/* * Copyright (c) CERN 2013-2017 * * Copyright (c) Members of the EMI Collaboration. 2010-2013 * See http://www.eu-emi.eu/partners for details on the copyright * holders. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #ifndef _GFAL_COMMON_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_H_ #define _GFAL_COMMON_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_H_ #if !defined(__GFAL2_H_INSIDE__) && !defined(__GFAL2_BUILD__) # warning "Direct inclusion of gfal2 headers is deprecated. Please, include only gfal_api.h" #endif #include "gfal_common.h" #include "gfal_constants.h" #include "gfal_file_handle.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * Helper for the versioned plugin names */ #define GFAL2_PLUGIN_VERSIONED(plugin, version) plugin "-" version /** * classical data access plugin */ #define GFAL_PLUGIN_PRIORITY_DATA 0; /**< The plugin provides IO */ #define GFAL_PLUGIN_PRIORITY_CATALOG 100; /**< The plugin provides namespace operations */ #define GFAL_PLUGIN_PRIORITY_CACHE 200; /**< The plugin provides a cache */ typedef struct _gfal_plugin_interface gfal_plugin_interface; typedef gpointer plugin_handle; /** * Plugin check type */ typedef enum _plugin_mode { GFAL_PLUGIN_ALL=0, GFAL_PLUGIN_ACCESS, GFAL_PLUGIN_CHMOD, GFAL_PLUGIN_RENAME, GFAL_PLUGIN_SYMLINK, GFAL_PLUGIN_STAT, GFAL_PLUGIN_LSTAT, GFAL_PLUGIN_MKDIR, GFAL_PLUGIN_RMDIR, GFAL_PLUGIN_OPENDIR, /**< concat of opendir readdir, closedir*/ GFAL_PLUGIN_OPEN, /**< concat of open read, close*/ GFAL_PLUGIN_RESOLVE_GUID, GFAL_PLUGIN_GETXATTR, GFAL_PLUGIN_SETXATTR, GFAL_PLUGIN_LISTXATTR, GFAL_PLUGIN_READLINK, GFAL_PLUGIN_UNLINK, GFAL_PLUGIN_CHECKSUM, GFAL_PLUGIN_MKDIR_REC, GFAL_PLUGIN_BRING_ONLINE, GFAL_PLUGIN_ARCHIVE, GFAL_PLUGIN_QOS_CHECK_CLASSES, GFAL_PLUGIN_CHECK_FILE_QOS, GFAL_PLUGIN_CHECK_QOS_AVAILABLE_TRANSITIONS, GFAL_PLUGIN_CHECK_TARGET_QOS, GFAL_PLUGIN_CHANGE_OBJECT_QOS, GFAL_PLUGIN_TOKEN } plugin_mode; /** * Check modes for transfers */ typedef enum _gfal_url2_check { GFAL_FILE_COPY, GFAL_BULK_COPY } gfal_url2_check; /** * Prototype of the plugins entry point * * return gfal_plugin_interface must be allocated with \ĂȘef gfal_plugin_interface_new * * @param handle : gfal2_context_t of the current call * @param err : Error report in case of fatal error while the plugin load. * * */ typedef gfal_plugin_interface* (*gfal_plugin_init_t)(gfal2_context_t handle, GError** err); /** * @struct _gfal_plugin_interface * * Main interface that MUST be returned the entry point function "gfal_plugin_init" of each GFAL 2.0 plugin. * the minimum calls are : getName, plugin_delete, check_plugin_url * all the unused function pointers must be set to NULL */ struct _gfal_plugin_interface { //! @cond // internal gfal data: do not modify it void * gfal_data; //! @endcond // plugin management /** * plugin reserved pointer, free to use for plugin's internal data, passed to any function * * */ plugin_handle plugin_data; /** * plugin priority * SHOULD be defined to GFAL_PLUGIN_PRIORITY_DATA by default * */ int priority; /** * MANDATORY : return a the string id of the plugin. * string id must be short, constant and unique ( ex : "plugin_gridftp" ) * @return the constant identity string * */ const char* (*getName)(); /** * OPTIONAL : Last call before the unload of the plugin for the associated handle * You can use this to clear your internal context * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data */ void (*plugin_delete)(plugin_handle plugin_data); /** * OPTIONAL: Check the availability of the given operation on this plugin for the given URL * * @warning This function is a key function of GFAL 2.0, It MUST be as fast as possible. * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : URL to check for the protocol compatibility * @param operation : operation to check * @param err : error handle, should be used ONLY in case of major failure. * @return must return TRUE if the operation is compatible with this plugin, else FALSE */ gboolean (*check_plugin_url)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, plugin_mode operation, GError** err); // FILE API /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_access function support * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : URL for access checking * @param mode : mode to check ( see man 2 access ) * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return 0 or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ int (*accessG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, int mode, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_chmod function support * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : URL of the file * @param mode : mode to set * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return 0 or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ int (*chmodG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char * url, mode_t mode, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_rename function support * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param oldurl : old url of the file * @param urlnew : new url of the file * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return 0 or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ int (*renameG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char * oldurl, const char * urlnew, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_symlink function support * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param oldurl : old url of the file * @param urlnew : symlink to create * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return 0 or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ int (*symlinkG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* oldurl, const char* newold, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_stat function support * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : url to stat * @param buf : informations of the file * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return 0 or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ int (*statG)(plugin_handle plugin_data , const char* url, struct stat *buf, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_lstat function support * In case of non