{% set name = "DB12" %} {% set version = "1.0.4" %} package: name: {{ name|lower }} version: {{ version }} source: url: https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: 014ddd87f8652fbf88ce5ad016dfdfbfc92c3845f3d294121aff1aa1a9552a5b build: noarch: python number: 0 script: {{ PYTHON }} -m pip install . -vv entry_points: - db12 = db12.__main__:main requirements: host: - python >=2.7 - pip - setuptools-scm run: - python >=2.7 test: source_files: - tests requires: - pytest - pytest-mock - mock imports: - db12 commands: - pytest -v about: home: https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DB12 license: LGPL-3.0-only license_family: LGPL license_file: LICENSE summary: Dirac benchmark 2012 - a fast benchmark utility to estimate the power of a CPU description: | Dirac benchmark 2012 (DB12) is a fast benchmark utility used to estimate the power of a CPU. It is mainly used in the HEP context to forecast the duration of a given job in a WLCG worker node. dev_url: https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DB12 extra: recipe-maintainers: - aldbr