"""A base class for objects that are configurable.""" # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import logging import warnings from copy import deepcopy from textwrap import dedent from traitlets.traitlets import ( Any, Container, Dict, HasTraits, Instance, default, observe, observe_compat, validate, ) from traitlets.utils.text import indent, wrap_paragraphs from .loader import Config, DeferredConfig, LazyConfigValue, _is_section_key # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper classes for Configurables # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ConfigurableError(Exception): pass class MultipleInstanceError(ConfigurableError): pass # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configurable implementation # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Configurable(HasTraits): config = Instance(Config, (), {}) parent = Instance("traitlets.config.configurable.Configurable", allow_none=True) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create a configurable given a config config. Parameters ---------- config : Config If this is empty, default values are used. If config is a :class:`Config` instance, it will be used to configure the instance. parent : Configurable instance, optional The parent Configurable instance of this object. Notes ----- Subclasses of Configurable must call the :meth:`__init__` method of :class:`Configurable` *before* doing anything else and using :func:`super`:: class MyConfigurable(Configurable): def __init__(self, config=None): super(MyConfigurable, self).__init__(config=config) # Then any other code you need to finish initialization. This ensures that instances will be configured properly. """ parent = kwargs.pop("parent", None) if parent is not None: # config is implied from parent if kwargs.get("config", None) is None: kwargs["config"] = parent.config self.parent = parent config = kwargs.pop("config", None) # load kwarg traits, other than config super().__init__(**kwargs) # record traits set by config config_override_names = set() def notice_config_override(change): """Record traits set by both config and kwargs. They will need to be overridden again after loading config. """ if change.name in kwargs: config_override_names.add(change.name) self.observe(notice_config_override) # load config if config is not None: # We used to deepcopy, but for now we are trying to just save # by reference. This *could* have side effects as all components # will share config. In fact, I did find such a side effect in # _config_changed below. If a config attribute value was a mutable type # all instances of a component were getting the same copy, effectively # making that a class attribute. # self.config = deepcopy(config) self.config = config else: # allow _config_default to return something self._load_config(self.config) self.unobserve(notice_config_override) for name in config_override_names: setattr(self, name, kwargs[name]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Static trait notifiations # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def section_names(cls): """return section names as a list""" return [ c.__name__ for c in reversed(cls.__mro__) if issubclass(c, Configurable) and issubclass(cls, c) ] def _find_my_config(self, cfg): """extract my config from a global Config object will construct a Config object of only the config values that apply to me based on my mro(), as well as those of my parent(s) if they exist. If I am Bar and my parent is Foo, and their parent is Tim, this will return merge following config sections, in this order:: [Bar, Foo.Bar, Tim.Foo.Bar] With the last item being the highest priority. """ cfgs = [cfg] if self.parent: cfgs.append(self.parent._find_my_config(cfg)) my_config = Config() for c in cfgs: for sname in self.section_names(): # Don't do a blind getattr as that would cause the config to # dynamically create the section with name Class.__name__. if c._has_section(sname): my_config.merge(c[sname]) return my_config def _load_config(self, cfg, section_names=None, traits=None): """load traits from a Config object""" if traits is None: traits = self.traits(config=True) if section_names is None: section_names = self.section_names() my_config = self._find_my_config(cfg) # hold trait notifications until after all config has been loaded with self.hold_trait_notifications(): for name, config_value in my_config.items(): if name in traits: if isinstance(config_value, LazyConfigValue): # ConfigValue is a wrapper for using append / update on containers # without having to copy the initial value initial = getattr(self, name) config_value = config_value.get_value(initial) elif isinstance(config_value, DeferredConfig): # DeferredConfig tends to come from CLI/environment variables config_value = config_value.get_value(traits[name]) # We have to do a deepcopy here if we don't deepcopy the entire # config object. If we don't, a mutable config_value will be # shared by all instances, effectively making it a class attribute. setattr(self, name, deepcopy(config_value)) elif not _is_section_key(name) and not isinstance(config_value, Config): from difflib import get_close_matches if isinstance(self, LoggingConfigurable): warn = self.log.warning else: warn = lambda msg: warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=9) # noqa[E371] matches = get_close_matches(name, traits) msg = "Config option `{option}` not recognized by `{klass}`.".format( option=name, klass=self.