""" Classes and functions for easier management of the InstalledComponents database """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import six import re import datetime from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Column, Integer, String, DateTime, create_engine, text from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session, relationship from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import null from DIRAC import gLogger, S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Utilities import getDBParameters __RCSID__ = "37fc28d22 (2022-10-28 11:33:30 +0200) fstagni " metadata = MetaData() componentsBase = declarative_base() class Component(componentsBase): """ This class defines the schema of the Components table in the InstalledComponentsDB database """ __tablename__ = "Components" __table_args__ = {"mysql_engine": "InnoDB", "mysql_charset": "utf8"} componentID = Column("ComponentID", Integer, primary_key=True) system = Column("DIRACSystem", String(32), nullable=False) module = Column("DIRACModule", String(32), nullable=False) cType = Column("Type", String(32), nullable=False) def __init__(self, system=null(), module=null(), cType=null()): """just defines some instance members""" self.system = system self.module = module self.cType = cType self.installationList = [] def fromDict(self, dictionary): """ Fill the fields of the Component object from a dictionary The dictionary may contain the keys: ComponentID, System, Module, Type """ self.componentID = dictionary.get("ComponentID", self.componentID) self.system = dictionary.get("DIRACSystem", self.system) self.module = dictionary.get("DIRACModule", self.module) self.cType = dictionary.get("Type", self.cType) return S_OK("Successfully read from dictionary") def toDict(self, includeInstallations=False, includeHosts=False): """ Return the object as a dictionary If includeInstallations is True, the dictionary returned will also include information about the installations in which this Component is included If includeHosts is also True, further information about the Hosts where the installations are is included """ dictionary = { "ComponentID": self.componentID, "DIRACSystem": self.system, "DIRACModule": self.module, "Type": self.cType, } if includeInstallations: installations = [] for installation in self.installationList: relationshipDict = installation.toDict(False, includeHosts)["Value"] installations.append(relationshipDict) dictionary["Installations"] = installations return S_OK(dictionary) class Host(componentsBase): """ This class defines the schema of the Hosts table in the InstalledComponentsDB database """ __tablename__ = "Hosts" __table_args__ = {"mysql_engine": "InnoDB", "mysql_charset": "utf8"} hostID = Column("HostID", Integer, primary_key=True) hostName = Column("HostName", String(32), nullable=False) cpu = Column("CPU", String(64), nullable=False) installationList = relationship("InstalledComponent", backref="installationHost") def __init__(self, host=null(), cpu=null()): self.hostName = host self.cpu = cpu def fromDict(self, dictionary): """ Fill the fields of the Host object from a dictionary The dictionary may contain the keys: HostID, HostName, CPU """ self.hostID = dictionary.get("HostID", self.hostID) self.hostName = dictionary.get("HostName", self.hostName) self.cpu = dictionary.get("CPU", self.cpu) return S_OK("Successfully read from dictionary") def toDict(self, includeInstallations=False, includeComponents=False): """ Return the object as a dictionary If includeInstallations is True, the dictionary returned will also include information about the installations in this Host If includeComponents is also True, further information about which Components where installed is included """ dictionary = {"HostID": self.hostID, "HostName": self.hostName, "CPU": self.cpu} if includeInstallations: installations = [] for installation in self.installationList: relationshipDict = installation.toDict(includeComponents, False)["Value"] installations.append(relationshipDict) dictionary["Installations"] = installations return S_OK(dictionary) class InstalledComponent(componentsBase): """ This class defines the schema of the InstalledComponents table in the InstalledComponentsDB database """ __tablename__ = "InstalledComponents" __table_args__ = {"mysql_engine": "InnoDB", "mysql_charset": "utf8"} componentID = Column("ComponentID", Integer, ForeignKey("Components.ComponentID"), primary_key=True) hostID = Column("HostID", Integer, ForeignKey("Hosts.HostID"), primary_key=True) instance = Column("Instance", String(64), primary_key=True) installationTime = Column("InstallationTime", DateTime, primary_key=True) unInstallationTime = Column("UnInstallationTime", DateTime) installedBy = Column("InstalledBy", String(32)) unInstalledBy = Column("UnInstalledBy", String(32)) installationComponent = relationship("Component", backref="installationList") def __init__( self, instance=null(), installationTime=null(), unInstallationTime=null(), installedBy=null(), unInstalledBy=null(), ): self.instance = instance self.installationTime = installationTime self.unInstallationTime = unInstallationTime self.installedBy = installedBy self.unInstalledBy = unInstalledBy def fromDict(self, dictionary): """ Fill the fields of the InstalledComponent object from a dictionary The dictionary may contain the keys: