""" The StalledJobAgent hunts for stalled jobs in the Job database. Jobs in "running" state not receiving a heart beat signal for more than stalledTime seconds will be assigned the "Stalled" state. .. literalinclude:: ../ConfigTemplate.cfg :start-after: ##BEGIN StalledJobAgent :end-before: ##END :dedent: 2 :caption: StalledJobAgent options """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division __RCSID__ = "4b5a7ec20 (2021-12-16 16:54:11 +0100) Federico Stagni " import six import concurrent.futures from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gConfig from DIRAC.AccountingSystem.Client.Types.Job import Job from DIRAC.Core.Base.AgentModule import AgentModule from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DErrno from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Time import fromString, toEpoch, dateTime, second from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ClassAd.ClassAdLight import ClassAd from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers import cfgPath from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.PathFinder import getSystemInstance from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.WMSClient import WMSClient from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.JobMonitoringClient import JobMonitoringClient from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.PilotManagerClient import PilotManagerClient from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.DB.JobDB import JobDB from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.DB.JobLoggingDB import JobLoggingDB from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client import JobStatus, JobMinorStatus class StalledJobAgent(AgentModule): """Agent for setting Running jobs Stalled, and Stalled jobs Failed. And a few more.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """c'tor""" super(StalledJobAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.jobDB = None self.logDB = None self.matchedTime = 7200 self.rescheduledTime = 600 self.submittingTime = 300 self.stalledJobsTolerantSites = [] self.stalledJobsToRescheduleSites = [] ############################################################################# def initialize(self): """Sets default parameters""" self.jobDB = JobDB() self.logDB = JobLoggingDB() # getting parameters if not self.am_getOption("Enable", True): self.log.info("Stalled Job Agent running in disabled mode") wms_instance = getSystemInstance("WorkloadManagement") if not wms_instance: return S_ERROR("Can not get the WorkloadManagement system instance") self.stalledJobsTolerantSites = self.am_getOption("StalledJobsTolerantSites", []) self.stalledJobsToleranceTime = self.am_getOption("StalledJobsToleranceTime", 0) self.stalledJobsToRescheduleSites = self.am_getOption("StalledJobsToRescheduleSites", []) self.submittingTime = self.am_getOption("SubmittingTime", self.submittingTime) self.matchedTime = self.am_getOption("MatchedTime", self.matchedTime) self.rescheduledTime = self.am_getOption("RescheduledTime", self.rescheduledTime) wrapperSection = cfgPath("Systems", "WorkloadManagement", wms_instance, "JobWrapper") failedTime = self.am_getOption("FailedTimeHours", 6) watchdogCycle = gConfig.getValue(cfgPath(wrapperSection, "CheckingTime"), 30 * 60) watchdogCycle = max(watchdogCycle, gConfig.getValue(cfgPath(wrapperSection, "MinCheckingTime"), 20 * 60)) stalledTime = self.am_getOption("StalledTimeHours", 2) self.log.verbose("", "StalledTime = %s cycles" % (stalledTime)) self.stalledTime = int(watchdogCycle * (stalledTime + 0.5)) self.log.verbose("", "FailedTime = %s cycles" % (failedTime)) # Add half cycle to avoid race conditions self.failedTime = int(watchdogCycle * (failedTime + 0.5)) self.minorStalledStatuses = ( JobMinorStatus.STALLED_PILOT_NOT_RUNNING, "Stalling for more than %d sec" % self.failedTime, ) # setting up the threading maxNumberOfThreads = self.am_getOption("MaxNumberOfThreads", 15) self.log.verbose("Multithreaded with %d threads" % maxNumberOfThreads) self.threadPoolExecutor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=maxNumberOfThreads) return S_OK() ############################################################################# def execute(self): """The