support for this function, calls to @ref gfal_lstat are mapped to @ref gfal_stat. * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : url to stat * @param buf : informations of the file * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return 0 or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ int (*lstatG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, struct stat *buf, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_readlink function support * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : url to stat * @param buff : buffer for the readlink result * @param size_t : buffsize maximum size to fill in the buffer * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return number of bytes in buff in case of success or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ ssize_t (*readlinkG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, char* buff, size_t buffsiz, GError** ); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_opendir function support * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : url of directory to list * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return gfa_file_handle in case of success or NULL if error, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ gfal_file_handle (*opendirG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, GError** err); /** * MANDATORY IF OPENDIR : gfal_closedir function support * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param dir_desc : directory descriptor to use * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return 0 in case of success or -1 if error, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ int (*closedirG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, gfal_file_handle dir_desc, GError** err); /** * MANDATORY IF OPENDIR : gfal_readdir function support * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param dir_desc : directory descriptor to use * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return dirent information in case of success or NULL if end of listing or error, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ struct dirent* (*readdirG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, gfal_file_handle dir_desc, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_mkdir function support * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : url of the directory to create * @param mode : right mode of the created directory * @param rec_flag : recursive mode, if enabled the plugin MUST create the parent directories if needed, * if the rec_flag is not supported by this plugin, the plugin MUST return a negative value and set the GError errcode to ENOENT * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return 0 in case of success or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ int (*mkdirpG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, mode_t mode, gboolean rec_flag, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_rmdir function support * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : url of the directory to delete * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return 0 in case of success or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ int (*rmdirG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, GError** err); // basic file operations /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_open function support * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : url of the directory to open * @param flag : open flags * @param mode : mode of the file, in case of creation * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return gfal_file_handle in case of success or NULL if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ gfal_file_handle (*openG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, int flag, mode_t mode, GError**); /** * MANDATORY IF OPEN : gfal_read function support * * */ ssize_t (*readG)(plugin_handle, gfal_file_handle fd, void* buff, size_t count, GError**); /** * MANDATORY IF OPEN : gfal_write function support * * */ ssize_t (*writeG)(plugin_handle, gfal_file_handle fd, const void* buff, size_t count, GError**); /** * MANDATORY IF OPEN : gfal_close function support * * */ int (*closeG)(plugin_handle, gfal_file_handle fd, GError **); /** * MANDATORY IF OPEN : gfal_lseek function support * * */ off_t (*lseekG)(plugin_handle, gfal_file_handle fd, off_t offset, int whence, GError** err); // vector operations /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_pread function support * * Allow fast parallels read support, If not implemented, this function is simulated by GFAL 2.0 * * */ ssize_t (*preadG)(plugin_handle, gfal_file_handle fd, void* buff, size_t count, off_t offset, GError**); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_pwriteG function support * * Allow fast parallels write support, If not implemented, this function is simulated by GFAL 2.0 * * */ ssize_t (*pwriteG)(plugin_handle, gfal_file_handle fd, const void* buff, size_t count, off_t offset, GError**); // remove operations /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_unlink function support * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : url of the file * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return 0 in case of success or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ int (*unlinkG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, GError** err); // advanced attributes management /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_getxattr function support * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : url of the file * @param key : key of the attribute to get * @param buff : buffer for the attribute content * @param s_buff : maximum buffer size * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return size of the attribute in case of success or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ ssize_t (*getxattrG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, const char* key, void* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_listxattr function support * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : url of the file * @param list : buffer for the list attribute content * @param s_buff : maximum buffer size * @param s_list : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return size of the list in case of success or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ ssize_t (*listxattrG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, char* list, size_t s_list, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_setxattr function support * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : url of the file * @param key : key of the attribute to set * @param buff : buffer for the attribute content * @param s_buff : maximum buffer size * @param flas : set/get flags * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return 0 or -1 if error occurs, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ int (*setxattrG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, const char* key, const void* buff , size_t s_buff, int flags, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL : checksum calculation function support ( transfer consistency check, gfal_checksum ) * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : url of the file * @param check_type : string of the checksum type ( \ref GFAL_CHKSUM_MD5, \ref GFAL_CHKSUM_SHA1, .. ) * @param start_offset : offset in the file where the checksum calculation will start ( 0 : from begining ) * @param data_length : size of data to compute for the checksum after start_offset ( 0 -: full file ) * @param checksum_buffer : buffer with checksum string as result * @param buffer_length : maximum buffer length * @param err : GError error support * @return dynamically allocated checksum string if success, else NULL and err MUST be set * error code MUST be ENOSYS in case of : * - checksum calculation with offset is not supported * - the specified checksum algorithm is not supported */ int (*checksum_calcG)(plugin_handle data, const char* url, const char* check_type, char * checksum_buffer, size_t buffer_length, off_t start_offset, size_t data_length, GError ** err); // TRANSFER API /** * OPTIONAL: if transfer support, * should return TRUE if the plugin is able to execute third party transfer from src to dst url * */ int(*check_plugin_url_transfer)(plugin_handle plugin_data, gfal2_context_t, const char* src, const char* dst, gfal_url2_check check); /** * * OPTIONAL: if transfer support, * Execute a filecopy operation for the given parameters * @param plugin_data : internal plugin context * @param gfal2_context_t context : gfal 2 handle * @param params: parameters for the current transfer, see gfalt_params calls * @param src : source file to copy * @param dst : destination file * @param err : GError err report * */ int (*copy_file)(plugin_handle plugin_data, gfal2_context_t context, gfalt_params_t params, const char* src, const char* dst, GError** ); /** * * OPTIONAL: Requests to stage a file to the fist layer on a hierarchical SE. * @param plugin_data : internal plugin context * @param url : The url of the file * @param pintime : Time the file should stay in the cache * @param timeout : Operation timeout * @param token Where to put the retrieved token. * @param tsize The size of the buffer pointed by token. * @param async If true (!= 0), the call will not block. The caller will need * to use bring_online_poll later. * @param err: GError error support * @return -1 on error (and err is set). 0 on success. 1 if the file has been staged. */ int (*bring_online)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, time_t pintime, time_t timeout, char* token, size_t tsize, int async, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL: Polling the bring_online request (mandatory if bring online is supported) * @param url The same URL as was passed to bring_online_async * @param token The token as returned by bring_online_async * @return -1 on error (and err is set). 0 on success. 1 if the file has been staged. */ int (*bring_online_poll)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, const char* token, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL: Releases a previously staged file (mandatory if bring online is supported) * @param plugin_data : internal plugin context * @param url : The url of the file * @param token: The request token. If NULL, * @param err: GError error support */ int (*release_file)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, const char* token, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL : gfal_readdirpp function support * Allow directory listing + get meta-data in one operation * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param dir_desc : directory descriptor to use * @param st : struct stat to fill * @param err : Error report, the code field of err should be set to errno value when possible * @return dirent information in case of success or NULL if end of listing or error, * err MUST be set in case of error * */ struct dirent* (*readdirppG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, gfal_file_handle dir_desc, struct stat* st, GError** err); /** * * OPTIONAL: Requests to stage a file to the fist layer on a hierarchical SE. * @param plugin_data : internal plugin context * @param nbfiles : number of files * @param urls : The urls of the files * @param pintime : Time the file should stay in the cache * @param timeout : Operation timeout * @param token Where to put the retrieved token. * @param tsize The size of the buffer pointed by token. * @param async If true (!= 0), the call will not block. The caller will need * to use bring_online_poll later. * @param err: GError error support * @return -1 on error (and err is set). 0 on success. 1 if the file has been staged. */ int (*bring_online_list)(plugin_handle plugin_data, int nbfiles, const char* const* urls, time_t pintime, time_t timeout, char* token, size_t tsize, int async, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL: Polling the bring_online request (mandatory if bring online is supported) * @param nbfiles : number of files * @param urls The same URLs as were passed to bring_online_async * @param token The token as returned by bring_online_async * @return -1 on error (and err is set). 0 on success. 