Services { Gateway { Port = 9159 } SystemAdministrator { Port = 9162 Authorization { Default = ServiceAdministrator storeHostInfo = Operator } } ##BEGIN ProxyManager: # Section to describe ProxyManager system # ProxyManager { Port = 9152 MaxThreads = 100 # Flag to use myproxy server UseMyProxy = False # Email to use as a sender for the expiration reminder MailFrom = "" # Description of rules for access to methods Authorization { Default = authenticated getProxy = FullDelegation getProxy += LimitedDelegation getProxy += PrivateLimitedDelegation getVOMSProxy = FullDelegation getVOMSProxy += LimitedDelegation getVOMSProxy += PrivateLimitedDelegation getProxyWithToken = FullDelegation getProxyWithToken += LimitedDelegation getProxyWithToken += PrivateLimitedDelegation getVOMSProxyWithToken = FullDelegation getVOMSProxyWithToken += LimitedDelegation getVOMSProxyWithToken += PrivateLimitedDelegation getLogContents = ProxyManagement setPersistency = ProxyManagement } } ##END SecurityLogging { Port = 9153 Authorization { Default = authenticated } } UserProfileManager { Port = 9155 Authorization { Default = authenticated } } Plotting { Port = 9157 PlotsLocation = data/plots Authorization { Default = authenticated FileTransfer { Default = authenticated } } } BundleDelivery { Port = 9158 Authorization { Default = authenticated FileTransfer { Default = authenticated } } } Monitoring { Port = 9142 Authorization { Default = authenticated FileTransfer { Default = authenticated } queryField = ServiceAdministrator tryView = ServiceAdministrator saveView = ServiceAdministrator deleteView = ServiceAdministrator deleteActivity = ServiceAdministrator deleteActivities = ServiceAdministrator deleteViews = ServiceAdministrator } } Notification { Port = 9154 SMSSwitch = Authorization { Default = AlarmsManagement sendMail = authenticated sendSMS = authenticated removeNotificationsForUser = authenticated markNotificationsAsRead = authenticated getNotifications = authenticated ping = authenticated } } ComponentMonitoring { Port = 9190 Authorization { Default = ServiceAdministrator componentExists = authenticated getComponents = authenticated hostExists = authenticated getHosts = authenticated installationExists = authenticated getInstallations = authenticated updateLog = Operator } } RabbitMQSync { Port = 9192 Authorization { Default = Operator } } } Agents { ##BEGIN MyProxyRenewalAgent MyProxyRenewalAgent { PollingTime = 1800 MinValidity = 10000 #The period for which the proxy will be extended. The value is in hours ValidityPeriod = 15 # Email to use as a sender for the expiration reminder MailFrom = } ##END CAUpdateAgent { PollingTime = 21600 } ##BEGIN ComponentSupervisionAgent ComponentSupervisionAgent { #Time in seconds between start of cycles PollingTime = 600 # Overall enable or disable EnableFlag = False # Which setup to monitor Setup = DIRAC-Production # Email addresses receiving notifications MailTo = # Sender email address MailFrom = # If True automatically restart stuck agents RestartAgents = False # if True automatically restart stuck services RestartServices = False # if True automatically restart stuck executors RestartExecutors = False # if True automatically start or stop components based on host configuration ControlComponents = False # if True automatically add or remove service URLs CommitURLs = False # list of pattern in instances to disable restart for them DoNotRestartInstancePattern = RequestExecutingAgent } ##END }