# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Make a copy of this file named 'secrets.py' and add your credentials there. # Note you can run unit tests without setting your credentials. BLUEBOX_PARAMS = ('customer_id', 'api_key') BRIGHTBOX_PARAMS = ('client_id', 'client_secret') EC2_PARAMS = ('access_id', 'secret') ECP_PARAMS = ('user_name', 'password') GANDI_PARAMS = ('user',) GCE_PARAMS = ('email@developer.gserviceaccount.com', 'key') # Service Account Authentication # GCE_PARAMS = ('client_id', 'client_secret') # Installed App Authentication GCE_KEYWORD_PARAMS = {'project': 'project_name'} GKE_PARAMS = ('email@developer.gserviceaccount.com', 'key') # Service Account Authentication # GKE_PARAMS = ('client_id', 'client_secret') # Installed App Authentication GKE_KEYWORD_PARAMS = {'project': 'project_name'} HOSTINGCOM_PARAMS = ('user', 'secret') IBM_PARAMS = ('user', 'secret') ONAPP_PARAMS = ('key') ONEANDONE_PARAMS = ('token') # OPENSTACK_PARAMS = ('user_name', 'api_key', secure_bool, 'host', port_int) OPENSTACK_PARAMS = ('user_name', 'api_key', False, 'host', 8774) OPENNEBULA_PARAMS = ('user', 'key') DIMENSIONDATA_PARAMS = ('user', 'password') NTTCIS_PARAMS = ('user', 'password') OPSOURCE_PARAMS = ('user', 'password') OVH_PARAMS = ('application_key', 'application_secret', 'project_id', 'consumer_key') RACKSPACE_PARAMS = ('user', 'key') RACKSPACE_NOVA_PARAMS = ('user_name', 'api_key', False, 'host', 8774) SLICEHOST_PARAMS = ('key',) SCALEWAY_PARAMS = ('access_key', 'token') SOFTLAYER_PARAMS = ('user', 'api_key') VCLOUD_PARAMS = ('user', 'secret') VOXEL_PARAMS = ('key', 'secret') VPSNET_PARAMS = ('user', 'key') JOYENT_PARAMS = ('user', 'key') VCL_PARAMS = ('user', 'pass', True, 'foo.bar.com') GRIDSPOT_PARAMS = ('key',) HOSTVIRTUAL_PARAMS = ('key',) DIGITALOCEAN_v1_PARAMS = ('user', 'key') DIGITALOCEAN_v2_PARAMS = ('token',) CLOUDFRAMES_PARAMS = ('key', 'secret', False, 'host', 8888) PROFIT_BRICKS_PARAMS = ('user', 'key') VULTR_PARAMS = ('key') EQUINIXMETAL_PARAMS = ('api_key') ECS_PARAMS = ('access_key', 'access_secret') CLOUDSCALE_PARAMS = ('token',) UPCLOUD_PARAMS = ('user', 'secret') GRIDSCALE_PARAMS = ('user uuid', 'api token') KAMATERA_PARAMS = ('key', 'secret', False, 'localhost', 8000) # Storage STORAGE_S3_PARAMS = ('key', 'secret') STORAGE_OSS_PARAMS = ('key', 'secret') # Google key = 20 char alphanumeric string starting with GOOG STORAGE_GOOGLE_STORAGE_PARAMS = ('GOOG0123456789ABCXYZ', 'secret') # Azure key is b64 encoded and must be decoded before signing requests STORAGE_AZURE_BLOBS_PARAMS = ('account', 'cGFzc3dvcmQ=') STORAGE_AZURITE_BLOBS_PARAMS = ('account', 'cGFzc3dvcmQ=', False, 'localhost', 10000) # Loadbalancer LB_BRIGHTBOX_PARAMS = ('user', 'key') LB_ELB_PARAMS = ('access_id', 'secret', 'region') LB_ALB_PARAMS = ('access_id', 'secret', 'region') LB_SLB_PARAMS = ('access_id', 'secret', 'region') # DNS DNS_PARAMS_LINODE = ('key') DNS_KEYWORD_PARAMS_LINODE = {'api_version': '3.0'} DNS_PARAMS_ZERIGO = ('email', 'api token') DNS_PARAMS_RACKSPACE = ('user', 'key') DNS_PARAMS_HOSTVIRTUAL = ('key',) DNS_PARAMS_ROUTE53 = ('access_id', 'secret') DNS_GANDI = ('user', ) DNS_GANDI_LIVE = ('key', ) DNS_PARAMS_GOOGLE = ('email_address', 'key') DNS_KEYWORD_PARAMS_GOOGLE = {'project': 'project_name'} DNS_PARAMS_WORLDWIDEDNS = ('user', 'key') DNS_PARAMS_DNSIMPLE = ('user', 'key') DNS_PARAMS_POINTDNS = ('user', 'key') DNS_PARAMS_LIQUIDWEB = ('user', 'key') DNS_PARAMS_ZONOMI = ('key') DNS_PARAMS_DURABLEDNS = ('api_user', 'api_key') DNS_PARAMS_GODADDY = ('customer-id', 'api_user', 'api_key') DNS_PARAMS_CLOUDFLARE = ('user@example.com', 'key') DNS_PARAMS_AURORADNS = ('apikey', 'secretkey') DNS_PARAMS_NSONE = ('key', ) DNS_PARAMS_LUADNS = ('user', 'key') DNS_PARAMS_BUDDYNS = ('key', ) DNS_PARAMS_DNSPOD = ('key', ) DNS_PARAMS_ONAPP = ('key', 'secret') # Container CONTAINER_PARAMS_DOCKER = ('user', 'password') CONTAINER_PARAMS_ECS = ('user', 'password', 'region') CONTAINER_PARAMS_KUBERNETES = ('user', 'password') CONTAINER_PARAMS_LXD = ("", "", False, 'localhost', 8443, None, None, None) CONTAINER_PARAMS_RANCHER = ('user', 'password') CONTAINER_PARAMS_GKE = ('user', 'password')