#!/home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/myproxy_1642832474274/_build_env/bin/perl -w # myproxy test script # written by Jim Basney # Assumes myproxy-server running as root on the local machine if # MYPROXY_SERVER not set. # Requires a valid proxy credential with lifetime of at least 3 hours # unless the -generatecerts option is used # Assumes myproxy-server.config has default policy. # # Some tests only run if -startserver is given. use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use File::Copy; use IPC::Open3; use Socket; $tmpdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); my $openssl = $ENV{OPENSSL} || "openssl"; $PROXYBITS = "-bits 2048"; # # handle cmdline options # $usage = "usage: myproxy-test [-help] [-verbose] [-startserver]\n" . " [-performance iterations clients]\n" . " [-dbperformance] [-valgrind]\n" . " [-generatecerts]\n" ; $startserver = 0; $performance = 0; $dbperformance = 0; $perfiters = 0; $perfclients = 0; $verbose = 0; $generatecerts = 0; while (($arg = shift @ARGV)) { if ($arg eq "-h" || $arg eq "-help") { print STDERR $usage; exit 1; } elsif ($arg eq "-v" || $arg eq "-verbose") { $verbose = 1; } elsif ($arg eq "-startserver") { $startserver = 1; } elsif ($arg eq "-performance") { $performance = 1; $perfiters = shift @ARGV; $perfclients = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($arg eq "-dbperformance") { $dbperformance = 1; } elsif ($arg eq "-valgrind") { chomp($valgrind = `which valgrind 2>/dev/null`); die "valgrind not in PATH, stopped" if (!(-x $valgrind)); &write_valgrind_supp(); $valgrind .= " --leak-check=full"; $valgrind .= " --suppressions=$tmpdir/valgrind.supp"; $valgrind .= " --undef-value-errors=no"; $valgrind .= " --gen-suppressions=all"; $valgrind .= " --num-callers=50 -q "; } elsif ($arg eq "-generatecerts" ) { $generatecerts = 1; } else { print STDERR $usage; exit 1; } } # # If generatecerts option is specified then create # a private CA and proxy locally and use them. if ( $generatecerts) { die("-generatecerts option requires -startserver option") unless ($startserver); my $privcerts = "$tmpdir/privcerts.$$" ; print STDERR "creating a CA in ", $privcerts, "\n" if ($verbose); mkdir("$privcerts") || die("failed to create $privcerts directory, stopped") ; open(SSLCNF, ">$privcerts/openssl.cnf") || die("failed to create $privcerts/openssl.cnf: $!"); print SSLCNF <$privcerts/index.txt") || die("failed to create $privcerts/index.txt"); close(CAINDEX); open(SERIAL,">$privcerts/serial") || die("failed to create $privcerts/serial"); print SERIAL "01\n"; close(SERIAL); &runcmd("$openssl req -batch -subj '/CN=MyProxy Test CA' -config $privcerts/openssl.cnf -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -nodes -keyout $privcerts/cakey.pem -out $privcerts/cacert.pem -days 30"); chomp($hash = `$openssl x509 -in $privcerts/cacert.pem -hash -noout`) ; mkdir("$privcerts/grid-security") || die("failed to create $privcerts/grid-security"); copy("$privcerts/cacert.pem","$privcerts/grid-security/$hash.0") || die("failed to copy $privcerts/cacert.pem","$privcerts/grid-security/$hash.0"); open(POLICY,">$privcerts/grid-security/$hash.signing_policy") || die("failed to create $privcerts/grid-security/$hash.signing_policy"); print POLICY "access_id_CA X509 '/CN=MyProxy Test CA'\n"; print POLICY "pos_rights globus CA:sign\n"; print POLICY "cond_subjects globus '\"/*\"'\n"; close(POLICY); print STDERR "creating a user certificate request ", $privcerts, "\n" if ($verbose); &runcmd("$openssl req -batch -subj '/CN=MyProxy Test User' -config $privcerts/openssl.cnf -new -nodes -keyout $privcerts/userkey.pem -out $privcerts/usercert.csr -days 7") ; print STDERR "signing user certificate with by CA in ", $privcerts, "\n" if ($verbose); &runcmd("$openssl ca -batch -days 7 -config $privcerts/openssl.cnf -policy policy_anything -out $privcerts/usercert.pem -infiles $privcerts/usercert.csr"); chmod(oct("0600"),"$privcerts/userkey.pem","$privcerts/usercert.pem") || die("failed to chmod $privcerts/userkey.pem or $privcerts/usercert.pem"); $ENV{'X509_USER_CERT'} = "$privcerts/usercert.pem" ; $ENV{'X509_USER_KEY'} = "$privcerts/userkey.pem" ; $ENV{'X509_CERT_DIR'} = "$privcerts/grid-security" ; print STDERR "generating a user proxy\n" if ($verbose); chomp($grid_proxy_init = `which grid-proxy-init 2>/dev/null`); die "grid-proxy-init not found, stopped" if (!(-x $grid_proxy_init)); &runcmd("$grid_proxy_init -debug $PROXYBITS"); } #end of generatecerts. # # make sure I have a valid proxy # chomp($grid_proxy_init = `which grid-proxy-init 2>/dev/null`); die "grid-proxy-init not found, stopped" if (!(-x $grid_proxy_init)); chomp($grid_proxy_info = `which grid-proxy-info 2>/dev/null`); die "grid-proxy-info not found, stopped" if (!(-x $grid_proxy_info)); chomp($grid_cert_info = `which grid-cert-info 2>/dev/null`); die "grid-cert-info not found, stopped" if (!(-x $grid_cert_info)); $timeleft = `$grid_proxy_info -timeleft 2>/dev/null`; if (!defined($timeleft) || $timeleft eq "" || ($timeleft < 60*60*3)) { &debug("Problem with proxy. Will try to create a new one."); `$grid_proxy_init $PROXYBITS -pwstdin /dev/null 2>&1`; $timeleft = `$grid_proxy_info -timeleft 2>/dev/null`; } if (!defined($timeleft) || $timeleft eq "") { print STDERR "grid-proxy-info failed:\n"; system("$grid_proxy_info -timeleft"); # show the error die "stopped"; } die "proxy expired, stopped" if ($timeleft < 60); die "proxy lifetime too short, stopped" if ($timeleft < 60*60*6); die "proxy is limited, stopped" if (`$grid_proxy_info -type` =~ /limited/); chomp($cert_subject = `$grid_proxy_info -identity`); die "grid-proxy-info -identity failed, stopped" if (!defined($cert_subject) || $cert_subject eq ""); chomp($proxy_path = `$grid_proxy_info -path 2>/dev/null`); die "grid-proxy-info -path failed, stopped" if (!(-e $proxy_path)); ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy($proxy_path); if ($exitstatus) { print STDERR $output; die if ($exitstatus); } # # check for the commands I want to run # chomp($myproxy_store = `which myproxy-store 2>/dev/null`); die "myproxy-store not in PATH, stopped" if (!(-x $myproxy_store)); chomp($myproxy_init = `which myproxy-init 2>/dev/null`); die "myproxy-init not in PATH, stopped" if (!(-x $myproxy_init)); chomp($myproxy_retrieve = `which myproxy-retrieve 2>/dev/null`); die "myproxy-retrieve not in PATH, stopped" if (!(-x $myproxy_retrieve)); chomp($myproxy_info = `which myproxy-info 2>/dev/null`); die "myproxy-info not in PATH, stopped" if (!(-x $myproxy_info)); chomp($myproxy_destroy = `which myproxy-destroy 2>/dev/null`); die "myproxy-destroy not in PATH, stopped" if (!(-x $myproxy_destroy)); chomp($myproxy_get = `which myproxy-logon 2>/dev/null`); die "myproxy-logon not in PATH, stopped" if (!(-x $myproxy_get)); chomp($myproxy_passwd = `which myproxy-change-pass-phrase 2>/dev/null`); die "myproxy-change-pass-phrase not in PATH, stopped" if (!