/** * Public header for the SciTokens C library. * * */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef void * SciTokenKey; typedef void * SciToken; typedef void * Validator; typedef void * Enforcer; typedef int (*StringValidatorFunction)(const char *value, char **err_msg); typedef struct Acl_s { const char *authz; const char *resource; } Acl; /** * Determine the mode we will use to validate tokens. * - COMPAT mode (default) indicates any supported token format * is acceptable. Where possible, the scope names are translated into * equivalent SciTokens 1.0 claim names (i.e., storage.read -> read; storage.write -> write). * - SCITOKENS_1_0, SCITOKENS_2_0, WLCG_1_0: only accept these specific profiles. * No automatic translation is performed. */ typedef enum _profile { COMPAT = 0, SCITOKENS_1_0, SCITOKENS_2_0, WLCG_1_0 } SciTokenProfile; SciTokenKey scitoken_key_create(const char *key_id, const char *algorithm, const char *public_contents, const char *private_contents, char **err_msg); void scitoken_key_destroy(SciTokenKey private_key); SciToken scitoken_create(SciTokenKey private_key); void scitoken_destroy(SciToken token); int scitoken_set_claim_string(SciToken token, const char *key, const char *value, char **err_msg); int scitoken_get_claim_string(const SciToken token, const char *key, char **value, char **err_msg); /** * Given a SciToken object, parse a specific claim's value as a list of strings. If the JSON value * is not actually a list of strings - or the claim is not set - returns an error and sets the * err_msg appropriately. * * The returned value is a list of strings that ends with a nullptr. */ int scitoken_get_claim_string_list(const SciToken token, const char *key, char ***value, char **err_msg); /** * Given a list of strings that was returned by scitoken_get_claim_string_list, free all the associated * memory. */ void scitoken_free_string_list(char **value); /** * Set the value of a claim to a list of strings. */ int scitoken_set_claim_string_list(const SciToken token, const char *key, const char **values, char **err_msg); int scitoken_get_expiration(const SciToken token, long long *value, char **err_msg); void scitoken_set_lifetime(SciToken token, int lifetime); int scitoken_serialize(const SciToken token, char **value, char **err_msg); /** * Set the profile used for serialization; if COMPAT mode is used, then * the library default is utilized (currently, scitokens 1.0). */ void scitoken_set_serialize_profile(SciToken token, SciTokenProfile profile); void scitoken_set_serialize_mode(SciToken token, SciTokenProfile profile); void scitoken_set_deserialize_profile(SciToken token, SciTokenProfile profile); int scitoken_deserialize(const char *value, SciToken *token, char const* const* allowed_issuers, char **err_msg); int scitoken_deserialize_v2(const char *value, SciToken token, char const* const* allowed_issuers, char **err_msg); int scitoken_store_public_ec_key(const char *issuer, const char *keyid, const char *value, char **err_msg); Validator validator_create(); /** * Set the profile used for validating the tokens; COMPAT (default) will accept any known token * type while others will only support that specific profile. */ void validator_set_token_profile(Validator, SciTokenProfile profile); int validator_add(Validator validator, const char *claim, StringValidatorFunction validator_func, char **err_msg); int validator_add_critical_claims(Validator validator, const char **claims, char **err_msg); int validator_validate(Validator validator, SciToken scitoken, char **err_msg); /** * Destroy a validator object. */ void validator_destroy(Validator); Enforcer enforcer_create(const char *issuer, const char **audience, char **err_msg); void enforcer_destroy(Enforcer); /** * Set the profile used for enforcing ACLs; when set to COMPAT (default), then the authorizations * will be converted to SciTokens 1.0-style authorizations (so, WLCG's storage.read becomes read). */ void enforcer_set_validate_profile(Enforcer, SciTokenProfile profile); int enforcer_generate_acls(const Enforcer enf, const SciToken scitokens, Acl **acls, char **err_msg); void enforcer_acl_free(Acl *acls); int enforcer_test(const Enforcer enf, const SciToken sci, const Acl *acl, char **err_msg); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif