######################################################################## # File : PilotStatusAgent.py # Author : Stuart Paterson ######################################################################## """ The Pilot Status Agent updates the status of the pilot jobs in the PilotAgents database. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function __RCSID__ = "45ddde113 (2021-10-01 11:19:55 +0200) Chris Burr " from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gConfig from DIRAC.AccountingSystem.Client.Types.Pilot import Pilot as PilotAccounting from DIRAC.AccountingSystem.Client.DataStoreClient import gDataStoreClient from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers import Registry from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getCESiteMapping from DIRAC.Core.Base.AgentModule import AgentModule from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import Time from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracAdmin import DiracAdmin from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client import PilotStatus from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.PilotManagerClient import PilotManagerClient from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.DB.PilotAgentsDB import PilotAgentsDB from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.DB.JobDB import JobDB MAX_JOBS_QUERY = 10 MAX_WAITING_STATE_LENGTH = 3 class PilotStatusAgent(AgentModule): """ The specific agents must provide the following methods: - initialize() for initial settings - beginExecution() - execute() - the main method called in the agent cycle - endExecution() - finalize() - the graceful exit of the method, this one is usually used for the agent restart """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """c'tor""" AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.jobDB = None self.pilotDB = None self.diracadmin = None ############################################################################# def initialize(self): """Sets defaults""" self.am_setOption("PollingTime", 120) self.am_setOption("GridEnv", "") self.am_setOption("PilotStalledDays", 3) self.pilotDB = PilotAgentsDB() self.diracadmin = DiracAdmin() self.jobDB = JobDB() self.clearPilotsDelay = self.am_getOption("ClearPilotsDelay", 30) self.clearAbortedDelay = self.am_getOption("ClearAbortedPilotsDelay", 7) self.pilots = PilotManagerClient() return S_OK() ############################################################################# def execute(self): """The PilotAgent execution method.""" self.pilotStalledDays = self.am_getOption("PilotStalledDays", 3) self.gridEnv = self.am_getOption("GridEnv") if not self.gridEnv: # No specific option found, try a general one setup = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "") if setup: instance = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setups/%s/WorkloadManagement" % setup, "") if instance: self.gridEnv = gConfig.getValue("/Systems/WorkloadManagement/%s/GridEnv" % instance, "") result = self.pilotDB._getConnection() if result["OK"]: connection = result["Value"] else: return result # Now handle pilots not updated in the last N days (most likely the Broker is no # longer available) and declare them Deleted. result = self.handleOldPilots(connection) connection.close() result = self.pilots.clearPilots(self.clearPilotsDelay, self.clearAbortedDelay) if not result["OK"]: self.log.warn("Failed to clear old pilots in the PilotAgentsDB") return S_OK() def handleOldPilots(self, connection): """ select all pilots that have not been updated in the last N days and declared them Deleted, accounting for them. """ pilotsToAccount = {} timeLimitToConsider = Time.toString(Time.dateTime() - Time.day * self.pilotStalledDays) result = self.pilotDB.selectPilots( {"Status": PilotStatus.PILOT_TRANSIENT_STATES}, older=timeLimitToConsider, timeStamp="LastUpdateTime" ) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to get the Pilot Agents") return result if not result["Value"]: return S_OK() refList = result["Value"] result = self.pilotDB.getPilotInfo(refList) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to get Info for Pilot Agents") return result pilotsDict = result["Value"] for pRef in pilotsDict: if pilotsDict[pRef].get("Jobs") and self._checkJobLastUpdateTime( pilotsDict[pRef]["Jobs"], self.pilotStalledDays ): self.log.debug( "%s should not be deleted since one job of %s