1 if the file has been staged. */ int (*bring_online_poll_list)(plugin_handle plugin_data, int nbfiles, const char* const* urls, const char* token, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL: Releases a previously staged file (mandatory if bring online is supported) * @param plugin_data : internal plugin context * @param nbfiles : number of files in the list * @param url : The urls of the files * @param token: The request token. If NULL, * @param err: GError error support */ int (*release_file_list)(plugin_handle plugin_data, int nbfiles, const char* const* urls, const char* token, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL: Bulk deletion */ int (*unlink_listG)(plugin_handle plugin_data, int nbfiles, const char* const* uris, GError ** errors); /** * OPTIONAL: allows clients to abort selective file requests from the asynchronous requests of any type * @param plugin_data : internal plugin context * @param nbfiles : number of files in the list * @param url : The urls of the files * @param token: The request token * @param err: GError error support */ int(*abort_files)(plugin_handle handle, int nbfiles, const char* const* uris, const char* token, GError ** err); /** * OPTIONAL: copy nbfiles files * @param plugin_data : internal plugin context * @param context : gfal2 context * @param params: gfal2 transfer parameters * @param nbfiles: how many files are to be transferred * @param srcs: array of nbfiles sources * @param dsts: array of nbfiles destinations * @param checkums: array of nbfiles checksums. it can be NULL * @param op_error: Operation error * @param file_errors: Per file error */ int (*copy_bulk)(plugin_handle plugin_data, gfal2_context_t context, gfalt_params_t params, size_t nbfiles, const char* const* srcs, const char* const* dsts, const char* const* checksums, GError** op_error, GError*** file_errors); /** * OPTIONAL: executed by the core before entering a copy, so a plugin can install its own * event listeners. */ int (*copy_enter_hook)(plugin_handle plugin_data, gfal2_context_t context, gfalt_params_t params, GError** error); // QoS API /** * OPTIONAL: Check what kind of QoS classes exist on the CDMI-enabled URL provided * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : CDMI-enabled URL to check for the protocol compatibility * @param type : CDMI-enabld type of QoS class * @param buff : buffer for the QoS classes content * @param s_buff : maximum buffer size * @param err : error handle, should be used ONLY in case of major failure. * @return number of bytes in buff in case of success or -1 if error occurs * * @note Result is provided as a comma-separated list of available QoS classes */ ssize_t (*check_qos_classes)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, const char* type, char* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL: Check the QoS of a file with the CDMI-enabled url provided * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : CDMI-enabled URL to check for the protocol compatibility * @param buff : buffer for the QoS class content * @param s_buff : maximum buffer size * @param err : error handle, should be used ONLY in case of major failure. * @return number of bytes in buff in case of success or -1 if error occurs */ ssize_t (*check_file_qos)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, char* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL: Check the available transitions of a QoS class to other QoS classes * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param qos_class_url : CDMI-enabled URL of QoS class * @param buff : buffer for the QoS class transitions content * @param s_buff : maximum buffer size * @param err : error handle, should be used ONLY in case of major failure. * @return number of bytes in buff in case of success or -1 if error occurs * * @note Result is provided as comma-separated list of available QoS class transitions */ ssize_t (*check_qos_available_transitions)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* qos_class_url, char* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL: Check the target QoS of an entity * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : CDMI-enabled URL of an entity * @param buff : buffer for the target QoS class content * @param s_buff : maximum buffer size * @param err : error handle, should be used ONLY in case of major failure. * @return number of bytes in buff in case of success or -1 if error occurs */ ssize_t (*check_target_qos)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, char* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL: Check the QoS of a file with the CDMI-enabled url provided * * @param plugin_data : internal plugin data * @param url : CDMI-enabled URL of an entity * @param target_qos: the requested target QoS class * @param err : error handle, should be used ONLY in case of major failure. * @return 0 or -1 if error occurs */ int (*change_object_qos)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, const char* target_qos, GError** err); // ARCHIVE API /** * OPTIONAL: Polling the archive request (mandatory if archiving is supported) * * @param plugin_data: internal plugin data * @param url: the URL for which to check archive status * @param err: error handle * @return -1 on error (and err is set). 0 on success. 1 if the file has been archived. */ int (*archive_poll)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, GError** err); /** * OPTIONAL: Polling the archive request (mandatory if archiving is supported) * * @param plugin_data: internal plugin data * @param nbfiles: number of files * @param urls: the URLs for which to check archive status * @param err: error handle * @return -1 on error (and err is set). 0 on success. 