main agent execution method""" # Now we are getting what's going to be checked futures = [] # 1) Queueing the jobs that might be marked Stalled # This is the minimum time we wait for declaring a job Stalled, therefore it is safe checkTime = dateTime() - self.stalledTime * second checkedStatuses = [JobStatus.RUNNING, JobStatus.COMPLETING] # Only get jobs whose HeartBeat is older than the stalledTime result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": checkedStatuses}, older=checkTime, timeStamp="HeartBeatTime") if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Issue selecting %s jobs" % " & ".join(checkedStatuses), result["Message"]) if result["Value"]: jobs = sorted(result["Value"]) self.log.info( "%s jobs will be checked for being stalled" % " & ".join(checkedStatuses), "(n=%d, heartbeat before %s)" % (len(jobs), str(checkTime)), ) for job in jobs: future = self.threadPoolExecutor.submit(self._execute, "%s:_markStalledJobs" % job) futures.append(future) # 2) fail Stalled Jobs result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": JobStatus.STALLED}) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Issue selecting Stalled jobs", result["Message"]) if result["Value"]: jobs = sorted(result["Value"]) self.log.info("Jobs Stalled will be checked for failure", "(n=%d)" % len(jobs)) for job in jobs: future = self.threadPoolExecutor.submit(self._execute, "%s:_failStalledJobs" % job) futures.append(future) # 3) Send accounting for minor in self.minorStalledStatuses: result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": JobStatus.FAILED, "MinorStatus": minor, "AccountedFlag": "False"}) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Issue selecting jobs for accounting", result["Message"]) if result["Value"]: jobs = result["Value"] self.log.info("Stalled jobs will be Accounted", "(n=%d)" % (len(jobs))) for job in jobs: future = self.threadPoolExecutor.submit(self._execute, "%s:_sendAccounting" % job) futures.append(future) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): try: future.result() except Exception as exc: self.log.error("_execute generated an exception: %s" % exc) # From here on we don't use the threads # 4) Fail submitting jobs result = self._failSubmittingJobs() if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to process jobs being submitted", result["Message"]) # 5) Kick stuck jobs result = self._kickStuckJobs() if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to kick stuck jobs", result["Message"]) return S_OK() def finalize(self): """graceful finalization""" self.log.info("Wait for threads to get empty before terminating the agent") self.threadPoolExecutor.shutdown() self.log.info("Threads are empty, terminating the agent...") return S_OK() def _execute(self, job_Op): """ Doing the actual job. This is run inside the threads """ jobID, jobOp = job_Op.split(":") jobID = int(jobID) res = getattr(self, "%s" % jobOp)(jobID) if not res["OK"]: self.log.error("Failure executing %s" % jobOp, "on %d: %s" % (jobID, res["Message"])) ############################################################################# def _markStalledJobs(self, jobID): """ Identifies if JobID is stalled: running or completing without update longer than stalledTime. Run inside thread. """ delayTime = self.stalledTime # Add a tolerance time for some sites if required if self.stalledJobsTolerantSites: result = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, "site") if not result["OK"]: return result site = result["Value"] if site in self.stalledJobsTolerantSites: delayTime += self.stalledJobsToleranceTime # Check if the job is really stalled result = self._checkJobStalled(jobID, delayTime) if not result["OK"]: return result self.log.verbose("Updating status to Stalled", "for job %s" % (jobID)) return self._updateJobStatus(jobID, JobStatus.STALLED) ############################################################################# def _failStalledJobs(self, jobID): """ Changes the Stalled status to Failed for jobs long in the Stalled status. Run inside thread. """ setFailed = False # Check if the job pilot is lost result = self._getJobPilotStatus(jobID) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to get pilot status", "for