#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # @(#)$Id: fetch-crl3.pl.cin 2783 2015-04-30 10:44:41Z davidg $ # # Copyright 2010 David Groep, Nationaal instituut voor # subatomaire fysica NIKHEF # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # package main; use strict; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling); use POSIX; eval { require LWP or die; }; $@ and die "Please install libwww-perl (LWP)\n"; my $sccsid = '@(#)$Id: fetch-crl3.pl.cin 2783 2015-04-30 10:44:41Z davidg $'; # import modules that are needed but still external # (the installed version may have these packages embedded in-line) # require ConfigTiny and import ConfigTiny unless defined &ConfigTiny::new; require TrustAnchor and import TrustAnchor unless defined &TrustAnchor::new; require CRLWriter and import CRLWriter unless defined &CRLWriter::new; require FCLog and import FCLog unless defined &FCLog::new; require OSSL and import OSSL unless defined &OSSL::new; require CRL and import CRL unless defined &CRL::new; my $use_DataDumper = eval { require Data::Dumper; }; my $use_IOSelect = eval { require IO::Select; }; use vars qw/ $log $cnf /; # ########################################################################### # # ($cnf,$log) = &init_configuration(); # use Net::INET6Glue if so requested (is not a default module) if ( $cnf->{_}->{inet6glue} ) { eval { require Net::INET6Glue::INET_is_INET6 or die; }; $@ and die "Please install Net::INET6Glue before enabling inet6glue config\n"; } # verify local installation sanity for loaded modules $::log->getverbose > 6 and ! $use_DataDumper and $::log->err("Cannot set verbosity higher than 6 without Data::Dumper") and exit(1); $::cnf->{_}->{parallelism} and ! $use_IOSelect and $::log->err("Cannot use parallel retrieval without IO::Select") and exit(1); $use_DataDumper and $::log->verb(7,Data::Dumper::Dumper($cnf)); # set safe path if so requested $cnf->{_}->{path} and $ENV{"PATH"} = $cnf->{_}->{path} and $::log->verb(5,"Set PATH to",$ENV{"PATH"}); # set rcmode if present in config defined $cnf->{_}->{rcmode} and do { $::log->verb(4,"Setting exit status mode to ".$cnf->{_}->{rcmode}); $::log->setrcmode($cnf->{_}->{rcmode}) or exit($log->exitstatus); $::log->verb(2,"Exit status mode is set to ".$cnf->{_}->{rcmode}); }; # wait up to randomwait seconds to spread download load $cnf->{_}->{randomwait} and do { my $wtime = int(rand($cnf->{_}->{randomwait})); $::log->verb(2,"Sleeping $wtime seconds before continuing"); sleep($wtime); }; # the list of trust anchors to process comes from the command line and # all files in the infodir that are metadata or crl urls # in the next phase, the suffix will be stripped and the info file # when present preferred over the crlurl # my @metafiles = @ARGV; $::cnf->{_}->{"infodir"} and do { foreach my $fn ( map { glob ( $::cnf->{_}->{"infodir"} . "/$_" ); } "*.info", "*.crl_url" ) { next if $::cnf->{_}->{nosymlinks} and -l $fn; $fn =~ /.*\/([^\/]+)(\.crl_url|\.info)$/; push @metafiles, $1 unless grep /^$1$/,@metafiles or not defined $1; } }; @metafiles or $log->warn("No trust anchors to process") and exit($log->exitstatus); if ( $::cnf->{_}->{parallelism} ) { ¶llel_metafiles($::cnf->{_}->{parallelism}, @metafiles); } else { &process_metafiles( @metafiles ); } $log->flush; exit($log->exitstatus); # ########################################################################### # # sub init_configuration() { my ($cnf,$log); my ($configfile,$agingtolerance,$infodir,$statedir,$cadir,$httptimeout); my ($output); my @formats; my $verbosity; my $quiet=0; my $help=0; my $showversion=0; my $debuglevel; my $parallelism=0; my $randomwait; my $nosymlinks; my $cfgdir; my $inet6glue=0; my %directives; $log = FCLog->new("qualified"); &GetOptions( "c|config=s" => \$configfile, "l|infodir=s" => \$infodir, "cadir=s" => \$cadir, "s|statedir=s" => \$statedir, "cfgdir=s" => \$cfgdir, "T|httptimeout=i" => \$httptimeout, "o|output=s" => \$output, "format=s@" => \@formats, "define=s" => \%directives, "v|verbose+" => \$verbosity, "h|help+" => \$help, "V|version+" => \$showversion, "q|quiet+" => \$quiet, "d|debug+" => \$debuglevel, "p|parallelism=i" => \$parallelism, "nosymlinks+" => \$nosymlinks, "a|agingtolerance=i" => \$agingtolerance, "r|randomwait=i" => \$randomwait, "inet6glue+" => \$inet6glue, ) or &help and exit(1); $help and &help and exit(0); $showversion and &showversion and exit(0); $configfile ||= ( -e "/etc/fetch-crl.conf" and "/etc/fetch-crl.conf" ); $configfile ||= ( -e "/etc/fetch-crl.cnf" and "/etc/fetch-crl.cnf" ); $cnf = ConfigTiny->new(); $configfile and $cnf->read($configfile) || die "Invalid config file $configfile:\n " . $cnf->errstr . "\n"; ( defined $cnf->{_}->{cfgdir} and $cfgdir = $cnf->{_}->{cfgdir} ) unless defined $cfgdir; $cfgdir ||= "/etc/fetch-crl.d"; if ( defined $cfgdir and -d $cfgdir and opendir(my $dh,$cfgdir) ) { while ( my $fn = readdir $dh ) { -f "$cfgdir/$fn" and -r "$cfgdir/$fn" and $cnf->read("$cfgdir/$fn"); } close $dh; } # add defined from the command line to the configuration, to the # main section _ thereof unless there is a colon in the key foreach my $k ( keys %directives ) { my $section ="_"; my $dvalue = $directives{$k}; if ( $k =~ m/(\w+):(.*)/ ) { $section = $1; $k=$2; } $cnf->{$section}->{$k} = $dvalue; } # command-line option overrides $cnf->{_}->{agingtolerance} = $agingtolerance if defined $agingtolerance; $cnf->{_}->{infodir} = $infodir if defined $infodir; $cnf->{_}->{cadir} = $cadir if defined $cadir; $cnf->{_}->{statedir} = $statedir if defined $statedir; $cnf->{_}->{httptimeout} = $httptimeout if defined $httptimeout; $cnf->{_}->{verbosity} = $verbosity if defined $verbosity; $cnf->{_}->{debuglevel} = $debuglevel if defined $debuglevel; $cnf->{_}->{output} = $output if defined $output; $cnf->{_}->{formats} = join "\001",@formats if @formats; $cnf->{_}->{parallelism} = $parallelism if $parallelism; $cnf->{_}->{randomwait} = $randomwait if defined $randomwait; $cnf->{_}->{nosymlinks} = $nosymlinks if defined $nosymlinks; $cnf->{_}->{inet6glue} = $inet6glue if $inet6glue; # deal with interaction of verbosity in logfile and quiet option # since a noquiet config option can cancel it if ( not defined $cnf->{_}->{noquiet} ) { if ( $quiet == 1) { $cnf->{_}->{verbosity} = -1; } } else { if ( $quiet >= 2) { $cnf->{_}->{verbosity} = -1; } } # key default values defined $cnf->{_}->{version} or $cnf->{_}->{version} = "3+"; defined $cnf->{_}->{packager} or $cnf->{_}->{packager} = "EUGridPMA"; defined $cnf->{_}->{openssl} or $cnf->{_}->{openssl} = "openssl"; defined $cnf->{_}->{agingtolerance} or $cnf->{_}->{agingtolerance} ||= 24; defined $cnf->{_}->{infodir} or $cnf->{_}->{infodir} = '/etc/grid-security/certificates'; defined $cnf->{_}->{output} or $cnf->{_}->{output} = $cnf->{_}->{infodir}; defined $cnf->{_}->{cadir} or $cnf->{_}->{cadir} = $cnf->{_}->{infodir}; defined $cnf->{_}->{statedir} or $cnf->{_}->{statedir} = "/var/cache/fetch-crl" if -d "/var/cache/fetch-crl" and -w "/var/cache/fetch-crl"; defined $cnf->{_}->{formats} or $cnf->{_}->{formats} = "openssl"; defined $cnf->{_}->{opensslmode} or $cnf->{_}->{opensslmode} = "dual"; defined $cnf->{_}->{httptimeout} or $cnf->{_}->{httptimeout} = 120; defined $cnf->{_}->{expirestolerance} or $cnf->{_}->{expirestolerance} = (7*60*60); # at least 7 hrs should nextUpdate be beyond the cache FreshUntil defined $cnf->{_}->{maxcachetime} or $cnf->{_}->{maxcachetime} = (4*24*60*60); # arbitrarily set it at 4 days defined $cnf->{_}->{nametemplate_der} or $cnf->{_}->{nametemplate_der} = "\@ANCHORNAME\@.\@R\@.crl"; defined $cnf->{_}->{nametemplate_pem} or $cnf->{_}->{nametemplate_pem} = "\@ANCHORNAME\@.\@R\@.crl.pem"; defined $cnf->{_}->{catemplate} or $cnf->{_}->{catemplate} = "\@ALIAS\@.pem\001". "\@ALIAS\@.\@R\@\001\@ANCHORNAME\@.\@R\@"; $cnf->{_}->{nonssverify} ||= 0; $cnf->{_}->{nocache} ||= 0; $cnf->{_}->{nosymlinks} ||= 0; $cnf->{_}->{verbosity} ||= 0; $cnf->{_}->{debuglevel} ||= 0; $cnf->{_}->{inet6glue} ||= 0; $cnf->{_}->{stateless} and delete $cnf->{_}->{statedir}; # expand array keys in config defined $cnf->{_}->{formats} and @{$cnf->{_}->{formats_}} = split(/[\001;,\s]+/,$cnf->{_}->{formats}); # sanity check on configuration $cnf->{_}->{statedir} and ! -d $cnf->{_}->{statedir} and die "Invalid state directory " . $cnf->{_}->{statedir} . "\n"; $cnf->{_}->{infodir} and ! -d $cnf->{_}->{infodir} and die "Invalid meta-data directory ".$cnf->{_}->{infodir}."