is running." % (str(pRef), str(pilotsDict[pRef]["Jobs"])) ) continue deletedJobDict = pilotsDict[pRef] deletedJobDict["Status"] = PilotStatus.DELETED deletedJobDict["StatusDate"] = Time.dateTime() pilotsToAccount[pRef] = deletedJobDict if len(pilotsToAccount) > 100: self.accountPilots(pilotsToAccount, connection) self._killPilots(pilotsToAccount) pilotsToAccount = {} self.accountPilots(pilotsToAccount, connection) self._killPilots(pilotsToAccount) return S_OK() def accountPilots(self, pilotsToAccount, connection): """account for pilots""" accountingFlag = False pae = self.am_getOption("PilotAccountingEnabled", "yes") if pae.lower() == "yes": accountingFlag = True if not pilotsToAccount: self.log.info("No pilots to Account") return S_OK() accountingSent = False if accountingFlag: retVal = self.pilotDB.getPilotInfo(list(pilotsToAccount), conn=connection) if not retVal["OK"]: self.log.error("Fail to retrieve Info for pilots", retVal["Message"]) return retVal dbData = retVal["Value"] for pref in dbData: if pref in pilotsToAccount: if dbData[pref]["Status"] not in PilotStatus.PILOT_FINAL_STATES: dbData[pref]["Status"] = pilotsToAccount[pref]["Status"] dbData[pref]["DestinationSite"] = pilotsToAccount[pref]["DestinationSite"] dbData[pref]["LastUpdateTime"] = pilotsToAccount[pref]["StatusDate"] retVal = self._addPilotsAccountingReport(dbData) if not retVal["OK"]: self.log.error("Fail to retrieve Info for pilots", retVal["Message"]) return retVal self.log.info("Sending accounting records...") retVal = gDataStoreClient.commit() if not retVal["OK"]: self.log.error("Can't send accounting reports", retVal["Message"]) else: self.log.info("Accounting sent for %s pilots" % len(pilotsToAccount)) accountingSent = True if not accountingFlag or accountingSent: for pRef in pilotsToAccount: pDict = pilotsToAccount[pRef] self.log.verbose("Setting Status for %s to %s" % (pRef, pDict["Status"])) self.pilotDB.setPilotStatus( pRef, pDict["Status"], pDict["DestinationSite"], pDict["StatusDate"], conn=connection ) return S_OK() def _addPilotsAccountingReport(self, pilotsData): """fill accounting data""" for pRef in pilotsData: pData = pilotsData[pRef] pA = PilotAccounting() pA.setEndTime(pData["LastUpdateTime"]) pA.setStartTime(pData["SubmissionTime"]) retVal = Registry.getUsernameForDN(pData["OwnerDN"]) if not retVal["OK"]: userName = "unknown" self.log.error( "Can't determine username for dn", ": %s : %s" % (pData["OwnerDN"], retVal["Message"]), ) else: userName = retVal["Value"] pA.setValueByKey("User", userName) pA.setValueByKey("UserGroup", pData["OwnerGroup"]) result = getCESiteMapping(pData["DestinationSite"]) if result["OK"] and pData["DestinationSite"] in result["Value"]: pA.setValueByKey("Site", result["Value"][pData["DestinationSite"]].strip()) else: pA.setValueByKey("Site", "Unknown") pA.setValueByKey("GridCE", pData["DestinationSite"]) pA.setValueByKey("GridMiddleware", pData["GridType"]) pA.setValueByKey("GridResourceBroker", pData["Broker"]) pA.setValueByKey("GridStatus", pData["Status"]) if "Jobs" not in pData: pA.setValueByKey("Jobs", 0) else: pA.setValueByKey("Jobs", len(pData["Jobs"])) self.log.verbose("Added accounting record for pilot %s" % pData["PilotID"]) retVal = gDataStoreClient.addRegister(pA) if not retVal["OK"]: return retVal return S_OK() def _killPilots(self, acc): for i in sorted(acc.keys()): result = self.diracadmin.getPilotInfo(i) if result["OK"] and i in result["Value"] and "Status" in result["Value"][i]: ret = self.diracadmin.killPilot(str(i)) if ret["OK"]: self.log.info("Successfully deleted", ": %s (Status : %s)" % (i, result["Value"][i]["Status"])) else: self.log.error("Failed to delete pilot: ", "%s : %s" % (i, ret["Message"])) else: self.log.error("Failed to get pilot info", "%s : %s" % (i, str(result))) def _checkJobLastUpdateTime(self, joblist, StalledDays): timeLimitToConsider = Time.dateTime() - Time.day * StalledDays ret = False for jobID in joblist: result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(int(jobID)) if result["OK"]: if "LastUpdateTime" in result["Value"]: lastUpdateTime = result["Value"]["LastUpdateTime"] if Time.fromString(lastUpdateTime) > timeLimitToConsider: ret = True self.log.debug( "Since %s updates LastUpdateTime on %s this does not to need to be deleted." % (str(jobID), str(lastUpdateTime)) ) break else: self.log.error("Error taking job info from DB", result["Message"]) return ret