#ifndef __ARC_MCC_H__ #define __ARC_MCC_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Arc { /// Interface for communication between MCC, Service and Plexer objects. /** The Interface consists of the method process() which is called by the previous MCC in the chain. For memory management policies please read the description of the Message class. */ class MCCInterface: public Plugin { public: MCCInterface(PluginArgument* arg); /** Method for processing of requests and responses. This method is called by preceeding MCC in chain when a request needs to be processed. This method must call similar method of next MCC in chain unless any failure happens. Result returned by call to next MCC should be processed and passed back to previous MCC. In case of failure this method is expected to generate valid error response and return it back to previous MCC without calling the next one. \param request The request that needs to be processed. \param response A Message object that will contain the response of the request when the method returns. \return An object representing the status of the call. */ virtual MCC_Status process(Message& request, Message& response) = 0; virtual ~MCCInterface(); }; /// Message Chain Component - base class for every MCC plugin. /** This is partialy virtual class which defines interface and common functionality for every MCC plugin needed for managing of component in a chain. */ class MCC : public MCCInterface { protected: /** Set of labeled "next" components. Each implemented MCC must call process() method of corresponding MCCInterface from this set in own process() method. */ std::map next_; /** Mutex to protect access to next_. */ Glib::Mutex next_lock_; /** Returns "next" component associated with provided label. */ MCCInterface *Next(const std::string& label = ""); /** Set of labeled authentication and authorization handlers. MCC calls sequence of handlers at specific point depending on associated identifier. In most cases those are "in" and "out" for incoming and outgoing messages correspondingly. */ std::map > sechandlers_; /** Executes security handlers of specified queue. Returns true if the message is authorized for further processing or if there are no security handlers which implement authorization functionality. This is a convenience method and has to be called by the implemention of the MCC. */ MCC_Status ProcessSecHandlers(Message& message, const std::string& label = "") const; /// A logger for MCCs. /** A logger intended to be the parent of loggers in the different MCCs. */ static Logger logger; public: /** Example constructor - MCC takes at least it's configuration subtree */ MCC(Config *, PluginArgument* arg); virtual ~MCC(); /** Add reference to next MCC in chain. This method is called by Loader for every potentially labeled link to next component which implements MCCInterface. If next is NULL corresponding link is removed. */ virtual void Next(MCCInterface *next, const std::string& label = ""); /** Add security components/handlers to this MCC. Security handlers are stacked into a few queues with each queue identified by its label. The queue labelled 'incoming' is executed for every 'request' message after the message is processed by the MCC on the service side and before processing on the client side. The queue labelled 'outgoing' is run for response message before it is processed by MCC algorithms on the service side and after processing on the client side. Those labels are just a matter of agreement and some MCCs may implement different queues executed at various message processing steps. */ virtual void AddSecHandler(Config *cfg, ArcSec::SecHandler *sechandler, const std::string& label = ""); /** Removing all links. Useful for destroying chains. */ virtual void Unlink(); /** Dummy Message processing method. Just a placeholder. */ virtual MCC_Status process(Message& /* request */, Message& /* response */) { return MCC_Status(); } }; class MCCConfig : public BaseConfig { public: MCCConfig() : BaseConfig() {} virtual ~MCCConfig() {} virtual XMLNode MakeConfig(XMLNode cfg) const; }; /* class SecHandlerConfig { private: XMLNode cfg_; public: SecHandlerConfig(XMLNode cfg); virtual ~SecHandlerConfig() {} virtual XMLNode MakeConfig(XMLNode cfg) const; }; */ #define MCCPluginKind ("HED:MCC") class ChainContext; class MCCPluginArgument: public PluginArgument { private: Config* config_; ChainContext* context_; public: MCCPluginArgument(Config* config,ChainContext* context):config_(config),context_(context) { }; virtual ~MCCPluginArgument(void) { }; operator Config* (void) { return config_; }; operator ChainContext* (void) { return context_; }; }; } // namespace Arc #endif /* __ARC_MCC_H__ */