\n"; # initialize logging $log->flush; $cnf->{_}->{logmode} and $log->destremove("qualified") and do { foreach ( split(/[,\001]+/,$cnf->{_}->{logmode}) ) { if ( /^syslog$/ ) { $log->destadd($_,$cnf->{_}->{syslogfacility}); } elsif ( /^(direct|qualified|cache)$/ ) { $log->destadd($_); } else { die "Invalid log destination $_, exiting.\n"; } } }; $log->setverbose($cnf->{_}->{verbosity}); $log->setdebug($cnf->{_}->{debuglevel}); return ($cnf,$log); } # ########################################################################### # # sub showversion() { (my $name = $0) =~ s/.*\///; print "$name version 3.0.17\n"; return 1; } sub help() { (my $name = $0) =~ s/.*\///; print <new(); $cnf->{_}->{"infodir"} and $ta->setInfodir($cnf->{_}->{"infodir"}); $ta->loadAnchor($f) or next; $ta->saveLogMode() and $ta->setLogMode(); $ta->loadState() or next; # using the HASH in the CA filename templates requires the CRL # is retrieved first to determinte the hash if ( $cnf->{_}->{"catemplate"} =~ /\@HASH\@/ ) { $ta->retrieve or next; $ta->loadCAfiles() or next; } else { $ta->loadCAfiles() or next; $ta->retrieve or next; } $ta->verifyAndConvertCRLs or next; my $writer = CRLWriter->new($ta); $writer->writeall() or next; $ta->saveState() or next; $ta->restoreLogMode(); } return 1; } sub parallel_metafiles($@) { my $parallelism = shift; my @metafiles = @_; my %pids = (); # file handle by processID my %metafile_by_fh = (); # reverse map my $readset = new IO::Select(); my %logoutput = (); $| = 1; $::log->verb(2,"starting up to $parallelism worker processes"); while ( @metafiles or scalar keys %pids ) { # loop until we have started all possible retrievals AND have # collected all possible output ( @metafiles and (scalar keys %pids < $parallelism) ) and do { # we have metafiles left, and have spare process slots my $metafile = shift @metafiles; $logoutput{$metafile} = ""; my $cout; my $cpid = open $cout, "-|"; defined $cpid and defined $cout or $::log->err("Cannot fork ($metafile): $!") and next; $::log->verb(5,"LOOP: starting process $cpid for $metafile"); if ( $cpid == 0 ) { # I'm the child that should care for $metafile $0 = "fetch-crl worker $metafile"; $::log->cleanse(); $::log->destadd("qualified"); &process_metafiles($metafile); $::log->flush; exit($::log->exitstatus); } else { # parent $pids{$cpid} = $cout; $readset->add($cout); $metafile_by_fh{$cout} = $metafile; } }; # do a select loop over the outstanding requests to collect messages # if we are in the process of starting more processes, we just # briefly poll out pending output so as not to have blocking # children, but if we have started as many children as we ought to # we put in a longer timeout -- any output on a handle will # get us out of the select and into flushing mode again my $timeout = (@metafiles && (scalar keys %pids < $parallelism) ? 0.1:1); $::log->verb(6,"PLOOP: select with timeout $timeout"); my ( $rh_set ) = IO::Select->select($readset, undef, undef, $timeout); foreach my $fh ( @$rh_set ) { my $metafile = $metafile_by_fh{$fh}; # we know there is at least one byte to read, but also that # any client sends complete while (1) { my $char; my $length = sysread $fh, $char, 1; if ( $length ) { $logoutput{$metafile} .= $char; $char eq "\n" and last; } else { #expected a char but got eof $readset->remove($fh); close($fh); map { $pids{$_} == $fh and waitpid($_,WNOHANG) and delete $pids{$_} and $::log->verb(5,"Collected pid $_ (rc=$?),", length($logoutput{$metafile}),"bytes log output"); } keys %pids; last; } } } } # log out all collected log data from our children foreach my $metafile ( sort keys %logoutput ) { foreach my $line ( split(/\n/,$logoutput{$metafile}) ) { $line =~ /^ERROR\s+(.*)$/ and $::log->err($1); $line =~ /^WARN\s+(.*)$/ and $::log->warn($1); $line =~ /^VERBOSE\((\d+)\)\s+(.*)$/ and $::log->verb($1,$2); $line =~ /^DEBUG\((\d+)\)\s+(.*)$/ and $::log->debug($1,$2); } } return 1; } # # @(#)$Id: CRL.pm 2760 2014-12-13 08:15:43Z davidg $ # # package CRL; use strict; require OSSL and import OSSL unless defined &OSSL::new; use vars qw/ $log $cnf /; # Syntax: # CRL->new( [name [,data]] ); # CRL->setName( name); # CRL->setData( datablob ); # load a CRL in PEM format or bails out # CRL->verify( cafilelist ); # returns path to CA or undef if verify failed # # sub new { my $obref = {}; bless $obref; my $self = shift; $self = $obref; my $name = shift; my $data = shift; $self->{"name"} = "unknown"; $self->setName($name) if $name; $self->setData($data) if $data; return $self; } sub setName($$) { my $self = shift or die "Invalid invocation of CRL::setName\n"; my $name = shift; return 0 unless $name; $self->{"name"} = $name; return 1; } sub setData($$) { my $self = shift or die "Invalid invocation of CRL::setData\n"; my $data = shift; my $pemdata = undef; my $errormsg; my $openssl = OSSL->new() or $::log->err("OpenSSL not found") and return 0; # try to recognise data type and normalise to PEM string # but extract only the first blob of PEM (so max one CRL per data object) # if ( $data =~ /(^-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----\n[^-]+\n-----END X509 CRL-----$)/sm ) { $pemdata = $1; } elsif ( substr($data,0,1) eq "0" ) { # looks a bit like an ASN.1 SEQ ($pemdata,$errormsg) = $openssl->Exec3($data, qw/ crl -inform DER -outform PEM / ); $pemdata or $::log->warn("Apparent DER data for",$self->{"name"},"not recognised") and return 0; } else { $::log->warn("CRL data for",$self->{"name"},"not recognised"); return 0; } # extract other data from the pem blob with openssl (my $statusdata,$errormsg) = $openssl->Exec3($pemdata, qw/ crl -noout -issuer -sha1 -fingerprint -lastupdate -nextupdate -hash/); defined $statusdata or do { ( my $eline = $errormsg ) =~ s/\n.*//sgm; $::log->warn("Unable to extract CRL data for",$self->{"name"},$eline); return 0; }; $statusdata =~ /(?:^|\n)SHA1 Fingerprint=([^\n]+)\n/ and $self->{"sha1fp"} = $1; $statusdata =~ /(?:^|\n)issuer=([^\n]+)\n/ and $self->{"issuer"} = $1; $statusdata =~ /(?:^|\n)lastUpdate=([^\n]+)\n/ and $self->{"lastupdatestr"} = $1; $statusdata =~ /(?:^|\n)nextUpdate=([^\n]+)\n/ and $self->{"nextupdatestr"} = $1; $statusdata =~ /(?:^|\n)([0-9a-f]{8})\n/ and $self->{"hash"} = $1; $self->{"nextupdatestr"} and $self->{"nextupdate"} = $openssl->gms2t($self->{"nextupdatestr"}); $self->{"lastupdatestr"} and $self->{"lastupdate"} = $openssl->gms2t($self->{"lastupdatestr"}); #$self->{"nextupdate"} = time - 200; #$self->{"lastupdate"} = time + 200; $self->{"data"} = $data; $self->{"pemdata"} = $pemdata; return 1; } sub getLastUpdate($) { my $self = shift or die "Invalid invocation of CRL::getLastUpdate\n"; return $self->{"lastupdate"} || undef; } sub getNextUpdate($) { my $self = shift or die "Invalid invocation of CRL::getNextUpdate\n"; return $self->{"nextupdate"} || undef; } sub getAttribute($$) { my $self = shift or die "Invalid invocation of CRL::getAttribute\n"; my $key = shift; return $self->{$key} || undef; } sub getPEMdata($) { my $self = shift or die "Invalid invocation of CRL::getPEMdata\n"; $self->{"pemdata"} or $::log->err("Attempt to extract PEM data from bad CRL object", ($self->{"name"}||"unknown")) and return undef; return $self->{"pemdata"}; } sub verify($@) { my $self = shift or die "Invalid invocation of CRL::verify\n"; my $openssl = OSSL->new() or $::log->err("OpenSSL not found") and return 0; $self->{"pemdata"} or $::log->err("verify called on empty data blob") and return 0; my @verifyStatus = (); # openssl crl verify works against a single CA and does not need a # full chain to be present. That suits us file (checked with OpenSSL # 0.9.5a and 1.0.0a) my $verifyOK; foreach my $cafile ( @_ ) { -e $cafile or $::log->err("CRL::verify called with nonexistent CA file $cafile") and next; my ($dataout,$dataerr) = $openssl->Exec3($self->{"pemdata"}, qw/crl -noout -CAfile/,$cafile); $dataerr and $dataout .