#ifndef __OUC_ERRINFO_H__ #define __OUC_ERRINFO_H__ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* X r d O u c E r r I n f o . h h */ /* */ /* (c) 2013 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */ /* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */ /* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */ /* */ /* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */ /* */ /* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */ /* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */ /* License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */ /* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */ /* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */ /* */ /* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */ /* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */ /* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ #include // For strlcpy() #include #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucBuffer.hh" #include "XrdSys/XrdSysPlatform.hh" /******************************************************************************/ /* X r d O u c E I */ /******************************************************************************/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The XrdOucEI struct encapsulates error information. It uses a fixed buffer //! for message text and tracing information. It also allows extended //! information to be recorded in an appendage. It cannot be directly used. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct XrdOucEI // Err information structure { static const size_t Max_Error_Len = 2048; static const int Path_Offset = 1024; const char *user; int ucap; int code; char message[Max_Error_Len]; static const int uVMask = 0x0000ffff; //! ucap: Extract protocol version static const int uAsync = 0x80000000; //! ucap: Supports async responses static const int uUrlOK = 0x40000000; //! ucap: Supports url redirects static const int uMProt = 0x20000000; //! ucap: Supports multiple protocols static const int uReadR = 0x10000000; //! ucap: Supports read redirects static const int uIPv4 = 0x08000000; //! ucap: Supports only IPv4 info static const int uIPv64 = 0x04000000; //! ucap: Supports IPv6|IPv4 info and //! uIPv4 says IPv4 is prefered static const int uPrip = 0x02000000; //! ucap: Client is on a private net static const int uLclF = 0x01000000; //! ucap: Client supports "file://" static const int uRedirFlgs = 0x00800000; //! ucap: Client supports redirect flags static const int uEcRedir = 0x00400000; //! ucap: Client support EC redirects inline void clear(const char *usr=0, int uc=0) {code=0; ucap = uc; message[0]='\0'; user = (usr ? usr : "?"); } XrdOucEI &operator =(const XrdOucEI &rhs) {code = rhs.code; user = rhs.user; ucap = rhs.ucap; strcpy(message, rhs.message); return *this; } XrdOucEI(const char *usr, int uc=0) {clear(usr, uc);} }; /******************************************************************************/ /* X r d O u c E r r I n f o */ /******************************************************************************/ class XrdOucEICB; class XrdOucEnv; class XrdSysSemaphore; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The XrdOucErrInfo class is used to communicate data, error, and callback //! information between plug-ins. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class XrdOucErrInfo { public: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Reset data and error information to null. Any appenadges are released. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void clear() {Reset(); ErrInfo.clear();} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Set callback argument. //! //! @param cbarg - An opaque 8-byte call-back argument. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void setErrArg(unsigned long long cbarg=0) {ErrCBarg = cbarg;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Set callback information. //! //! @param cb - Pointer to the object describing the callback. //! @param cbarg - An opaque 8-byte call-back argument. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void setErrCB(XrdOucEICB *cb, unsigned long long cbarg=0) {ErrCB = cb; ErrCBarg = cbarg;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Set error code. Any existing error text remains intact. //! //! @param code - The error number describing the error. //! //! @return code - The error number. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int setErrCode(int code) {return ErrInfo.code = code;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Set error code and error text. //! //! @param code - The error number describing the error. //! @param emsg - The error message text. //! //! @return code - The error number. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int setErrInfo(int code, const char *emsg) {strlcpy(ErrInfo.message, emsg, sizeof(ErrInfo.message)); if (dataBuff) {dataBuff->Recycle(); dataBuff = 0;} return ErrInfo.code = code; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Set error code and error text. //! //! @param code - The error number describing the error. //! @param txtlist - A vector of error message text segments. //! @param n - The number of valid elements in txtlist. //! //! @return code - The error number. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int setErrInfo(int code, const char *txtlist[], int n) {int i, j = 0, k = sizeof(ErrInfo.message), l; for (i = 0; i < n && k > 1; i++) {l = strlcpy(&ErrInfo.message[j], txtlist[i], k); j += l; k -= l; } if (dataBuff) {dataBuff->Recycle(); dataBuff = 0;} return ErrInfo.code = code; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Set error code and error text. //! //! @param code - The error number describing the error. //! @param buffP - Pointer to the data buffer holding the error text, This //! object takes ownership of the buffer and recycles it. //! //! @return code - The error number. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int setErrInfo(int code, XrdOucBuffer *buffP) {if (dataBuff) dataBuff->Recycle(); dataBuff = buffP; return ErrInfo.code = code; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Set user pointer. //! //! @param user - Pointer to a stable storage area containing the username. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void setErrUser(const char *user) {ErrInfo.user = (user ? user : "?");} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Obtain the callback argument. //! //! @return The argument value currently in effect. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline unsigned long long getErrArg() {return ErrCBarg;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get the pointer to the internal message buffer along with its size. //! //! @param mblen - Reference to where the size it to be returned. //! //! @return Pointer to the internal message buffer. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline char *getMsgBuff(int &mblen) {mblen = sizeof(ErrInfo.message); return ErrInfo.message; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get the callback object. //! //! @return Pointer to the callback object. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline XrdOucEICB *getErrCB() {return ErrCB;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get the callback object and its argument. //! //! @param ap - Reference to where the callback argument is returned. //! //! @return Pointer to the callback object, ap holds the argument. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline XrdOucEICB *getErrCB(unsigned long long &ap) {ap = ErrCBarg; return ErrCB;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get the error code. //! //! @return The error code that was previously set. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int getErrInfo() {return ErrInfo.code;} /* //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get a copy of the error information. //! //! @param errParm - Reference to where error information is to be copied. //! //! @return The error code that was previously set. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int getErrInfo(XrdOucEI &errParm) {errParm = ErrInfo; return ErrInfo.code;} */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get a pointer to the error text. //! //! @return The pointer to the internal error text. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const char *getErrText() {if (dataBuff) return dataBuff->Data(); return (const char *)ErrInfo.message; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get a pointer to the error text and the error code. //! //! @param ecode - Reference to where the error code is to be returned. //! @return The pointer to the internal error text. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const char *getErrText(int &ecode) {ecode = ErrInfo.code; if (dataBuff) return dataBuff->Data(); return (const char *)ErrInfo.message; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get the error text length (optimized for external buffers). //! //! @return The mesage length. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int getErrTextLen() {if (dataBuff) return dataBuff->DataLen(); return strlen(ErrInfo.message); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get a pointer to user information. //! //! @return The pointer to the user string. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const char *getErrUser() {return ErrInfo.user;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get a pointer to the error environment that was previously set. //! //! @return =0 - A callback is in effect which is mutually exclusive of //! conaining an error environment (i.e. no environment). //! @return !0 - Pointer to the error environment. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline XrdOucEnv *getEnv() {return (ErrCB ? 0 : ErrEnv);} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Set the error environment and return the previous environment. This call //! destroys any callback information that may have existed. //! //! @param newEnv - Pointer to the new error environment. //! //! @return =0 - No previous envuironment existed. //! @return !0 - Pointer to the previous error environment. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline XrdOucEnv *setEnv(XrdOucEnv *newEnv) {XrdOucEnv *oldEnv = (ErrCB ? 0 : ErrEnv); ErrEnv = newEnv; ErrCB = 0; return oldEnv; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get the error tracing data. //! //! @return =0 - No tracing data has been set. //! @return !0 - Pointer to error tracing data. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const char *getErrData() {return (dOff < 0 ? 0 : ErrInfo.message+dOff);} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Set the error tracing data (this is always placed in the internal buffer) //! //! @param Data - Pointer to the error tracing data. //! @param Offs - Ofset into the message buffer where the data is to be set. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void setErrData(const char *Data, int Offs=0) {if (!Data) dOff = -1; else {strlcpy(ErrInfo.message+Offs, Data, sizeof(ErrInfo.message)-Offs); dOff = Offs; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get the monitoring identifier. //! //! @return The monitoring identifier. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int getErrMid() {return mID;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Set the monitoring identifier. //! //! @return The monitoring identifier. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void setErrMid(int mid) {mID = mid;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Check if this object will return extended data (can optimize Reset() calls). //! //! @return true - there is extended data. //! false - there is no extended data. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool extData() {return (dataBuff != 0);} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Reset object to no message state. Call this method to release appendages. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void Reset() {if (dataBuff) {dataBuff->Recycle(); dataBuff = 0;} *ErrInfo.message = 0; ErrInfo.code = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get user capabilties. //! //! @return the user capabilities. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int getUCap() {return ErrInfo.ucap;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Set user capabilties. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void setUCap(int ucval) {ErrInfo.ucap = ucval;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Assignment operator //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- XrdOucErrInfo &operator =(const XrdOucErrInfo &rhs) {ErrInfo = rhs.ErrInfo; ErrCB = rhs.ErrCB; ErrCBarg= rhs.ErrCBarg; mID = rhs.mID; dOff = -1; if (rhs.dataBuff) dataBuff = rhs.dataBuff->Clone(); else dataBuff = 0; return *this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Constructor //! //! @param user - Pointer to he user string in stable storage. //! @param cb - Pointer to the callback object (zero if none). //! @param ca - The callback argument. //! @param mid - The monitoring identifier. //! @param uc - The user capabilities. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- XrdOucErrInfo(const char *user=0,XrdOucEICB *cb=0, unsigned long long ca=0, int mid=0, int uc=0) : ErrInfo(user, uc), ErrCB(cb), ErrCBarg(ca), mID(mid), dOff(-1), reserved(0), dataBuff(0) {} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Constructor //! //! @param user - Pointer to he user string in stable storage. //! @param envp - Pointer to the error environment. //! @param uc - The user capabilities. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- XrdOucErrInfo(const char *user, XrdOucEnv *envp, int uc=0) : ErrInfo(user, uc), ErrCB(0), ErrEnv(envp), mID(0), dOff(-1), reserved(0), dataBuff(0) {} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Constructor //! //! @param user - Pointer to he user string in stable storage. //! @param MonID - The monitoring identifier. //! @param uc - The user capabilities. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- XrdOucErrInfo(const char *user, int MonID, int uc=0) : ErrInfo(user, uc), ErrCB(0), ErrCBarg(0), mID(MonID), dOff(-1), reserved(0), dataBuff(0) {} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual ~XrdOucErrInfo() {Reset();} protected: XrdOucEI ErrInfo; XrdOucEICB *ErrCB; union { unsigned long long ErrCBarg; XrdOucEnv *ErrEnv; }; int mID; short dOff; short reserved; XrdOucBuffer *dataBuff; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* X r d O u c E I C B */ /******************************************************************************/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The XrdOucEICB is the object that instantiates a callback. This abstract //! class is used to define the callback interface. It is normally handled by //! classes that know how to deal with this object in a user friendly way //! (e.g. XrdOucCallBack). //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class XrdOucEICB { public: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Invoke a callback after an operation completes. //! //! @param Result - the original function's result (may be changed). //! @param eInfo - Associated error information. The eInfo object may not be //! modified until it's own callback Done() method is called, if //! supplied. If the callback function in eInfo is zero, then //! the eInfo object is deleted by the invoked callback. //! Otherwise, that method must be invoked by this callback //! function after the actual callback message is sent. This //! allows the callback requestor to do post-processing and be //! asynchronous being assured that the callback completed. //! @param Path - Optionally, the path related to thid request. It is used //! for tracing and detailed monitoring purposes. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void Done(int &Result, //I/O: Function result XrdOucErrInfo *eInfo, // In: Error Info const char *Path=0)=0;// In: Relevant path //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Determine if two callback arguments refer to the same client. //! //! @param arg1 - The first callback argument. //! @param arg2 - The second callback argument. //! //! @return !0 - The arguments refer to the same client. //! @return =0 - The arguments refer to the different clients. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual int Same(unsigned long long arg1, unsigned long long arg2)=0; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Constructor and destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- XrdOucEICB() {} virtual ~XrdOucEICB() {} }; #endif