/*************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1990-2007, Condor Team, Computer Sciences Department, * University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ***************************************************************/ #ifndef __CLASSAD_CLASSAD_H__ #define __CLASSAD_CLASSAD_H__ #include #include #include #include #include "classad/classad_stl.h" #include "classad/exprTree.h" namespace classad { typedef std::set References; typedef std::map PortReferences; #if defined( EXPERIMENTAL ) #include "classad/rectangle.h" #endif typedef classad_unordered AttrList; typedef std::set DirtyAttrList; void ClassAdLibraryVersion(int &major, int &minor, int &patch); void ClassAdLibraryVersion(std::string &version_string); // Should parsed expressions be cached and shared between multiple ads. // The default is false. void ClassAdSetExpressionCaching(bool do_caching); bool ClassAdGetExpressionCaching(); // This flag is only meant for use in Condor, which is transitioning // from an older version of ClassAds with slightly different evaluation // semantics. It will be removed without warning in a future release. // The function SetOldClassAdSemantics() should be used instead of // directly setting _useOldClassAdSemantics. extern bool _useOldClassAdSemantics; void SetOldClassAdSemantics(bool enable); template void val_str(std::string & szOut, const T & tValue) { std::stringstream foo; foo< void val_str(std::string & szOut, const bool & tValue) { std::stringstream foo; foo <<(tValue?"true":"false"); szOut = foo.str(); } /// The ClassAd object represents a parsed %ClassAd. class ClassAd : public ExprTree { /** \mainpage C++ ClassAd API Documentation * Welcome to the C++ ClassAd API Documentation. * Use the links at the top to navigate. A good link to start with * is the "Class List" link. * * If you are unfamiliar with the ClassAd library, look at the * sample.C file that comes with the ClassAd library. Also check * out the online ClassAd tutorial at: * http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/classad/c++tut.html */ public: /**@name Constructors/Destructor */ //@{ /// Default constructor ClassAd (); /** Copy constructor @param ad The ClassAd to copy */ ClassAd (const ClassAd &ad); /// Destructor virtual ~ClassAd (); //@} /// node type virtual NodeKind GetKind (void) const { return CLASSAD_NODE; } /**@name Insertion Methods */ //@{ /** Inserts an attribute into the ClassAd. The setParentScope() method is invoked on the inserted expression. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @param expr The expression bound to the name. @return true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. @see ExprTree::setParentScope */ bool Insert( const std::string& attrName, ExprTree *& pRef, bool cache=true); bool Insert( const std::string& attrName, ClassAd *& expr, bool cache=true ); bool Insert( const std::string& serialized_nvp); /** Inserts an attribute into a nested classAd. The scope expression is evaluated to obtain a nested classad, and the attribute is inserted into this subclassad. The setParentScope() method is invoked on the inserted expression. @param scopeExpr The scope expression. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @param expr The expression bound to the name. @return true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. @see ExprTree::setParentScope */ bool DeepInsert( ExprTree *scopeExpr, const std::string &attrName, ExprTree *expr ); /** Inserts an attribute into the ClassAd. The integer value is converted into a Literal expression, and then inserted into the classad. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @param value The integer value of the attribute. @param f The multiplicative factor to be attached to value. @see Value::NumberFactor */ bool InsertAttr( const std::string &attrName,int value, Value::NumberFactor f=Value::NO_FACTOR ); bool InsertAttr( const std::string &attrName,long value, Value::NumberFactor f=Value::NO_FACTOR ); bool InsertAttr( const std::string &attrName,long long value, Value::NumberFactor f=Value::NO_FACTOR ); /** Inserts an attribute into a nested classad. The scope expression is evaluated to obtain a nested classad, and the attribute is inserted into this subclassad. The integer value is converted into a Literal expression, and then inserted into the nested classad. @param scopeExpr The scope expression. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @param value The integer value of the attribute. @param f The multiplicative factor to be attached to value. @see Value::NumberFactor */ bool DeepInsertAttr( ExprTree *scopeExpr, const std::string &attrName, int value, Value::NumberFactor f=Value::NO_FACTOR ); bool DeepInsertAttr( ExprTree *scopeExpr, const std::string &attrName, long value, Value::NumberFactor f=Value::NO_FACTOR ); bool DeepInsertAttr( ExprTree *scopeExpr, const std::string &attrName, long long value, Value::NumberFactor f=Value::NO_FACTOR ); /** Inserts an attribute into the ClassAd. The real value is converted into a Literal expression, and then inserted into the classad. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @param value The real value of the attribute. @param f The multiplicative factor to be attached to value. @see Value::NumberFactor @return true on success, false otherwise */ bool InsertAttr( const std::string &attrName,double value, Value::NumberFactor f=Value::NO_FACTOR); /** Inserts an attribute into a nested classad. The scope expression is evaluated to obtain a nested classad, and the insertion is made in the nested classad. The double value is converted into a Literal expression to yield the expression to be inserted. @param scopeExpr String representation of the scope expression. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @param value The string attribute @param f A multipler for the number. @see Value::NumberFactor @return true on success, false otherwise */ bool DeepInsertAttr( ExprTree *scopeExpr, const std::string &attrName, double value, Value::NumberFactor f=Value::NO_FACTOR); /** Inserts an attribute into the ClassAd. The boolean value is converted into a Literal expression, and then inserted into the classad. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @param value The boolean value of the attribute. */ bool InsertAttr( const std::string &attrName, bool value ); /** Inserts an attribute into a nested classad. The scope expression is evaluated to obtain a nested classad, and the insertion is made in the nested classad. The boolean value is converted into a Literal expression to yield the expression to be inserted. @param scopeExpr The scope expression. @param attrName The name of the attribute. This string is always duplicated internally. @param value The string attribute */ bool DeepInsertAttr( ExprTree *scopeExpr, const std::string &attrName, bool value ); /** Inserts an attribute into the ClassAd. The string value is converted into a Literal expression, and then inserted into the classad. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @param value The string attribute */ bool InsertAttr( const std::string &attrName, const char *value ); /** Inserts an attribute into a nested classad. The scope expression is evaluated to obtain a nested classad, and the insertion is made in the nested classad. The string value is converted into a Literal expression to yield the expression to be inserted. @param scopeExpr The scope expression. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @param value The string attribute */ bool DeepInsertAttr( ExprTree *scopeExpr, const std::string &attrName, const char *value ); /** Inserts an attribute into the ClassAd. The string value is converted into a Literal expression, and then inserted into the classad. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @param value The string attribute */ bool InsertAttr( const std::string &attrName, const std::string &value ); /** Inserts an attribute into a nested classad. The scope expression is evaluated to obtain a nested classad, and the insertion is made in the nested classad. The string value is converted into a Literal expression to yield the expression to be inserted. @param scopeExpr The scope expression. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @param value The string attribute */ bool DeepInsertAttr( ExprTree *scopeExpr, const std::string &attrName, const std::string &value ); //@} /**@name Lookup Methods */ //@{ /** Finds the expression bound to an attribute name. The lookup only involves this ClassAd; scoping information is ignored. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @return The expression bound to the name in the ClassAd, or NULL otherwise. */ ExprTree *Lookup( const std::string &attrName ) const; /** Finds the expression bound to an attribute name, ignoring chained parent. Behaves just like Lookup(), except any parent ad chained to this ad is ignored. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @return The expression bound to the name in the ClassAd, or NULL otherwise. */ ExprTree *LookupIgnoreChain( const std::string &attrName ) const; /** Finds the expression bound to an attribute name. The lookup uses the scoping structure (including super attributes) to determine the expression bound to the given attribute name in the closest enclosing scope. The closest enclosing scope is also returned. @param attrName The name of the attribute. @param ad The closest enclosing scope of the returned expression, or NULL if no expression was found. @return The expression bound to the name in the ClassAd, or NULL otherwise. */ ExprTree *LookupInScope(const std::string &attrName,const ClassAd *&ad)const; //@} /**@name Attribute Deletion Methods */ //@{ /** Clears the ClassAd of all attributes. */ void Clear( ); /** Deletes the named attribute from the ClassAd. Only attributes from the local ClassAd are considered; scoping information is ignored. The expression bound to the attribute is deleted. @param attrName The name of the attribute to be delete. @return true if the attribute previously existed and was successfully removed, false otherwise. */ bool Delete( const std::string &attrName ); /** Deletes the named attribute from a nested classAd. The scope expression is evaluated to obtain a nested classad, and the attribute is then deleted from this ad. Only attributes from the local ClassAd are considered; scoping information is ignored. The expression bound to the attribute is deleted. @param scopeExpr String representation of the scope expression. @param attrName The name of the attribute to be delete. @return true if the attribute previously existed and was successfully removed, false otherwise. */ bool DeepDelete( const std::string &scopeExpr, const std::string &attrName ); /** Deletes the named attribute from a nested classAd. The scope expression is evaluated to obtain a nested classad, and the attribute is then deleted from this ad. Only attributes from the local ClassAd are considered; scoping information is ignored. The expression bound to the attribute is deleted. @param scopeExpr The scope expression. @param attrName The name of the attribute to be delete. @return true if the attribute previously existed and was successfully removed, false otherwise. */ bool DeepDelete( ExprTree *scopeExpr, const std::string &attrName ); /** Similar to Delete, but the expression is returned rather than deleted from the classad. @param attrName The name of the attribute to be extricated. @return The expression tree of the named attribute, or NULL if the attribute could not be found. @see Delete */ ExprTree *Remove( const std::string &attrName ); /** Similar to DeepDelete, but the expression is returned rather than deleted from the classad. @param scopeExpr String representation of the scope expression @param attrName The name of the attribute to be extricated. @return The expression tree of the named attribute, or NULL if the attribute could not be found. @see Delete */ ExprTree *DeepRemove( const std::string &scopeExpr, const std::string &attrName ); /** Similar to DeepDelete, but the expression is returned rather than deleted from the classad. @param scopeExpr The scope expression @param attrName The name of the attribute to be extricated. @return The expression tree of the named attribute, or NULL if the attribute could not be found. @see Delete */ ExprTree *DeepRemove( ExprTree *scopeExpr, const std::string &attrName ); //@} /**@name Evaluation Methods */ //@{ /** Evaluates expression bound to an attribute. @param attrName The name of the attribute in the ClassAd. @param result The result of the evaluation. */ bool EvaluateAttr( const std::string& attrName, Value &result ) const; /** Evaluates an expression. @param buf Buffer containing the external representation of the expression. This buffer is parsed to yield the expression to be evaluated. @param result The result of the evaluation. @return true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. */ bool EvaluateExpr( const std::string& buf, Value &result ) const; /** Evaluates an expression. If the expression doesn't already live in this ClassAd, the setParentScope() method must be called on it first. @param expr The expression to be evaluated. @param result The result of the evaluation. */ bool EvaluateExpr( const ExprTree* expr, Value &result ) const; // eval'n /** Evaluates an expression, and returns the significant subexpressions encountered during the evaluation. If the expression doesn't already live in this ClassAd, call the setParentScope() method on it first. @param expr The expression to be evaluated. @param result The result of the evaluation. @param sig The significant subexpressions of the evaluation. */ bool EvaluateExpr( const ExprTree* expr, Value &result, ExprTree *&sig) const; /** Evaluates an attribute to an integer. @param attr The name of the attribute. @param intValue The value of the attribute. If the type of intValue is smaller than a long long, the value may be truncated. @return true if attrName evaluated to an integer, false otherwise. */ bool EvaluateAttrInt( const std::string &attr, int& intValue ) const; bool EvaluateAttrInt( const std::string &attr, long& intValue ) const; bool EvaluateAttrInt( const std::string &attr, long long& intValue ) const; /** Evaluates an attribute to a real. @param attr The name of the attribute. @param realValue The value of the