# File :    CPUNormalization.py
# Author :  Ricardo Graciani

""" DIRAC Workload Management System Client module that encapsulates all the
    methods necessary to handle CPU normalization
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import os
from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen

    from db12 import single_dirac_benchmark as singleDiracBenchmark
except ImportError:
    from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.DIRACbenchmark import singleDiracBenchmark

import DIRAC
from DIRAC import gConfig, gLogger, S_OK, S_ERROR
from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getCESiteMapping
from DIRAC.Resources.Computing.BatchSystems.TimeLeft.TimeLeft import TimeLeft

__RCSID__ = "735c9b902 (2021-12-07 15:27:36 +0100) aldbr <alex.811@hotmail.fr>"

# TODO: This should come from some place in the configuration
NORMALIZATIONCONSTANT = 60.0 / 250.0  # from minutes to seconds and from SI00 to HS06 (ie min * SI00 -> sec * HS06 )

UNITS = {"HS06": 1.0, "SI00": 1.0 / 250.0}

# TODO: This is still fetching directly from MJF rather than going through
# the MJF module and the values it saves in the local DIRAC configuration

def __getFeatures(envVariable, items):
    """Extract features"""
    features = {}
    featuresDir = os.environ.get(envVariable)
    if featuresDir is None:
        return features
    for item in items:
        fname = os.path.join(featuresDir, item)
            # Only keep features that do exist
            features[item] = urlopen(fname).read()
        except IOError:
    return features

def getMachineFeatures():
    """This uses the _old_ MJF information"""
    return __getFeatures("MACHINEFEATURES", ("hs06", "jobslots", "log_cores", "phys_cores"))

# TODO: log_cores and phys_cores are deprecated and from old MJF specificationa and not collected
# by the MJF module!

def getJobFeatures():
    """This uses the _new_ MJF information"""
    return __getFeatures("JOBFEATURES", ("hs06_job", "allocated_cpu"))

def getPowerFromMJF():
    """Extracts the machine power from either JOBFEATURES or MACHINEFEATURES"""
        features = getJobFeatures()
        hs06Job = features.get("hs06_job")
        # If the information is there and non zero, return, otherwise go to machine features
        if hs06Job:
            return round(float(hs06Job), 2)
        features = getMachineFeatures()
        totalPower = float(features.get("hs06", 0))
        logCores = float(features.get("log_cores", 0))
        physCores = float(features.get("phys_cores", 0))
        jobSlots = float(features.get("jobslots", 0))
        denom = min(max(logCores, physCores), jobSlots) if (logCores or physCores) and jobSlots else None
        if totalPower and denom:
            return round(totalPower / denom, 2)
        return None
    except ValueError as e:
        gLogger.exception("Exception getting MJF information", lException=e)
        return None

def queueNormalizedCPU(ceUniqueID):
    """Report Normalized CPU length of queue"""
    result = getQueueInfo(ceUniqueID)
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result

    ceInfoDict = result["Value"]
    siteCSSEction = ceInfoDict["SiteCSSEction"]
    queueCSSection = ceInfoDict["QueueCSSection"]

    benchmarkSI00 = __getQueueNormalization(queueCSSection, siteCSSEction)
    maxCPUTime = __getMaxCPUTime(queueCSSection)

    if maxCPUTime and benchmarkSI00:
        normCPUTime = NORMALIZATIONCONSTANT * maxCPUTime * benchmarkSI00
        if not benchmarkSI00:
            subClusterUniqueID = ceInfoDict["SubClusterUniqueID"]
            return S_ERROR("benchmarkSI00 info not available for %s" % subClusterUniqueID)
        if not maxCPUTime:
            return S_ERROR("maxCPUTime info not available")

    return S_OK(normCPUTime)

def getQueueNormalization(ceUniqueID):
    """Report Normalization Factor applied by Site to the given Queue"""
    result = getQueueInfo(ceUniqueID)
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result

    ceInfoDict = result["Value"]
    siteCSSEction = ceInfoDict["SiteCSSEction"]
    queueCSSection = ceInfoDict["QueueCSSection"]
    subClusterUniqueID = ceInfoDict["SubClusterUniqueID"]

    benchmarkSI00 = __getQueueNormalization(queueCSSection, siteCSSEction)

    if benchmarkSI00:
        return S_OK(benchmarkSI00)
    return S_ERROR("benchmarkSI00 info not available for %s" % subClusterUniqueID)
    # errorList.append( ( subClusterUniqueID , 'benchmarkSI00 info not available' ) )
    # exitCode = 3

def __getQueueNormalization(queueCSSection, siteCSSEction):
    """Query the CS and return the Normalization"""
    benchmarkSI00Option = "%s/%s" % (queueCSSection, "SI00")
    benchmarkSI00 = gConfig.getValue(benchmarkSI00Option, 0.0)
    if not benchmarkSI00:
        benchmarkSI00Option = "%s/%s" % (siteCSSEction, "SI00")
        benchmarkSI00 = gConfig.getValue(benchmarkSI00Option, 0.0)

    return benchmarkSI00

def __getMaxCPUTime(queueCSSection):
    """Query the CS and return the maxCPUTime"""
    maxCPUTimeOption = "%s/%s" % (queueCSSection, "maxCPUTime")
    maxCPUTime = gConfig.getValue(maxCPUTimeOption, 0.0)
    # For some sites there are crazy values in the CS
    maxCPUTime = max(maxCPUTime, 0)
    maxCPUTime = min(maxCPUTime, 86400 * 12.5)

    return maxCPUTime

def getCPUNormalization(reference="HS06", iterations=1):
    """Get Normalized Power of the current CPU in [reference] units"""
    if reference not in UNITS:
        return S_ERROR("Unknown Normalization unit %s" % str(reference))
        max(min(int(iterations), 10), 1)
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as x:
        return S_ERROR(x)

