""" InfoGetter

  Module used to map the policies with the CS.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

__RCSID__ = "45ddde113 (2021-10-01 11:19:55 +0200) Chris Burr <christopher.burr@cern.ch>"

import copy

from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gConfig, gLogger
from DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Utilities import RssConfiguration, Utils

def getPoliciesThatApply(decisionParams):
    Method that sanitizes the input parameters and returns the policies that
    match them. Matches the input dictionary with the policies configuration in
    the CS. It returns a list of policy dictionaries that matched.

    # InfoGetter is being called from SiteInspector Agent

    decisionParams = _sanitizedecisionParams(decisionParams)
    gLogger.debug("Sanitized decisionParams: %s" % str(decisionParams))

    policiesThatApply = []

    # Get policies configuration metadata from CS.
    policiesConfig = RssConfiguration.getPolicies()
    if not policiesConfig["OK"]:
        return policiesConfig
    policiesConfig = policiesConfig["Value"]
    gLogger.debug("All policies: %s" % str(policiesConfig))

    # Each policy, has the following format
    # <policyName>
    # \
    #  policyType = <policyType>
    #  matchParams
    #  \
    #   ...
    #  configParams
    #  \
    #   ...

    # Get policies that match the given decisionParameters
    for policyName, policySetup in policiesConfig.items():

        # The parameter policyType replaces policyName, so if it is not present,
        # we pick policyName
            policyType = policySetup["policyType"][0]
        except KeyError:
            policyType = policyName
            # continue

        # The section matchParams is not mandatory, so we set {} as default.
        policyMatchParams = policySetup.get("matchParams", {})
        gLogger.debug("matchParams of %s: %s" % (policyName, str(policyMatchParams)))

        # FIXME: make sure the values in the policyConfigParams dictionary are typed !!
        policyConfigParams = {}
        # policyConfigParams = policySetup.get( 'configParams', {} )
        policyMatch = Utils.configMatch(decisionParams, policyMatchParams)
        gLogger.debug("PolicyMatch for decisionParams %s: %s" % (decisionParams, str(policyMatch)))

        # WARNING: we need an additional filtering function when the matching
        # is not straightforward (e.g. when the policy specify a 'domain', while
        # the decisionParams has only the name of the element)
        if policyMatch and _filterPolicies(decisionParams, policyMatchParams):
            policiesThatApply.append((policyName, policyType, policyConfigParams))

    gLogger.debug("policies that apply (before post-processing): %s" % str(policiesThatApply))
    policiesThatApply = postProcessingPolicyList(policiesThatApply)
    gLogger.debug("policies that apply (after post-processing): %s" % str(policiesThatApply))

    policiesToBeLoaded = []
    # Gets policies parameters from code.
    for policyName, policyType, _policyConfigParams in policiesThatApply:

            configModule = Utils.voimport("DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Policy.Configurations")
            policies = copy.deepcopy(configModule.POLICIESMETA)
            policyMeta = policies[policyType]
        except KeyError:

        # We are not going to use name / type anymore, but we keep them for debugging
        # and future usage.
        policyDict = {"name": policyName, "type": policyType, "args": {}}

        # args is one of the parameters we are going to use on the policies. We copy
        # the defaults and then we update if with whatever comes from the CS.


    return S_OK(policiesToBeLoaded)

def getPolicyActionsThatApply(decisionParams, singlePolicyResults, policyCombinedResults):
    Method that sanitizes the input parameters and returns the policies actions
    that match them. Matches the input dictionary with the policy actions
    configuration in the CS. It returns a list of policy actions names that

    decisionParams = _sanitizedecisionParams(decisionParams)

    policyActionsThatApply = []

    # Get policies configuration metadata from CS.
    policyActionsConfig = RssConfiguration.getPolicyActions()
    if not policyActionsConfig["OK"]:
        return policyActionsConfig
    policyActionsConfig = policyActionsConfig["Value"]

    # Let's create a dictionary to use it with configMatch
    policyResults = {}
    for policyResult in singlePolicyResults:
            policyResults[policyResult["Policy"]["name"]] = policyResult["Status"]
        except KeyError:

    # Get policies that match the given decissionParameters
    for policyActionName, policyActionConfig in policyActionsConfig.items():

        # The parameter policyType is mandatory. If not present, we pick policyActionName
            policyActionType = policyActionConfig["actionType"][0]
        except KeyError:
            policyActionType = policyActionName
            # continue

        # We get matchParams to be compared against decisionParams
        policyActionMatchParams = policyActionConfig.get("matchParams", {})
        policyMatch = Utils.configMatch(decisionParams, policyActionMatchParams)
        # policyMatch = Utils.configMatch( decisionParams, policyActionConfig )
        if not policyMatch:

        # Let's check single policy results
        # Assumed structure:
        # ...
        # policyResults
        # <PolicyName> = <PolicyResult1>,<PolicyResult2>...
        policyActionPolicyResults = policyActionConfig.get("policyResults", {})
        policyResultsMatch = Utils.configMatch(policyResults, policyActionPolicyResults)
        if not policyResultsMatch:

        # combinedResult
        # \Status = X,Y
        # \Reason = asdasd,asdsa
        policyActionCombinedResult = policyActionConfig.get("combinedResult", {})
        policyCombinedMatch = Utils.configMatch(policyCombinedResults, policyActionCombinedResult)
        if not policyCombinedMatch:

        # policyActionsThatApply.append( policyActionName )
        # They may not be necessarily the same
        policyActionsThatApply.append((policyActionName, policyActionType))

    return S_OK(policyActionsThatApply)

def _sanitizedecisionParams(decisionParams):
    """Function that filters the input parameters. If the input parameter keys
    are no present on the "params" tuple, are not taken into account.

