/*************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1990-2007, Condor Team, Computer Sciences Department, * University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ***************************************************************/ #ifndef __CLASSAD_LEXER_H__ #define __CLASSAD_LEXER_H__ #include "classad/common.h" #include "classad/value.h" #include "classad/lexerSource.h" namespace classad { // the lexical analyzer class class Lexer { public: enum TokenType { LEX_TOKEN_ERROR, LEX_END_OF_INPUT, LEX_TOKEN_TOO_LONG, LEX_INTEGER_VALUE, LEX_REAL_VALUE, LEX_BOOLEAN_VALUE, LEX_STRING_VALUE, LEX_UNDEFINED_VALUE, LEX_ERROR_VALUE, LEX_IDENTIFIER, LEX_SELECTION, LEX_MULTIPLY, LEX_DIVIDE, LEX_MODULUS, LEX_PLUS, LEX_MINUS, LEX_BITWISE_AND, LEX_BITWISE_OR, LEX_BITWISE_NOT, LEX_BITWISE_XOR, LEX_LEFT_SHIFT, LEX_RIGHT_SHIFT, LEX_URIGHT_SHIFT, LEX_LOGICAL_AND, LEX_LOGICAL_OR, LEX_LOGICAL_NOT, LEX_LESS_THAN, LEX_LESS_OR_EQUAL, LEX_GREATER_THAN, LEX_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, LEX_EQUAL, LEX_NOT_EQUAL, LEX_META_EQUAL, LEX_META_NOT_EQUAL, LEX_BOUND_TO, LEX_QMARK, LEX_COLON, LEX_COMMA, LEX_SEMICOLON, LEX_OPEN_BOX, LEX_CLOSE_BOX, LEX_OPEN_PAREN, LEX_CLOSE_PAREN, LEX_OPEN_BRACE, LEX_CLOSE_BRACE, LEX_BACKSLASH, LEX_ABSOLUTE_TIME_VALUE, LEX_RELATIVE_TIME_VALUE }; class TokenValue { public: TokenValue( ) { tt = LEX_TOKEN_ERROR; factor = Value::NO_FACTOR; intValue = 0; realValue = 0.0; boolValue = false; relative_secs = 0; absolute_secs.secs = 0; absolute_secs.offset = 0; } ~TokenValue( ) { } void SetTokenType( TokenType t ) { tt = t; } void SetIntValue( long long i, Value::NumberFactor f) { intValue = i; factor = f; } void SetRealValue( double r, Value::NumberFactor f ) { realValue = r; factor = f; } void SetBoolValue( bool b ) { boolValue = b; } void SetStringValue( const std::string &str) { strValue = str; } void SetAbsTimeValue( abstime_t asecs ) { absolute_secs = asecs; } void SetRelTimeValue( double rsecs ) { relative_secs = rsecs; } TokenType GetTokenType( ) { return tt; } void GetIntValue( long long& i, Value::NumberFactor& f) { i = intValue; f = factor; } void GetRealValue( double& r, Value::NumberFactor& f ) { r = realValue; f = factor; } void GetBoolValue( bool& b ) { b = boolValue; } void GetStringValue( std::string &str ) { str = strValue; } void GetAbsTimeValue( abstime_t& asecs ) { asecs = absolute_secs; } void GetRelTimeValue( double& rsecs ) { rsecs = relative_secs; } void CopyFrom( TokenValue &tv ) { tt = tv.tt; factor = tv.factor; intValue = tv.intValue; realValue = tv.realValue; boolValue = tv.boolValue; relative_secs = tv.relative_secs; absolute_secs = tv.absolute_secs; strValue = tv.strValue; } private: TokenType tt; Value::NumberFactor factor; long long intValue; double realValue; bool boolValue; std::string strValue; double relative_secs; abstime_t absolute_secs; }; // ctor/dtor Lexer (); ~Lexer (); // initialize methods bool Initialize(LexerSource *source); bool Reinitialize(void); bool WasInitialized(void); // cleanup function --- purges strings from string space void FinishedParse(); // the 'extract token' functions TokenType PeekToken( TokenValue* = 0 ); TokenType ConsumeToken( TokenValue* = 0 ); // internal buffer for token accumulation std::string lexBuffer; // the buffer itselfw // miscellaneous functions static const char *strLexToken (int); // string rep'n of token // set debug flag void SetDebug( bool d ) { debug = d; } private: // grant access to FunctionCall --- for tokenize{Abs,Rel}Time fns friend class FunctionCall; friend class ClassAdXMLParser; // The copy constructor and assignment operator are defined // to be private so we don't have to write them, or worry about // them being inappropriately used. The day we want them, we can // write them. Lexer(const Lexer &) { return; } Lexer &operator=(const Lexer &) { return *this; } // internal state of lexical analyzer bool initialized; TokenType tokenType; // the integer id of the token LexerSource *lexSource; int markedPos; // index of marked character char savedChar; // stores character when cut int ch; // the current character unsigned int lexBufferCount; // current offset in lexBuffer bool inString; // lexing a string constant bool accumulating; // are we in a token? int debug; // debug flag // cached last token TokenValue yylval; // the token itself bool tokenConsumed; // has the token been consumed? // internal lexing functions void wind(void); // consume character from source void mark(void); // mark()s beginning of a token void cut(void); // delimits token // to tokenize the various tokens int tokenizeNumber (void); // integer or real int tokenizeAlphaHead (void); // identifiers/reserved strings int tokenizePunctOperator(void);// punctuation and operators int tokenizeString(char delim);//string constants }; } // classad #endif //__CLASSAD_LEXER_H__