= $dataerr; $dataout =~ /verify OK/ and $verifyOK = $cafile and last; } $verifyOK or push @verifyStatus, "CRL signature failed"; $verifyOK and $::log->verb(4,"Verified CRL",$self->{"name"},"against $verifyOK"); $self->{"nextupdate"} or push @verifyStatus, "CRL nextUpdate determination failed"; $self->{"lastupdate"} or push @verifyStatus, "CRL lastUpdate determination failed"; if ( $self->{"nextupdate"} and $self->{"nextupdate"} < time ) { push @verifyStatus, "CRL has nextUpdate time in the past"; } if ( $self->{"lastupdate"} and $self->{"lastupdate"} > time ) { push @verifyStatus, "CRL has lastUpdate time in the future"; } return @verifyStatus; } 1; # # @(#)$Id: CRLWriter.pm 2672 2013-09-17 09:44:40Z davidg $ # # ########################################################################### # # # Syntax: # CRLWriter->new( [name [,index]] ); # CRLWriter->setTA( trustanchor ); # CRLWriter->setIndex( index ); # package CRLWriter; use strict; use File::Basename; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /; require OSSL and import OSSL unless defined &OSSL::new; require base64 and import base64 unless defined &base64::b64encode; use vars qw/ $log $cnf /; sub new { my $obref = {}; bless $obref; my $self = shift; $self = $obref; my $name = shift; my $index = shift; $self->setTA($name) if defined $name; $self->setIndex($name) if defined $index; return $self; } sub getName($) { my $self = shift; return 0 unless defined $self; return $self->{"ta"}->getAnchorName; } sub setTA($$) { my $self = shift; my ($ta) = shift; return 0 unless defined $ta and defined $self; $ta->{"anchorname"} or $::log->err("CRLWriter::setTA called without uninitialised trust anchor") and return 0; $self->{"ta"} = $ta; return 1; } sub setIndex($$) { my $self = shift; my ($index) = shift; return 0 unless defined $self; $self->{"ta"} or $::log->err("CRLWriter::setIndex called without a loaded TA") and return 0; my $ta = $self->{"ta"}; $ta->{"crlurls"} or $::log->err("CRLWriter::setIndex called with uninitialised TA") and return 0; ! defined $index and delete $self->{"index"} and return 1; $index < 0 and $::log->err("CRLWriter::setIndex called with invalid index $index") and return 0; $index > $#{$ta->{"crlurls"}} and $::log->err("CRLWriter::setIndex index $index too large") and return 0; $self->{"index"} = $index; return 1; } sub updatefile($$%) { my $file = shift; my $content = shift; my %flags = @_; $content or return undef; $file or $::log->err("Cannot write content to undefined path") and return undef; my ( $basename, $path, $suffix ) = fileparse($file); # get content and do a comparison. If data identical, touch only # to update mtime (other tools like NGC Nagios use this mtime semantics) # my $olddata; my $mytime; -f $file and do { $mytime = (stat(_))[9]; { open OLDFILE,'<',$file or $::log->err("Cannot make backup of $file: $!") and return undef; binmode OLDFILE; local $/; $olddata = ; close OLDFILE; } }; if ( $flags{"BACKUP"} and $olddata ) { if ( -w $path ) { -e "$file~" and ( unlink "$file~" or $::log->warn("Cannot remove old backup $file~: $!") and return undef); if (open BCKFILE,'>',"$file~" ) { print BCKFILE $olddata; close BCKFILE; utime $mytime,$mytime, "$file~"; } else { $::log->warn("Cannot reate backup $file~: $!"); } } else { $::log->warn("Cannot make backup, $path not writable"); } } defined $olddata and $olddata eq $content and do { $::log->verb(4,"$file unchanged - touch only"); utime time,time,$file and return 1; $::log->warn("Touch of $file failed, CRL unmodified"); return 0; }; if ( open FH,'>',$file ) { if ($content !~ /\n$/sm) { $content="$content\n"; } print FH $content or $::log->err("Write to $file: $!") and return undef; close FH or $::log->err("Close on write of $file: $!") and return undef; } else { # something went wrong in opening the file for write, # so try and restore backup if that was selected $::log->err("Open for write of $file: $!"); $flags{"BACKUP"} and ! -s "$file" and -s "$file~" and do { #file has been clobbed, but backup OK unlink "$file" and link "$file~","$file" and unlink "$file~" or $::log->err("Restore of backup $file failed: $!"); }; return undef; } return 1; } sub writePEM($$$$) { my $self = shift; my $idx = shift; my $data = shift; my $ta = shift; defined $idx and $data and $ta or $::log->err("CRLWriter::writePEM: missing index or data") and return 0; my $output = $::cnf->{_}->{"output"}; $output = $::cnf->{_}->{"output_pem"} if defined $::cnf->{_}->{"output_pem"}; $output and -d $output or $::log->err("PEM target directory $output invalid") and return 0; my $filename = "$output/".$ta->{"nametemplate_pem"}; $filename =~ s/\@R\@/$idx/g; my %flags = (); $::cnf->{_}->{"backups"} and $flags{"BACKUP"} = 1; $::log->verb(3,"Writing PEM file",$filename); &updatefile($filename,$data,%flags) or return 0; return 1; } sub writeDER($$$$) { my $self = shift; my $idx = shift; my $data = shift; my $ta = shift; defined $idx and $data and $ta or $::log->err("CRLWriter::writeDER: missing index or data") and return 0; my $output = $::cnf->{_}->{"output"}; $output = $::cnf->{_}->{"output_der"} if defined $::cnf->{_}->{"output_der"}; $output and -d $output or $::log->err("DER target directory $output invalid") and return 0; my $filename = "$output/".$ta->{"nametemplate_der"}; $filename =~ s/\@R\@/$idx/g; my %flags = (); $::cnf->{_}->{"backups"} and $flags{"BACKUP"} = 1; my $openssl=OSSL->new(); my ($der,$errors) = $openssl->Exec3($data,qw/crl -inform PEM -outform DER/); $errors or not $der and $::log->err("Data count not be converted to DER: $errors") and return 0; $::log->verb(3,"Writing DER file",$filename); &updatefile($filename,$der,%flags) or return 0; return 1; } sub writeOpenSSL($$$$) { my $self = shift; my $idx = shift; my $data = shift; my $ta = shift; defined $idx and $data and $ta or $::log->err("CRLWriter::writeOpenSSL: missing index, data or ta") and return 0; my $output = $::cnf->{_}->{"output"}; $output = $::cnf->{_}->{"output_openssl"} if defined $::cnf->{_}->{"output_openssl"}; $output and -d $output or $::log->err("OpenSSL target directory $output invalid") and return 0; my $openssl=OSSL->new(); # guess the hash name or names from OpenSSL # if mode is dual (and OpenSSL1 installed) write two files my $opensslversion = $openssl->getVersion() or return 0; my ($cmddata,$errors); my @hashes = (); if ( $opensslversion ge "1" and $::cnf->{_}->{"opensslmode"} eq "dual" ) { $::log->verb(5,"OpenSSL version 1 dual-mode enabled"); # this mode needs the ta cafile to get both hashes, since these # can only be extracted by the x509 subcommand from a CA ... ($cmddata,$errors) = $openssl->Exec3(undef, qw/x509 -noout -subject_hash -subject_hash_old -in/, $ta->{"cafile"}[0]); $cmddata or $::log->err("OpenSSL cannot extract hashes from",$ta->{"cafile"}[0]) and return 0; @hashes = split(/[\s\n]+/,$cmddata); } else { $::log->verb(5,"OpenSSL version 1 single-mode or pre-1.0 style"); ($cmddata,$errors) = $openssl->Exec3($data,qw/crl -noout -hash/); $cmddata or $::log->err("OpenSSL cannot extract hashes from CRL for", $ta->{"alias"}.'/'.$idx ) and return 0; @hashes = split(/[\s\n]+/,$cmddata); } my %flags = (); $::cnf->{_}->{"backups"} and $flags{"BACKUP"} = 1; foreach my $hash ( @hashes ) { my $filename = "$output/$hash.r$idx"; $::log->verb(3,"Writing OpenSSL file",$filename); &updatefile($filename,$data,%flags) or return 0; } return 1; } sub writeNSS($$$$) { my $self = shift; my $idx = shift; my $data = shift; my $ta = shift; defined $idx and $data and $ta or $::log->err("CRLWriter::writeNSS: missing index, data or ta") and return 0; my $output = $::cnf->{_}->{"output"}; $output = $::cnf->{_}->{"output_nss"} if defined $::cnf->{_}->{"output_nss"}; $output and -d $output or $::log->err("NSS target directory $output invalid") and return 0; my $dbprefix=""; $dbprefix = $::cnf->{_}->{"nssdbprefix"} if defined $::cnf->{_}->{"nssdbprefix"}; my $filename = "$output/$dbprefix"; # the crlutil tool requires the DER formatted cert in a file my $tmpdir = $::cnf->{_}->{exec3tmpdir} || $ENV{"TMPDIR"} || '/tmp'; my ($derfh,$dername) = tempfile("fetchcrl3der.XXXXXX", DIR=>$tmpdir, UNLINK=>1); (my $b64data = $data) =~ s/-[^\n]+//gm; $b64data =~ s/\s+//gm; print $derfh base64::b64decode($b64data); # der is decoded PEM :-) my $cmd = "crlutil -I -d \"$output\" -P \"$dbprefix\" "; $::cnf->{_}->{nonssverify} and $cmd .= "-B "; $cmd .= "-n ".$ta->{"alias"}.'.'.$idx." "; $cmd .= "-i \"$dername\""; my $result = `$cmd 2>&1`; unlink $dername; if ( $? != 0 ) { $::log->err("Cannot update NSSDB filename: $result"); } else { $::log->verb(3,"WriteNSS: ".$ta->{"alias"}.'.'.