    # active is a hook to disable the policy / action if needed
    params = ("element", "name", "vO", "elementType", "statusType", "status", "reason", "tokenOwner", "active")

    sanitizedParams = {}

    for key in params:
        if key in decisionParams:
            # We can get rid of this now
            # In CS names are with upper case, capitalize them here
            # sanitizedParams[ key[0].upper() + key[1:] ] = decisionParams[ key ]
            sanitizedParams[key] = decisionParams[key]

    return sanitizedParams

def _getComputingElementsByDomainName(targetDomain=None):
    Gets all computing elements from /Resources/Sites/<>/<>/CE

    _basePath = "Resources/Sites"
    ces = []

    domainNames = gConfig.getSections(_basePath)
    if not domainNames["OK"]:
        return S_ERROR("No domain names have been specified on the CS")
    domainNames = domainNames["Value"]

    unknownDomains = list(set(targetDomain) - set(domainNames))
    if unknownDomains:
        gLogger.warn("Domains %s belong to the policy parameters but not to the CS domains" % unknownDomains)

    knownDomains = list(set(domainNames) & set(targetDomain))
    if not knownDomains:
        gLogger.warn("Policy parameters domain names do not match with any CS domain names")
        return S_OK([])

    for domainName in knownDomains:
        gLogger.info("Fetching the list of Computing Elements belonging to domain %s" % domainName)
        domainSites = gConfig.getSections("%s/%s" % (_basePath, domainName))
        if not domainSites["OK"]:
            return domainSites
        domainSites = domainSites["Value"]

        for site in domainSites:
            siteCEs = gConfig.getSections("%s/%s/%s/CEs" % (_basePath, domainName, site))
            if not siteCEs["OK"]:
                # return siteCEs
            siteCEs = siteCEs["Value"]

    # Remove duplicated ( just in case )
    ces = list(set(ces))
    gLogger.info("List of CEs: %s" % str(ces))

    return S_OK(ces)

def _filterPolicies(decisionParams, policyMatchParams):
    Method that checks if the given policy doesn't meet certain conditions
    elementType = decisionParams.get("elementType")
    name = decisionParams.get("name")

    # some policies may apply or not also depending on the VO's domain
    # 'CEAvailabilityPolicy' can be applied only if the CE is inside LCG
    if elementType and elementType.upper() == "CE" and "domain" in policyMatchParams:
        # WARNING: policyMatchParams['domain'] is a list of domains
        domains = policyMatchParams["domain"]
        result = _getComputingElementsByDomainName(targetDomain=domains)
        if result["OK"]:
            ces = result["Value"]
            # to verify that the given CE is in the list of the LCG CEs
            if name not in ces:
                gLogger.info("ComputingElement %s NOT found in domains %s" % (name, domains))
                return False
                gLogger.info("ComputingElement %s found in domains %s" % (name, domains))
            gLogger.warn("unable to verify if ComputingElement %s is in domains %s" % (name, domains))
            return False

    return True

def postProcessingPolicyList(policiesThatApply):
    """Put here any "hacky" post-processing"""

    # FIXME: the following 2 "if" are a "hack" for dealing with the following case:
    # an SE happens to be subject to, e.g., both the 'FreeDiskSpaceMB' and the 'FreeDiskSpaceGB' policies
    # (currently, there is no way to avoid that this happens, see e.g. LogSE)
    # When this is the case, supposing that an SE has 50 MB free, the policies evaluation will be the following:
    # - 'FreeDiskSpaceMB' will evaluate 'Active'
    # - 'FreeDiskSpaceGB' will evaluate 'Banned'
    # so the SE will end up being banned, but we want only the 'FreeDiskSpaceMB' to be considered.
    if ("FreeDiskSpaceMB", "FreeDiskSpaceMB", {}) in policiesThatApply:
            policiesThatApply.remove(("FreeDiskSpaceGB", "FreeDiskSpaceGB", {}))
        except ValueError:
            policiesThatApply.remove(("FreeDiskSpaceTB", "FreeDiskSpaceTB", {}))
        except ValueError:
    if ("FreeDiskSpaceGB", "FreeDiskSpaceGB", {}) in policiesThatApply:
            policiesThatApply.remove(("FreeDiskSpaceTB", "FreeDiskSpaceTB", {}))
        except ValueError:

    return policiesThatApply