__class__.__name__ ) if len(matches) == 1: msg += f" Did you mean `{matches[0]}`?" elif len(matches) >= 1: msg += " Did you mean one of: `{matches}`?".format( matches=", ".join(sorted(matches)) ) warn(msg) @observe("config") @observe_compat def _config_changed(self, change): """Update all the class traits having ``config=True`` in metadata. For any class trait with a ``config`` metadata attribute that is ``True``, we update the trait with the value of the corresponding config entry. """ # Get all traits with a config metadata entry that is True traits = self.traits(config=True) # We auto-load config section for this class as well as any parent # classes that are Configurable subclasses. This starts with Configurable # and works down the mro loading the config for each section. section_names = self.section_names() self._load_config(change.new, traits=traits, section_names=section_names) def update_config(self, config): """Update config and load the new values""" # traitlets prior to 4.2 created a copy of self.config in order to trigger change events. # Some projects (IPython < 5) relied upon one side effect of this, # that self.config prior to update_config was not modified in-place. # For backward-compatibility, we must ensure that self.config # is a new object and not modified in-place, # but config consumers should not rely on this behavior. self.config = deepcopy(self.config) # load config self._load_config(config) # merge it into self.config self.config.merge(config) # TODO: trigger change event if/when dict-update change events take place # DO NOT trigger full trait-change @classmethod def class_get_help(cls, inst=None): """Get the help string for this class in ReST format. If `inst` is given, it's current trait values will be used in place of class defaults. """ assert inst is None or isinstance(inst, cls) final_help = [] base_classes = ", ".join(p.__name__ for p in cls.__bases__) final_help.append(f"{cls.__name__}({base_classes}) options") final_help.append(len(final_help[0]) * "-") for _, v in sorted(cls.class_traits(config=True).items()): help = cls.class_get_trait_help(v, inst) final_help.append(help) return "\n".join(final_help) @classmethod def class_get_trait_help(cls, trait, inst=None, helptext=None): """Get the helptext string for a single trait. :param inst: If given, it's current trait values will be used in place of the class default. :param helptext: If not given, uses the `help` attribute of the current trait. """ assert inst is None or isinstance(inst, cls) lines = [] header = f"--{cls.__name__}.{trait.name}" if isinstance(trait, (Container, Dict)): multiplicity = trait.metadata.get("multiplicity", "append") if isinstance(trait, Dict): sample_value = "=" else: sample_value = "<%s-item-1>" % trait.__class__.__name__.lower() if multiplicity == "append": header = f"{header}={sample_value}..." else: header = f"{header} {sample_value}..." else: header = f"{header}=<{trait.__class__.__name__}>" # header = "--%s.%s=<%s>" % (cls.__name__, trait.name, trait.__class__.__name__) lines.append(header) if helptext is None: helptext = trait.help if helptext != "": helptext = "\n".join(wrap_paragraphs(helptext, 76)) lines.append(indent(helptext)) if "Enum" in trait.__class__.__name__: # include Enum choices lines.append(indent("Choices: %s" % trait.info())) if inst is not None: lines.append(indent(f"Current: {getattr(inst, trait.name)!r}")) else: try: dvr = trait.default_value_repr() except Exception: dvr = None # ignore defaults we can't construct if dvr is not None: if len(dvr) > 64: dvr = dvr[:61] + "..." lines.append(indent("Default: %s" % dvr)) return "\n".join(lines) @classmethod def class_print_help(cls, inst=None): """Get the help string for a single trait and print it.""" print(cls.class_get_help(inst)) @classmethod def _defining_class(cls, trait, classes): """Get the class that defines a trait For reducing redundant help output in config files. Returns the current class if: - the trait is defined on this class, or - the class where it is defined would not be in the config file Parameters ---------- trait : Trait The trait to look for classes : list The list of other classes to consider for redundancy. Will return `cls` even if it is not defined on `cls` if the defining class is not in `classes`. """ defining_cls = cls for parent in cls.mro(): if ( issubclass(parent, Configurable) and parent in classes and parent.class_own_traits(config=True).get(trait.name, None) is trait ): defining_cls = parent return defining_cls @classmethod def class_config_section(cls, classes=None): """Get the config section for this class. Parameters ---------- classes : list, optional The list of other classes in the config file. Used to reduce redundant information. """ def c(s): """return a commented, wrapped block.""" s = "\n\n".join(wrap_paragraphs(s, 78)) return "## " + s.replace("\n", "\n# ") # section header breaker = "#" + "-" * 78 parent_classes = ", ".join(p.__name__ for p in cls.__bases__ if issubclass(p, Configurable)) s = f"# {cls.