$idx." added to $filename"); } return 1; } sub writeall($) { my $self = shift; return 0 unless defined $self; $self->{"ta"} or $::log->err("CRLWriter::setIndex called without a loaded TA") and return 0; my $ta = $self->{"ta"}; $ta->{"crlurls"} or $::log->err("CRLWriter::setIndex called with uninitialised TA") and return 0; $::log->verb(2,"Writing CRLs for",$ta->{"anchorname"}); my $completesuccess = 1; for ( my $idx = 0 ; $idx <= $#{$ta->{"crl"}} ; $idx++ ) { $ta->{"crl"}[$idx]{"pemdata"} or $::log->verb(3,"Ignored CRL $idx skipped") and next; # ignore empty crls, leave these in place my $writeAttempt = 0; my $writeSuccess = 0; ( grep /^pem$/, @{$::cnf->{_}->{formats_}} ) and ++$writeAttempt and $writeSuccess += $self->writePEM($idx,$ta->{"crl"}[$idx]{"pemdata"},$ta); ( grep /^der$/, @{$::cnf->{_}->{formats_}} ) and ++$writeAttempt and $writeSuccess += $self->writeDER($idx,$ta->{"crl"}[$idx]{"pemdata"},$ta); ( grep /^openssl$/, @{$::cnf->{_}->{formats_}} ) and ++$writeAttempt and $writeSuccess += $self->writeOpenSSL($idx, $ta->{"crl"}[$idx]{"pemdata"},$ta); ( grep /^nss$/, @{$::cnf->{_}->{formats_}} ) and ++$writeAttempt and $writeSuccess += $self->writeNSS($idx,$ta->{"crl"}[$idx]{"pemdata"},$ta); if ( $writeSuccess == $writeAttempt ) { $::log->verb(4,"LastWrite time (mtime) set to current time"); $ta->{"crl"}[$idx]{"state"}{"mtime"} = time; } else { $::log->warn("Partial updating ($writeSuccess of $writeAttempt) for", $ta->{"anchorname"}, "CRL $idx: mtime not updated"); } $completesuccess &&= ($writeSuccess == $writeAttempt); } return $completesuccess; } 1; package ConfigTiny; # derived from Config::Tiny 2.12, but with some local mods and # some new syntax possibilities # If you thought Config::Simple was small... use strict; BEGIN { require 5.004; $ConfigTiny::VERSION = '2.12'; $ConfigTiny::errstr = ''; } # Create an empty object sub new { bless {}, shift } # Create an object from a file sub read { my $class = ref $_[0] ? shift : ref shift; # Check the file my $file = shift or return $class->_error( 'You did not specify a file name' ); return $class->_error( "File '$file' does not exist" ) unless -e $file; return $class->_error( "'$file' is a directory, not a file" ) unless -f _; return $class->_error( "Insufficient permissions to read '$file'" ) unless -r _; # Slurp in the file local $/ = undef; open CFG, $file or return $class->_error( "Failed to open file '$file': $!" ); my $contents = ; close CFG; return $class->read_string( $contents ); } # Create an object from a string sub read_string { my $class = ref $_[0] ? shift : ref shift; my $self = $class; #my $self = bless {}, $class; #my $self = shift; return undef unless defined $_[0]; # Parse the file my $ns = '_'; my $counter = 0; my $content = shift; $content =~ s/\\(?:\015{1,2}\012|\015|\012)\s*//gm; foreach ( split /(?:\015{1,2}\012|\015|\012)/, $content ) { $counter++; # Skip comments and empty lines next if /^\s*(?:\#|\;|$)/; # Remove inline comments s/\s\;\s.+$//g; # Handle section headers if ( /^\s*\[\s*(.+?)\s*\]\s*$/ ) { # Create the sub-hash if it doesn't exist. # Without this sections without keys will not # appear at all in the completed struct. $self->{$ns = $1} ||= {}; next; } # Handle properties if ( /^\s*([^=]+?)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) { $self->{$ns}->{$1} = $2; next; } # Handle settings if ( /^\s*([^=]+?)\s*$/ ) { $self->{$ns}->{$1} = 1; next; } return $self->_error( "Syntax error at line $counter: '$_'" ); } return $self; } # Save an object to a file sub write { my $self = shift; my $file = shift or return $self->_error( 'No file name provided' ); # Write it to the file open( CFG, '>' . $file ) or return $self->_error( "Failed to open file '$file' for writing: $!" ); print CFG $self->write_string; close CFG; } # Save an object to a string sub write_string { my $self = shift; my $contents = ''; foreach my $section ( sort { (($b eq '_') <=> ($a eq '_')) || ($a cmp $b) } keys %$self ) { my $block = $self->{$section}; $contents .= "\n" if length $contents; $contents .= "[$section]\n" unless $section eq '_'; foreach my $property ( sort keys %$block ) { $contents .= "$property=$block->{$property}\n"; } } $contents; } # Error handling sub errstr { $ConfigTiny::errstr } sub _error { $ConfigTiny::errstr = $_[1]; undef } 1; # # @(#)$Id: FCLog.pm 2692 2014-03-05 19:43:36Z davidg $ # # ########################################################################### # # Fetch-CRL3 logging support package FCLog; use Sys::Syslog; # Syntax: # $log = CL->new( [outputmode=qualified,cache,direct,syslog] ) # $log->destadd( destination [,facility] ) # $log->destremove ( destination ) # $log->setverbose( level ) # $log->setdebug( level ) # $log->setwarnings( 0|1 ) # $log->debug( level, message ...) # $log->verb( level, message ...) # $log->warn( level, message ...) # $log->err( level, message ...) # $log->clear( ) # $log->flush( ) # $log->exitstatus( ) # sub new { my $self = shift; my $obref = {}; bless $obref; $obref->{"debug"} = 0; $obref->{"verbose"} = 0; $obref->{"messagecache"} = (); $obref->{"warnings"} = 1; $obref->{"errors"} = 1; $obref->{"rcmode"} = "normal"; $obref->{"warncount"} = 0; $obref->{"errorcount"} = 0; $obref->{"retrerrorcount"} = 0; $obref->{"syslogfacility"} = "daemon"; while ( my $mode = shift ) { $obref->destadd($mode); } return $obref; } sub destadd { my $self = shift; my $mode = shift; my $facility = (shift or $self->{"syslogfacility"}); return 0 unless defined $mode; $self->{"logmode"}{$mode} = 1; if ( $mode eq "syslog" ) { my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s/^.*\///; $self->{"syslogfacility"} = $facility; openlog($progname,"nowait,pid", $facility); } return 1; } sub destremove { my $self = shift; my $ok = 1; my $mode = shift; $self->{"logmode"} = {} and return 1 if (defined $mode and $mode eq "all"); unshift @_,$mode; while ( my $mode = shift ) { if ( defined $self->{"logmode"}{$mode} ) { closelog() if $mode eq "syslog"; delete $self->{"logmode"}{$mode}; } else { $ok=0; } } return $ok; } sub setverbose { my ($self,$level) = @_; my $oldlevel = $self->{"verbose"}; $self->{"verbose"} = 0+$level; return $oldlevel; } sub getverbose { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{"verbose"}; } sub setdebug { my ($self,$level) = @_; my $oldlevel = $self->{"debug"}; $self->{"debug"} = $level; return $oldlevel; } sub getdebug { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{"debug"}; } sub setwarnings { my ($self,$level) = @_; my $oldlevel = $self->{"warnings"}; $self->{"warnings"} = $level; return $oldlevel; } sub getwarnings { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{"warnings"}; } sub geterrors { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{"errors"}; } sub seterrors { my ($self,$level) = @_; my $oldlevel = $self->{"errors"}; $self->{"errors"} = $level; return $oldlevel; } sub getrcmode { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{"rcmode"}; } sub setrcmode { my ($self,$level) = @_; if ( $level !~ /^(normal|differentiated|noretrievalerrors)$/ ) { $self->err("Attempt to set rcmode to invalid value of $level"); return undef; } my $oldlevel = $self->{"rcmode"}; $self->{"rcmode"} = $level; return $oldlevel; } sub verb($$$) { my $self = shift; my $level = shift; return 1 unless ( $level <= $self->{"verbose"} ); my $message = "@_"; $self->output("VERBOSE($level)",$message); return 1; } sub debug($$$) { my $self = shift; my $level = shift; return 1 unless ( $level <= $self->{"debug"} ); my $message = "@_"; $self->output("DEBUG($level)",$message); return 1; } sub warn($@) { my $self = shift; return 1 unless ( $self->{"warnings"} ); $self->{"warningcount"}++; my $message = "@_"; $self->output("WARN",$message); return 1; } sub err($@) { my $self = shift; my $message = "@_"; return 1 unless ( $self->{"errors"} ); $self->output("ERROR",$message); $self->{"errorcount"}++; return 1; } sub retr_err($@) { my $self = shift; my $message = "@_"; return 1 unless ( $self->{"errors"} ); $self->output("ERROR",$message); $self->{"retrerrorcount"}++; return 1; } sub output($$@) { my ($self,$label,@message) = @_; return 0 unless defined $label and @message; my $message = join " ",@message; print "" . ($label?"$label ":"") . "$message\n" if ( defined $self->{"logmode"}{"qualified"} ); push @{$self->{"messagecache"}},"" . ($label?"