r, p in pairs(config.roles) do -- default media class can be overridden in the role config data mc = p["media.class"] or "Audio/Sink" if (type(p.alias) == "table" and tmc == mc) then for i = 1, #(p.alias), 1 do if role == p.alias[i] then return r end end end end -- otherwise get the lowest priority role local lowest_priority_p = nil local lowest_priority_r = nil for r, p in pairs(config.roles) do mc = p["media.class"] or "Audio/Sink" if tmc == mc and (lowest_priority_p == nil or p.priority < lowest_priority_p.priority) then lowest_priority_p = p lowest_priority_r = r end end return lowest_priority_r end return role end function findTargetEndpoint (node, media_class, role) local target_class_assoc = { ["Stream/Input/Audio"] = "Audio/Source", ["Stream/Output/Audio"] = "Audio/Sink", ["Stream/Input/Video"] = "Video/Source", } local media_role = nil local highest_priority = -1 local target = nil -- get target media class local target_media_class = target_class_assoc[media_class] if not target_media_class then return nil end -- find highest priority endpoint by role media_role = findRole(role, target_media_class) for si_target_ep in endpoints_om:iterate { Constraint { "role", "=", media_role, type = "pw-global" }, Constraint { "media.class", "=", target_media_class, type = "pw-global" }, } do local priority = tonumber(si_target_ep.properties["priority"]) if priority > highest_priority then highest_priority = priority target = si_target_ep end end return target end function createLink (si, si_target_ep) local out_item = nil local in_item = nil local si_props = si.properties local target_ep_props = si_target_ep.properties if si_props["item.node.direction"] == "output" then -- playback out_item = si in_item = si_target_ep else -- capture out_item = si_target_ep in_item = si end Log.info (string.format("link %s <-> %s", tostring(si_props["node.name"]), tostring(target_ep_props["name"]))) -- create and configure link local si_link = SessionItem ( "si-standard-link" ) if not si_link:configure { ["out.item"] = out_item, ["in.item"] = in_item, ["out.item.port.context"] = "output", ["in.item.port.context"] = "input", ["is.policy.endpoint.client.link"] = true, ["media.role"] = target_ep_props["role"], ["target.media.class"] = target_ep_props["media.class"], ["item.plugged.usec"] = si_props["item.plugged.usec"], } then Log.warning (si_link, "failed to configure si-standard-link") return end -- register si_link:register() end function checkLinkable (si) -- only handle session items that has a node associated proxy local node = si:get_associated_proxy ("node") if not node or not node.properties then return false end -- only handle stream session items local media_class = node.properties["media.class"] if not media_class or not string.find (media_class, "Stream") then return false end -- Determine if we can handle item by this policy if endpoints_om:get_n_objects () == 0 then Log.debug (si, "item won't be handled by this policy") return false end return true end function handleLinkable (si) if not checkLinkable (si) then return end local node = si:get_associated_proxy ("node") local media_class = node.properties["media.class"] or "" local media_role = node.properties["media.role"] or "Default" Log.info (si, "handling item " .. tostring(node.properties["node.name"]) .. " with role " .. media_role) -- find proper target endpoint local si_target_ep = findTargetEndpoint (node, media_class, media_role) if not si_target_ep then Log.info (si, "... target endpoint not found") return end -- Check if item is linked to proper target, otherwise re-link for link in links_om:iterate() do local out_id = tonumber(link.properties["out.item.id"]) local in_id = tonumber(link.properties["in.item.id"]) if out_id == si.id or in_id == si.id then local is_out = out_id == si.id and true or false for peer_ep in endpoints_om:iterate() do if peer_ep.id == (is_out and in_id or out_id) then if peer_ep.id == si_target_ep.id then Log.info (si, "... already linked to proper target endpoint") return end -- remove old link if active, otherwise schedule rescan if ((link:get_active_features() & Feature.SessionItem.ACTIVE) ~= 0) then link:remove () Log.info (si, "... moving to new target") else scheduleRescan () Log.info (si, "... scheduled rescan") return end end end end end -- create new link createLink (si, si_target_ep) end function unhandleLinkable (si) if not checkLinkable (si) then return end local node = si:get_associated_proxy ("node") Log.info (si, "unhandling item " .. tostring(node.properties["node.name"])) -- remove any links associated with this item for silink in links_om:iterate() do local out_id = tonumber (silink.properties["out.item.id"]) local in_id = tonumber (silink.properties["in.item.id"]) if out_id == si.id or in_id == si.id then silink:remove () Log.info (silink, "... link removed") end end end endpoints_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "SiEndpoint" }} linkables_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "SiLinkable", -- only handle si-audio-adapter and si-node Constraint { "item.factory.name", "=", "si-audio-adapter", type = "pw-global" }, Constraint { "active-features", "!", 0, type = "gobject" }, } } links_om = ObjectManager { Interest { type = "SiLink", -- only handle links created by this policy Constraint { "is.policy.endpoint.client.link", "=", true, type = "pw-global" }, } } linkables_om:connect("objects-changed", function (om) scheduleRescan () end) linkables_om:connect("object-removed", function (om, si) unhandleLinkable (si) end) endpoints_om:activate() linkables_om:activate() links_om:activate()