ComponentID, HostID, Instance, InstallationTime, UnInstallationTime """ self.componentID = dictionary.get("ComponentID", self.componentID) self.hostID = dictionary.get("HostID", self.hostID) self.instance = dictionary.get("Instance", self.instance) self.installationTime = dictionary.get("InstallationTime", self.installationTime) self.unInstallationTime = dictionary.get("UnInstallationTime", self.unInstallationTime) self.installedBy = dictionary.get("InstalledBy", self.installedBy) self.unInstalledBy = dictionary.get("UnInstalledBy", self.unInstalledBy) return S_OK("Successfully read from dictionary") def toDict(self, includeComponents=False, includeHosts=False): """ Return the object as a dictionary If includeComponents is True, information about which Components where installed is included If includeHosts is True, information about the Hosts where the installations are is included """ dictionary = { "Instance": self.instance, "InstallationTime": self.installationTime, "UnInstallationTime": self.unInstallationTime, "InstalledBy": self.installedBy, "UnInstalledBy": self.unInstalledBy, } if includeComponents: dictionary["Component"] = self.installationComponent.toDict()["Value"] else: dictionary["ComponentID"] = self.componentID if includeHosts: dictionary["Host"] = self.installationHost.toDict()["Value"] else: dictionary["HostID"] = self.hostID return S_OK(dictionary) class HostLogging(componentsBase): """ This class defines the schema of the HostLogging table in the InstalledComponentsDB database """ __tablename__ = "HostLogging" __table_args__ = {"mysql_engine": "InnoDB", "mysql_charset": "utf8"} hostName = Column("HostName", String(32), nullable=False, primary_key=True) # status DIRAC = Column("DIRACVersion", String(64)) Extension = Column("Extension", String(512)) Load1 = Column("Load1", String(32)) # float Load5 = Column("Load5", String(32)) # float Load15 = Column("Load15", String(32)) # float Memory = Column("Memory", String(32)) DiskOccupancy = Column("DiskOccupancy", String(512)) Swap = Column("Swap", String(32)) CPUClock = Column("CPUClock", String(32)) # float CPUModel = Column("CPUModel", String(64)) CertificateDN = Column("CertificateDN", String(128)) CertificateIssuer = Column("CertificateIssuer", String(128)) CertificateValidity = Column("CertificateValidity", String(64)) Cores = Column("Cores", Integer) PhysicalCores = Column("PhysicalCores", Integer) OpenFiles = Column("OpenFiles", Integer) OpenPipes = Column("OpenPipes", Integer) OpenSockets = Column("OpenSockets", Integer) Setup = Column("Setup", String(32)) Uptime = Column("Uptime", String(64)) Timestamp = Column("Timestamp", DateTime) def __init__(self, host=null(), **kwargs): self.hostName = host fields = dir(self) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in fields and not re.match("_.*", key): setattr(self, key, value) def fromDict(self, dictionary): """ Fill the fields of the HostLogging object from a dictionary """ fields = dir(self) if dictionary.get("DIRACVersion"): dictionary["DIRAC"] = dictionary.get("DIRACVersion") try: for key, value in dictionary.items(): if key in fields and not re.match("_.*", key): setattr(self, key, value) except Exception as e: return S_ERROR(e) return S_OK("Successfully read from dictionary") def toDict(self): """ Return the object as a dictionary """ dictionary = { "HostName": self.hostName, "DIRACVersion": self.DIRAC, "Extension": self.Extension, "Load1": self.Load1, "Load5": self.Load5, "Load15": self.Load15, "Memory": self.Memory, "DiskOccupancy": self.DiskOccupancy, "Swap": self.Swap, "CPUClock": self.CPUClock, "CPUModel": self.CPUModel, "CertificateDN": self.CertificateDN, "CertificateIssuer": self.CertificateIssuer, "CertificateValidity": self.CertificateValidity, "Cores": self.Cores, "PhysicalCores": self.PhysicalCores, "OpenFiles": self.OpenFiles, "OpenPipes": self.OpenPipes, "OpenSockets": self.OpenSockets, "Setup": self.Setup, "Uptime": self.Uptime, "Timestamp": self.Timestamp, } return S_OK(dictionary) class InstalledComponentsDB(object): """ Class used to work with the InstalledComponentsDB database. It creates the tables on initialization and allows inserting, querying, deleting from/to the tables """ def __init__(self): self.__initializeConnection("Framework/InstalledComponentsDB") result = self.__initializeDB() if not result["OK"]: raise Exception("Can't create tables: %s" % result["Message"]) def __initializeConnection(self, dbPath): result = getDBParameters(dbPath) if not result["OK"]: raise Exception("Cannot get database parameters: %s" % result["Message"]) dbParameters = result["Value"] self.host = dbParameters["Host"] self.port = dbParameters["Port"] self.user = dbParameters["User"] self.password = urlparse.quote_plus(dbParameters["Password"]) self.dbName = dbParameters["DBName"] self.engine = create_engine( "mysql://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s" % (self.user, self.password, self.host, self.port, self.dbName), pool_recycle=3600, echo_pool=True, ) self.session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)) self.inspector = Inspector.from_engine(self.engine) def __initializeDB(self): """ Create the tables """ tablesInDB = self.inspector.get_table_names() # Components if "Components" not in tablesInDB: try: Component.__table__.create(self.engine) # pylint: disable=no-member except Exception as e: return S_ERROR(e) else: gLogger.debug("Table 'Components' already exists") # Hosts if "Hosts" not in tablesInDB: try: Host.