$label ":"") . "$message\n" if ( defined $self->{"logmode"}{"cache"} ); print "$message\n" if ( defined $self->{"logmode"}{"direct"} ); if ( defined $self->{"logmode"}{"syslog"} ) { my $severity = "LOG_INFO"; $severity = "LOG_NOTICE" if $label eq "WARN"; $severity = "LOG_ERR" if $label eq "ERROR"; $severity = "LOG_DEBUG" if $label =~ /^VERBOSE/; $severity = "LOG_DEBUG" if $label =~ /^DEBUG/; syslog($severity, "%s", $message); } return 1; } sub clear($) { my $self = shift; $self->{"messagecache"} = (); return 1; } sub flush($) { my $self = shift; foreach my $s ( @{$self->{"messagecache"}} ) { print $s; } $self->{"messagecache"} = (); ($self->{"errorcount"} + $self->{"retrerrorcount"}) and $self->{"errors"} and return 0; $self->{"warningcount"} and $self->{"warnings"} and return 1; return 1; } sub cleanse($) { my $self = shift; $self->{"messagecache"} = (); $self->{"errorcount"} = 0; $self->{"retrerrorcount"} = 0; $self->{"warningcount"} = 0; $self->{"logmode"} = {}; return 1; } sub exitstatus($) { my $self = shift; if ( $self->{"rcmode"} eq "normal" ) { $self->{"errorcount"} and $self->{"errors"} and return 1; $self->{"retrerrorcount"} and $self->{"errors"} and return 1; } elsif ( $self->{"rcmode"} eq "differentiated" ) { $self->{"errorcount"} and $self->{"errors"} and return 1; $self->{"retrerrorcount"} and $self->{"errors"} and return 2; } elsif ( $self->{"rcmode"} eq "noretrievalerrors" ) { $self->{"errorcount"} and $self->{"errors"} and return 1; } else { return 1; } return 0; } 1; # # @(#)$Id: OSSL.pm 2652 2013-07-02 19:16:38Z davidg $ # # package OSSL; use strict; use POSIX; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /; use IPC::Open3; use IO::Select; use Time::Local; use vars qw/ $log $cnf $opensslversion /; # Syntax: # OSSL->new( [path] ); # OSSL->setName( name); # sub new { my $obref = {}; bless $obref; my $self = shift; $self = $obref; my $openssl = shift; $self->{"openssl"} = "openssl"; $self->{"openssl"} = $::cnf->{_}->{"openssl"} if $::cnf->{_}->{"openssl"}; $self->setOpenSSL($openssl) if $openssl; $self->{"version"} = undef; return $self; } sub setOpenSSL($$) { my $self = shift or die "Invalid invocation of CRL::setOpenSSL\n"; my $openssl = shift; return 0 unless $openssl; $openssl =~ /\// and ! -x "$openssl" or $::log->err("OpenSSL binary $openssl is not executable or does not exist") and return 0; $::log->verb(4,"Using OpenSSL at $openssl"); $self->{"openssl"} = $openssl; $self->{"version"} = undef; return 1; } sub getVersion($) { my $self = shift or die "Invalid invocation of CRL::getVersion\n"; #$self->{"version"} and return $self->{"version"}; $opensslversion and return $opensslversion; my ($data,$errors) = $self->Exec3(undef,qw/version/); if ( defined $data ) { $data =~ /^OpenSSL\s+([\d\.]+\w)/ or $::log->err("Cannot get OpenSSL version from command: invalid format in $data".($errors?" ($errors)":"")) and return undef; $self->{"version"} = $1; $opensslversion = $self->{"version"}; return $1; } else { $::log->err("Cannot get OpenSSL version from command: $errors"); return undef; } } sub Exec3select($$@) { my $self = shift or die "Invalid invocation of CRL::OpenSSL\n"; my $datain = shift; my ($dataout, $dataerr) = ("",undef); my $rc = 0; local(*CMD_IN, *CMD_OUT, *CMD_ERR); $::log->verb(6,"Executing openssl",@_); my $pid = open3(*CMD_IN, *CMD_OUT, *CMD_ERR, $self->{"openssl"}, @_ ); $SIG{CHLD} = sub { $rc = $? >> 8 if waitpid($pid, 0) > 0 }; $datain and print CMD_IN $datain; close(CMD_IN); print STDERR "Printed " . length($datain). " bytes of data\n"; my $selector = IO::Select->new(); $selector->add(*CMD_ERR); $selector->add(*CMD_OUT); my ($char,$cnt); while ($selector->count) { my @ready = $selector->can_read(1); #my @ready = IO::Select->select($selector,undef,undef,1); foreach my $fh (@ready) { if (fileno($fh) == fileno(CMD_ERR)) { $cnt = sysread CMD_ERR, $char, 1; if ( $cnt ) { $dataerr .= $char; } else { $selector->remove($fh); $dataerr and print STDERR "$dataerr\n";} } else { $cnt = sysread CMD_OUT, $char, 1; if ( $cnt ) { $dataout .= $char; } else { $selector->remove($fh); $dataout and print STDERR "$dataout\n"; } } $selector->remove($fh) if eof($fh); } } close(CMD_OUT); close(CMD_ERR); if ( $rc >> 8 ) { $::log->warn("Execute openssl " . $ARGV[0] . " failed: $rc"); (my $errmsg = $dataerr) =~ s/\n.*//sgm; $::log->verb(6,"STDERR:",$errmsg); return undef unless wantarray; return (undef,$dataerr); } return $dataout unless wantarray; return ($dataout,$dataerr); } sub Exec3pipe($$@) { my $self = shift or die "Invalid invocation of CRL::OpenSSL\n"; my $datain = shift; my ($dataout, $dataerr) = ("",undef); my $rc = 0; local(*CMD_IN, *CMD_OUT, *CMD_ERR); $::log->verb(6,"Executing openssl",@_); my ($tmpfh,$tmpname); $datain and do { ($tmpfh,$tmpname) = tempfile("fetchcrl3.XXXXXX", DIR=>'/tmp'); $|=1; print $tmpfh $datain; close $tmpfh; push @_, "-in", $tmpname; select undef,undef,undef,0.01; }; $|=1; my $pid = open3( *CMD_IN, *CMD_OUT, *CMD_ERR, $self->{"openssl"}, @_ ); # allow delay for child to startup - but will hang on many older platforms select undef,undef,undef,0.15; $SIG{CHLD} = sub { $rc = $? >> 8 if waitpid($pid, 0) > 0 }; #close(CMD_IN); CMD_OUT->autoflush; CMD_ERR->autoflush; my $selector = IO::Select->new(); $selector->add(*CMD_ERR, *CMD_OUT); while (my @ready = $selector->can_read(0.01)) { foreach my $fh (@ready) { if (fileno($fh) == fileno(CMD_ERR)) {$dataerr .= scalar } else {$dataout .= scalar } $selector->remove($fh) if eof($fh); } } close(CMD_OUT); close(CMD_ERR); $tmpname and unlink $tmpname; if ( $rc >> 8 ) { $::log->warn("Execute openssl " . $ARGV[0] . " failed: $rc"); (my $errmsg = $dataerr) =~ s/\n.*//sgm; $::log->verb(6,"STDERR:",$errmsg); return undef unless wantarray; return (undef,$dataerr); } return $dataout unless wantarray; return ($dataout,$dataerr); } sub Exec3file($$@) { my $self = shift or die "Invalid invocation of CRL::OpenSSL\n"; my $datain = shift; my ($dataout, $dataerr) = ("",undef); my $rc = 0; local(*CMD_IN, *CMD_OUT, *CMD_ERR); $::log->verb(6,"Executing openssl",@_); my ($tmpin,$tmpinname); my ($tmpout,$tmpoutname); my ($tmperr,$tmperrname); my $tmpdir = $::cnf->{_}->{exec3tmpdir} || $ENV{"TMPDIR"} || '/tmp'; $|=1; $datain and do { ($tmpin,$tmpinname) = tempfile("fetchcrl3in.XXXXXX", DIR=>$tmpdir); print $tmpin $datain; close $tmpin; }; ($tmpout,$tmpoutname) = tempfile("fetchcrl3out.XXXXXX", DIR=>$tmpdir); ($tmperr,$tmperrname) = tempfile("fetchcrl3out.XXXXXX", DIR=>$tmpdir); my $pid = fork(); defined $pid or $::log->warn("Internal error, fork for openssl failed: $!") and return undef; if ( $pid == 0 ) { # I'm a kid close STDIN; if ( $tmpinname ) { open STDIN, "<", $tmpinname or die "Cannot open tempfile $tmpinname again $!\n"; } else { open STDIN, "<", "/dev/null" or die "Cannot open /dev/null ??? $!\n"; } close STDOUT; if ( $tmpoutname ) { open STDOUT, ">", $tmpoutname or die "Cannot open tempfile $tmpoutname again $!\n"; } else { open STDOUT, ">", "/dev/null" or die "Cannot open /dev/null ??? $!\n"; } close STDERR; if ( $tmpoutname ) { open STDERR, ">", $tmperrname or die "Cannot open tempfile $tmperrname again $!\n"; } else { open STDERR, ">", "/dev/null" or die "Cannot open /dev/null ??? $!\n"; } exec $self->{"openssl"}, @_; } $rc = $? >> 8 if waitpid($pid, 0) > 0; { local $/; $dataout = <$tmpout>; }; { local $/; $dataerr = <$tmperr>; }; $tmpinname and unlink $tmpinname; $tmpoutname and unlink $tmpoutname; $tmperrname and unlink $tmperrname; if ( $rc >> 8 ) { $::log->warn("Execute openssl " . $ARGV[0] . " failed: $rc"); (my $errmsg = $dataerr) =~ s/\n.*//sgm; $::log->verb(6,"STDERR:",$errmsg); return undef unless wantarray; return (undef,$dataerr); } return $dataout unless wantarray; return ($dataout,$dataerr); } sub Exec3($@) { my $self = shift; grep /^pipe$/, $::cnf->{_}->{exec3mode}||"" and return $self->Exec3pipe(@_); grep /^select$/, $::cnf->{_}->{exec3mode}||"" and return $self->Exec3select(@_); return $self->Exec3file(@_); # default } sub gms2t($$) { my $self = shift; my ( $month, $mday, $htm, $year, $tz ) = split(/\s+/,$_[0]); die "OSSL::gms2t: cannot hangle non GMT output from OpenSSL\n" unless $tz eq "GMT"; my %mon=("Jan"=>0,"Feb"=>1,"Mar"=>2,"Apr"=>3,"May"=>4,"Jun"=>5, "Jul"=>6,"Aug"=>7,"Sep"=>8,"Oct"=>9,"Nov"=>10,"Dec"=>11); my ( $hrs,$min,$sec ) = split(/:/,$htm); my $gmt = timegm($sec,$min,$hrs,$mday,$mon{$month},$year); #print STDERR ">>> converted $_[0] to $gmt\n"; return $gmt; } 1; # # @(#)$Id: TrustAnchor.pm 2805 2015-11-10 16:07:33Z davidg $ # # ########################################################################### # # package TrustAnchor; use strict; use File::Basename; use LWP; require ConfigTiny and import ConfigTiny unless defined &ConfigTiny::new; require CRL and import CRL unless defined &CRL::new; require base64 and import base64 unless defined &base64::b64encode; use vars qw/ $log $cnf /; sub new { my $obref = {}; bless $obref; my $self = shift; $self = $obref; my $name = shift; $self->{"infodir"} = $cnf->{_}->{infodir}; $self->{"suffix"} = "info"; $self->loadAnchor($name) if defined $name; return $self; } sub saveLogMode($) { my $self = shift; return 0 unless defined $self; $self->{"preserve_warnings"} = $::log->getwarnings; $self->{"preserve_errors"} = $::log->geterrors; return 1; } sub setLogMode($) { my $self = shift; return 0 unless defined $self; $self->{"nowarnings"} and $::log->setwarnings(0); $self->{"noerrors"} and $::log->seterrors(0); return 1; } sub restoreLogMode($) { my $self = shift; return 0 unless defined $self; (defined $self->{"preserve_warnings"} and defined $self->{"preserve_errors"}) or die "Internal error: restoreLogMode called without previous save\n"; $::log->setwarnings($self->{"preserve_warnings"}); $::log->seterrors($self->{"preserve_errors"}); return 1; } sub getInfodir($$) { my $self = shift; my ($path) = shift; return 0 unless defined $self; return $self->{"infodir"}; } sub setInfodir($$) { my $self = shift; my ($path) = shift; return 0 unless defined $path and defined $self; -e $path or $::log->err("setInfodir: path $path does not exist") and return 0; -d $path or $::log->err("setInfodir: path $path is not a directory") and return 0; $self->{"infodir"} = $path; return 1; } sub loadAnchor($$) { my $self = shift; my ($name) = @_; return 0 unless defined $name; $::log->verb(1,"Initializing trust anchor $name"); my ( $basename, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($name,('.info','.crl_url')); $path = "" if $path eq "./" and substr($name,0,length($path)) ne $path ; $::log->err("Invalid name of trust anchor $name") and return 0 unless $basename; $self->{"infodir"} = $path if $path ne ""; $path = $self->{"infodir"} || ""; $path and $path .= "/" unless $path =~ /\/$/; if ( $suffix ) { -e $name or $::log->err("Trust anchor data $name not found") and return 0; } else { # try and guess which suffix should be used ($suffix eq "" and -e $path.$basename.".info" ) and $suffix = ".info"; ($suffix eq "" and -e $path.$basename.".crl_url" ) and $suffix = ".crl_url"; $suffix or $::log->err("No trust anchor metadata for $basename in '$path'") and return 0; } if ( $suffix eq ".crl_url" ) { $self->{"alias"} = $basename; @{$self->{"crlurls"}} = (); open CRLURL,"$path$basename$suffix" or $::log->err("Error reading crl_url $path$basename$suffix: $!") and return 0; my $urllist; while () { /^\s*([^#\n]+).*$/ and my $url = $1 or next; $url =~ s/\s*$//; # trailing whitespace is ignored $url =~ /^\w+:\/\/.*$/ or $::log->err("File $path$basename$suffix contains a non-URL entry") and close CRLURL and return 0; $urllist and $urllist .= "\001"; $urllist .= $url; } close CRLURL; push @{$self->{"crlurls"}}, $urllist; $self->{"status"} ||= "unknown"; } else { my $info = ConfigTiny->new(); $info->read( $path . $basename . $suffix ) or $::log->err("Error reading info $path$basename$suffix", $info->errstr) and return 0; $info->{_}->{"crl_url"} and $info->{_}->{"crl_url.0"} and $::log->err("Invalid info for $basename: crl_url and .0 duplicate") and return 0; $info->{_}->{"crl_url"} and $info->{_}->{"crl_url.0"} = $info->{_}->{"crl_url"}; # only do something when there is actually a CRL to process $info->{_}->{"crl_url.0"} or $::log->verb(1,"Trust anchor $basename does not have a CRL") and return 0; $info->{_}->{"alias"} or $::log->err("Invalid info for $basename: no alias") and return 0; $self->{"alias"} = $info->{_}->{"alias"}; @{$self->{"crlurls"}} = (); for ( my $i=0 ; defined $info->{_}{"crl_url.".$i} ; $i++ ) { $info->{_}{"crl_url.".$i} =~ s/[;\s]+/\001/g; $info->{_}{"crl_url.".$i} =~ s/^\s*([^\s]*)\s*$/$1/; $info->{_}{"crl_url.".$i} =~ /^\w+:\/\// or $::log->err("File $path$basename$suffix contains a non-URL entry", $info->{_}{"crl_url.".$i}) and close CRLURL and return 0; push @{$self->{"crlurls"}} , $info->{_}{"crl_url.".$i}; } foreach my $field ( qw/email ca_url status/ ) { $self->{$field} = $info->{_}->{$field} if $info->{_}->{$field}; } # status of CA is only knwon for info-file based CAs $self->{"status"} ||= "local"; } # preserve basename of file for config and diagnostics $self->{"anchorname"} = $basename; # # set defaults for common values foreach my $key ( qw / prepend_url postpend_url agingtolerance httptimeout proctimeout nowarnings noerrors nocache http_proxy nametemplate_der nametemplate_pem cadir catemplate statedir / ) { $self->{$key} = $self->{$key} || $::cnf->{$self->{"alias"}}->{$key} || $::cnf->{$self->{"anchorname"}}->{$key} || $::cnf->{_}->{$key} or delete $self->{$key}; defined $self->{$key} and do { $self->{$key} =~ s/\@ANCHORNAME\@/$self->{"anchorname"}/g; $self->{$key} =~ s/\@STATUS\@/$self->{"status"}/g; $self->{$key} =~ s/\@ALIAS\@/$self->{"alias"}/g; }; } # reversible toggle options foreach my $key ( qw / warnings errors cache / ) { delete $self->{"no$key"} if $::cnf->{$self->{"alias"}}->{$key} or $::cnf->{$self->{"anchorname"}}->{$key} or $::cnf->{_}->{$key}; } foreach my $key ( qw / nohttp_proxy noprepend_url nopostpend_url nostatedir / ) { (my $nokey = $key) =~ s/^no//; delete $self->{"$nokey"} if $::cnf->{$self->{"alias"}}->{$key} or $::cnf->{$self->{"anchorname"}}->{$key} or $::cnf->{_}->{$key}; } # overriding of the URLs (alias takes precedence over anchorname foreach my $section ( qw / anchorname alias / ) { my $i = 0; while ( defined ($::cnf->{$self->{$section}}->{"crl_url.".$i}) ) { my $urls; ($urls=$::cnf->{$self->{$section}}->{"crl_url.".$i} )=~s/[;\s]+/\001/g; ${$self->{"crlurls"}}[$i] = $urls; $i++; } } # templates to construct a CA name may still have other separators $self->{"catemplate"} =~ s/[;\s]+/\001/g; # select only http/https/ftp/file URLs # also transform the URLs using the base patterns and prepend any # local URL patterns (@ANCHORNAME@, @ALIAS@, and @R@) for ( my $i=0; $i <= $#{$self->{"crlurls"}} ; $i++ ) { my $urlstring = @{$self->{"crlurls"}}[$i]; my @urls = split(/\001/,$urlstring); $urlstring=""; foreach my $url ( @urls ) { if ( $url =~ /^(http:|https:|ftp:|file:)/ ) { $urlstring.="\001" if $urlstring; $urlstring.=$url; } else { $::log->verb(0,"URL $url in $basename$suffix unsupported, ignored"); } } if ( my $purl = $self->{"prepend_url"} ) { $purl =~ s/\@R\@/$i/g; $urlstring = join "\001" , $purl , $urlstring; } if ( my $purl = $self->{"postpend_url"} ) { $purl =~ s/\@R\@/$i/g; $urlstring = join "\001" , $urlstring, $purl; } if ( ! $urlstring ) { $::log->err("No usable CRL URLs for",$self->getAnchorName); $self->{"crlurls"}[$i] = ""; } else { $self->{"crlurls"}[$i] = $urlstring; } } return 1; } sub getAnchorName($) { my $self = shift; return ($self->{"anchorname"} || undef); } sub printAnchorName($) { my $self = shift; print "" . ($self->{"anchorname"} || "undefined") ."\n"; } sub displayAnchorName($) { my $self = shift; return ($self->{"anchorname"} || "undefined"); } sub loadCAfiles($) { my $self = shift; my $idx = 0; # try to find a CA dir, whatever it takes, almost my $cadir = $self->{"cadir"} || $self->{"infodir"}; -d $cadir or $::log->err("CA directory",$cadir,"does not exist") and return 0; # add @HASH@ support, inducing a file read and fork, only if really needed my $crlhash; if ( $self->{"catemplate"} =~ /\@HASH\@/ ) { $self->{"crl"}[0]{"data"} ne "" or $::log->err("CA name template contains HASH, but no CRL ". "could be loaded in time for ".$self->displayAnchorName) and return 0; my $probecrl = CRL->new(undef,$self->{"crl"}[0]{"data"}); $crlhash = $probecrl->getAttribute("hash"); $::log->verb(3,"Inferred CA template HASH ".($crlhash?$crlhash:"failed"). " for ".$self->displayAnchorName); } @{$self->{"cafile"}} = (); do { my $cafile; foreach my $catpl ( split /\001/, $self->{"catemplate"} ) { $catpl =~ s/\@R\@/$idx/g; $catpl =~ s/\@HASH\@/$crlhash/g; -e $cadir.'/'.$catpl and $cafile = $cadir.'/'.$catpl and last; } defined $cafile or do { $idx or do $::log->err("Cannot find any CA for", $self->{"alias"},"in",$cadir); return $idx?1:0; }; # is the new one any different from the previous (i.e. is the CA indexed?) $#{$self->{"cafile"}} >= 0 and $cafile eq $self->{"cafile"}[$#{$self->{"cafile"}}] and return 1; push @{$self->{"cafile"}}, $cafile; $::log->verb(3,"Added CA file $idx: $cafile"); } while(++$idx); return 0; # you never should come here } sub loadState($$) { my $self = shift; my $fallbackmode = shift; $self->{"crlurls"} or $::log->err("loading state for uninitialised list of CRLs") and return 0; $self->{"alias"} or $::log->err("loading state for uninitialised trust anchor") and return 0; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$self->{"crlurls"}} ; $i++ ) { # all indices if ( $self->{"statedir"} and -e $self->{"statedir"}.'