attribute. @return true if attrName evaluated to a real, false otherwise. */ bool EvaluateAttrReal( const std::string &attr, double& realValue )const; /** Evaluates an attribute to an integer. If the attribute evaluated to a real, it is truncated to an integer. If the value is a boolean, it is converted to 0 (for False) or 1 (for True). @param attr The name of the attribute. @param intValue The value of the attribute. If the type of intValue is smaller than a long long, the value may be truncated. @return true if attrName evaluated to an number, false otherwise. */ bool EvaluateAttrNumber( const std::string &attr, int& intValue ) const; bool EvaluateAttrNumber( const std::string &attr, long& intValue ) const; bool EvaluateAttrNumber( const std::string &attr, long long& intValue ) const; /** Evaluates an attribute to a real. If the attribute evaluated to an integer, it is promoted to a real. If the value is a boolean, it is converted to 0.0 (for False) or 1.0 (for True). @param attr The name of the attribute. @param realValue The value of the attribute. @return true if attrName evaluated to a number, false otherwise. */ bool EvaluateAttrNumber(const std::string &attr,double& realValue) const; /** Evaluates an attribute to a string. If the string value does not fit into the buffer, only the portion that does fit is copied over. @param attr The name of the attribute. @param buf The buffer for the string value. @param len Size of buffer @return true iff attrName evaluated to a string */ bool EvaluateAttrString( const std::string &attr, char *buf, int len) const; /** Evaluates an attribute to a string. If the string value does not fit into the buffer, only the portion that does fit is copied over. @param attr The name of the attribute. @param buf The buffer for the string value. @return true iff attrName evaluated to a string */ bool EvaluateAttrString( const std::string &attr, std::string &buf ) const; /** Evaluates an attribute to a boolean. @param attr The name of the attribute. @param boolValue The value of the attribute. @return true if attrName evaluated to a boolean value, false otherwise. */ bool EvaluateAttrBool( const std::string &attr, bool& boolValue ) const; /** Evaluates an attribute to a boolean. If old ClassAd semantics are enabled, then numerical values will be converted to the appropriate boolean value. @param attr The name of the attribute. @param boolValue The value of the attribute. @return true if attrName evaluated to a boolean value, false otherwise. */ bool EvaluateAttrBoolEquiv( const std::string &attr, bool& boolValue ) const; /** Evaluates an attribute to a ClassAd. A pointer to the ClassAd is returned. You do not own the ClassAd--do not free it. @param attr The name of the attribute. @param classad The value of the attribute. @return true if attrName evaluated to a ClassAd, false otherwise. */ // This interface is disabled, because it cannot support dynamically allocated // classad values (in case such a thing is ever added, similar to SLIST_VALUE). // Instead, use EvaluateAttr(). // Waiting to hear if anybody cares ... // If anybody does, we can make this set a shared_ptr instead, but that // has performance implications that depend on whether all ClassAds // are managed via shared_ptr or only ones dynamically created // during evaluation (because a fresh copy has to be made for // objects not already managed via shared_ptr). So let's avoid depending // on this interface until we need it. //bool EvaluateAttrClassAd( const std::string &attr, ClassAd *&classad ) const; /** Evaluates an attribute to an ExprList. A pointer to the ExprList is returned. You do not own the ExprList--do not free it. @param attr The name of the attribute. @param l The value of the attribute. @return true if attrName evaluated to a ExprList, false otherwise. */ // This interface is disabled, because it cannot support dynamically allocated // list values (SLIST_VALUE). Instead, use EvaluateAttr(). // Waiting to hear if anybody cares ... // If anybody does, we can make this set a shared_ptr instead, but that // has performance implications that depend on whether all ExprLists // in ClassAds are managed via shared_ptr or only ones dynamically created // during evaluation (because a fresh copy has to be made for // objects not already managed via shared_ptr). So let's avoid depending // on this interface until we need it. //bool EvaluateAttrList( const std::string &attr, ExprList *&l ) const; //@} /**@name STL-like Iterators */ //@{ /** Define an iterator we can use on a ClassAd */ typedef AttrList::iterator iterator; /** Define a constatnt iterator we can use on a ClassAd */ typedef AttrList::const_iterator const_iterator; /** Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the attribute/value pairs in the ClassAd */ iterator begin() { return attrList.begin(); } /** Returns a constant iterator pointing to the beginning of the attribute/value pairs in the ClassAd */ const_iterator begin() const { return attrList.begin(); } /** Returns aniterator pointing past the end of the attribute/value pairs in the ClassAd */ iterator end() { return attrList.end(); } /** Returns a constant iterator pointing past the end of the attribute/value pairs in the ClassAd */ const_iterator end() const { return attrList.end(); } /** Return an interator pointing to the attribute with a particular name. */ iterator find(std::string const& attrName); /** Return a constant interator pointing to the attribute with a particular name. */ const_iterator find(std::string const& attrName) const; /** Return the number of attributes at the root level of this ClassAd. */ int size(void) const { return attrList.size(); } //@} void rehash(size_t s) { attrList.rehash(s);} /** Deconstructor to get the components of a classad * @param vec A vector of (name,expression) pairs which are the * attributes of the classad */ void GetComponents( std::vector< std::pair< std::string, ExprTree *> > &vec ) const; /** Make sure everything in the ad is in this ClassAd. * This is different than CopyFrom() because we may have many * things that the ad doesn't have: we just ensure that everything we * import everything from the other ad. This could be called Merge(). * @param ad The ad to copy attributes from. */ bool Update( const ClassAd& ad ); /** Modify this ClassAd in a specific way * Ad is a ClassAd that looks like: * [ Context = expr; // Sub-ClassAd to operate on * Replace = classad; // ClassAd to Update() replace context * Updates = classad; // ClassAd to merge into context (via Update()) * Deletes = {a1, a2}; // A list of attribute names to delete from the context * @param ad is a description of how to modify this ClassAd */ void Modify( ClassAd& ad ); /** Makes a deep copy of the ClassAd. @return A deep copy of the ClassAd, or NULL on failure. */ virtual ExprTree* Copy( ) const; /** Make a deep copy of the ClassAd, via the == operator. */ ClassAd &operator=(const ClassAd &rhs); /** Fill in this ClassAd with the contents of the other ClassAd. * This ClassAd is cleared of its contents before the copy happens. * @return true if the copy succeeded, false otherwise. */ bool CopyFrom( const ClassAd &ad ); /** Is this ClassAd the same as the tree? * Two ClassAds are identical if they have the same * number of elements, and each is the SameAs() the other. * This is a deep comparison. * @return true if it is the same, false otherwise */ virtual bool SameAs(const ExprTree *tree) const; /** Are the two ClassAds the same? * Uses SameAs() to decide if they are the same. * @return true if they are, false otherwise. */ friend bool operator==(ClassAd &list1, ClassAd &list2); /** Flattens (a partial evaluation operation) the given expression in the context of the classad. @param expr The expression to be flattened. @param val The value after flattening, if the expression was completely flattened. This value is valid if and only if fexpr is NULL. @param fexpr The flattened expression tree if the expression did not flatten to a single value, and NULL otherwise. @return true if the flattening was successful, and false otherwise. */ bool Flatten( const ExprTree* expr, Value& val, ExprTree *&fexpr )const; bool FlattenAndInline( const ExprTree* expr, Value& val, // NAC ExprTree *&fexpr )const; // NAC /** Return a list of attribute references in the expression that are not * contained within this ClassAd. * @param tree The ExprTree for the expression that has references that you are * wish to know about. * @param refs The list of references * @param fullNames true if you want full names (like other.foo) * @return true on success, false on failure. */ bool GetExternalReferences( const ExprTree *tree, References &refs, bool fullNames ) const; /** Return a list of attribute references in the expression that are not * contained within this ClassAd. * @param tree The ExprTree for the expression that has references that you are * wish to know about. * @param refs The list of references * @return true on success, false on failure. */ bool GetExternalReferences(const ExprTree *tree, PortReferences &refs) const; //@} /** Return a list of attribute references in the expression that are * contained within this ClassAd. * @param tree The ExprTree for the expression that has references * that you wish to know about. * @param refs The list of references * @param fullNames ignored * @return true on success, false on failure. */ bool GetInternalReferences( const ExprTree *tree, References &refs, bool fullNames) const; #if defined( EXPERIMENTAL ) bool AddRectangle( const ExprTree *tree, Rectangles &r, const