__name__}({parent_classes}) configuration" lines = [breaker, s, breaker] # get the description trait desc = cls.class_traits().get("description") if desc: desc = desc.default_value if not desc: # no description from trait, use __doc__ desc = getattr(cls, "__doc__", "") if desc: lines.append(c(desc)) lines.append("") for name, trait in sorted(cls.class_traits(config=True).items()): default_repr = trait.default_value_repr() if classes: defining_class = cls._defining_class(trait, classes) else: defining_class = cls if defining_class is cls: # cls owns the trait, show full help if trait.help: lines.append(c(trait.help)) if "Enum" in type(trait).__name__: # include Enum choices lines.append("# Choices: %s" % trait.info()) lines.append("# Default: %s" % default_repr) else: # Trait appears multiple times and isn't defined here. # Truncate help to first line + "See also Original.trait" if trait.help: lines.append(c(trait.help.split("\n", 1)[0])) lines.append(f"# See also: {defining_class.__name__}.{name}") lines.append(f"# c.{cls.__name__}.{name} = {default_repr}") lines.append("") return "\n".join(lines) @classmethod def class_config_rst_doc(cls): """Generate rST documentation for this class' config options. Excludes traits defined on parent classes. """ lines = [] classname = cls.__name__ for _, trait in sorted(cls.class_traits(config=True).items()): ttype = trait.__class__.__name__ termline = classname + "." + trait.name # Choices or type if "Enum" in ttype: # include Enum choices termline += " : " + trait.info_rst() else: termline += " : " + ttype lines.append(termline) # Default value try: dvr = trait.default_value_repr() except Exception: dvr = None # ignore defaults we can't construct if dvr is not None: if len(dvr) > 64: dvr = dvr[:61] + "..." # Double up backslashes, so they get to the rendered docs dvr = dvr.replace("\\n", "\\\\n") lines.append(indent("Default: ``%s``" % dvr)) lines.append("") help = trait.help or "No description" lines.append(indent(dedent(help))) # Blank line lines.append("") return "\n".join(lines) class LoggingConfigurable(Configurable): """A parent class for Configurables that log. Subclasses have a log trait, and the default behavior is to get the logger from the currently running Application. """ log = Any(help="Logger or LoggerAdapter instance") @validate("log") def _validate_log(self, proposal): if not isinstance(proposal.value, (logging.Logger, logging.LoggerAdapter)): # warn about unsupported type, but be lenient to allow for duck typing warnings.warn( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.log should be a Logger or LoggerAdapter," f" got {proposal.value}." ) return proposal.value @default("log") def _log_default(self): if isinstance(self.parent, LoggingConfigurable): return self.parent.log from traitlets import log return log.get_logger() def _get_log_handler(self): """Return the default Handler Returns None if none can be found Deprecated, this now returns the first log handler which may or may not be the default one. """ logger = self.log if isinstance(logger, logging.LoggerAdapter): logger = logger.logger if not getattr(logger, "handlers", None): # no handlers attribute or empty handlers list return None return logger.handlers[0] class SingletonConfigurable(LoggingConfigurable): """A configurable that only allows one instance. This class is for classes that should only have one instance of itself or *any* subclass. To create and retrieve such a class use the :meth:`SingletonConfigurable.instance` method. """ _instance = None @classmethod def _walk_mro(cls): """Walk the cls.mro() for parent classes that are also singletons For use in instance() """ for subclass in cls.mro(): if ( issubclass(cls, subclass) and issubclass(subclass, SingletonConfigurable) and subclass != SingletonConfigurable ): yield subclass @classmethod def clear_instance(cls): """unset _instance for this class and singleton parents.""" if not cls.initialized(): return for subclass in cls._walk_mro(): if isinstance(subclass._instance, cls): # only clear instances that are instances # of the calling class subclass._instance = None @classmethod def instance(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a global instance of this class. This method create a new instance if none have previously been created and returns a previously created instance is one already exists. The arguments and keyword arguments passed to this method are passed on to the :meth:`__init__` method of the class upon instantiation. Examples -------- Create a singleton class using instance, and retrieve it:: >>> from traitlets.config.configurable import SingletonConfigurable >>> class Foo(SingletonConfigurable): pass >>> foo = Foo.instance() >>> foo == Foo.instance() True Create a subclass that is retrived using the base class instance:: >>> class Bar(SingletonConfigurable): pass >>> class Bam(Bar): pass >>> bam = Bam.instance() >>> bam == Bar.instance() True """ # Create and save the instance if cls._instance is None: inst = cls(*args, **kwargs) # Now make sure that the instance will also be returned by # parent classes' _instance attribute. for subclass in cls._walk_mro(): subclass._instance = inst if isinstance(cls._instance, cls): return cls._instance else: raise MultipleInstanceError( "An incompatible sibling of '%s' is already instanciated" " as singleton: %s" % (cls.__name__, type(cls._instance).__name__) ) @classmethod def initialized(cls): """Has an instance been created?""" return hasattr(cls, "_instance") and cls._instance is not None