(-x $myproxy_passwd)); chomp($bintrue = `which true 2>/dev/null`); # # setup environment variables # if (!defined($ENV{'MYPROXY_SERVER'})) { chomp($hostname = `hostname 2>/dev/null`); $ENV{'MYPROXY_SERVER'} = $hostname; } if (!defined($ENV{'X509_USER_PROXY'})) { $ENV{'X509_USER_PROXY'} = "/tmp/x509up_u$<"; } # make proxy from existing proxy, so we don't need to deal with long-term cred $ENV{'X509_USER_CERT'} = $ENV{'X509_USER_PROXY'}; $ENV{'X509_USER_KEY'} = $ENV{'X509_USER_PROXY'}; $ENV{'LOGNAME'} = $ENV{'USER'} if (!defined($ENV{'LOGNAME'})); $ENV{'LOGNAME'} = $ENV{'LOGNAME'} . ".myproxy-test"; # # make an independent proxy for a separate identity # $iproxyloc = "$tmpdir/iproxy.pem"; &runcmd("$grid_proxy_init $PROXYBITS -out $iproxyloc -independent -hours 0"); chomp($iproxysubject = `$grid_proxy_info -file $iproxyloc -identity`); die "grid-proxy-info -file $iproxyloc -identity failed, stopped" if (!defined($iproxysubject) || $iproxysubject eq ""); srand(time||$$); $passphrase = sprintf "%010.d", int(rand(0x7fffffff)); $trustrootdir = "$tmpdir/.globus/certificates.test.$$"; $origtrustrootdir = $ENV{'X509_CERT_DIR'} if defined($ENV{'X509_CERT_DIR'}); &opensslsanitycheck(); # all temporary files accessible only by running user umask(0077); # # start server if requested # if ($startserver) { $ENV{'MYPROXY_SERVER'} = "localhost"; $ENV{'MYPROXY_SERVER_DN'} = $cert_subject; chomp($myproxy_server = `which myproxy-server 2>/dev/null`); die "myproxy-server not in PATH, stopped" if (!(-x $myproxy_server)); $serverdir = "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.serverdir.$$"; mkdir($serverdir, 0700) || die "failed to create $serverdir, stopped"; $serverconf = "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.serverconf.$$"; open(CONF, ">$serverconf") || die "failed to open $serverconf, stopped"; print CONF "accepted_credentials \"*\"\n"; print CONF "authorized_retrievers \"*\"\n"; print CONF "default_retrievers \"*\"\n"; print CONF "authorized_renewers \"*\"\n"; print CONF "default_renewers \"none\"\n"; print CONF "authorized_key_retrievers \"*\"\n"; print CONF "default_key_retrievers \"none\"\n"; print CONF "trusted_retrievers \"*\"\n"; print CONF "default_trusted_retrievers \"none\"\n"; print CONF "passphrase_policy_program $bintrue\n" if (-x $bintrue); print CONF "accepted_credentials_mapapp $bintrue\n" if (-x $bintrue); print CONF "allow_self_authorization true\n"; # for renewal testing print CONF "check_multiple_credentials true\n"; close(CONF); $SERVERPIDFILE = "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.serverpid.$$"; $SERVERPORTFILE = "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.serverport.$$"; $servercmd = "$myproxy_server -s $serverdir -c $serverconf"; $servercmd .= " -p 0 -P $SERVERPIDFILE -z $SERVERPORTFILE"; if (defined($valgrind)) { $valgrindlog = File::Temp::tempnam($tmpdir, "valgrind.log."); $valgrindlogopt = " --log-file=$valgrindlog "; $servercmd = $valgrind . $valgrindlogopt . $servercmd; } &debug("running '$servercmd'"); system($servercmd); sleep(2); # give server a chance to startup sleep(4) if (defined($valgrind)); # valgrind slows things down if (open SERVERPIDFILE) { chomp($serverpid = ); close SERVERPIDFILE; } if (!defined($serverpid) || $serverpid eq "") { print STDERR "failed to start myproxy-server:\n"; system("$servercmd -d"); # send errors to STDERR if (defined($valgrindlog) && -e $valgrindlog) { print STDERR "valgrind log follows:\n"; system("cat $valgrindlog"); } &docleanup(); exit 1; } if (open SERVERPORTFILE) { chomp($serverport = ); close SERVERPORTFILE; } if (!defined($serverport) || $serverport eq "") { print STDERR "myproxy-server didn't write portfile!\n"; &docleanup(); exit 1; } else { $ENV{'MYPROXY_SERVER_PORT'} = $serverport; print STDERR "server listening on port ", $serverport, "\n" if ($verbose); } } # # run performance tests if requested # if ($performance) { &doperftests(); exit 0; } # # BEGIN TESTS # $SUCCESSES = $FAILURES = 0; # commands to test: myproxy-init, myproxy-info, myproxy-destroy, # myproxy-logon, and myproxy-change-pass-phrase ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -a -c 1 -t 1 -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 1 (store credential with default name): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; print "Skipping remaining tests.\n"; goto end_of_all_tests; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-info -v", undef); print "MyProxy Test 2 (get info for stored credential): "; if ($exitstatus == 0 && $output =~ /username/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 3 (retrieve stored credential): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o - -v -S > $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 3- (retrieve stored credential to stdout): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -N -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 3N (authenticate w/o retrieving credential): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } $ENV{'X509_CERT_DIR'} = $trustrootdir; ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -T -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 3T (retrieve stored credential w/ trustroots): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifytrustroots(); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } if (defined($origtrustrootdir)) { $ENV{'X509_CERT_DIR'} = $origtrustrootdir; } else { delete $ENV{'X509_CERT_DIR'}; } if (defined($serverconf)) { system("touch $serverconf") && die "failed to touch $serverconf, stopped"; ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 3R1 (retrieve stored credential after server reconfig): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } system("touch $serverconf") && die "failed to touch $serverconf, stopped"; ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 3R2 (retrieve stored credential after server reconfig): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } system("touch $serverconf") && die "failed to touch $serverconf, stopped"; ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 3R3 (retrieve stored credential after server reconfig): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", "badpassphrase\n"); print "MyProxy Test 4 (verify passphrase checking on retrieve): "; if ($exitstatus != 0 && $output =~ /invalid credential passphrase/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -N -v -S", "badpassphrase\n"); print "MyProxy Test 4N (verify passphrase checking on authenticate): "; if ($exitstatus != 0 && $output =~ /invalid credential passphrase/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } $old_passphrase = $passphrase; $passphrase = sprintf "%010.d", int(rand(0x7fffffff)); ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-change-pass-phrase -v -S", "$old_passphrase\n$passphrase\n"); print "MyProxy Test 5 (change passphrase for credential): "; if ($exitstatus == 0 && $output =~ /Pass phrase changed/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -N -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 6 (verify new passphrase): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $old_passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 7 (verify old passphrase fails): "; if ($exitstatus != 0 && $output =~ /invalid credential passphrase/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -a \$X509_USER_PROXY -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v", undef); print "MyProxy Test 8 (verify default renewal policy): "; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v", undef); print "MyProxy Test 9 (remove credential from repository): "; if ($exitstatus == 0 && $output =~ /was successfully removed/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-info -v", undef); print "MyProxy Test 10 (verify credentials are removed): "; if (!