job %d: %s" % (jobID, result["Message"])) return result pilotStatus = result["Value"] if pilotStatus != "Running": setFailed = self.minorStalledStatuses[0] else: # Verify that there was no sign of life for long enough result = self._getLatestUpdateTime(jobID) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to get job update time", "for job %d: %s" % (jobID, result["Message"])) return result elapsedTime = toEpoch() - result["Value"] if elapsedTime > self.failedTime: setFailed = self.minorStalledStatuses[1] # Set the jobs Failed, send them a kill signal in case they are not really dead # and send accounting info if setFailed: self._sendKillCommand(jobID) # always returns None # For some sites we might want to reschedule rather than fail the jobs if self.stalledJobsToRescheduleSites: result = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(jobID, "site") if not result["OK"]: return result site = result["Value"] if site in self.stalledJobsToRescheduleSites: return self._updateJobStatus(jobID, JobStatus.RESCHEDULED, minorStatus=setFailed, force=True) return self._updateJobStatus(jobID, JobStatus.FAILED, minorStatus=setFailed) return S_OK() def _getJobPilotStatus(self, jobID): """Get the job pilot status""" result = JobMonitoringClient().getJobParameter(jobID, "Pilot_Reference") if not result["OK"]: return result pilotReference = result["Value"].get("Pilot_Reference", "Unknown") if pilotReference == "Unknown": # There is no pilot reference, hence its status is unknown return S_OK("NoPilot") result = PilotManagerClient().getPilotInfo(pilotReference) if not result["OK"]: if DErrno.cmpError(result, DErrno.EWMSNOPILOT): self.log.warn("No pilot found", "for job %d: %s" % (jobID, result["Message"])) return S_OK("NoPilot") self.log.error("Failed to get pilot information", "for job %d: %s" % (jobID, result["Message"])) return result pilotStatus = result["Value"][pilotReference]["Status"] return S_OK(pilotStatus) ############################################################################# def _checkJobStalled(self, job, stalledTime): """Compares the most recent of LastUpdateTime and HeartBeatTime against the stalledTime limit. """ result = self._getLatestUpdateTime(job) if not result["OK"]: return result elapsedTime = toEpoch() - result["Value"] self.log.debug("(CurrentTime-LastUpdate) = %s secs" % (elapsedTime)) if elapsedTime > stalledTime: self.log.info( "Job is identified as stalled", ": jobID %d with last update > %s secs ago" % (job, elapsedTime) ) return S_OK() return S_ERROR("Job %s is running and will be ignored" % job) ############################################################################# def _getLatestUpdateTime(self, job): """Returns the most recent of HeartBeatTime and LastUpdateTime""" result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(job, ["HeartBeatTime", "LastUpdateTime"]) if not result["OK"] or not result["Value"]: self.log.error( "Failed to get job attributes", "for job %d: %s" % (job, result["Message"] if "Message" in result else "empty"), ) return S_ERROR("Could not get attributes for job") latestUpdate = 0 if not result["Value"]["HeartBeatTime"] or result["Value"]["HeartBeatTime"] == "None": self.log.verbose("HeartBeatTime is null", "for job %s" % job) else: latestUpdate = toEpoch(fromString(result["Value"]["HeartBeatTime"])) if not result["Value"]["LastUpdateTime"] or result["Value"]["LastUpdateTime"] == "None": self.log.verbose("LastUpdateTime is null", "for job %s" % job) else: latestUpdate = max(latestUpdate, toEpoch(fromString(result["Value"]["LastUpdateTime"]))) if not latestUpdate: return S_ERROR("LastUpdate and HeartBeat times are null for job %s" % job) else: self.log.verbose("", "Latest update time from epoch for job %s is %s" % (job, latestUpdate)) return S_OK(latestUpdate) ############################################################################# def _updateJobStatus(self, job, status, minorStatus=None, force=False): """This method updates the job status in the JobDB""" if not self.am_getOption("Enable", True): return S_OK("Disabled") toRet = S_OK() self.log.debug("self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(%s,'Status','%s',update=True)" % (job, status)) result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(job, "Status", status, update=True, force=force) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed