"""Message class.""" import sys from .compression import decompress from .exceptions import MessageStateError, reraise from .serialization import loads from .utils.functional import dictfilter __all__ = ('Message',) ACK_STATES = {'ACK', 'REJECTED', 'REQUEUED'} IS_PYPY = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') class Message: """Base class for received messages. Keyword Arguments: channel (ChannelT): If message was received, this should be the channel that the message was received on. body (str): Message body. delivery_mode (bool): Set custom delivery mode. Defaults to :attr:`delivery_mode`. priority (int): Message priority, 0 to broker configured max priority, where higher is better. content_type (str): The messages content_type. If content_type is set, no serialization occurs as it is assumed this is either a binary object, or you've done your own serialization. Leave blank if using built-in serialization as our library properly sets content_type. content_encoding (str): The character set in which this object is encoded. Use "binary" if sending in raw binary objects. Leave blank if using built-in serialization as our library properly sets content_encoding. properties (Dict): Message properties. headers (Dict): Message headers. """ MessageStateError = MessageStateError errors = None if not IS_PYPY: # pragma: no cover __slots__ = ( '_state', 'channel', 'delivery_tag', 'content_type', 'content_encoding', 'delivery_info', 'headers', 'properties', 'body', '_decoded_cache', 'accept', '__dict__', ) def __init__(self, body=None, delivery_tag=None, content_type=None, content_encoding=None, delivery_info=None, properties=None, headers=None, postencode=None, accept=None, channel=None, **kwargs): delivery_info = {} if not delivery_info else delivery_info self.errors = [] if self.errors is None else self.errors self.channel = channel self.delivery_tag = delivery_tag self.content_type = content_type self.content_encoding = content_encoding self.delivery_info = delivery_info self.headers = headers or {} self.properties = properties or {} self._decoded_cache = None self._state = 'RECEIVED' self.accept = accept compression = self.headers.get('compression') if not self.errors and compression: try: body = decompress(body, compression) except Exception: self.errors.append(sys.exc_info()) if not self.errors and postencode and isinstance(body, str): try: body = body.encode(postencode) except Exception: self.errors.append(sys.exc_info()) self.body = body def _reraise_error(self, callback=None): try: reraise(*self.errors[0]) except Exception as exc: if not callback: raise callback(self, exc) def ack(self, multiple=False): """Acknowledge this message as being processed. This will remove the message from the queue. Raises: MessageStateError: If the message has already been acknowledged/requeued/rejected. """ if self.channel is None: raise self.MessageStateError( 'This message does not have a receiving channel') if self.channel.no_ack_consumers is not None: try: consumer_tag = self.delivery_info['consumer_tag'] except KeyError: pass else: if consumer_tag in self.channel.no_ack_consumers: return if self.acknowledged: raise self.MessageStateError( 'Message already acknowledged with state: {0._state}'.format( self)) self.channel.basic_ack(self.delivery_tag, multiple=multiple) self._state = 'ACK' def ack_log_error(self, logger, errors, multiple=False): try: self.ack(multiple=multiple) except BrokenPipeError as exc: logger.critical("Couldn't ack %r, reason:%r", self.delivery_tag, exc, exc_info=True) raise except errors as exc: logger.critical("Couldn't ack %r, reason:%r", self.delivery_tag, exc, exc_info=True) def reject_log_error(self, logger, errors, requeue=False): try: self.reject(requeue=requeue) except errors as exc: logger.critical("Couldn't reject %r, reason: %r", self.delivery_tag, exc, exc_info=True) def reject(self, requeue=False): """Reject this message. The message will be discarded by the server. Raises: MessageStateError: If the message has already been acknowledged/requeued/rejected. """ if self.channel is None: raise self.MessageStateError( 'This message does not have a receiving channel') if self.acknowledged: raise self.MessageStateError( 'Message already acknowledged with state: {0._state}'.format( self)) self.channel.basic_reject(self.delivery_tag, requeue=requeue) self._state = 'REJECTED' def requeue(self): """Reject this message and put it back on the queue. Warning: You must not use this method as a means of selecting messages to process. Raises: MessageStateError: If the message has already been acknowledged/requeued/rejected. """ if self.channel is None: raise self.MessageStateError( 'This message does not have a receiving channel') if self.acknowledged: raise self.MessageStateError( 'Message already acknowledged with state: {0._state}'.format( self)) self.channel.basic_reject(self.delivery_tag, requeue=True) self._state = 'REQUEUED' def decode(self): """Deserialize the message body. Returning the original python structure sent by the publisher. Note: The return value is memoized, use `_decode` to force re-evaluation. """ if not self._decoded_cache: self._decoded_cache = self._decode() return self._decoded_cache def _decode(self): return loads(self.body, self.content_type, self.content_encoding, accept=self.accept) @property def acknowledged(self): """Set to true if the message has been acknowledged.""" return self._state in ACK_STATES @property def payload(self): """The decoded message body.""" return self._decoded_cache if self._decoded_cache else self.decode() def __repr__(self): return '<{} object at {:#x} with details {!r}>'.format( type(self).__name__, id(self), dictfilter( state=self._state, content_type=self.content_type, delivery_tag=self.delivery_tag, body_length=len(self.body) if self.body is not None else None, properties=dictfilter( correlation_id=self.properties.get('correlation_id'), type=self.properties.get('type'), ), delivery_info=dictfilter( exchange=self.delivery_info.get('exchange'), routing_key=self.delivery_info.get('routing_key'), ), ), )