1 if the files have been archived. * 2 if some files have bene archived, others encountered errors */ int (*archive_poll_list)(plugin_handle plugin_data, int nbfiles, const char* const* urls, GError** err); // TOKEN API /** * OPTIONAL: Retrieve a token from Storage Element for a given resource * * @param plugin_data: internal plugin data * @param url: the URL of the resource * @param issuer: the token issuer endpoint (optional) * @param write_access: write access flag * @param validity: token validity time in minutes * @param activities: array of activities for access request * @param buff : buffer for the token content * @param s_buff : maximum buffer size * @param err : error handle * @return number of bytes in buff in case of success or -1 if error occurs */ ssize_t (*token_retrieve)(plugin_handle plugin_data, const char* url, const char* issuer, gboolean write_access, unsigned validity, const char* const* activities, char* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); // reserved for future usage //! @cond void* future[6]; //! @endcond }; /** * Trigger plugin instantiation from the client code * The passed interface is copied, so you can, if needed, free it after the call */ int gfal2_register_plugin(gfal2_context_t handle, const gfal_plugin_interface* ifce, GError** error); // internal API for inter plugin communication //! @cond int gfal_plugins_accessG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* path, int mode, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_rmdirG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* path, GError** err); ssize_t gfal_plugin_readlinkG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* path, char* buff, size_t buffsiz, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_chmodG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* path, mode_t mode, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_statG(gfal2_context_t handle,const char* path, struct stat* st, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_renameG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* oldpath, const char* newpath, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_symlinkG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* oldpath, const char* newpath, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_lstatG(gfal2_context_t handle,const char* path, struct stat* st, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_mkdirp(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* path, mode_t mode, gboolean pflag, GError** err); gfal_file_handle gfal_plugin_opendirG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* name, GError** err); struct dirent* gfal_plugin_readdirppG(gfal2_context_t handle, gfal_file_handle fh, struct stat* st, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_closedirG(gfal2_context_t handle, gfal_file_handle fh, GError** err); struct dirent* gfal_plugin_readdirG(gfal2_context_t handle, gfal_file_handle fh, GError** err); gfal_file_handle gfal_plugin_openG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char * path, int flag, mode_t mode, GError ** err); int gfal_plugin_closeG(gfal2_context_t handle, gfal_file_handle fh, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_writeG(gfal2_context_t handle, gfal_file_handle fh, void* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_lseekG(gfal2_context_t handle, gfal_file_handle fh, off_t offset, int whence, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_readG(gfal2_context_t handle, gfal_file_handle fh, void* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); ssize_t gfal_plugin_preadG(gfal2_context_t handle, gfal_file_handle fh, void* buff, size_t s_buff, off_t offset, GError** err); ssize_t gfal_plugin_pwriteG(gfal2_context_t handle, gfal_file_handle fh, void* buff, size_t s_buff, off_t offset, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_unlinkG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* path, GError** err); ssize_t gfal_plugin_getxattrG(gfal2_context_t, const char*, const char*, void* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); ssize_t gfal_plugin_listxattrG(gfal2_context_t, const char*, char* list, size_t s_list, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_setxattrG(gfal2_context_t, const char*, const char*, const void*, size_t, int, GError**); int gfal_plugin_bring_onlineG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* uri, time_t pintime, time_t timeout, char* token, size_t tsize, int async, GError ** err); int gfal_plugin_bring_online_pollG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* uri, const char* token, GError ** err); int gfal_plugin_release_fileG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* uri, const char* token, GError ** err); int gfal_plugin_bring_online_listG(gfal2_context_t handle, int nbfiles, const char* const* uris, time_t pintime, time_t timeout, char* token, size_t tsize, int async, GError ** err); int gfal_plugin_bring_online_poll_listG(gfal2_context_t handle, int nbfiles, const char* const* uris, const char* token, GError ** err); int gfal_plugin_release_file_listG(gfal2_context_t handle, int nbfiles, const char* const* uris, const char* token, GError ** err); int gfal_plugin_unlink_listG(gfal2_context_t handle, int nbfiles, const char* const* uris, GError ** errors); int gfal_plugin_abort_filesG(gfal2_context_t handle, int nbfiles, const char* const* uris, const char* token, GError ** err); ssize_t gfal_plugin_qos_check_classes(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* url, const char* type, char* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); ssize_t gfal_plugin_check_file_qos(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* url, char* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); ssize_t gfal_plugin_check_qos_available_transitions(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* qos_class_url, char* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); ssize_t gfal_plugin_check_target_qos(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* url, char* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_change_object_qos(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* url, const char* target_qos, GError** err); int gfal_plugin_archive_pollG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* uri, GError ** err); int gfal_plugin_archive_poll_listG(gfal2_context_t handle, int nbfiles, const char* const* uris, GError ** err); ssize_t gfal_plugin_token_retrieveG(gfal2_context_t handle, const char* url, const char* issuer, gboolean write_access, unsigned validity, const char* const* activities, char* buff, size_t s_buff, GError** err); //! @endcond #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* GFAL_COMMON_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_H_ */