#! /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/gct_1642772016074/_build_env/bin/perl # # Copyright 1999-2016 University of Chicago # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # use strict; use warnings; use Fcntl qw( SEEK_END ); use File::Copy; use Getopt::Long; # # grid-mapfile-delete-entry # my $PROGRAM_NAME=$0; $PROGRAM_NAME =~ s|.*/||; my $PROGRAM_VERSION="12.6"; my $VERSION="12.6"; my $PACKAGE="globus_gss_assist"; my $DIRT_TIMESTAMP="1629915172"; my $DIRT_BRANCH_ID="0"; my $NEW_GRID_MAP_FILE; my $secconfdir="/etc/grid-security"; my $GRID_MAP_FILE = $ENV{GRIDMAP} || "${secconfdir}/grid-mapfile"; my $dryrun = 0; my $GRID_MAP_FILE_COPY; my $orig_grid_mapfile_data; my $deleted_count = 0; my $ignored_count = 0; my $short_usage="$PROGRAM_NAME [-help] [-dn ] [-ln ] [-d] [-f file]"; sub long_usage { my $dest = $_[0]; print $dest <) { $orig_grid_mapfile_data .= $line; chomp($line); next if ($line eq ''); push (@{$lines}, &parse_gridmap_line($line)); } return $lines; } sub parse_gridmap_line { my $line = $_[0]; my $existing_dn; my @existing_lns; if ($line !~ m/^["][^"]*["]/ && $line !~ m/^[^"]/) { print "The following entry is missing a closing double quote\n"; print "$line\n"; exit(1); } if ($line =~ m/^"([^"]*)"\s+(.*)$/) { $existing_dn = $1; push(@existing_lns, split(",", $2)); } elsif ($line =~ m/^([^"]\S+)\s+(.*$)/) { $existing_dn = $1; push(@existing_lns, split(",", $2)); } return [$existing_dn, \@existing_lns]; } sub globus_args_short_usage { print STDERR < \$help, "version" => \$version, "versions" => \$versions, "dn=s" => \$dn, "ln=s{1,}" => \@ln, "d|dryrun" => \$dryrun, "f|mapfile=s" => \$GRID_MAP_FILE)) { &long_usage(\*STDERR); exit(1); } $requested_ln = join(" ", @ln); if ($help) { &long_usage(\*STDOUT); exit(0); } elsif ($version) { print "$0: ${PROGRAM_VERSION}\n"; exit(0); } elsif ($versions) { print "${PACKAGE}: ${VERSION} (${DIRT_TIMESTAMP}-${DIRT_BRANCH_ID})\n"; exit(0); } elsif (scalar(@ln) == 0 || $dn eq '') { print "Error: -ln needs a list of user login names\n"; &long_usage(\*STDERR); exit(1); } $secure_tmpdir=$GRID_MAP_FILE; if ($secure_tmpdir =~ m|/|) { $secure_tmpdir =~ s|/[^/]*$||; } else { $secure_tmpdir = "."; } if (! (-r $secure_tmpdir && -w $secure_tmpdir)) { print STDERR "ERROR: This script requires read/write permissions " . "in ${secure_tmpdir}\n"; exit(1); } $GRID_MAP_FILE_COPY="${secure_tmpdir}/.mapfile.copy.$$"; $NEW_GRID_MAP_FILE="${secure_tmpdir}/.new_mapfile.$$"; if (! -f $GRID_MAP_FILE) { print STDERR "The gridmap file $GRID_MAP_FILE does not exist.\n"; exit(1); } elsif (! -r $GRID_MAP_FILE ) { print STDERR "The gridmap file $GRID_MAP_FILE is not readable.\n"; exit(1); } elsif (! -w $GRID_MAP_FILE) { print STDERR "The gridmap file $GRID_MAP_FILE is not writeable.\n"; exit(1); } print "Modifying ${GRID_MAP_FILE} ...\n"; # Make a copy of production map file for comparison to original later copy($GRID_MAP_FILE, $GRID_MAP_FILE_COPY) || die "ERROR: Could not make a copy of $GRID_MAP_FILE\n"; # Change mode of existing map file to read only (logical UNIX lock) chmod 0400, $GRID_MAP_FILE || die "ERROR: Could not change mode of $GRID_MAP_FILE\n"; if ($dn && !@ln) { if ($dryrun) { print "Searching for entries containing the Distinguished Name\n"; print "$dn\n"; } } elsif (@ln && !$dn) { if ($dryrun) { print "Searching for entries containing any of the Local Name(s)\n"; print "$requested_ln\n"; } } elsif (@ln && $dn) { $requested_entry="\"$dn\" $requested_ln"; if ($dryrun) { print "Searching for entries containing the Distinguished Name " . "and any of the Local Name(s)\n"; print "$requested_entry\n"; } } # Create new map file open($new_gridmap_fp, ">", $NEW_GRID_MAP_FILE); $gridmap_entries = &parse_gridmap($GRID_MAP_FILE); foreach my $line (@{$gridmap_entries}) { my $existing_dn = $line->[0]; my @result_lns = @{$line->[1]}; my $found_match = 0; if (($dn && $dn eq $existing_dn) || !$dn) { if (@ln) { foreach my $ln_to_delete (@ln) { my @new_result_lns; @new_result_lns = grep { if ($ln_to_delete ne $_) { 1; } else { $found_match++; 0; } } @result_lns; @result_lns = @new_result_lns; } $deleted_entries += $found_match; if ($found_match == 0) { $ignored_count++; } } else { $deleted_entries += scalar(@result_lns); $found_match += scalar(@result_lns); @result_lns = (); } } if (scalar(@result_lns) > 0) { my $current_entry = "\"$existing_dn\" " . join(",", @result_lns); if ($found_match > 0) { print "Current entry: $current_entry\n"; } print $new_gridmap_fp "$current_entry\n"; } else { print "No local mappings remained, deleting entry: " . "\"$existing_dn\" " . join(",", @result_lns) . "\n"; } } if ($dryrun) { if ($deleted_entries == 1) { print "1 entry would have been deleted\n"; } else { print "$deleted_entries entries would have been deleted\n"; } print "Since the dryrun option was used, " . "no actions were carried out\n"; exit(0); } # Replace existing map file with new mapfile if ($deleted_entries > 0) { # Verify that no changes to original map file # during the execution of this program local(*CONSISTENCY_CHECK); open(CONSISTENCY_CHECK, "<", $GRID_MAP_FILE) || die "ERROR: Unable to compare $GRID_MAP_FILE with original contents\n"; my $consistency_check = ""; while () { $consistency_check .= $_; } close(CONSISTENCY_CHECK); if ($orig_grid_mapfile_data ne $consistency_check) { print STDERR "ERROR: $GRID_MAP_FILE has changed since this " . "program started\n"; print STDERR "No changes will be made.\n"; exit(1); } # make copy of old map file copy($GRID_MAP_FILE_COPY, "$GRID_MAP_FILE.old") || die "ERROR: Could not create a copy of $GRID_MAP_FILE\n"; # Restore old permissions on map file chmod 0644, $GRID_MAP_FILE; rename($NEW_GRID_MAP_FILE, $GRID_MAP_FILE) || die "ERROR: Could not create a new $GRID_MAP_FILE\n"; print "($deleted_entries) mapping(s) removed, " . "($ignored_count) not present and ignored\n"; } else { print "ERROR: No such entry/mapping exists\n"; exit(1); } } &main();