    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations

    corr = Operations().getValue("JobScheduling/CPUNormalizationCorrection", 1.0)

    result = singleDiracBenchmark(iterations)

    if result is None:
        return S_ERROR("Cannot get benchmark measurements")

    return S_OK({"CPU": result["CPU"], "WALL": result["WALL"], "NORM": result["NORM"] / corr, "UNIT": reference})

def getCPUTime(cpuNormalizationFactor):
    """Trying to get CPUTime left for execution (in seconds).

    It will first look to get the work left looking for batch system information useing the TimeLeft utility.
    If it succeeds, it will convert it in real second, and return it.

    If it fails, it tries to get it from the static info found in CS.
    If it fails, it returns the default, which is a large 9999999, that we may consider as "Infinite".

    This is a generic method, independent from the middleware of the resource if TimeLeft doesn't return a value

      cpuNormalizationFactor (float): the CPU power of the current Worker Node.
      If not passed in, it's get from the local configuration

      cpuTimeLeft (int): the CPU time left, in seconds
    cpuTimeLeft = 0.0
    cpuWorkLeft = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/CPUTimeLeft", 0)

    if not cpuWorkLeft:
        # Try and get the information from the CPU left utility
        result = TimeLeft().getTimeLeft()
        if result["OK"]:
            cpuWorkLeft = result["Value"]

    if cpuWorkLeft > 0:
        # This is in HS06sseconds
        # We need to convert in real seconds
        if not cpuNormalizationFactor:  # if cpuNormalizationFactor passed in is 0, try get it from the local cfg
            cpuNormalizationFactor = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/CPUNormalizationFactor", 0.0)
        if cpuNormalizationFactor:
            cpuTimeLeft = cpuWorkLeft / cpuNormalizationFactor

    if not cpuTimeLeft:
        # now we know that we have to find the CPUTimeLeft by looking in the CS
        # this is not granted to be correct as the CS units may not be real seconds
        gridCE = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/GridCE")
        ceQueue = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/CEQueue")
        if not ceQueue:
            # we have to look for a ceQueue in the CS
            # A bit hacky. We should better profit from something generic
            gLogger.warn("No CEQueue in local configuration, looking to find one in CS")
            siteName = DIRAC.siteName()
            queueSection = "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s/Queues" % (siteName.split(".")[0], siteName, gridCE)
            res = gConfig.getSections(queueSection)
            if not res["OK"]:
                raise RuntimeError(res["Message"])
            queues = res["Value"]
            cpuTimes = [gConfig.getValue(queueSection + "/" + queue + "/maxCPUTime", 9999999.0) for queue in queues]
            # These are (real, wall clock) minutes - damn BDII!
            cpuTimeLeft = min(cpuTimes) * 60
            queueInfo = getQueueInfo("%s/%s" % (gridCE, ceQueue))
            cpuTimeLeft = 9999999.0
            if not queueInfo["OK"] or not queueInfo["Value"]:
                gLogger.warn("Can't find a CE/queue, defaulting CPUTime to %d" % cpuTimeLeft)
                queueCSSection = queueInfo["Value"]["QueueCSSection"]
                # These are (real, wall clock) minutes - damn BDII!
                cpuTimeInMinutes = gConfig.getValue("%s/maxCPUTime" % queueCSSection, 0.0)
                if cpuTimeInMinutes:
                    cpuTimeLeft = cpuTimeInMinutes * 60.0
                    gLogger.info("CPUTime for %s: %f" % (queueCSSection, cpuTimeLeft))
                        "Can't find maxCPUTime for %s, defaulting CPUTime to %f" % (queueCSSection, cpuTimeLeft)

    return int(cpuTimeLeft)

def getQueueInfo(ceUniqueID, diracSiteName=""):
    Extract information from full CE Name including associate DIRAC Site
        subClusterUniqueID = ceUniqueID.split("/")[0].split(":")[0]
        queueID = ceUniqueID.split("/")[1]
    except IndexError:
        return S_ERROR("Wrong full queue Name")

    if not diracSiteName:
        gLogger.debug("SiteName not given, looking in /LocaSite/Site")
        diracSiteName = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/Site", "")

        if not diracSiteName:
            gLogger.debug("Can't find LocalSite name, looking in CS")
            result = getCESiteMapping(subClusterUniqueID)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            diracSiteName = result["Value"][subClusterUniqueID]

            if not diracSiteName:
                gLogger.error("Can not find corresponding Site in CS")
                return S_ERROR("Can not find corresponding Site in CS")

    gridType = diracSiteName.split(".")[0]

    siteCSSEction = "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s/CEs/%s" % (gridType, diracSiteName, subClusterUniqueID)
    queueCSSection = "%s/Queues/%s" % (siteCSSEction, queueID)

    resultDict = {
        "SubClusterUniqueID": subClusterUniqueID,
        "QueueID": queueID,
        "SiteName": diracSiteName,
        "Grid": gridType,
        "SiteCSSEction": siteCSSEction,
        "QueueCSSection": queueCSSection,

    return S_OK(resultDict)