($output =~ /default credential/)) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 10.a # if ($startserver && defined($serverpid)) { # only case we have direct access to server # ($exitstatus, $output) = kill('HUP', $serverpid); ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("kill -HUP $serverpid"); print "MyProxy Test 10.a (kill -HUP $serverpid): "; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "FAILED with $exitstatus\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } else { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } } else { print "MyProxy Test 10.a (kill -HUP ): SKIPPED\n"; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -r 'nobody' -k 'nobody' -c 1 -t 1 -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 11 (store credentials with retrieval policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -x -r '$cert_subject' -k 'mine' -c 1 -t 1 -S", $passphrase . "\n"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k 'mine' -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 12 (verify retrieval policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k 'nobody' -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "Shouldn't have allowed retrieval.\n"; print STDERR $output; } } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k 'mine'", undef); &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k 'nobody'", undef); ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -R 'nobody' -k 'nobody' -c 1 -t 1 -d -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 13 (store credentials with renewal policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -x -R '$cert_subject' -k 'mine' -c 1 -t 1 -d -S", $passphrase . "\n"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-info -v -d", undef); print "MyProxy Test 14 (get info for stored renewal credentials): "; if ($exitstatus == 0 && $output =~ /username/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k 'mine' -a $ENV{'X509_USER_PROXY'} -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -d", undef); print "MyProxy Test 15 (verify renewal policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } elsif ($output =~ /self-authz not allowed/) { $exitstatus = 0; # default policy will give this response } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k 'nobody' -a $ENV{'X509_USER_PROXY'} -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -d", undef); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "Shouldn't have allowed retrieval.\n"; print STDERR $output; } } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k 'mine' -d", undef); &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k 'nobody' -d", undef); ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -a -c 3 -t 2 -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 16 (verify lifetime of retrieved credentials): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); $timeleft = `$grid_proxy_info -file $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -timeleft`; if (defined($timeleft) && $timeleft > 60*60*2+300 || $timeleft < 60*60*2-300) { $output = "Credential lifetime ($timeleft) incorrect." . "It should be " . (60*60*2) . ".\n"; $exitstatus = 1; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); $timeleft = `$grid_proxy_info -file $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -timeleft`; if ($timeleft > 60*61 || $timeleft < 60*59) { $output = "Credential lifetime ($timeleft) incorrect." . "It should be " . (60*60) . ".\n"; $exitstatus = 1; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v", undef); # # Start of myproxy-store and myproxy-retrieve tests # # commands to test: myproxy-store, myproxy-info, myproxy-destroy, # myproxy-logon, myproxy-retrieve, and # myproxy-change-pass-phrase # For myproxy-store, we need an encrypted key to store. # So, let's encrypt our proxy key. $passphrase = sprintf "%010.d", int(rand(0x7fffffff)); $testkey = "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$.key"; &runcmd("$openssl rsa -des3 -passout stdin -in \$X509_USER_KEY -out $testkey", $passphrase . "\n"); chmod(0600, $testkey); # # Test 17 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-store -x -E '$cert_subject' -v -t 1 -y $testkey", undef); print "MyProxy Test 17 (store credential with default name): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } elsif (($output =~ /Error checking authorization/) || ($output =~ /unknown command/)) { print "UNSUPPORTED\n"; $FAILURES++; print "Server does not support myproxy-store. Skipping futher myproxy-store tests.\n"; goto end_of_store_tests; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; print "Skipping futher myproxy-store tests.\n"; goto end_of_store_tests; } # # Test 18 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-info -v", undef); print "MyProxy Test 18 (get info for stored credential): "; if ($exitstatus == 0 && $output =~ /username/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 19 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 19 (create proxy from stored credential): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 20 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-retrieve -c $tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.$$.pem -y $tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.$$.pem -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 20 (retrieve stored credential): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifycert("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.$$.pem", "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.$$.pem"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } unlink( "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.$$.pem" ); unlink( "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.$$.pem" ); $ENV{'X509_CERT_DIR'} = $trustrootdir; ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-retrieve -T -c $tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.$$.pem -y $tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.$$.pem -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 20T (retrieve stored credential w/ trustroots): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifycert("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.$$.pem", "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.$$.pem"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifytrustroots(); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } unlink( "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.$$.pem" ); unlink( "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.