#ifndef __XRD_LINK_H__
#define __XRD_LINK_H__
/* */
/* X r d L i n k . h h */
/* */
/* (c) 2018 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdNet/XrdNetAddr.hh"
#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucSFVec.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
#include "Xrd/XrdJob.hh"
/* C l a s s D e f i n i t i o n */
class XrdLinkMatch;
class XrdLinkXeq;
class XrdPollInfo;
class XrdProtocol;
class XrdTlsPeerCerts;
class XrdTlsContext;
class XrdLink : public XrdJob
//! Activate a link by attaching it to a poller object.
//! @return True if activation succeeded and false otherwise.
bool Activate();
//! Obtain the address information for this link.
//! @return Pointer to the XrdAddrInfo object. The pointer is valid while the
//! end-point is connected.
XrdNetAddrInfo *AddrInfo();
//! Obtain the number of queued async requests.
//! @return The number of async requests queued.
int Backlog();
//! Get a copy of the client's name as known by the link.
//! @param buff Pointer to buffer to hold the name.
//! @param blen Length of the buffer.
//! @return !0 The length of the name in gthe buffer.
//! =0 The name could not be returned.
int Client(char *buff, int blen);
//! Close the link.
//! @param defer If true, the link is made unaccessible but the link
//! object not the file descriptor is released.
//! @return !0 An error occurred, the return value is the errno.
//! =0 Action successfully completed.
int Close(bool defer=false);
//! Enable the link to field interrupts.
void Enable();
//! Get the associated file descriptor.
//! @return The file descriptor number.
int FDnum();
//! Find the next link matching certain attributes.
//! @param curr Is an internal tracking value that allows repeated calls.
//! It must be set to a value of 0 or less on the initial call
//! and not touched therafter unless a null pointer is returned.
//! @param who If the object use to check if the link matches the wanted
//! criterea (typically, client name and host name). If the
//! pointer is nil, the next link is always returned.
//! @return !0 Pointer to the link object that matches the criterea. The
//! link's reference counter is increased to prevent it from
//! being reused. A subsequent call will reduce the number.
//! =0 No more links exist with the specified criterea.
static XrdLink *Find(int &curr, XrdLinkMatch *who=0);
//! Get I/O statistics.
//! @param inbytes The number of bytes read.
//! @param outbytes The number of bytes written.
//! @param numstall The number of times the link was rescheduled due to
//! unavailability.
//! @param numtardy The number of times the link was delayed due to
//! unavailability.
//! @return The link's reference count. The parameters will hold the
//! indicated statistic.
int getIOStats(long long &inbytes, long long &outbytes,
int &numstall, int &numtardy);
//! Find the next client name matching certain attributes.
//! @param cur Is an internal tracking value that allows repeated calls.
//! It must be set to a value of 0 or less on the initial call
//! and not touched therafter unless zero is returned.
//! @param bname Pointer to a buffer where the name is to be returned.
//! @param blen The length of the buffer.
//! @param who If the object use to check if the link matches the wanted
//! criterea (typically, client name and host name). If the
//! pointer is nil, a match always occurs.
//! @return !0 The length of teh name placed in the buffer.
//! =0 No more links exist with the specified criterea.
static int getName(int &curr, char *bname, int blen, XrdLinkMatch *who=0);
//! Get the x509 certificate information for this TLS enabled link.
//! @return A pointer to the XrdTlsCerts object holding verified certificates
//! if such certificates exist. Otherwise a nil pointer is returned.
//! @note Used by various protocols, so XrdTlsPeerCerts is a private header.
XrdTlsPeerCerts *getPeerCerts();
//! Obtain current protocol object pointer.
XrdProtocol *getProtocol();
//! Lock or unlock the mutex used for control operations.
//! @param lk When true, a lock is obtained. Otherwise it is released.
//! The caller is responsible for consistency.
void Hold(bool lk);
//! Get the fully qualified name of the endpoint.
//! @return Pointer to fully qualified host name. The contents are valid
//! while the endpoint is connected.
const char *Host() const {return (const char *)HostName;}
//! Pointer to the client's link identity.
char *ID; // This is referenced a lot (should have been const).
//! Obtain the link's instance number.
//! @return The link's instance number.
unsigned int Inst() const {return Instance;}
//! Indicate whether or not the link has an outstanding error.
//! @return True the link has an outstanding error.
//! the link has no outstanding error.
bool isFlawed() const;
//! Indicate whether or not this link is of a particular instance.
//! only be used for display and not for security purposes.