/'.$self->{"alias"}.'.'.$i.'.state' ) { my $state = ConfigTiny->new(); $state->read($self->{"statedir"}.'/'.$self->{"alias"}.'.'.$i.'.state') or $::log->err("Cannot read existing state file", $self->{"statedir"}.'/'.$self->{"alias"}.'.$i.state', " - ",$state->errstr) and return 0; foreach my $key ( keys %{$state->{$self->{"alias"}}} ) { $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{$key} = $state->{$self->{"alias"}}->{$key}; } } # fine, but we should find at least an mtime if at all possible # make sure it is there: # try to retrieve state from installed files in @output_ # where the first look-alike CRL will win. NSS databases # are NOT supported for this heuristic if ( ! defined $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"mtime"} ) { my $mtime; STATEHUNT: foreach my $output ( ( $::cnf->{_}->{"output"}, $::cnf->{_}->{"output_der"}, $::cnf->{_}->{"output_pem"}, $::cnf->{_}->{"output_nss"}, $::cnf->{_}->{"output_openssl"}) ) { defined $output and $output or next; foreach my $ref ( $self->{"nametemplate_der"}, $self->{"nametemplate_pem"}, $self->{"alias"}.".r\@R\@", $self->{"anchorname"}.".r\@R\@", ) { next unless $ref; my $file = $ref; # copy, not to change original $file =~ s/\@R\@/$i/g; $file = join "/", $output, $file; next if ! -e $file; $mtime = (stat(_))[9]; last STATEHUNT; } } $::log->verb(3,"Inferred mtime for",$self->{"alias"},"is",$mtime) if $mtime; $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"mtime"} = $mtime if $mtime; } # as a last resort, set mtime to curren time $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"mtime"} ||= time; } return 1; } sub saveState($$) { my $self = shift; my $fallbackmode = shift; $self->{"statedir"} and -d $self->{"statedir"} and -w $self->{"statedir"} or return 0; $self->{"crlurls"} or $::log->err("loading state for uninitialised list of CRLs") and return 0; $self->{"alias"} or $::log->err("loading state for uninitialised trust anchor") and return 0; # of state, mtime is set based on CRL write in $output and filled there for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$self->{"crlurls"}} ; $i++ ) { # all indices if ( defined $self->{"statedir"} and -d $self->{"statedir"} ) { my $state = ConfigTiny->new; foreach my $key ( keys %{$self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}} ) { $state->{$self->{"alias"}}->{$key} = $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{$key}; } $state->write( $self->{"statedir"}.'/'.$self->{"alias"}.'.'.$i.'.state' ); $::log->verb(5,"State saved in", $self->{"statedir"}.'/'.$self->{"alias"}.'.'.$i.'.state'); } } return 1; } sub retrieveHTTP($$) { my $self = shift; my $idx = shift; my $url = shift; my %metadata; my $data; $url =~ /^(http:|https:|ftp:)/ or die "retrieveHTTP: non-http URL $url\n"; $::log->verb(3,"Downloading data from $url"); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent('fetch-crl/'.$::cnf->{_}->{version} . ' ('. $ua->agent . '; '.$::cnf->{_}->{packager} . ')' ); $ua->timeout($self->{"httptimeout"}); $ua->use_eval(0); if ( $self->{"http_proxy"} ) { if ( $self->{"http_proxy"} =~ /^ENV/i ) { $ua->env_proxy(); } else { $ua->proxy("http", $self->{"http_proxy"}); } } # set request cache control if specified as valid in config if ( defined $::cnf->{_}->{cache_control_request} ) { $::log->verb(5,"Setting request cache-control to ". $::cnf->{_}->{cache_control_request}); if ( $::cnf->{_}->{cache_control_request} =~ /^\d+$/ ) { $ua->default_header('Cache-control' => "max-age=".$::cnf->{_}->{cache_control_request} ); } else { die "Request cache control is invalid (not a number)\n"; } } # see with a HEAD request if we can get by with old data # but to assess that we need Last-Modified from the previous request # (so if the CA did not send that: too bad) if ( $self->{"crl"}[$idx]{"state"}{"lastmod"} and $self->{"crl"}[$idx]{"state"}{"b64data"} ) { $::log->verb(4,"Lastmod set to",$self->{"crl"}[$idx]{"state"}{"lastmod"}); $::log->verb(4,"Attemping HEAD retrieval of $url"); my $response; eval { local $SIG{ALRM}=sub{die "timed out after ".$self->{"httptimeout"}."s\n";}; alarm $self->{"httptimeout"}; $response = $ua->head($url); alarm 0; }; alarm 0; # make sure the alarm stops ticking, regardless of the eval if ( $@ ) { # died, alarm hit: server bad, so try next URL $::log->verb(2,"HEAD error $url:", $@); return undef; } # try using cached data if it is fresh if ( ( ! $@ ) and $response->is_success and $response->header("Last-Modified") ) { my $lastmod = HTTP::Date::str2time($response->header("Last-Modified")); if ( $lastmod == $self->{"crl"}[$idx]{"state"}{"lastmod"}) { $::log->verb(4,"HEAD lastmod unchanged, using cache"); $data = base64::b64decode($self->{"crl"}[$idx]{"state"}{"b64data"}); %metadata = ( "freshuntil" => $response->fresh_until(heuristic_expiry=>0)||time, "lastmod" => $self->{"crl"}[$idx]{"state"}{"lastmod"} || time, "sourceurl" => $self->{"crl"}[$idx]{"state"}{"sourceurl"} || $url ); return ($data,%metadata) if wantarray; return $data; } elsif ( $lastmod < $self->{"crl"}[$idx]{"state"}{"lastmod"} ) { # retrieve again, but print warning abount this wierd behaviour $::log->warn("Retrieved HEAD Last-Modified is older than cache: ". "cache invalidated, GET issued"); } } } # try get if head fails, there was no cache, cache disabled or invalidated my $response; eval { local $SIG{ALRM}=sub{die "timed out after ".$self->{"httptimeout"}."s\n";}; alarm $self->{"httptimeout"}; $ua->parse_head(0); $response = $ua->get($url); alarm 0; }; alarm 0; # make sure the alarm stops ticking, regardless of the eval if ( $@ ) { chomp($@); $::log->verb(0,"Download error $url:", $@); return undef; } if ( ! $response->is_success ) { $::log->verb(0,"Download error $url:",$response->status_line); return undef; } $data = $response->content; $metadata{"freshuntil"}=$response->fresh_until(heuristic_expiry=>0)||time; if ( my $lastmod = $response->header("Last-Modified") ) { $metadata{"lastmod"} = HTTP::Date::str2time($lastmod); } $metadata{"sourceurl"} = $url; return ($data,%metadata) if wantarray; return $data; } sub retrieveFile($$) { my $self = shift; my $idx = shift; my $url = shift; $url =~ /^file:\/*(\/.*)$/ or die "retrieveFile: non-file URL $url\n"; $::log->verb(4,"Retrieving data from $url"); # for files the previous state does not matter, we retrieve it # anyway my $data; { open CRLFILE,$1 or do { $! = "Cannot open $1: $!"; return undef; }; binmode CRLFILE; local $/; $data = ; close CRLFILE; } my %metadata; $metadata{"lastmod"} = (stat($1))[9]; $metadata{"freshuntil"} = time; $metadata{"sourceurl"} = $url; return ($data,%metadata) if wantarray; return $data; } sub retrieve($) { my $self = shift; $self->{"crlurls"} or $::log->err("Retrieving uninitialised list of CRL URLs") and return 0; $::log->verb(2,"Retrieving CRLs for",$self->{"alias"}); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$self->{"crlurls"}} ; $i++ ) { # all indices my ($result,%response); $::log->verb(3,"Retrieving CRL for",$self->{"alias"},"index $i"); # within the list of CRL URLs for a specific index, all entries # are considered equivalent. I.e., if we get one, the metadata will # be used for all (like Last-Modified, and cache control data) # if we have a cached piece of fresh data, return that one # and make sure the nextupdate in the CRL itself outlives claimed freshness if ( !$self->{"nocache"} and ($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"} || 0) > time and ($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"nextupdate"} || time) >= time and ($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"nextupdate"} || 0) >= ($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"} || 0) and $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"b64data"} ) { $::log->verb(3,"Using cached content for",$self->{"alias"},"index",$i); $::log->verb(4,"Content dated", scalar gmtime($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"lastmod"}), "valid until", scalar gmtime($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"}), "UTC"); $result = base64::b64decode($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"b64data"}); %response = ( "freshuntil" => $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"} || time, "lastmod" => $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"lastmod"} || time, "sourceurl" => $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"sourceurl"} || "null:" ); } else { foreach my $url ( split(/\001/,$self->{"crlurls"}[$i]) ) { # of these, the first one wins $url =~ /^(http:|https:|ftp:)/ and ($result,%response) = $self->retrieveHTTP($i,$url); $url =~ /^(file:)/ and ($result,%response) = $self->retrieveFile($i,$url); last if $result; } } # check if result is there, otherwise invoke agingtolerance clause # before actually raising this as an error # note that agingtolerance stats counting only AFTER the freshness # of the cache control directives has passed ... if ( ! $result ) { $::log->verb(1,"CRL retrieval for", $self->{"alias"},($i?"