$$.pem" ); if (defined($origtrustrootdir)) { $ENV{'X509_CERT_DIR'} = $origtrustrootdir; } else { delete $ENV{'X509_CERT_DIR'}; } # # Test 20.a # if ($startserver && defined($serverpid)) { # only case we have direct access to server # ($exitstatus, $output) = kill('HUP', $serverpid); ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("kill -HUP $serverpid"); print "MyProxy Test 20.a (kill -HUP $serverpid): "; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "FAILED with $exitstatus\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } else { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } } else { print "MyProxy Test 20.a (kill -HUP ): SKIPPED\n"; } # # Test 21 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", "badpassphrase\n"); print "MyProxy Test 21 (verify passphrase checking on myproxy-logon): "; if ($exitstatus != 0 && $output =~ /invalid credential passphrase/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 22 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-retrieve -c $tmpdir/myproxy-test-cert.$$.pem -y $tmpdir/myproxy-test-key.$$.pem -v -S", "badpassphrase\n"); print "MyProxy Test 22 (verify passphrase checking on myproxy-retrieve): "; if ($exitstatus != 0 && $output =~ /invalid credential passphrase/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } unlink( "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.$$.pem" ); unlink( "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.$$.pem" ); # # Test 23 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -a \$X509_USER_PROXY -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v", undef); print "MyProxy Test 23 (verify myproxy-logon default renewal policy): "; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 24 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-retrieve -a \$X509_USER_PROXY -c $tmpdir/myproxy-test-cert.$$.pem -y $tmpdir/myproxy-test-key.$$.pem -v", undef); print "MyProxy Test 24 (verify myproxy-retrieve default renewal policy): "; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } unlink( "$tmpdir/myproxy-test-cert.$$.pem" ); unlink( "$tmpdir/myproxy-test-key.$$.pem" ); # # Test 25 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v", undef); print "MyProxy Test 25 (remove credential from repository): "; if ($exitstatus == 0 && $output =~ /was successfully removed/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 26 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-info -v", undef); print "MyProxy Test 26 (verify credentials are removed): "; if (!($output =~ /default credential/)) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 27 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-store -v -r 'nobody' -k 'nobody' -t 1 -y $testkey", undef); print "MyProxy Test 27 (store credentials with retrieval policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-store -x -E '$cert_subject' -v -r '$cert_subject' -k 'mine' -t 1 -y $testkey", undef); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 28 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k 'mine' -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 28 (verify myproxy-logon retrieval policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k 'nobody' -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "Shouldn't have allowed retrieval.\n"; print STDERR $output; } } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 29 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-retrieve -k 'mine' -c $tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.12.1.$$.pem -y $tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.12.1.$$.pem -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 29 (verify myproxy-retrieve retrieval policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifycert("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.12.1.$$.pem", "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.12.1.$$.pem"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-retrieve -k 'nobody' -c $tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.12.2.$$.pem -y $tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.12.2.$$.pem -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "Shouldn't have allowed retrieval.\n"; print STDERR $output; } } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k 'mine'", undef); &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k 'nobody'", undef); `rm -f $tmpdir/myproxy-test.*.12.*.$$.pem`; # # Test 30 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-store -v -R 'nobody' -k 'nobody' -t 1 -d -y \$X509_USER_PROXY -c \$X509_USER_PROXY", undef); print "MyProxy Test 30 (store credentials with renewal policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-store -v -x -R '$cert_subject' -k 'mine' -t 1 -d -y \$X509_USER_PROXY -c \$X509_USER_PROXY", undef); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-store -v -c $iproxyloc -y $iproxyloc -x -R '$cert_subject' -k 'independent' -t 1", undef); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 30.a # if ($startserver && defined($serverpid)) { # only case we have direct access to server # ($exitstatus, $output) = kill('HUP', $serverpid); ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("kill -HUP $serverpid"); print "MyProxy Test 30.a (kill -HUP $serverpid): "; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "FAILED with $exitstatus\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } else { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } } else { print "MyProxy Test 30.a (kill -HUP ): SKIPPED\n"; } # # Test 31 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-info -v -d", undef); print "MyProxy Test 31 (get info for stored renewal credentials): "; if ($exitstatus == 0 && $output =~ /username/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 32 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k 'mine' -a $ENV{'X509_USER_PROXY'} -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -d -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 32 (verify renewal policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } elsif ($output =~ /self-authz not allowed/) { $exitstatus = 0; # default policy will give this response } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k 'independent' -a $iproxyloc -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v", undef); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k 'nobody' -a $ENV{'X509_USER_PROXY'} -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -d -S", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "Shouldn't have allowed retrieval.\n"; print STDERR $output; } } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k 'mine' -d", undef); &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k 'nobody' -d", undef); &runtest("env X509_USER_PROXY=$iproxyloc myproxy-destroy -v -k 'independent'", undef); # # Test 33 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-store -x -E '$cert_subject' -v -a -t 2 -y $testkey", undef); print "MyProxy Test 33 (verify lifetime of retrieved credentials): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); $timeleft = `$grid_proxy_info -file $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -timeleft`; if (defined($timeleft) && $timeleft > 60*60*2+300 || $timeleft < 60*60*2-300) { $output = "Credential lifetime ($timeleft) incorrect." . "It should be " . (60*60*2) . ".