//! @param inst the expected instance number.
//! @return true the link matches the instance number.
//! false the link differs the instance number.
bool isInstance(unsigned int inst) const;
//! Obtain the domain trimmed name of the end-point. The returned value should
//! only be used for display and not for security purposes.
//! @return Pointer to the name that remains valid during the link's lifetime.
const char *Name() const;
//! Obtain the network address object for this link. The returned value is
//! valid as long as the end-point is connected. Otherwise, it may change.
//! @return Pointer to the object and remains valid during the link's lifetime.
XrdNetAddr *NetAddr() const;
//! Issue a socket peek() and return result (do not use for TLS connections).
//! @param buff pointer to buffer to hold data.
//! @param blen length of buffer.
//! @param timeout milliseconds to wait for data. A negative value waits
//! forever.
//! @return >=0 buffer holds data equal to the returned value.
//! < 0 an error or timeout occurred.
int Peek(char *buff, int blen, int timeout=-1);
//! Read data from a link. Note that this call blocks until some data is
//! available. Use Recv() with a timeout to avoid blocking.
//! @param buff pointer to buffer to hold data.
//! @param blen length of buffer (implies the maximum bytes wanted).
//! @return >=0 buffer holds data equal to the returned value.
//! < 0 an error occurred.
int Recv(char *buff, int blen);
//! Read data from a link. Note that this call either reads all the data wanted
//! or no data if the passed timeout occurs before any data is present.
//! @param buff pointer to buffer to hold data.
//! @param blen length of buffer (implies the actual bytes wanted).
//! @param timeout milliseconds to wait for data. A negative value waits
//! forever.
//! @return >=0 buffer holds data equal to the returned value.
//! < 0 an error occurred. Note that a special error -ENOMSG
//! is returned if poll() indicated data was present but
//! no bytes were actually read.
int Recv(char *buff, int blen, int timeout);
//! Read data on a link. Note that this call either reads all the data wanted
//! or no data if the passed timeout occurs before any data is present.
//! @param iov pointer to the message vector.
//! @param iocnt number of iov elements in the vector.
//! @param bytes the sum of the sizes in the vector.
//! @return >=0 number of bytes read.
//! < 0 an error occurred or when -ETIMEDOUT is returned, no data
//! arrived within the timeout period. -ENOMSG is returned
//! when poll indicated data was present but 0 bytes were read.
int Recv(const struct iovec *iov, int iocnt, int timeout);
//! Read data from a link. Note that this call reads as much data as it can
//! or until the passed timeout has occurred.
//! @param buff pointer to buffer to hold data.
//! @param blen length of buffer (implies the maximum bytes wanted).
//! @param timeout milliseconds to wait for data. A negative value waits
//! forever.
//! @return >=0 buffer holds data equal to the returned value.
//! < 0 an error occurred or when -ETIMEDOUT is returned, no data
//! arrived within the timeout period. -ENOMSG is returned
//! when poll indicated data was present but 0 bytes were read.
int RecvAll(char *buff, int blen, int timeout=-1);
//! Register a host name with this IP address. This is not MT-safe!
//! @param hName -> to a true host name which should be fully qualified.
//! One of the IP addresses registered to this name must
//! match the IP address associated with this object.
//! @return True: Specified name is now associated with this link.
//! False: Nothing changed, registration could not be verified.
bool Register(const char *hName);
//! Send data on a link. This calls may block unless the socket was marked
//! nonblocking. If a block would occur, the data is copied for later sending.
//! @param buff pointer to buffer to send.
//! @param blen length of buffer.
//! @return >=0 number of bytes sent.
//! < 0 an error or occurred.
int Send(const char *buff, int blen);
//! Send data on a link. This calls may block unless the socket was marked
//! nonblocking. If a block would occur, the data is copied for later sending.
//! @param iov pointer to the message vector.
//! @param iocnt number of iov elements in the vector.
//! @param bytes the sum of the sizes in the vector.
//! @return >=0 number of bytes sent.
//! < 0 an error occurred.
int Send(const struct iovec *iov, int iocnt, int bytes=0);
//! Send data on a link using sendfile(). This call always blocks until all
//! data is sent. It should only be called if sfOK is true (see below).
//! @param sdP pointer to the sendfile vector.
//! @param sdn number of elements in the vector.
//! @return >=0 number of bytes sent.
