"""Apache Cassandra result store backend using the DataStax driver.""" import threading from celery import states from celery.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from celery.utils.log import get_logger from .base import BaseBackend try: # pragma: no cover import cassandra import cassandra.auth import cassandra.cluster import cassandra.query except ImportError: # pragma: no cover cassandra = None __all__ = ('CassandraBackend',) logger = get_logger(__name__) E_NO_CASSANDRA = """ You need to install the cassandra-driver library to use the Cassandra backend. See https://github.com/datastax/python-driver """ E_NO_SUCH_CASSANDRA_AUTH_PROVIDER = """ CASSANDRA_AUTH_PROVIDER you provided is not a valid auth_provider class. See https://datastax.github.io/python-driver/api/cassandra/auth.html. """ Q_INSERT_RESULT = """ INSERT INTO {table} ( task_id, status, result, date_done, traceback, children) VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) {expires}; """ Q_SELECT_RESULT = """ SELECT status, result, date_done, traceback, children FROM {table} WHERE task_id=%s LIMIT 1 """ Q_CREATE_RESULT_TABLE = """ CREATE TABLE {table} ( task_id text, status text, result blob, date_done timestamp, traceback blob, children blob, PRIMARY KEY ((task_id), date_done) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (date_done DESC); """ Q_EXPIRES = """ USING TTL {0} """ def buf_t(x): return bytes(x, 'utf8') class CassandraBackend(BaseBackend): """Cassandra backend utilizing DataStax driver. Raises: celery.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: if module :pypi:`cassandra-driver` is not available, or if the :setting:`cassandra_servers` setting is not set. """ #: List of Cassandra servers with format: ``hostname``. servers = None supports_autoexpire = True # autoexpire supported via entry_ttl def __init__(self, servers=None, keyspace=None, table=None, entry_ttl=None, port=9042, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if not cassandra: raise ImproperlyConfigured(E_NO_CASSANDRA) conf = self.app.conf self.servers = servers or conf.get('cassandra_servers', None) self.port = port or conf.get('cassandra_port', None) self.keyspace = keyspace or conf.get('cassandra_keyspace', None) self.table = table or conf.get('cassandra_table', None) self.cassandra_options = conf.get('cassandra_options', {}) if not self.servers or not self.keyspace or not self.table: raise ImproperlyConfigured('Cassandra backend not configured.') expires = entry_ttl or conf.get('cassandra_entry_ttl', None) self.cqlexpires = ( Q_EXPIRES.format(expires) if expires is not None else '') read_cons = conf.get('cassandra_read_consistency') or 'LOCAL_QUORUM' write_cons = conf.get('cassandra_write_consistency') or 'LOCAL_QUORUM' self.read_consistency = getattr( cassandra.ConsistencyLevel, read_cons, cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM) self.write_consistency = getattr( cassandra.ConsistencyLevel, write_cons, cassandra.ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM) self.auth_provider = None auth_provider = conf.get('cassandra_auth_provider', None) auth_kwargs = conf.get('cassandra_auth_kwargs', None) if auth_provider and auth_kwargs: auth_provider_class = getattr(cassandra.auth, auth_provider, None) if not auth_provider_class: raise ImproperlyConfigured(E_NO_SUCH_CASSANDRA_AUTH_PROVIDER) self.auth_provider = auth_provider_class(**auth_kwargs) self._cluster = None self._session = None self._write_stmt = None self._read_stmt = None self._lock = threading.RLock() def _get_connection(self, write=False): """Prepare the connection for action. Arguments: write (bool): are we a writer? """ if self._session is not None: return self._lock.acquire() try: if self._session is not None: return self._cluster = cassandra.cluster.Cluster( self.servers, port=self.port, auth_provider=self.auth_provider, **self.cassandra_options) self._session = self._cluster.connect(self.keyspace) # We're forced to do concatenation below, as formatting would # blow up on superficial %s that'll be processed by Cassandra self._write_stmt = cassandra.query.SimpleStatement( Q_INSERT_RESULT.format( table=self.table, expires=self.cqlexpires), ) self._write_stmt.consistency_level = self.write_consistency self._read_stmt = cassandra.query.SimpleStatement( Q_SELECT_RESULT.format(table=self.table), ) self._read_stmt.consistency_level = self.read_consistency if write: # Only possible writers "workers" are allowed to issue # CREATE TABLE. This is to prevent conflicting situations # where both task-creator and task-executor would issue it # at the same time. # Anyway; if you're doing anything critical, you should # have created this table in advance, in which case # this query will be a no-op (AlreadyExists) make_stmt = cassandra.query.SimpleStatement( Q_CREATE_RESULT_TABLE.format(table=self.table), ) make_stmt.consistency_level = self.write_consistency try: self._session.execute(make_stmt) except cassandra.AlreadyExists: pass except cassandra.OperationTimedOut: # a heavily loaded or gone Cassandra cluster failed to respond. # leave this class in a consistent state if self._cluster is not None: self._cluster.shutdown() # also shuts down _session self._cluster = None self._session = None raise # we did fail after all - reraise finally: self._lock.release() def _store_result(self, task_id, result, state, traceback=None, request=None, **kwargs): """Store return value and state of an executed task.""" self._get_connection(write=True) self._session.execute(self._write_stmt, ( task_id, state, buf_t(self.encode(result)), self.app.now(), buf_t(self.encode(traceback)), buf_t(self.encode(self.current_task_children(request))) )) def as_uri(self, include_password=True): return 'cassandra://' def _get_task_meta_for(self, task_id): """Get task meta-data for a task by id.""" self._get_connection() res = self._session.execute(self._read_stmt, (task_id, )).one() if not res: return {'status': states.PENDING, 'result': None} status, result, date_done, traceback, children = res return self.meta_from_decoded({ 'task_id': task_id, 'status': status, 'result': self.decode(result), 'date_done': date_done, 'traceback': self.decode(traceback), 'children': self.decode(children), }) def __reduce__(self, args=(), kwargs=None): kwargs = {} if not kwargs else kwargs kwargs.update( {'servers': self.servers, 'keyspace': self.keyspace, 'table': self.table}) return super().__reduce__(args, kwargs)