\n"; $exitstatus = 1; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); $timeleft = `$grid_proxy_info -file $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -timeleft`; if ($timeleft > 60*61 || $timeleft < 60*59) { $output = "Credential lifetime ($timeleft) incorrect." . "It should be " . (60*60) . ".\n"; $exitstatus = 1; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v", undef); # # Test 34 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-store -v -E 'nobody' -k 'nobody' -t 1 -y $testkey", undef); print "MyProxy Test 34 (store credentials with retrieve key policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-store -v -x -E '$cert_subject' -k 'mine' -t 1 -y $testkey", undef); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 35 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-info -v", undef); print "MyProxy Test 35 (get info for stored retrieve key credentials): "; if ($exitstatus == 0 && $output =~ /username/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 36 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-retrieve -k 'mine' -c $tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.12.1.$$.pem -y $tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.12.1.$$.pem -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 36 (verify myproxy-retrieve key retrieval policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifycert("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.12.1.$$.pem", "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.12.1.$$.pem"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-retrieve -k 'nobody' -c $tmpdir/myproxy-test.cert.12.2.$$.pem -y $tmpdir/myproxy-test.key.12.2.$$.pem -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "Shouldn't have allowed retrieval.\n"; print STDERR $output; } } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } end_of_store_tests: &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k 'mine'", undef); &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k 'nobody'", undef); `rm -f $tmpdir/myproxy-test.*.12.*.$$.pem`; unlink("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$.key.pem"); # # Test 37 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -Z 'nobody' -k 'nobody' -c 1 -t 1 -d -S -n", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 37 (store credentials w/ retrievable_by_cert policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-store -v -x -Z '$cert_subject' -k 'mine' -c $iproxyloc -y $iproxyloc -t 1", undef); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # # Test 38 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k 'mine' -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -n", undef); print "MyProxy Test 38 (verify retrievable_by_cert policies): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k 'nobody' -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -d -n", undef); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "Shouldn't have allowed retrieval.\n"; print STDERR $output; } } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } &runtest("env X509_USER_PROXY=$iproxyloc myproxy-destroy -v -k 'mine'", undef); &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k 'nobody' -d", undef); # # Test 39 # &runtest("myproxy-init -v -a -c 1 -t 1 -S", $passphrase . "\n"); &runtest("myproxy-init -v -x -R '$cert_subject' -k renew -c 1 -t 1", undef); &runcmd("grid-proxy-init $PROXYBITS -limited -o \$X509_USER_PROXY.limited", undef); rename("\$X509_USER_PROXY", "\$X509_USER_PROXY.orig"); rename("\$X509_USER_PROXY.limited", "\$X509_USER_PROXY"); ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 39 (verify limited proxy retrieves a limited proxy): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; goto cleanup_limited; } if (!`$grid_proxy_info -file $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -type` =~ /limited/) { print "FAILED\nRetrieved proxy is not limited.\n"; $FAILURES++; } print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; # # Test 40 # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -a \$X509_USER_PROXY -k renew -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v", undef); print "MyProxy Test 40 (verify renewed limited proxy is still limited): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } elsif ($output =~ /self-authz not allowed/) { $exitstatus = 0; # default policy will give this response } if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; goto cleanup_limited; } if (!`$grid_proxy_info -file $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -type` =~ /limited/) { print "FAILED\nRetrieved proxy is not limited.\n"; $FAILURES++; } print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; cleanup_limited: &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v", undef); &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k renew", undef); rename("\$X509_USER_PROXY.orig", "\$X509_USER_PROXY"); # # Test 40.a # if ($startserver && defined($serverpid)) { # only case we have direct access to server # ($exitstatus, $output) = kill('HUP', $serverpid); ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("kill -HUP $serverpid"); print "MyProxy Test 40.a (kill -HUP $serverpid): "; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "FAILED with $exitstatus\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } else { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } } else { print "MyProxy Test 40.a (kill -HUP ): SKIPPED\n"; } # # Test 41 # $ENV{'X509_CERT_DIR'} = $trustrootdir; ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-get-trustroots -v", undef); print "MyProxy Test 41 (retrieve trustroots w/o authentication): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifytrustroots(); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } if (defined($origtrustrootdir)) { $ENV{'X509_CERT_DIR'} = $origtrustrootdir; } else { delete $ENV{'X509_CERT_DIR'}; } # # Test 42 # if ($startserver) { # only way to know check_multiple_credentials is true $passphrase = sprintf "%010.d", int(rand(0x7fffffff)); ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -a -k multiple -c 1 -t 1 -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 42 (check_multiple_credentials): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k multiple -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { $passphrase = sprintf "%010.d", int(rand(0x7fffffff)); ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -k multiple -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "Shouldn't have allowed retrieval with bad passphrase.\n"; print STDERR $output; } else { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k multiple", undef); } else { print "MyProxy Test 42 (check_multiple_credentials): SKIPPED\n"; } # # Test 43 # if ($startserver) { # only case we have direct access to repository ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -a -l test-user1 -c 2 -t 2 -S", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy Test 43 (myproxy-admin-query): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -a -l test-user2 -k test-credname -c 4 -t 4 -S", $passphrase . "\n"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-admin-query -s $serverdir -c $serverconf"); @usernames = split(/username/, $output); if ($#usernames != 2) { $exitstatus = 1; print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "CASE 1: Should have returned two credentials. Found ", $#usernames, ".\n"; print STDERR $output; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-admin-query -l test-user1 -s $serverdir -c $serverconf"); @usernames = split(/username/, $output); if ($#usernames != 1) { $exitstatus = 1; print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "CASE 2: Should have returned one credential. Found ", $#usernames, ".\n"; print STDERR $output; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-admin-query -e 5 -s $serverdir -c $serverconf"); @usernames = split(/username/, $output); if ($#usernames != 2) { $exitstatus = 1; print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "CASE 3: Should have returned two credentials. Found ", $#usernames, ".\n"; print STDERR $output; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-admin-query -t 5 -s $serverdir -c $serverconf"); @usernames = split(/username/, $output); if ($#usernames != 0) { $exitstatus = 1; print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "CASE 4: Should have returned no credentials. Found ", $#usernames, ".\n"; print STDERR $output; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-admin-query -e 3 -s $serverdir -c $serverconf"); @usernames = split(/username/, $output); if ($#usernames != 1) { $exitstatus = 1; print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "CASE 5: Should have returned one credential. Found ", $#usernames, ".\n"; print STDERR $output; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-admin-query -t 3 -s $serverdir -c $serverconf"); @usernames = split(/username/, $output); if ($#usernames != 1) { $exitstatus = 1; print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "CASE 6: Should have returned one credential. Found ", $#usernames, ".\n"; print STDERR $output; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-admin-query -e 1 -s $serverdir -c $serverconf"); @usernames = split(/username/, $output); if ($#usernames != 0) { $exitstatus = 1; print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "CASE 7: Should have returned no credentials. Found ", $#usernames, ".\n"; print STDERR $output; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-admin-query -t 1 -s $serverdir -c $serverconf"); @usernames = split(/username/, $output); if ($#usernames != 2) { $exitstatus = 1; print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "CASE 8: Should have returned two credentials. Found ", $#usernames, ".\n"; print STDERR $output; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-admin-query -i -s $serverdir -c $serverconf"); @usernames = split(/username/, $output); if ($#usernames != 0) { $exitstatus = 1; print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "CASE 9: Should have returned no credentials. Found ", $#usernames, ".\n"; print STDERR $output; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-admin-query -r -s $serverdir -c $serverconf"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-admin-query -s $serverdir -c $serverconf"); @usernames = split(/username/, $output); if ($#usernames != 0) { $exitstatus = 1; print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR "CASE 10: Should have returned no credentials. Found ", $#usernames, ".\n"; print STDERR $output; } } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } } else { print "MyProxy Test 43 (myproxy-admin-query): SKIPPED\n"; } myproxy_header_test: # # Test 44 # chomp($gcc = `which gcc 2>/dev/null`); if (-x $gcc && defined($ENV{'GLOBUS_LOCATION'}) && -d "$ENV{'GLOBUS_LOCATION'}/include") { &write_myproxy_header_test; $basedir = "$ENV{'GLOBUS_LOCATION'}/include"; $includedirs = "-I$basedir"; opendir(DIRHANDLE, "$basedir") || die "can't opendir $basedir: $!"; while (defined($filename = readdir(DIRHANDLE))) { next if $filename =~ /^\.\.?$/; # skip . and .. if (-d "$basedir/$filename") { $includedirs .= " -I$basedir/$filename"; } } closedir(DIRHANDLE); # should really just make this a recursive search... $basedir = "$ENV{'GLOBUS_LOCATION'}/include/globus"; if (opendir(DIRHANDLE, "$basedir")) { while (defined($filename = readdir(DIRHANDLE))) { next if $filename =~ /^\.\.?$/; # skip . and .. if (-d "$basedir/$filename") { $includedirs .= " -I$basedir/$filename"; } } closedir(DIRHANDLE); } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd("$gcc $includedirs -o $tmpdir/myproxy-header $tmpdir/myproxy.c"); print "MyProxy Test 44 (myproxy.h): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } } else { print "MyProxy Test 44 (myproxy.h): SKIPPED\n"; } # # Test 45 # $SAVED_LOGNAME = $ENV{'LOGNAME'}; $ENV{'LOGNAME'} = $ENV{'LOGNAME'} . "ruld9ocitegdatNigWaiwacWowd5blerUdCaxVanurs4OtNimEsDeicEgOakEkavTykEvenIpRipCarattAidcack3grirtigrimhuatwykCoth5QuicAtJawmAdutbi0QuekKabCugNelgAneuvCavNokdejnilevityixafyudGujBekIgDoadjel9shraruld9ocitegdatNigWaiwacWowd5blerUdCaxVanurs4OtNimEsDeicEgOakEkavTykEvenIpRipCarattAidcack3grirtigrimhuatwykCoth5QuicAtJawmAdutbi0QuekKabCugNelgAneuvCavNokdejnilevityixafyudGujBekIgDoadjel9shraruld9ocitegdatNigWaiwacWowd5blerUdCaxVanurs4OtNimEsDeicEgOakEkavTykEvenIpRipCarattAidcack3grirtigrimhuatwykCoth5QuicAtJawmAdutbi0QuekKabCugNelgAneuvCavNokdejnilevityixafyudGujBekIgDoadjel9shraruld9ocitegdatNigWaiwacWowd5blerUdCaxVanurs4OtNimEsDeicEgOakEkavTykEvenIpRipCarattAidcack3grirtigrimhuatwykCoth5QuicAtJawmAdutbi0QuekKabCugNelgAneuvCavNokdejnilevityixafyudGujBekIgDoadjel9shraruld9ocitegdatNigWaiwacWowd5blerUdCaxVanurs4OtNimEsDeicEgOakEkavTykEvenIpRipCarattAidcack3grirtigrimhuatwykCoth5QuicAtJawmAdutbi0QuekKabCugNelgAneuvCavNokdejnilevityixafyudGujBekIgDoadjel9shraruld9ocitegdatNigWaiwacWowd5blerUdCaxVanurs4OtNimEsDeicEgOakEkavTykEvenIpRipCarattAidcack3grirtigrimhuatwykCoth5QuicAtJawmAdutbi0QuekKabCugNelgAneuvCavNokdejnilevityixafyudGujBekIgDoadjel9shra"; ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -a -c 1 -t 1 -S", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); } print "MyProxy Test 45 (verify long username handling): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } $ENV{'LOGNAME'} = $SAVED_LOGNAME; # # COG tests # if (defined($ENV{"COG_INSTALL_PATH"})) { &docogtests(); } else { print "\$COG_INSTALL_PATH undefined. Skipping Java CoG tests.\n"; } # # END TESTS # end_of_all_tests: &docleanup(); print "MyProxy Tests Complete: ", $SUCCESSES, " tests passed, "; print $FAILURES, " tests failed\n"; if (defined($valgrind)) { `cat $tmpdir/valgrind.log.* > valgrind.log.$$`; if (-s "valgrind.log.$$") { print "Valgrind errors in valgrind.log.$$.\n"; # $FAILURES++; } else { print "Valgrind found no errors.\n"; unlink("valgrind.log.$$"); } } exit $FAILURES; # # SUBROUTINES # sub runtest { local($command, $input) = @_; if (defined($valgrind)) { $valgrindlog = File::Temp::tempnam($tmpdir, "valgrind.log."); $valgrindlogopt = " --log-file=$valgrindlog "; $command = $valgrind . $valgrindlogopt . $command; } return &runcmd($command, $input); } sub runcmd { local($command, $input) = @_; print STDERR "running: ", $command, "\n" if ($verbose); $pid = open3(*Writer, *Reader, '', "exec $command") || die "failed to run $command"; print Writer $input if (defined($input)); close(Writer); @output = ; close(Reader); waitpid($pid, 0); $exitstatus = $?; $output = join('', @output); print STDERR $output if ($verbose); return ($exitstatus, $output); } sub docogtests { $cogmyproxy = "$ENV{COG_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/myproxy -h $ENV{MYPROXY_SERVER}"; if (defined($ENV{"MYPROXY_SERVER_DN"})) { $cogmyproxy .