__table__.create(self.engine) # pylint: disable=no-member except Exception as e: return S_ERROR(e) else: gLogger.debug("Table 'Hosts' already exists") # InstalledComponents if "InstalledComponents" not in tablesInDB: try: InstalledComponent.__table__.create(self.engine) # pylint: disable=no-member except Exception as e: return S_ERROR(e) else: gLogger.debug("Table 'InstalledComponents' already exists") # HostLogging if "HostLogging" not in tablesInDB: try: HostLogging.__table__.create(self.engine) # pylint: disable=no-member except Exception as e: return S_ERROR(e) else: gLogger.debug("Table 'HostLogging' already exists") return S_OK("Tables created") def __filterFields(self, session, table, matchFields=None): """ Filters instances of a selection by finding matches on the given fields session argument is a Session instance used to retrieve the items table argument must be one the following three: Component, Host, InstalledComponent matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields to match. matchFields accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships. If matchFields is empty, no filtering will be done """ if matchFields is None: matchFields = {} filtered = session.query(table) for key in matchFields: actualKey = key comparison = "=" if ".bigger" in key: comparison = ">" actualKey = key.replace(".bigger", "") elif ".smaller" in key: comparison = "<" actualKey = key.replace(".smaller", "") if matchFields[key] is None: sql = "`%s` IS NULL" % (actualKey) elif isinstance(matchFields[key], list): if len(matchFields[key]) > 0 and None not in matchFields[key]: sql = "`%s` IN ( " % (actualKey) for i, element in enumerate(matchFields[key]): toAppend = element if isinstance(toAppend, datetime.datetime): toAppend = toAppend.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if isinstance(toAppend, six.string_types): toAppend = "'%s'" % (toAppend) if i == 0: sql = "%s%s" % (sql, toAppend) else: sql = "%s, %s" % (sql, toAppend) sql = "%s )" % (sql) else: continue elif isinstance(matchFields[key], six.string_types): sql = "`%s` %s '%s'" % (actualKey, comparison, matchFields[key]) elif isinstance(matchFields[key], datetime.datetime): sql = "%s %s '%s'" % (actualKey, comparison, matchFields[key].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) else: sql = "`%s` %s %s" % (actualKey, comparison, matchFields[key]) filteredTemp = filtered.filter(text(sql)) try: session.execute(filteredTemp) session.commit() except Exception as e: return S_ERROR("Could not filter the fields: %s" % (e)) filtered = filteredTemp return S_OK(filtered) def __filterInstalledComponentsFields(self, session, matchFields=None): """ Filters instances by finding matches on the given fields in the same way as the '__filterFields' function The main difference with '__filterFields' is that this function is targeted towards the InstalledComponents table and accepts fields of the form and ( e.g., 'Component.DIRACSystem' ) to filter installations using attributes from their associated Components and Hosts. session argument is a Session instance used to retrieve the items matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships. matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields to match. If matchFields is empty, no filtering will be done """ if matchFields is None: matchFields = {} componentKeys = {} for (key, val) in matchFields.items(): if "Component." in key: componentKeys[key.replace("Component.", "")] = val hostKeys = {} for (key, val) in matchFields.items(): if "Host." in key: hostKeys[key.replace("Host.", "")] = val selfKeys = {} for (key, val) in matchFields.items(): if "Component." not in key and "Host." not in key: selfKeys[key] = val # Get the matching components result = self.__filterFields(session, Component, componentKeys) if not result["OK"]: return result componentIDs = [] for component in result["Value"]: componentIDs.append(component.componentID) # Get the matching hosts result = self.__filterFields(session, Host, hostKeys) if not result["OK"]: return result hostIDs = [] for host in result["Value"]: hostIDs.append(host.hostID) # Get the matching InstalledComponents result = self.__filterFields(session, InstalledComponent, selfKeys) if not result["OK"]: return result # And use the Component and Host IDs to filter them as well installations = ( result["Value"] .filter(InstalledComponent.componentID.in_(componentIDs)) .filter(InstalledComponent.hostID.in_(hostIDs)) ) return S_OK(installations) def exists(self, table, matchFields): """ Checks whether an instance matching the given criteria exists table argument must be one the following three: Component, Host, InstalledComponent matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields to match. If matchFields is empty, no filtering will be done matchFields may contain entries of the form 'Component.attribute' or 'Host.attribute' if table equals InstalledComponent """ session = self.session() if table == InstalledComponent: result = self.__filterInstalledComponentsFields(session, matchFields) else: result = self.