//! < 0 an error occurred.
static bool sfOK; // True if Send(sfVec) enabled
typedef XrdOucSFVec sfVec;
int Send(const sfVec *sdP, int sdn); // Iff sfOK is true
//! Wait for all outstanding requests to be completed on the link.
void Serialize();
//! Set an error indication on he link.
//! @param text a message describing the error.
//! @return =0 message set, the link is considered in error.
//! -1 the message pointer was nil.
int setEtext(const char *text);
//! Set the client's link identity.
//! @param userid pointer to the client's username.
//! @param procid the client's process id (i.e. pid).
void setID(const char *userid, int procid);
//! Set the client's location.
//! @param loc reference to the location information.
void setLocation(XrdNetAddrInfo::LocInfo &loc);
//! Set the link to be non-blocking.
//! @return true mode has been set.
//! @return false mode is not supported for this operating system.
bool setNB();
//! Set the link's protocol.
//! @param pp pointer to the protocol object.
//! @param runit if true, starts running the protocol.
//! @param push if true, pushes current protocol to be the alternate one.
//! @return pointer to the previous protocol (may be nil).
XrdProtocol *setProtocol(XrdProtocol *pp, bool runit=false, bool push=false);
//! Set the link's protocol name.
//! @param name name of he protocol being used. The storage must be
//! valid for the duration of the program.
void setProtName(const char *name);
//! Set the link's parallel usage count.
//! @param cnt should be 1 to increased the count and -1 to decrease it.
void setRef(int cnt);
//! Enable or disable TLS on the link.
//! @param enable if true, TLS is enabled if not already enabled. Otherwise,
//! TLS is disabled and the TLS logical connection torn down.
//! statistics may be contradictory as they are collected async.
//! @param ctx The context to use when enabling TLS. When nil, the default
//! context is used.
//! @return True if successful, false otherwise.
bool setTLS(bool enable, XrdTlsContext *ctx=0);
//! Shutdown the link but otherwise keep it intact.
//! @param getlock if true, the operation is performed under a lock.
void Shutdown(bool getLock);
//! Obtain link statistics.
//! @param buff pointer to the buffer for the xml statistics.
//! @param blen length of the buffer.
//! @param do_sync if true, the statistics self-consistent. Otherwise, the
//! statistics may be contradictory as they are collected async.
//! @return number of bytes placed in the buffer excluding the null byte.
static int Stats(char *buff, int blen, bool do_sync=0);
//! Add all local statistics to the global counters.
//! @param ctime if not nil, return the total connect time in seconds.
void syncStats(int *ctime=0);
//! Terminate a connection.
//! @param owner pointer to the link ID representing a client who made
//! the connection to be terminated. If nil then this is a
//! request for the link to terminate another link, if possible.
//! @param fdnum the file descriptor number of the link to be terminated.
//! @param inst the link's instance number.
//! @return >0 caller should wait this number of seconds and try again.
//! @return =0 link terminated.
//! @return <0 link could not be terminated:
//! -EACCES the links was not created by the passed owner.
//! -EPIPE link already being terminated.
//! -ESRCH fdnum does not refer to a link.
//! -ETIME unsuccessful, too many tries.
int Terminate(const char *owner, int fdnum, unsigned int inst);
//! Return the time the link was made active (i.e. time of connection).
time_t timeCon() const;
//! Return link's reference count.
int UseCnt() const;
//! Mark this link as an in-memory communications bridge (internal use only).
void armBridge();
//! Determine if this link is a bridge.
//! @return true this link is a bridge.
//! @return false this link is a plain old link.
bool hasBridge() const {return isBridged;}
//! Determine if this link is using TLS.
//! @param vprot if not nil, the TLS protocol version number if returned.
//! If the link is not using TLS the version is a null string.
//! @return true this link is using TLS.
//! @return false this link not using TLS.
bool hasTLS() const {return isTLS;}
//! Return TLS protocol version being used.
//! @return The TLS protocol version number. If the link is not using TLS,
//! a null string is returned;
const char *verTLS();
//! Constructor
//! @param lxq Reference to the implementation.
XrdLink(XrdLinkXeq &lxq);
~XrdLink() {} // Is never deleted!
void DoIt(); // This is an override of XrdJob::DoIt.
void ResetLink();
int Wait4Data(int timeout);
void *rsvd1[3]; // Reserved for future use
XrdLinkXeq &linkXQ; // The implementation
char *HostName; // Pointer to the hostname
unsigned int Instance; // Instance number of this object
bool isBridged; // If true, this link is an in-memory bridge
bool isTLS; // If true, this link uses TLS for all I/O
char rsvd2[2];