= " -s \"$ENV{MYPROXY_SERVER_DN}\""; } if (defined($ENV{"MYPROXY_SERVER_PORT"})) { $cogmyproxy .= " -p $ENV{MYPROXY_SERVER_PORT}"; } $cogmyproxy .= " -l $ENV{'LOGNAME'}"; $ENV{"COG_OPTS"} = " -DX509_USER_PROXY=$ENV{X509_USER_PROXY}" . " -DX509_USER_CERT=$ENV{X509_USER_CERT}" . " -DX509_USER_KEY=$ENV{X509_USER_KEY}"; ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -a -c 1 -t 1 -S", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd("$cogmyproxy anonget -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$", $passphrase . "\n"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } print "MyProxy CoG Test 1 (anonget of myproxy-init credential): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd("$cogmyproxy get -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$", $passphrase . "\n"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } print "MyProxy CoG Test 2 (get of myproxy-init credential): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } # This test requires a recent Java CoG release # with certificate chain support: # (http://bugzilla.globus.org/globus/show_bug.cgi?id=1914) # ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd("$cogmyproxy put -a -c 1 -t 1", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy CoG Test 3 (store credential with default name): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd("$cogmyproxy anonget -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$", $passphrase . "\n"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } print "MyProxy CoG Test 4 (anonget of CoG stored credential): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd("$cogmyproxy get -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$", $passphrase . "\n"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } print "MyProxy CoG Test 5 (get of CoG stored credential): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd("$cogmyproxy info", undef); print "MyProxy CoG Test 6 (get info for stored credentials): "; if ($exitstatus == 0 && $output =~ /Owner/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd("$cogmyproxy destroy", undef); print "MyProxy CoG Test 7 (remove credential from repository): "; if ($exitstatus == 0 && $output =~ /was succes+fully/) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd("$cogmyproxy put -n -x -R '$cert_subject' -k 'mine' -c 1 -t 1", $passphrase . "\n"); print "MyProxy CoG Test 8 (store credential with renewal policy): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd("$cogmyproxy get -k 'mine' -a $ENV{'X509_USER_PROXY'} -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$", undef); print "MyProxy CoG Test 9 (renew credential): "; if ($exitstatus == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &verifyproxy("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); } if ($exitstatus == 0) { print "SUCCEEDED\n"; $SUCCESSES++; } else { print "FAILED\n"; $FAILURES++; print STDERR $output; } &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k 'mine' -d", undef); } # # verify_proxy # # Check to see if user has a valid proxy, and verify proxy is usable # # Dependencies: (-x grid-proxy-info) # # grid-proxy-info -timeleft # die if no output, or output is less than 60 seconds # $proxy = grid-proxy-info -path # grid-proxy-init -debug -verify -cert $proxy -key $proxy # if $? == 0 then proxy is valid # if $? != 0, die, b/c proxy is invalid and won't work # sub verifyproxy { local($proxyfile) = @_; chomp (my $timeleft = `$grid_proxy_info -file $proxyfile -timeleft`); if (!defined($timeleft) || $timeleft eq "") { $output = "failed to verify proxy\n"; $output .= "'grid-proxy-info -timeleft' failed\n"; return (1, $output); } if ($timeleft < 1) { $output = "proxy is expired\n"; return (1, $output); } chomp (my $proxytype = `$grid_proxy_info -file $proxyfile -type`); local($typeopt) = ""; if ($proxytype =~ /legacy/) { $typeopt = "-old"; } elsif ($proxytype =~ /RFC 3820 compliant/) { $typeopt = "-rfc"; } $output = `$grid_proxy_init $PROXYBITS $typeopt -debug -verify -cert $proxyfile -key $proxyfile -valid 0:1 -out $tmpdir/tmpproxy.$$ 2>&1`; if ($? != 0) { $output = "failed to verify proxy\n" . $output; unlink("$tmpdir/tmpproxy.$$"); return (1, $output); } # remove the new proxy we created for validation # NOTE: this does not affect the user's original proxy in any way unlink("$tmpdir/tmpproxy.$$"); return (0, ""); } # # verifycert # # Check to see if user has a valid usable certificate # # Dependencies: (-x grid-proxy-int) # # grid-proxy-init -debug -verify -cert $certfile -key $keyfile # if $? == 0 then proxy is valid # if $? != 0, die, b/c proxy is invalid and won't work # sub verifycert { local($certfile, $keyfile) = @_; chomp (my $info = `$grid_cert_info -file $certfile`); local($proxytype) = ""; if ($info =~ /Subject: .* CN=proxy|\/CN=limited proxy/) { $proxytype = "-old"; } elsif ($info =~ / { # no option for this -- hope for the best } elsif ($info =~ / { $proxytype = "-rfc"; } elsif ($info =~ /Proxy Certificate Information/) { $proxytype = "-rfc"; } else { # shrug } local($output) = &runcmd("$grid_proxy_init $PROXYBITS $proxytype -debug -verify -cert $certfile -key $keyfile -valid 0:1 -out $tmpdir/tmpproxy.$$ -pwstdin", $passphrase); if ($? != 0) { $output = "failed to verify certificate from: $certfile and $keyfile\n" . $output; unlink("$tmpdir/tmpproxy.$$"); return (1, $output); } # remove the new proxy we created for validation # NOTE: this does not affect the user's original proxy in any way unlink("$tmpdir/tmpproxy.$$"); return (0, ""); } # # verifytrustroots # # Check to see that trustroots were properly installed in # ~/.globus/certificates, then remove that directory. # sub verifytrustroots { if (!(-d $trustrootdir)) { return (1, "trust root directory $trustrootdir doesn't exist!"); } $diritems = 0; opendir(DIRHANDLE, $trustrootdir) or die "couldn't open $trustrootdir : $!"; while (defined($filename = readdir(DIRHANDLE))) { next if $filename =~ /^\.\.?