[$i] ":"")."failed from all URLs"); if ( $self->{"agingtolerance"} && $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"mtime"} ) { if ( ( time - $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"mtime"} ) < 3600*$self->{"agingtolerance"}) { $::log->warn("CRL retrieval for", $self->{"alias"},($i?"[$i] ":"")."failed,", int((3600*$self->{"agingtolerance"}+ $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"mtime"}- time )/3600). " left of ".$self->{"agingtolerance"}."h, retry later."); } else { $::log->retr_err("CRL retrieval for", $self->{"alias"},($i?"[$i] ":"")."failed.", $self->{"agingtolerance"}."h grace expired.", "CRL not updated"); } } else { # direct errors, no tolerance anymore $::log->retr_err("CRL retrieval for", $self->{"alias"},($i?"[$i] ":"")."failed,", "CRL not updated"); } next; # next subindex CRL for same CA, no further action on this one } # now data for $i is loaded in $result; # for freshness checks, take a sum (SysV style) my $sum = unpack("%32C*",$result) % 65535; $::log->verb(4,"Got",length($result),"bytes of data (sum=$sum)"); $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"data"} = $result; $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"alias"} = $self->{"alias"}; $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"index"} = $i; $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"sum"} = $sum; ($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"b64data"} = base64::b64encode($result)) =~ s/\s+//gm; $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"retrievaltime"} = time; $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"sourceurl"} = $response{"sourceurl"}||"null:"; $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"} = $response{"freshuntil"}||time; $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"lastmod"} = $response{"lastmod"}||time; } return 1; } sub verifyAndConvertCRLs($) { my $self = shift; $self->{"crlurls"} or $::log->err("Verifying uninitialised list of CRLs impossible") and return 0; # all CRLs must be valid in order to proceed # or we would end up shifting the relative ordering around and # possibly creatiing holes (or overwriting good local copies of # CRLs that have gone bad on the remote end for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$self->{"crlurls"}} ; $i++ ) { # all indices $self->{"crlurls"}[$i] or $::log->verb(3,"CRL",$self->getAnchorName."/".$i,"ignored (no valid URL)") and next; $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"data"} or $::log->verb(3,"CRL",$self->getAnchorName."/".$i,"ignored (no new data)") and next; $::log->verb(4,"Verifying CRL $i for",$self->getAnchorName); my $crl = CRL->new($self->getAnchorName."/$i",$self->{"crl"}[$i]{"data"}); my @verifyMessages= $crl->verify(@{$self->{"cafile"}}); # do additional checks on correlation between download and current # lastUpdate of current file? have to guess the current file # unless we are stateful! my $oldlastupdate = $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"lastupdate"} || undef; $oldlastupdate or do { $::log->verb(6,"Attempting to extract lastUpdate of previous D/L"); CRLSTATEHUNT: foreach my $output ( @{$::cnf->{_}->{"output_"}} , $self->{"infodir"} ) { foreach my $file ( $self->{"nametemplate_der"}, $self->{"nametemplate_pem"}, $self->{"alias"}.".r\@R\@", $self->{"anchorname"}.".r\@R\@", ) { next unless $file; (my $thisfile = $file ) =~ s/\@R\@/$i/g; $thisfile = join "/", $output, $thisfile; $::log->verb(6,"Trying guess $file for old CRL"); next if ! -e $thisfile; my $oldcrldata; { open OCF,$thisfile and do { binmode OCF; local $/; $oldcrldata = ; close OCF; } } my $oldcrl = CRL->new($thisfile,$oldcrldata); $oldlastupdate = $oldcrl->getLastUpdate; last CRLSTATEHUNT; } } $::log->verb(3,"Inferred lastupdate for",$self->{"alias"},"is", $oldlastupdate) if $oldlastupdate; }; if ( ! $crl->getLastUpdate ) { push @verifyMessages,"downloaded CRL lastUpdate could not be derived"; } elsif ( $oldlastupdate and ($crl->getLastUpdate < $oldlastupdate) and ($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"mtime"} <= time) ) { push @verifyMessages,"downloaded CRL lastUpdate predates installed CRL,", "and current version has sane timestamp"; } elsif ( defined $oldlastupdate and $oldlastupdate > time ) { $::log->warn($self->{"anchorname"}."/$i:","replaced with downloaded CRL", "since current one has lastUpdate in the future"); } $#verifyMessages >= 0 and do { $::log->retr_err("CRL verification failed for",$self->{"anchorname"}."/$i", "(".$self->{"alias"}.")"); foreach my $m ( @verifyMessages ) { $::log->verb(0,$self->{"anchorname"}."/$i:",$m); } return 0; }; $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"pemdata"} = $crl->getPEMdata(); foreach my $key ( qw/ lastupdate nextupdate sha1fp issuer / ) { $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{$key} = $crl->getAttribute($key) || ""; } # issue a low-level warning in case the cache control headers from # the CA (or its CDN) are bugus, i.e. the CRL wille expire before the # cache does. Don't log at warning, since the site cannot fix this if ( defined ($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"}) and ( $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"} > ( $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"nextupdate"} + $::cnf->{_}->{expirestolerance} ) ) ) { $::log->verb(1,"Cache control headers for CA ".$self->{"alias"}." at ". "URL ".$self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"sourceurl"}." have apparent ". "freshness ".sprintf("%.1f",($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"}- $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"nextupdate"})/3600). "hrs beyond CRL expiration nextUpdate. Reset freshness from ". gmtime($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"})." UTC to ". $::cnf->{_}->{expirestolerance}." second before nextUpdate at ". gmtime($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"nextupdate"})." UTC."); $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"} = $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"nextupdate"} - $::cnf->{_}->{expirestolerance}; } # limit maximum freshness period to compensate for CAs that overdo it if ( defined ($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"}) and $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"} > (time + $::cnf->{_}->{maxcachetime}) ) { $self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"} = time+$::cnf->{_}->{maxcachetime}; $::log->verb(1,"Cache state freshness expiry for CA ".$self->{"alias"}. " reset to at most ". sprintf("%.1f",$::cnf->{_}->{maxcachetime}/3600.). "hrs beyond current time (". gmtime($self->{"crl"}[$i]{"state"}{"freshuntil"})." UTC)"); } } return 1; } 1; # # Library inspired by the Perl 4 code from base64.pl by A. P. Barrett # , October 1993, and subsequent changes by # Earl Hood to use MIME::Base64 if available. # package base64; my $use_MIMEBase64 = eval { require MIME::Base64; }; sub b64decode { return &MIME::Base64::decode_base64 if $use_MIMEBase64; local($^W) = 0; # unpack("u",...) gives bogus warning in 5.00[123] use integer; my $str = shift; $str =~ tr|A-Za-z0-9+=/||cd; # remove non-base64 chars length($str) % 4 and die "Internal error in state: length of base64 data not a multiple of 4"; $str =~ s/=+$//; # remove padding $str =~ tr|A-Za-z0-9+/| -_|; # convert to uuencoded format return "" unless length $str; unpack("u", join('', map( chr(32 + length($_)*3/4) . $_, $str =~ /(.{1,60})/gs) ) ); } sub b64encode { return &MIME::Base64::encode_base64 if $use_MIMEBase64; local ($_) = shift; local($^W) = 0; use integer; # should be faster and more accurate my $result = pack("u", $_); $result =~ s/^.//mg; $result =~ s/\n//g; $result =~ tr|\` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; my $padding = (3 - length($_) % 3) % 3; $result =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding; $result =~ s/(.{1,76})/$1\n/g; $result; } 1;