/* */
/* X r d O s s S t a t I n f o . h h */
/* */
/* (c) 2013 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
class XrdOss;
class XrdOucEnv;
class XrdSysLogger;
struct stat;
//! This file defines the alternate stat() function that can be used as a
//! replacement for the normal system stat() call that is used to determine the
//! file attributes, including whether the file exists or not. It is loaded as
//! a plug-in via the XrdOssStatInfoInit() function residing in the shared
//! library pecified by the 'oss.statlib' directive. The returned function is
//! preferentially used by the XrdOssSys::Stat() method.
//! Get file information.
//! @param path -> the file path whose stat information is wanted.
//! @param buff -> to the stat structure that is to be filled in with
//! stat information the same way that stat() would have,
//! @param opts A combination of XRDOSS_xxxx options. See XrdOss.hh.
//! @param envP -> environment pointer which includes CGI information.
//! This pointer is nil if no special environment exists.
//! @param lfn -> the corresponding logical file name. This is only
//! passed for version 2 calls (see XrdOssStatInfoInit2).
//! @return Success: zero with the stat structure filled in.
//! @return Failure: a -1 with errno set to the correct err number value.
typedef int (*XrdOssStatInfo_t) (const char *path, struct stat *buff,
int opts, XrdOucEnv *envP);
typedef int (*XrdOssStatInfo2_t)(const char *path, struct stat *buff,
int opts, XrdOucEnv *envP,
const char *lfn);
//! Set file information.
//! When the arevents option is specified in the oss.statlib directive and the
//! executable is the cmsd running in server mode, then the StatInfo function is
//! also used to relay add/remove file requests send by the companion xrootd to
//! the cmsd. The parameters then are as follows:
//! @param path -> the file path whose whose stat information changed.
//! @param buff -> Nil; this indicates that stat information is being set.
//! @param opts One of the following options:
namespace XrdOssStatEvent
static const int FileAdded = 1; //!< Path has been added
static const int PendAdded = 2; //!< Path has been added in pending mode
static const int FileRemoved = 0; //!< Path has been removed
//! @param envP -> Nil
//! @param lfn -> the logical file name whose stat information changed.
//! @return The return value should be zero but is not currently inspected.
/* X r d O s s S t a t I n f o I n s t a n t i a t o r */
//! Get the address of the appropriate XrdOssStatInfo function.
//! @param native_oss -> object that implements the storage system.
//! @param Logger -> The message routing object to be used in conjunction
//! with an XrdSysError object for error messages.
//! @param config_fn -> The name of the config file.
//! @param parms -> Any parameters specified after the path on the
//! oss.statlib directive. If there are no parameters, the
//! pointer may be zero.
//! @return Success: address of the XrdOssStatInfo function to be used
//! for stat() calls by the underlying storage system.
//! Failure: Null pointer which causes initialization to fail.
//! Additionally, two special envars may be queried to determine the context:
//! getenv("XRDPROG") Indicates which program is loading the library:
//! "cmsd", "frm_purged", "frm_xfrd", or "xrootd"
//! Any other value, inclduing a nil pointer, indicates
//! a non-standard program is doing the load.
//! getenv("XRDROLE") Is the role of the program. The envar is set only when
//! XRDPROG is set to "cmsd" or "xrootd". Valid roles are:
//! "manager", "supervisor", "server", "proxy", or "peer".
//! The function creator must be declared as an extern "C" function in the
//! plug-in shared library as follows:
extern "C" XrdOssStatInfo_t XrdOssStatInfoInit(XrdOss *native_oss,
XrdSysLogger *Logger,
const char *config_fn,
const char *parms);
An alternate entry point may be defined in lieu of the previous entry point.
This normally identified by a version option in the configuration file (e.g.
oss.statlib -2 \). It differs in that an extra parameter is passed and
if returns a function that accepts an extra parameter.
@param envP - Pointer to the environment containing implementation
specific information.
extern "C" XrdOssStatInfo2_t XrdOssStatInfoInit2(XrdOss *native_oss,
XrdSysLogger *Logger,
const char *config_fn,
const char *parms,
XrdOucEnv *envP);
//! Declare compilation version.
//! Additionally, you *must* declare the xrootd version you used to compile
//! your plug-in. Include the code shown below at file level in your source.
/*! #include "XrdVersion.hh"
where \ is a 1- to 15-character unquoted name identifying your plugin.
//! The typedef that describes the XRdOssStatInfoInit external.
typedef XrdOssStatInfo_t (*XrdOssStatInfoInit_t)(XrdOss *native_oss,
XrdSysLogger *Logger,
const char *config_fn,
const char *parms);
typedef XrdOssStatInfo2_t (*XrdOssStatInfoInit2_t)(XrdOss *native_oss,
XrdSysLogger *Logger,
const char *config_fn,
const char *parms,
XrdOucEnv *envP);