__filterFields(session, table, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result query = result["Value"] session.commit() session.close() if query.count() == 0: return S_OK(False) else: return S_OK(True) def addComponent(self, newComponent): """ Add a new component to the database newComponent argument should be a dictionary with the Component fields and its values NOTE: The addition of the items is temporary. To commit the changes to the database it is necessary to call commitChanges() """ session = self.session() component = Component() component.fromDict(newComponent) try: session.add(component) except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not add Component: %s" % (e)) try: session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes: %s" % (e)) session.close() return S_OK("Component successfully added") def removeComponents(self, matchFields=None): """ Removes components with matches in the given fields matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields and values to match matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships matchFields argument can be empty to remove all the components NOTE: The removal of the items is temporary. To commit the changes to the database it is necessary to call commitChanges() """ if matchFields is None: matchFields = {} session = self.session() result = self.__filterFields(session, Component, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result for component in result["Value"]: session.delete(component) try: session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes: %s" % (e)) session.close() return S_OK("Components successfully removed") def getComponents(self, matchFields={}, includeInstallations=False, includeHosts=False): """ Returns a list with all the components with matches in the given fields matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields to match or empty to get all the instances matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships includeInstallations indicates whether data about the installations in which the components takes part is to be retrieved includeHosts (only if includeInstallations is set to True) indicates whether data about the host in which there are instances of this component is to be retrieved """ session = self.session() result = self.__filterFields(session, Component, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result components = result["Value"] if not components: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("No matching Components were found") dictComponents = [] for component in components: dictComponents.append(component.toDict(includeInstallations, includeHosts)["Value"]) session.commit() session.close() return S_OK(dictComponents) def getComponentByID(self, cId): """ Returns a component given its id """ result = self.getComponents(matchFields={"ComponentID": cId}) if not result["OK"]: return result component = result["Value"] if component.count() == 0: return S_ERROR("Component with ID %s does not exist" % (cId)) return S_OK(component[0]) def componentExists(self, component): """ Checks whether the given component exists in the database or not """ session = self.session() try: query = ( session.query(Component) .filter(text(Component.system == component.system)) .filter(text(Component.module == component.module)) .filter(text(Component.cType == component.cType)) ) except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Couldn't check the existence of the component: %s" % (e)) session.commit() session.close() if query.count() == 0: return S_OK(False) else: return S_OK(True) def updateComponents(self, matchFields={}, updates={}): """ Updates Components objects on the database matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields to match (instances matching the fields will be updated) or empty to update all the instances matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships updates argument should be a dictionary with the Component fields and their new updated values updates argument should be a dictionary with the Installation fields and their new updated values """ session = self.session() result = self.__filterFields(session, Component, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result components = result["Value"] for component in components: component.fromDict(updates) try: session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes: %s" % (e)) session.close() return S_OK("Component(s) updated") def addHost(self, newHost): """ Add a new host to the database host argument should be a dictionary with the Host fields and its values NOTE: The addition of the items is temporary. To commit the changes to the database it is necessary to call commitChanges() """ session = self.session() host = Host() host.fromDict(newHost) try: session.add(host) except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not add Host: %s" % (e)) try: session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes: %s" % (e)) session.close() return S_OK("Host successfully added") def removeHosts(self, matchFields={}): """ Removes hosts with matches in the given fields matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields and values to match matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships matchFields argument can be empty to remove all the hosts NOTE: The removal of the items is temporary. To commit the changes to the database it is necessary to call commitChanges() """ session = self.session() result = self.