/** * Example source code for copying files using GFAL2 */ #include #include // You only need this header #include static void _abort_on_gerror(const char* msg, GError* error) { if (!error) return; fprintf(stderr, "%s: (%d) %s\n", msg, error->code, error->message); exit(1); } // This will be called when an event happens static void my_event_callback(const gfalt_event_t e, gpointer user_data) { const char* side_str; switch (e->side) { case GFAL_EVENT_SOURCE: side_str = "SOURCE"; break; case GFAL_EVENT_DESTINATION: side_str = "DESTINATION"; break; default: side_str = "BOTH"; } const char* domain = g_quark_to_string(e->domain); const char* stage = g_quark_to_string(e->stage); printf("Event received: %s %s %s %s\n", side_str, domain, stage, e->description); } // This will be called when there is performance information static void my_monitor_callback(gfalt_transfer_status_t h, const char* src, const char* dst, gpointer user_data) { if (h) { size_t avg = gfalt_copy_get_average_baudrate(h, NULL); size_t inst = gfalt_copy_get_instant_baudrate(h, NULL); size_t trans = gfalt_copy_get_bytes_transferred(h, NULL); time_t elapsed = gfalt_copy_get_elapsed_time(h, NULL); printf("%zu bytes/second average (%zu instant). Transferred %zu, elapsed %d seconds \n", avg, inst, trans, (int) elapsed); } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing source and/or destination parameter"); abort(); } const char* source = argv[1]; const char* destination = argv[2]; // Errors will be put here GError* error = NULL; // Create a gfal2 context gfal2_context_t context; context = gfal2_context_new(&error); _abort_on_gerror("Could not create the gfal2 context", error); // Set some parameters for the copy gfalt_params_t params = gfalt_params_handle_new(&error); _abort_on_gerror("Could not create the gfal2 transfer parameters", error); gfalt_set_timeout(params, 60, &error); // 60 seconds timeout gfalt_set_dst_spacetoken(params, "TOKEN", &error); // Destination space token, support depends on the plugin (SRM, XROOTD do support this) gfalt_set_replace_existing_file(params, FALSE, &error); // Just in case, do not overwrite gfalt_set_checksum(params, GFALT_CHECKSUM_NONE, NULL, NULL, NULL); // No checksum gfalt_set_create_parent_dir(params, TRUE, &error); // Create the parent directory if needed // Callbacks gfalt_add_event_callback(params, my_event_callback, NULL, NULL, &error); // Called when some event is triggered gfalt_add_monitor_callback(params, my_monitor_callback, NULL, NULL, &error); // Performance monitor // Do the copy gfalt_copy_file(context, params, source, destination, &error); _abort_on_gerror("Copy failed", error); // Release memory gfalt_params_handle_delete(params, &error); gfal2_context_free(context); return 0; }