# description: makes ARC Candypond client availble on the Worker Nodes and ready to be used # param:CANDYPOND_URL:string:auto:Manually redefine Candypond URL CANDYPOND_URL=${CANDYPOND_URL:-"auto"} ARC_LIBEXEC_DIR="${ARC_LOCATION:-/cvmfs/dirac.egi.eu/dirac/v8.0.65/Linux-x86_64}/libexec/arc" ARC_CONFIG_PARSER="$ARC_LIBEXEC_DIR/arcconfig-parser --load -r $ARC_CONFIG" if [ "x$1" = "x0" ]; then # determine Candypond URL if [ "x$CANDYPOND_URL" = "xauto" ]; then if [ ! -r "$ARC_CONFIG" ]; then echo "WARNING: arc.conf is not readable, assumming Candypond is enabled and default URL is used." >&2 CANDYPOND_URL="https://$(hostname -f):443/arex/candypond" else # check Candypond is enabled $ARC_CONFIG_PARSER -b arex/ws/candypond if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: Candypond is not enabled. Add [arex/ws/candypond] to the arc.conf." >&2 exit 1 fi # get URL CANDYPOND_URL="$( $ARC_CONFIG_PARSER -b arex/ws -o wsurl )/candypond" fi fi # copy 'arccandypond' tool to sessiondir mkdir -p ${joboption_directory}/arc/bin/ cp $ARC_LIBEXEC_DIR/arccandypond ${joboption_directory}/arc/bin/ # add URL to job environment (find the last and add to bottom) arc_env_idx=0 arc_env_var="joboption_env_${arc_env_idx}" while eval "test -n \"\$$arc_env_var\""; do arc_env_idx=$(( arc_env_idx + 1 )) arc_env_var="joboption_env_${arc_env_idx}" done eval "export ${arc_env_var}=ARC_CANDYPOND_URL='$CANDYPOND_URL'" elif [ "x$1" = "x1" ]; then # add to PATH export PATH="${RUNTIME_JOB_DIR}/arc/bin:$PATH" fi