"""Mixins.""" import socket from contextlib import contextmanager from functools import partial from itertools import count from time import sleep from .common import ignore_errors from .log import get_logger from .messaging import Consumer, Producer from .utils.compat import nested from .utils.encoding import safe_repr from .utils.limits import TokenBucket from .utils.objects import cached_property __all__ = ('ConsumerMixin', 'ConsumerProducerMixin') logger = get_logger(__name__) debug, info, warn, error = ( logger.debug, logger.info, logger.warning, logger.error ) W_CONN_LOST = """\ Connection to broker lost, trying to re-establish connection...\ """ W_CONN_ERROR = """\ Broker connection error, trying again in %s seconds: %r.\ """ class ConsumerMixin: """Convenience mixin for implementing consumer programs. It can be used outside of threads, with threads, or greenthreads (eventlet/gevent) too. The basic class would need a :attr:`connection` attribute which must be a :class:`~kombu.Connection` instance, and define a :meth:`get_consumers` method that returns a list of :class:`kombu.Consumer` instances to use. Supporting multiple consumers is important so that multiple channels can be used for different QoS requirements. Example: .. code-block:: python class Worker(ConsumerMixin): task_queue = Queue('tasks', Exchange('tasks'), 'tasks') def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = None def get_consumers(self, Consumer, channel): return [Consumer(queues=[self.task_queue], callbacks=[self.on_task])] def on_task(self, body, message): print('Got task: {0!r}'.format(body)) message.ack() Methods: * :meth:`extra_context` Optional extra context manager that will be entered after the connection and consumers have been set up. Takes arguments ``(connection, channel)``. * :meth:`on_connection_error` Handler called if the connection is lost/ or is unavailable. Takes arguments ``(exc, interval)``, where interval is the time in seconds when the connection will be retried. The default handler will log the exception. * :meth:`on_connection_revived` Handler called as soon as the connection is re-established after connection failure. Takes no arguments. * :meth:`on_consume_ready` Handler called when the consumer is ready to accept messages. Takes arguments ``(connection, channel, consumers)``. Also keyword arguments to ``consume`` are forwarded to this handler. * :meth:`on_consume_end` Handler called after the consumers are canceled. Takes arguments ``(connection, channel)``. * :meth:`on_iteration` Handler called for every iteration while draining events. Takes no arguments. * :meth:`on_decode_error` Handler called if a consumer was unable to decode the body of a message. Takes arguments ``(message, exc)`` where message is the original message object. The default handler will log the error and acknowledge the message, so if you override make sure to call super, or perform these steps yourself. """ #: maximum number of retries trying to re-establish the connection, #: if the connection is lost/unavailable. connect_max_retries = None #: When this is set to true the consumer should stop consuming #: and return, so that it can be joined if it is the implementation #: of a thread. should_stop = False def get_consumers(self, Consumer, channel): raise NotImplementedError('Subclass responsibility') def on_connection_revived(self): pass def on_consume_ready(self, connection, channel, consumers, **kwargs): pass def on_consume_end(self, connection, channel): pass def on_iteration(self): pass def on_decode_error(self, message, exc): error("Can't decode message body: %r (type:%r encoding:%r raw:%r')", exc, message.content_type, message.content_encoding, safe_repr(message.body)) message.ack() def on_connection_error(self, exc, interval): warn(W_CONN_ERROR, interval, exc, exc_info=1) @contextmanager def extra_context(self, connection, channel): yield def run(self, _tokens=1, **kwargs): restart_limit = self.restart_limit errors = (self.connection.connection_errors + self.connection.channel_errors) while not self.should_stop: try: if restart_limit.can_consume(_tokens): # pragma: no cover for _ in self.consume(limit=None, **kwargs): pass else: sleep(restart_limit.expected_time(_tokens)) except errors: warn(W_CONN_LOST, exc_info=1) @contextmanager def consumer_context(self, **kwargs): with self.Consumer() as (connection, channel, consumers): with self.extra_context(connection, channel): self.on_consume_ready(connection, channel, consumers, **kwargs) yield connection, channel, consumers def consume(self, limit=None, timeout=None, safety_interval=1, **kwargs): elapsed = 0 with self.consumer_context(**kwargs) as (conn, channel, consumers): for i in limit and range(limit) or count(): if self.should_stop: break self.on_iteration() try: conn.drain_events(timeout=safety_interval) except socket.timeout: conn.heartbeat_check() elapsed += safety_interval if timeout and elapsed >= timeout: raise except OSError: if not self.should_stop: raise else: yield elapsed = 0 debug('consume exiting') def maybe_conn_error(self, fun): """Use :func:`kombu.common.ignore_errors` instead.""" return ignore_errors(self, fun) def create_connection(self): return self.connection.clone() @contextmanager def establish_connection(self): with self.create_connection() as conn: conn.ensure_connection(self.on_connection_error, self.connect_max_retries) yield conn @contextmanager def Consumer(self): with self.establish_connection() as conn: self.on_connection_revived() info('Connected to %s', conn.as_uri()) channel = conn.default_channel cls = partial(Consumer, channel, on_decode_error=self.on_decode_error) with self._consume_from(*self.get_consumers(cls, channel)) as c: yield conn, channel, c debug('Consumers canceled') self.on_consume_end(conn, channel) debug('Connection closed') def _consume_from(self, *consumers): return nested(*consumers) @cached_property def restart_limit(self): return TokenBucket(1) @cached_property def connection_errors(self): return self.connection.connection_errors @cached_property def channel_errors(self): return self.connection.channel_errors class ConsumerProducerMixin(ConsumerMixin): """Consumer and Producer mixin. Version of ConsumerMixin having separate connection for also publishing messages. Example: .. code-block:: python class Worker(ConsumerProducerMixin): def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection def get_consumers(self, Consumer, channel): return [Consumer(queues=Queue('foo'), on_message=self.handle_message, accept='application/json', prefetch_count=10)] def handle_message(self, message): self.producer.publish( {'message': 'hello to you'}, exchange='', routing_key=message.properties['reply_to'], correlation_id=message.properties['correlation_id'], retry=True, ) """ _producer_connection = None def on_consume_end(self, connection, channel): if self._producer_connection is not None: self._producer_connection.close() self._producer_connection = None @property def producer(self): return Producer(self.producer_connection) @property def producer_connection(self): if self._producer_connection is None: conn = self.connection.clone() conn.ensure_connection(self.on_connection_error, self.connect_max_retries) self._producer_connection = conn return self._producer_connection