__filterFields(session, Host, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result for host in result["Value"]: session.delete(host) try: session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes: %s" % (e)) session.close() return S_OK("Hosts successfully removed") def getHosts(self, matchFields={}, includeInstallations=False, includeComponents=False): """ Returns a list with all the hosts with matches in the given fields matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields to match or empty to get all the instances matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships includeInstallations indicates whether data about the installations in which the host takes part is to be retrieved includeComponents (only if includeInstallations is set to True) indicates whether data about the components installed into this host is to be retrieved """ session = self.session() result = self.__filterFields(session, Host, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result hosts = result["Value"] if not hosts: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("No matching Hosts were found") dictHosts = [] for host in hosts: dictHosts.append(host.toDict(includeInstallations, includeComponents)["Value"]) session.commit() session.close() return S_OK(dictHosts) def getHostByID(self, cId): """ Returns a host given its id """ result = self.getHosts(matchFields={"HostID": cId}) if not result["OK"]: return result host = result["Value"] if host.count() == 0: return S_ERROR("Host with ID %s does not exist" % (cId)) return S_OK(host[0]) def hostExists(self, host): """ Checks whether the given host exists in the database or not """ session = self.session() try: query = session.query(Host).filter(text(Host.hostName == host.hostName)).filter(text(Host.cpu == host.cpu)) except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not check the existence of the host: %s" % (e)) session.commit() session.close() if query.count() == 0: return S_OK(False) else: return S_OK(True) def updateHosts(self, matchFields={}, updates={}): """ Updates Hosts objects on the database matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields to match (instances matching the fields will be updated) or empty to update all the instances matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships updates argument should be a dictionary with the Host fields and their new updated values updates argument should be a dictionary with the Installation fields and their new updated values """ session = self.session() result = self.__filterFields(session, Host, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result hosts = result["Value"] for host in hosts: host.fromDict(updates) try: session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes: %s" % (e)) session.close() return S_OK("Host(s) updated") def addInstalledComponent(self, newInstallation, componentDict, hostDict, forceCreate=False): """ Add a new installation of a component to the database installation argument should be a dictionary with the InstalledComponent fields and its values componentDict argument should be a dictionary with the Component fields and its values hostDict argument should be a dictionary with the Host fields and its values If forceCreate is set to True, both the component and the host will be created if they do not exist NOTE: The addition of the items is temporary. To commit the changes to the database it is necessary to call commitChanges() """ session = self.session() installation = InstalledComponent() installation.fromDict(newInstallation) result = self.__filterFields(session, Component, componentDict) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result if result["Value"].count() != 1: if result["Value"].count() > 1: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Too many Components match the criteria") if result["Value"].count() < 1: if not forceCreate: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Given component does not exist") else: component = Component() component.fromDict(componentDict) else: component = result["Value"][0] result = self.__filterFields(session, Host, hostDict) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result if result["Value"].count() == 1: host = result["Value"][0] elif result["Value"].count() > 1: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Too many Hosts match the criteria") elif result["Value"].count() == 0: if not forceCreate: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Given host does not exist") # check if HostName exists with different CPU gLogger.verbose("Host not found, looking just for hostname") hostNameDict = {"HostName": hostDict["HostName"]} result = self.__filterFields(session, Host, hostNameDict) if result["Value"].count() == 1: gLogger.verbose("HostName found, updating CPU model") host = result["Value"][0] self.updateHosts(hostNameDict, hostDict) elif result["Value"].count() > 1: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Too many Hosts match the HostName") else: host = Host() host.fromDict(hostDict) if component: installation.installationComponent = component if host: installation.installationHost = host try: session.add(installation) except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not add installation: %s" % (e)) try: session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes: %s" % (e)) session.close() return S_OK("InstalledComponent successfully added") def getInstalledComponents(self, matchFields=None, installationsInfo=False): """ Returns a list with all the InstalledComponents with matches in the given fields matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields to match or empty to get all the instances and may contain entries of the form 'Component.attribute' or 'Host.attribute' matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships installationsInfo indicates whether information about the components and host taking part in the installation is to be provided """ if matchFields is None: matchFields = {} session = self.session() result = self.