#!/usr/bin/env perl ##************************************************************** ## ## Copyright (C) 1990-2007, Condor Team, Computer Sciences Department, ## University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI. ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you ## may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may ## obtain a copy of the License at ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## ##************************************************************** ########################################################################### # # This is condor_run, a simple front-end to condor_submit for submitting # vanilla jobs to Condor. # # usage: condor_run "shell-cmd" # # examples: # # condor_run "zcat data.gz | awk -f myscript.awk > results.txt" # condor_run "cc -o myprog myprog.c" # condor_run "make" # condor_run "condor_compile cc -o myprog myprog.c" # # condor_run by Jim Basney 4/3/2000 # ########################################################################### my @command; my @appends; my $universe = 'vanilla'; if (!defined($ARGV[0])) { goto HELP; } while ( $_ = shift( @ARGV ) ) { SWITCH: { if ( /^-h.*/ ) { HELP: print "usage: $0 [-u ] [-a command]* \"shell-cmd\"\n"; print "\twhere shell-cmd is any Unix shell statement.\n"; print "\t-u lets you set the universe to which the job is submitted.\n"; print "\t The default is vanilla.\n"; print "\t-a lets you add additional submit commands\n"; print "\t e.g. -a request_memory=1024\n"; print "\tEnvironment variables CONDOR_ARCH, CONDOR_OPSYS, and\n"; print "\tCONDOR_REQUIREMENTS may specify remote machine's Arch,\n"; print "\tOpSys, and any additional requirements.\n"; exit 1; } if ( /^-u(.*)/ ) { $universe = $1 ? $1 : shift(@ARGV); next SWITCH; } if ( /^-a.*/ ) { push(@appends, shift(@ARGV)); next SWITCH; } # Anything passed in that isn't -u or -a is part of the command to run push(@command, $_); } } if (!@command) { goto HELP; } # grab current working directory for initial dir in system using automounter $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; # set up environment for running something in the current directory in case # they want to run something in the current working directory and they # don't specify a "./" infront of it. $ENV{'PATH'} .= ":."; # setup cleanup subroutine and error handlers sub cleanfiles { unlink ".condor_run.$$", ".condor_submit.$$", ".condor_log.$$"; unlink ".condor_out.$$", ".condor_error.$$"; } sub abort { `condor_rm $cluster 2>&1 > /dev/null` if defined($cluster); &cleanfiles; die @_; } sub handler { local($sig) = @_; &abort("Killed by SIG$sig.\n"); } $SIG{'HUP'} = 'handler'; $SIG{'INT'} = 'handler'; $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'handler'; $SIG{'TERM'} = 'handler'; # use the user's shell in the script we submit to Condor $shell = $ENV{'SHELL'}; $shell = "/bin/sh" if (!defined($shell)); # get any requirements from the user's environment $requirements = $ENV{'CONDOR_REQUIREMENTS'}; $arch = $ENV{'CONDOR_ARCH'}; if (defined($arch)) { $requirements .= " && " if (defined($requirements)); $requirements .= "Arch == \"" . $arch . "\""; } $opsys = $ENV{'CONDOR_OPSYS'}; if (defined($opsys)) { $requirements .= " && " if (defined($requirements)); $requirements .= "OpSys == \"" . $opsys . "\""; } # create a shell script containing the user's command open(CMD, ">.condor_run.$$") || &abort("Can't create temporary (CMD) file in current directory.\n"); print CMD "#!", $shell, "\n"; foreach $arg (@command) { print CMD $arg, " "; } print CMD "\n"; close(CMD) || &abort("Failed to write temporary (CMD) file in current directory.\n"); # fix the permissions to something nice. chmod 0700, ".condor_run.$$"; # create a job description file to submit the shell script to Condor open(JDF, ">.condor_submit.$$") || &abort("Can't create temporary (JDF) file in current directory.\n"); print JDF "universe = $universe\n"; print JDF "executable = .condor_run.$$\n"; print JDF "initialdir = $pwd\n"; print JDF "notification = NEVER\n"; print JDF "log = .condor_log.$$\n"; print JDF "output = .condor_out.$$\n"; print JDF "error = .condor_error.$$\n"; print JDF "getenv = True\n"; print JDF "requirements = ", $requirements, "\n" if (defined($requirements)); foreach my $append (@appends) { print JDF $append . "\n"; } print JDF "queue\n"; close(JDF) || &abort("Failed to write temporary (JDF) file in current directory.\n"); # submit the job; $cluster contains cluster number if successful open(SUBMIT, "condor_submit .condor_submit.$$ 2>&1 |") || &abort("Failed to run condor_submit. Please check your path.\n"); while() { if (/^1 job\(s\) submitted to cluster (\d+)./) { ($cluster) = $1; } elsif (/WARNING.*Invalid log file/ || /WARNING.*is not writable by condor/) { print STDERR $_; &abort("Failed to submit Condor job.\n"); } else { $submit_errors .= $_; } } if (!close(SUBMIT) || !defined($cluster)) { print STDERR $submit_errors; &abort("Failed to submit Condor job.\n"); } # watch the Condor log to see when the job completes $done = 0; $status = 0; while (!$done) { sleep 5; open(LOG, "<.condor_log.$$") || &abort("Failed to open Condor log file.\n"); while () { if (/termination \(return value (\d+)\)/) { $status = $1; $done = 1; } elsif (/termination \(signal (\d+)\)/) { print STDERR "Condor job killed by signal ", $1 , ".\n"; $done = 1; } elsif ( /^009/ && /Job was aborted/ ) { print STDERR "The job was aborted"; $done = 1; } } close(LOG) || &abort("Failed to close Condor log file.\n"); } undef $cluster; # indicate that job is no longer in queue # display stdout to the terminal open(OUTPUT, "<.condor_out.$$") || &abort("Failed to open job output file.\n"); while () { print STDOUT; } close(OUTPUT) || &abort("Failed to open job output file.\n"); # display stderr to the terminal open(ERROR, "<.condor_error.$$") || &abort("Failed to open job error file.\n"); while () { print STDERR; } close(ERROR) || &abort("Failed to open job output file.\n"); &cleanfiles; # cleanup temporary files exit $status; # exit with job's exit status