setting Status", "%s for job %d: %s" % (status, job, result["Message"])) toRet = result if minorStatus: self.log.debug("self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(%s,'MinorStatus','%s',update=True)" % (job, minorStatus)) result = self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(job, "MinorStatus", minorStatus, update=True) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error( "Failed setting MinorStatus", "%s for job %d: %s" % (minorStatus, job, result["Message"]) ) toRet = result if not minorStatus: # Retain last minor status for stalled jobs result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(job, ["MinorStatus"]) if result["OK"]: minorStatus = result["Value"]["MinorStatus"] else: self.log.error("Failed getting MinorStatus", "for job %d: %s" % (job, result["Message"])) minorStatus = "idem" toRet = result result = self.logDB.addLoggingRecord(job, status=status, minorStatus=minorStatus, source="StalledJobAgent") if not result["OK"]: self.log.warn("Failed adding logging record", result["Message"]) toRet = result return toRet def _getProcessingType(self, jobID): """Get the Processing Type from the JDL, until it is promoted to a real Attribute""" processingType = "unknown" result = self.jobDB.getJobJDL(jobID, original=True) if not result["OK"]: return processingType classAdJob = ClassAd(result["Value"]) if classAdJob.lookupAttribute("ProcessingType"): processingType = classAdJob.getAttributeString("ProcessingType") return processingType def _sendAccounting(self, jobID): """ Send WMS accounting data for the given job. Run inside thread. """ try: accountingReport = Job() endTime = "Unknown" lastHeartBeatTime = "Unknown" result = self.jobDB.getJobAttributes(jobID) if not result["OK"]: return result jobDict = result["Value"] startTime, endTime = self._checkLoggingInfo(jobID, jobDict) lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime = self._checkHeartBeat(jobID, jobDict) lastHeartBeatTime = fromString(lastHeartBeatTime) if lastHeartBeatTime is not None and lastHeartBeatTime > endTime: endTime = lastHeartBeatTime result = JobMonitoringClient().getJobParameter(jobID, "CPUNormalizationFactor") if not result["OK"] or not result["Value"]: self.log.error( "Error getting Job Parameter CPUNormalizationFactor, setting 0", result.get("Message", "No such value"), ) cpuNormalization = 0.0 else: cpuNormalization = float(result["Value"].get("CPUNormalizationFactor")) except Exception as e: self.log.exception( "Exception in _sendAccounting", "for job=%s: endTime=%s, lastHBTime=%s" % (str(jobID), str(endTime), str(lastHeartBeatTime)), lException=e, ) return S_ERROR("Exception") processingType = self._getProcessingType(jobID) accountingReport.setStartTime(startTime) accountingReport.setEndTime(endTime) # execTime = toEpoch( endTime ) - toEpoch( startTime ) # Fill the accounting data acData = { "Site": jobDict["Site"], "User": jobDict["Owner"], "UserGroup": jobDict["OwnerGroup"], "JobGroup": jobDict["JobGroup"], "JobType": jobDict["JobType"], "JobClass": jobDict["JobSplitType"], "ProcessingType": processingType, "FinalMajorStatus": JobStatus.FAILED, "FinalMinorStatus": JobMinorStatus.STALLED_PILOT_NOT_RUNNING, "CPUTime": lastCPUTime, "NormCPUTime": lastCPUTime * cpuNormalization, "ExecTime": lastWallTime, "InputDataSize": 0.0, "OutputDataSize": 0.0, "InputDataFiles": 0, "OutputDataFiles": 0, "DiskSpace": 0.0, "InputSandBoxSize": 0.0, "OutputSandBoxSize": 0.0, "ProcessedEvents": 0, } # For accidentally stopped jobs ExecTime can be not set if not acData["ExecTime"]: acData["ExecTime"] = acData["CPUTime"] elif acData["ExecTime"] < acData["CPUTime"]: acData["ExecTime"] = acData["CPUTime"] self.log.verbose("Accounting Report is:") self.log.verbose(acData) accountingReport.setValuesFromDict(acData) result = accountingReport.commit() if result["OK"]: self.jobDB.setJobAttribute(jobID, "AccountedFlag", "True") else: self.log.error("Failed to send accounting report", "Job: %d, Error: %s" % (int(jobID), result["Message"])) return result def _checkHeartBeat(self, jobID, jobDict): """Get info from