std::string &allowed, const References &imported ); #endif /**@name Chaining functions */ //@{ /** Chain this ad to the parent ad. * After chaining, any attribute we look for that is not * in this ad will be looked for in the parent ad. This is * a simple form of compression: many ads can be linked to a * parent ad that contains common attributes between the ads. * If an attribute is in both this ad and the parent, a lookup * will only show it in the parent. If we make any modifications to * this ad, it will not affect the parent. * @param new_chain_parent_ad the parent ad we are chained too. */ void ChainToAd(ClassAd *new_chain_parent_ad); /** If there is a chained parent remove redundant entries. */ int PruneChildAd(); /** If we are chained to a parent ad, remove the chain. */ void Unchain(void); /** Return a pointer to the parent ad. */ ClassAd * GetChainedParentAd(void); const ClassAd * GetChainedParentAd(void) const; /** Fill in this ClassAd with the contents of the other ClassAd, * including any attributes from the other ad's chained parent. * Any previous contents of this ad are cleared. * @return true if the copy succeeded, false otherwise. */ bool CopyFromChain( const ClassAd &ad ); /** Insert all attributes from the other ad and its chained * parents into this ad, but do not clear out existing * contents of this ad before doing so. * @return true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. */ bool UpdateFromChain( const ClassAd &ad ); //@} /**@name Dirty Tracking */ //@{ /** enable or disable dirty tracking for this ClassAd * and return whether dirty track was previously enabled or disabled. */ bool SetDirtyTracking(bool enable) { bool was_enabled = do_dirty_tracking; do_dirty_tracking = enable; return was_enabled; } /** Turn on dirty tracking for this ClassAd. * If tracking is on, every insert will label the attribute that was inserted * as dirty. Dirty tracking is always turned off during Copy() and * CopyFrom(). */ void EnableDirtyTracking(void) { do_dirty_tracking = true; } /** Turn off ditry tracking for this ClassAd. */ void DisableDirtyTracking(void) { do_dirty_tracking = false; } /** Mark all attributes in the ClassAd as not dirty */ void ClearAllDirtyFlags(void); /** Mark a particular attribute as dirty * @param name The attribute name */ void MarkAttributeDirty(const std::string &name); /** Mark a particular attribute as not dirty * @param name The attribute name */ void MarkAttributeClean(const std::string &name); /** Return true if an attribute is dirty * @param name The attribute name * @return true if the attribute is dirty, false otherwise */ bool IsAttributeDirty(const std::string &name) const; /* Needed for backward compatibility * Remove it the next time we have to bump the ClassAds SO version. */ bool IsAttributeDirty(const std::string &name) {return ((const ClassAd*)this)->IsAttributeDirty(name);} typedef DirtyAttrList::iterator dirtyIterator; /** Return an interator to the first dirty attribute so all dirty attributes * can be iterated through. */ dirtyIterator dirtyBegin() { return dirtyAttrList.begin(); } /** Return an iterator past the last dirty attribute */ dirtyIterator dirtyEnd() { return dirtyAttrList.end(); } //@} /* This data member is intended for transitioning Condor from * old to new ClassAds. It allows unscoped attribute references * in expressions that can't be found in the local scope to be * looked for in an alternate scope. In Condor, the alternate * scope is the Target ad in matchmaking. * Expect alternateScope to be removed from a future release. */ ClassAd *alternateScope; private: friend class AttributeReference; friend class ExprTree; friend class EvalState; friend class ClassAdIterator; bool _GetExternalReferences( const ExprTree *, const ClassAd *, EvalState &, References&, bool fullNames ) const; bool _GetExternalReferences( const ExprTree *, const ClassAd *, EvalState &, PortReferences& ) const; bool _GetInternalReferences(const ExprTree *expr, const ClassAd *ad, EvalState &state, References& refs, bool fullNames) const; #if defined( EXPERIMENTAL ) bool _MakeRectangles(const ExprTree*,const std::string&,Rectangles&, bool); bool _CheckRef( ExprTree *, const std::string & ); #endif ClassAd *_GetDeepScope( const std::string& ) const; ClassAd *_GetDeepScope( ExprTree * ) const; virtual void _SetParentScope( const ClassAd* p ); virtual bool _Evaluate( EvalState& , Value& ) const; virtual bool _Evaluate( EvalState&, Value&, ExprTree*& ) const; virtual bool _Flatten( EvalState&, Value&, ExprTree*&, int* ) const; int LookupInScope( const std::string&, ExprTree*&, EvalState& ) const; AttrList attrList; DirtyAttrList dirtyAttrList; bool do_dirty_tracking; ClassAd *chained_parent_ad; }; } // classad #include "classad/classadItor.h" #endif//__CLASSAD_CLASSAD_H__