# Copyright 2012-2022 CERN # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Authors: # - Mario Lassnig , 2012-2020 # - Vincent Garonne , 2012-2017 # - Thomas Beermann , 2012-2021 # - Luis Rodrigues , 2013 # - Cedric Serfon , 2013 # - Wen Guan , 2014 # - Fernando López , 2015 # - Martin Barisits , 2015-2021 # - Vitjan Zavrtanik , 2017 # - Stefan Prenner , 2018 # - Nicolo Magini , 2018 # - Frank Berghaus , 2019 # - Dilaksun Bavarajan , 2019 # - James Perry , 2019 # - Ruturaj Gujar , 2019 # - Jaroslav Guenther , 2019 # - Benedikt Ziemons , 2020-2021 # - David Población Criado , 2021 # - Radu Carpa , 2021-2022 # - Rakshita Varadarajan , 2021 # - Joel Dierkes , 2021 [common] logdir = /var/log/rucio loglevel = DEBUG logformat = %%(asctime)s\t%%(process)d\t%%(levelname)s\t%%(message)s mailtemplatedir=/opt/rucio/etc/mail_templates [client] rucio_host = https://rucio-server-prod.cern.ch:443 auth_host = https://rucio-auth-prod.cern.ch:443 auth_type = userpass #auth_type = gss #auth_type = x509_proxy #auth_type = ssh username = ddmlab password = secret ca_cert = /opt/rucio/etc/web/ca.crt #client_cert = /opt/rucio/etc/web/client.crt #client_key = /opt/rucio/etc/web/client.key #client_x509_proxy = $X509_USER_PROXY #ssh_private_key = $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa account = root request_retries = 3 protocol_stat_retries = 6 [upload] #transfer_timeout = 3600 #preferred_impl = xrootd, rclone [download] #transfer_timeout = 3600 #preferred_impl = xrootd, rclone [core] geoip_licence_key = LICENCEKEYGOESHERE # Get a free licence key at https://www.maxmind.com/en/geolite2/signup default_mail_from = spamspamspam@cern.ch [database] default = sqlite:////tmp/rucio.db #default = oracle://_____________:___________@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=_________)(PORT=______))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=_________)(PORT=_____))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=__________))) #default = oracle://_____________:___________@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= #schema=atlas_rucio # only for cern oracle #default = mysql+pymysql://rucio:rucio@localhost/rucio #default = postgresql://rucio:rucio@localhost/rucio pool_recycle=3600 echo=0 pool_reset_on_return=rollback # Uncomment the following line to disable database connection pooling. #poolclass = nullpool [bootstrap] # Hardcoded salt = 0, String = secret, Python: hashlib.sha256("0secret").hexdigest() userpass_identity = ddmlab userpass_pwd = 2ccee6f6dd1bc2269cddd7cd5e47578e98e430539807c36df23fab7dd13e7583 userpass_email = ph-adp-ddm-lab@cern.ch # Default DDMLAB client certificate from /opt/rucio/etc/web/client.crt x509_identity = emailAddress=ph-adp-ddm-lab@cern.ch,CN=DDMLAB Client Certificate,OU=PH-ADP-CO,O=CERN,ST=Geneva,C=CH x509_email = ph-adp-ddm-lab@cern.ch # Default DDMLAB cern account gss_identity = ddmlab@CERN.CH gss_email = ph-adp-ddm-lab@cern.ch # Default DDMLAB ssh key ssh_identity = ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq5LySllrQFpPL614sulXQ7wnIr1aGhGtl8b+HCB/0FhMSMTHwSjX78UbfqEorZV16rXrWPgUpvcbp2hqctw6eCbxwqcgu3uGWaeS5A0iWRw7oXUh6ydnVy89zGzX1FJFFDZ+AgiZ3ytp55tg1bjqqhK1OSC0pJxdNe878TRVVo5MLI0S/rZY2UovCSGFaQG2iLj14wz/YqI7NFMUuJFR4e6xmNsOP7fCZ4bGMsmnhR0GmY0dWYTupNiP5WdYXAfKExlnvFLTlDI5Mgh4Z11NraQ8pv4YE1woolYpqOc/IMMBBXFniTT4tC7cgikxWb9ZmFe+r4t6yCDpX4IL8L5GOQ== ddmlab ssh_email = ph-adp-ddm-lab@cern.ch # Default DDMLAB SAML Name ID saml_id = ddmlab saml_email = ph-adp-ddm-lab@cern.ch [monitor] carbon_server = rucio-graphite-int.cern.ch carbon_port = 8125 user_scope = your_username enable_metrics = False metrics_port = 8080 [conveyor] scheme = srm,gsiftp,root,http,https transfertool = fts3 ftshosts = https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446, https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446 cacert = /opt/rucio/etc/web/ca.crt usercert = /opt/rucio/tools/x509up [messaging-fts3] port = 61123 ssl_key_file = /home/mario/.ssh/hostkey.pem ssl_cert_file = /home/mario/.ssh/hostcert.pem destination = /topic/transfer.fts_monitoring_queue_state brokers = dashb-test-mb.cern.ch voname = atlas [messaging-hermes] username = ____ password = ____ port = 61023 nonssl_port = 61013 use_ssl = True ssl_key_file = /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem ssl_cert_file = /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem destination = /topic/rucio.events brokers = localhost voname = atlas email_from = Rucio email_test = spamspamspam@cern.ch [transmogrifier] maxdids = 100000 [accounts] # These are accounts that can write into scopes owned by another account special_accounts = panda, tier0 [trace] tracedir = /var/log/rucio/trace brokers=localhost port=61013 username = _________ password = _________ topic = /topic/rucio.tracer trace_host = https://rucio-server-prod.cern.ch:443 [tracer-kronos] brokers=localhost port=61013 ssl_key_file = /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem ssl_cert_file = /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem queue = /queue/Consumer.kronos.rucio.tracer prefetch_size = 10 chunksize = 10 subscription_id = rucio-tracer-listener use_ssl = False reconnect_attempts = 100 excluded_usrdns = CN=proxy,CN=Robot: Ganga Robot,CN=722147,CN=gangarbt,OU=Users,OU=Organic Units,DC=cern,DC=ch username = _________ password = _________ dataset_wait = 60 [injector] file = /opt/rucio/tools/test.file.1000 bytes = 1000 md5 = fd21ce524a9e45060fd3f62c4ef6a386 adler32 = 52590737 #file = /opt/rucio/tools/test.file.1G #bytes = 1000000000 #md5sum = 1a3031f43cc0c0cf4f8341920a9faf52 #adler32 = 5ff2d417 [alembic] cfg = /opt/rucio/etc/alembic.ini [messaging-cache] port = 61023 ssl_key_file = /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem ssl_cert_file = /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem destination = /topic/rucio.fax brokers = localhost voname = atlas account = cache_mb [test] cacert = /opt/rucio/etc/web/ca.crt #cacert = /etc/pki/tls/certs/CERN-bundle.pem usercert = /opt/rucio/etc/web/usercert.pem #usercert = /home/mario/.ssh/usercert_with_key.pem [nagios] proxy = /opt/rucio/etc/ddmadmin.proxy.nagios rfcproxy = /opt/rucio/etc/ddmusr01.rfc.proxy fts_servers = https://fts3-pilot.cern.ch:8446, https://fts3-devel.cern.ch:8446, https://fts3.cern.ch:8446, https://lcgfts3.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:8446, https://fts3-test.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:8446, https://fts.usatlas.bnl.gov:8446 [auditor] cache = /opt/rucio/auditor-cache results = /opt/rucio/auditor-results [c3po] placement_algorithm = t2_free_space elastic_url = http://aianalytics01.cern.ch:9200 redis_host = localhost redis_port = 6379 [c3po-popularity] elastic_url = http://rucio-logger-prod-01.cern.ch:9200 [c3po-site-mapper] panda_url = http://atlas-agis-api.cern.ch/request/pandaqueue/query/list/?json ddm_url = http://atlas-agis-api.cern.ch/request/ddmendpoint/query/list/?json [c3po-workload] panda_url = http://bigpanda.cern.ch/jobs/?category=analysis&jobstatus=running window = 604800 [policy] package = atlas_rucio_policy_package permission = atlas schema = atlas extract_scope = atlas lfn2pfn_algorithm_default = hash support = hn-atlas-dist-analysis-help@cern.ch support_rucio = https://github.com/rucio/rucio/issues/ [webui] usercert = /opt/rucio/etc/usercert_with_key.pem [credentials] gcs = /opt/rucio/etc/google-cloud-storage-test.json signature_lifetime = 3600 [saml] config_path = /opt/rucio/lib/rucio/web/ui/common/saml/ [oidc] idpsecrets = /opt/rucio/etc/idpsecrets.json admin_issuer = wlcg [api] #endpoints = accountlimits, accounts, config, credentials, dids, export, heartbeats, identities, import, lifetime_exceptions, locks, meta, ping, redirect, replicas, requests, rses, rules, scopes, subscriptions [transfers] srm_https_compatibility = False