$/; # skip . and .. $diritems++; } closedir(DIRHANDLE); if ($diritems == 0) { rmdir($trustrootdir); return (1, "trust root directory $trustrootdir is empty!"); } `rm -rf $trustrootdir`; return (0, ""); } sub opensslsanitycheck { $testkey = "$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$.key"; $cmd = "$openssl rsa -des3 -passout stdin -in $ENV{'X509_USER_KEY'} -out $testkey"; ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd($cmd, $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus) { print STDERR "$openssl rsa encrypt failed:\n", $cmd, "\n", $output; system("which $openssl"); system("$openssl version"); die; } $cmd = "$openssl rsa -passin stdin -in $testkey > /dev/null"; ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd($cmd, $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus) { print STDERR "$openssl rsa decrypt failed:\n", $cmd, "\n", $output; system("which $openssl"); system("$openssl version"); die; } unlink($testkey); } sub debug { print STDERR join('', @_), "\n" if ($verbose); } sub docleanup { unlink("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); kill('TERM', $serverpid) if (defined($serverpid)); unlink($SERVERPIDFILE) if (defined($SERVERPIDFILE)); unlink($serverconf) if (defined($serverconf)); `rm -rf $serverdir` if (defined($serverdir)); } sub doperftests { &dogpiperftest(); &doinitperftest(); &dogetdelegperftest(); &doinfoperftest(); &docpperftest(); &dodbperftest() if ($dbperformance); &docleanup(); } sub dogpiperftest { $starttime = time(); $i = $perfclients; while ($i--) { $pid = fork(); last if ($pid == 0); } if ($pid == 0) { $i = $perfiters; while ($i--) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runcmd("grid-proxy-init $PROXYBITS -hours 1 -out $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$", undef); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "$$: grid-proxy-init FAILED with $i iters to go.\n"; print STDERR $output; exit($exitstatus>>8); } } unlink("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); &debug("$$ is done."); exit 0; } $i = $perfclients; while ($i--) { wait(); if ($?) { printf "child failed. aborting.\n"; &docleanup(); exit 1; } } $endtime = time(); print $perfiters*$perfclients, " grid-proxy-inits in "; print $endtime-$starttime, " seconds.\n"; } sub doinitperftest { $starttime = time(); $i = $perfclients; while ($i--) { $pid = fork(); last if ($pid == 0); } if ($pid == 0) { $i = $perfiters; while ($i--) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -a -c 1 -t 1 -S -k $$", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "$$: myproxy-init FAILED with $i iters to go.\n"; print STDERR $output; exit($exitstatus>>8); } } &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k $$", undef); &debug("$$ is done."); exit 0; } $i = $perfclients; while ($i--) { wait(); if ($?) { printf "child failed. aborting.\n"; &docleanup(); exit 1; } } $endtime = time(); print $perfiters*$perfclients, " myproxy-inits in "; print $endtime-$starttime, " seconds.\n"; } sub dogetdelegperftest { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -a -c 1 -t 1 -S", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "myproxy-init failed\n"; print STDERR $output; exit($exitstatus>>8); } $starttime = time(); $i = $perfclients; while ($i--) { $pid = fork(); last if ($pid == 0); } if ($pid == 0) { $i = $perfiters; while ($i--) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-logon -t 1 -o $tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$ -v -S", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "$$: myproxy-logon FAILED with $i iters to go.\n"; print STDERR $output; exit($exitstatus>>8); } } unlink("$tmpdir/myproxy-test.$$"); &debug("$$ is done."); exit 0; } $i = $perfclients; while ($i--) { wait(); if ($?) { printf "child failed. aborting.\n"; &docleanup(); exit 1; } } $endtime = time(); print $perfiters*$perfclients, " myproxy-logons in "; print $endtime-$starttime, " seconds.\n"; &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v", undef); } sub doinfoperftest { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -a -c 1 -t 1 -S", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "myproxy-init failed\n"; print STDERR $output; exit($exitstatus>>8); } $starttime = time(); $i = $perfclients; while ($i--) { $pid = fork(); last if ($pid == 0); } if ($pid == 0) { $i = $perfiters; while ($i--) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-info -v", undef); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "$$: myproxy-info FAILED with $i iters to go.\n"; print STDERR $output; exit($exitstatus>>8); } } &debug("$$ is done."); exit 0; } $i = $perfclients; while ($i--) { wait(); if ($?) { printf "child failed. aborting.\n"; &docleanup(); exit 1; } } $endtime = time(); print $perfiters*$perfclients, " myproxy-infos in "; print $endtime-$starttime, " seconds.\n"; &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v", undef); } sub docpperftest { $starttime = time(); $i = $perfclients; while ($i--) { $pid = fork(); last if ($pid == 0); } if ($pid == 0) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-init -v -a -c 1 -t 1 -S -k $$", $passphrase . "\n"); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "$$: myproxy-init FAILED with $i iters to go.\n"; print STDERR $output; exit($exitstatus>>8); } $i = $perfiters; while ($i--) { $old_passphrase = $passphrase; $passphrase = sprintf "%010.d", int(rand(0x7fffffff)); ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-change-pass-phrase -v -S -k $$", "$old_passphrase\n$passphrase\n"); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "$$: myproxy-change-pass-phrase FAILED with $i iters to go.\n"; print STDERR $output; exit($exitstatus>>8); } } &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -k $$", undef); &debug("$$ is done."); exit 0; } $i = $perfclients; while ($i--) { wait(); if ($?) { printf "child failed. aborting.\n"; &docleanup(); exit 1; } } $endtime = time(); print $perfiters*$perfclients, " myproxy-change-pass-phrases in "; print $endtime-$starttime, " seconds.\n"; } sub dodbperftest { foreach $dbsize (10,100,1000,10000) { $i = $dbsize; while ($i--) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-admin-load-credential -v -d -l $i" . " -c $ENV{X509_USER_CERT} -y $ENV{X509_USER_KEY}" . (defined($serverdir) ? " -s $serverdir" : ""), undef); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "myproxy-admin-load-credential FAILED.\n"; print STDERR $output; exit($exitstatus>>8); } } $starttime = time(); $i = $dbsize; while ($i--) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-info -v -l $i", undef); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "myproxy-info FAILED.\n"; print STDERR $output; exit($exitstatus>>8); } } $endtime = time(); print $dbsize, " myproxy-infos in ", $endtime-$starttime, " seconds.\n"; $starttime = $endtime; $i = $dbsize; while ($i--) { ($exitstatus, $output) = &runtest("myproxy-destroy -v -l $i", undef); if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "myproxy-destroy FAILED.\n"; print STDERR $output; exit($exitstatus>>8); } } $endtime = time(); print $dbsize, " myproxy-destroys in "; print $endtime-$starttime, " seconds.\n"; } } sub openport { $sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8'; $host = ""; local($port) = @_; @list = getprotobyname('tcp'); $proto = $list[2]; @list = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($host), AF_INET); $addr = $list[4]; while ($port < 65535) { $destaddr = pack($sockaddr, AF_INET, $port, $addr); socket(S, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die $!; connect(S, $destaddr); if ($! =~ /Connection refused/) { return $port; } close(S); $port++; } die "failed to find available port"; } sub write_myproxy_header_test { open(SRC, ">$tmpdir/myproxy.c") || die "failed to open $tmpdir/myproxy.c, stopped"; print SRC < int main() { return 0; } EOF close(SRC); } sub write_valgrind_supp { open(SUPP, ">$tmpdir/valgrind.supp") || die "failed to open $tmpdir/valgrind.supp, stopped"; print SUPP <