HeartBeat""" result = self.jobDB.getHeartBeatData(jobID) lastCPUTime = 0 lastWallTime = 0 lastHeartBeatTime = jobDict["StartExecTime"] if lastHeartBeatTime == "None": lastHeartBeatTime = 0 if result["OK"]: for name, value, heartBeatTime in result["Value"]: if name == "CPUConsumed": try: value = int(float(value)) if value > lastCPUTime: lastCPUTime = value except ValueError: pass if name == "WallClockTime": try: value = int(float(value)) if value > lastWallTime: lastWallTime = value except ValueError: pass if heartBeatTime > lastHeartBeatTime: lastHeartBeatTime = heartBeatTime return lastCPUTime, lastWallTime, lastHeartBeatTime def _checkLoggingInfo(self, jobID, jobDict): """Get info from JobLogging""" logList = [] result = self.logDB.getJobLoggingInfo(jobID) if result["OK"]: logList = result["Value"] startTime = jobDict["StartExecTime"] if not startTime or startTime == "None": # status, minor, app, stime, source for items in logList: if items[0] == "Running": startTime = items[3] break if not startTime or startTime == "None": startTime = jobDict["SubmissionTime"] if isinstance(startTime, six.string_types): startTime = fromString(startTime) if startTime is None: self.log.error("Wrong timestamp in DB", items[3]) startTime = dateTime() endTime = dateTime() # status, minor, app, stime, source for items in logList: if items[0] == "Stalled": endTime = fromString(items[3]) if endTime is None: self.log.error("Wrong timestamp in DB", items[3]) endTime = dateTime() return startTime, endTime def _kickStuckJobs(self): """Reschedule jobs stuck in initialization status Rescheduled, Matched""" message = "" checkTime = dateTime() - self.matchedTime * second result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": JobStatus.MATCHED}, older=checkTime) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to select jobs", result["Message"]) return result jobIDs = result["Value"] if jobIDs: self.log.info("Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Matched status" % len(jobIDs)) result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs(jobIDs) if "FailedJobs" in result: message = "Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Matched status" % len(result["FailedJobs"]) checkTime = dateTime() - self.rescheduledTime * second result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": JobStatus.RESCHEDULED}, older=checkTime) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to select jobs", result["Message"]) return result jobIDs = result["Value"] if jobIDs: self.log.info("Rescheduling %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status" % len(jobIDs)) result = self.jobDB.rescheduleJobs(jobIDs) if "FailedJobs" in result: if message: message += "\n" message += "Failed to reschedule %d jobs stuck in Rescheduled status" % len(result["FailedJobs"]) if message: return S_ERROR(message) return S_OK() def _failSubmittingJobs(self): """Failed Jobs stuck in Submitting Status for a long time. They are due to a failed bulk submission transaction. """ # Get old Submitting Jobs checkTime = dateTime() - self.submittingTime * second result = self.jobDB.selectJobs({"Status": JobStatus.SUBMITTING}, older=checkTime) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to select jobs", result["Message"]) return result for jobID in result["Value"]: result = self._updateJobStatus(jobID, JobStatus.FAILED) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to update job status", result["Message"]) continue return S_OK() def _sendKillCommand(self, job): """Send a kill signal to the job such that it cannot continue running. :param int job: ID of job to send kill command """ ownerDN = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(job, "OwnerDN") ownerGroup = self.jobDB.getJobAttribute(job, "OwnerGroup") if ownerDN["OK"] and ownerGroup["OK"]: wmsClient = WMSClient( useCertificates=True, delegatedDN=ownerDN["Value"], delegatedGroup=ownerGroup["Value"] ) resKill = wmsClient.killJob(job) if not resKill["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to send kill command to job", "%s: %s" % (job, resKill["Message"])) else: self.log.error( "Failed to get ownerDN or Group for job:", "%s: %s, %s" % (job, ownerDN.get("Message", ""), ownerGroup.get("Message", "")), )