__filterInstalledComponentsFields(session, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result installations = result["Value"] if not installations: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("No matching Installations were found") dictInstallations = [] for installation in installations: dictInstallations.append(installation.toDict(installationsInfo, installationsInfo)["Value"]) session.commit() session.close() return S_OK(dictInstallations) def updateInstalledComponents(self, matchFields={}, updates={}): """ Updates installations matching the given criteria matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields to match or empty to get all the instances and may contain entries of the form 'Component.attribute' or 'Host.attribute' matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships updates argument should be a dictionary with the Installation fields and their new updated values """ session = self.session() result = self.__filterInstalledComponentsFields(session, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result installations = result["Value"] for installation in installations: installation.fromDict(updates) try: session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes: %s" % (e)) session.close() return S_OK("InstalledComponent(s) updated") def removeInstalledComponents(self, matchFields={}): """ Removes InstalledComponents with matches in the given fields matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields and values to match and may contain entries of the form 'Component.attribute' or 'Host.attribute' matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships. matchFields argument can be empty to remove all the hosts NOTE: The removal of the items is temporary. To commit the changes to the database it is necessary to call commitChanges() """ session = self.session() result = self.__filterInstalledComponentsFields(session, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result installations = result["Value"] for installation in installations: session.delete(installation) try: session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes: %s" % (e)) session.close() return S_OK("InstalledComponents successfully removed") def addLog(self, newLog): """ Add a new log to the database newLog argument should be a dictionary with the log fields and its values. Valid keys for newLog include fields that are present in a HostLogging object: HostName, DIRACVersion, Load1, Load5, ... of which only HostName is mandatory """ session = self.session() log = HostLogging() log.fromDict(newLog) try: session.add(log) except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not add log: %s" % (e)) try: session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes: %s" % (e)) session.close() return S_OK("Log successfully added") def removeLogs(self, matchFields={}): """ Removes logs with matches in the given fields matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields and values to match matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships matchFields argument can be empty to remove all the logs """ session = self.session() result = self.__filterFields(session, HostLogging, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result for log in result["Value"]: session.delete(log) try: session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes: %s" % (e)) session.close() return S_OK("Logs successfully removed") def getLogs(self, matchFields={}): """ Returns a list with all the logs with matches in the given fields matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields to match or empty to get all the instances matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships """ session = self.session() result = self.__filterFields(session, HostLogging, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result logs = result["Value"] if not logs: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("No matching logs were found") dictLogs = [] for log in logs: dictLogs.append(log.toDict()["Value"]) session.commit() session.close() return S_OK(dictLogs) def updateLogs(self, matchFields={}, updates={}): """ Updates logs matching the given criteria matchFields argument should be a dictionary with the fields to match or empty to get all the instances matchFields also accepts fields of the form and to filter using > and < relationships updates argument should be a dictionary with the logs fields and their new updated values """ session = self.session() result = self.__filterFields(session, HostLogging, matchFields) if not result["OK"]: session.rollback() session.close() return result logs = result["Value"] for log in logs: log.fromDict(updates) try: session.commit() except Exception as e: session.rollback() session.close() return S_ERROR("Could not commit changes: %s" % (e)) session.close() return S_OK("Log(s) updated")