""" VirtualMachineMonitorAgent plays the role of the watch dog for the Virtual Machine """ import os import time import glob import psutil from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gConfig, rootPath from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers import Operations from DIRAC.Core.Base.AgentModule import AgentModule from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import List, Network from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.ServerUtils import virtualMachineDB __RCSID__ = "45ddde113 (2021-10-01 11:19:55 +0200) Chris Burr " class VirtualMachineMonitorAgent(AgentModule): def __getCSConfig(self): if not self.runningPod: return S_ERROR("/LocalSite/RunningPod is not defined") # Variables coming from the vm imgPath = "/Cloud/%s" % self.runningPod for csOption, csDefault, varName in ( ("LoadAverageTimespan", 60, "vmLoadAvgTimespan"), ("HaltPeriod", 600, "haltPeriod"), ("HaltBeforeMargin", 300, "haltBeforeMargin"), ("HeartBeatPeriod", 300, "heartBeatPeriod"), ): path = "%s/%s" % (imgPath, csOption) value = self.op.getValue(path, csDefault) if not value > 0: return S_ERROR("%s has an incorrect value, must be > 0" % path) setattr(self, varName, value) for csOption, csDefault, varName in (("JobWrappersLocation", "/scratch", "vmJobWrappersLocation"),): path = "%s/%s" % (imgPath, csOption) value = gConfig.getValue(path, csDefault) if not value: return S_ERROR("%s points to an empty string, cannot be!" % path) setattr(self, varName, value) self.haltBeforeMargin = max(self.haltBeforeMargin, int(self.am_getPollingTime()) + 5) self.haltPeriod = max(self.haltPeriod, int(self.am_getPollingTime()) + 5) self.heartBeatPeriod = max(self.heartBeatPeriod, int(self.am_getPollingTime()) + 5) self.log.info("** VM Info **") self.log.info("Name : %s" % self.runningPod) self.log.info("Load Avg Timespan : %d" % self.vmLoadAvgTimespan) self.log.info("Job wrappers location : %s" % self.vmJobWrappersLocation) self.log.info("Halt Period : %d" % self.haltPeriod) self.log.info("Halt Before Margin : %d" % self.haltBeforeMargin) self.log.info("HeartBeat Period : %d" % self.heartBeatPeriod) if self.vmID: self.log.info("DIRAC ID : %s" % self.vmID) if self.uniqueID: self.log.info("Unique ID : %s" % self.uniqueID) self.log.info("*************") return S_OK() def __declareInstanceRunning(self): # Connect to VM monitor and register as running retries = 3 sleepTime = 30 for i in range(retries): result = virtualMachineDB.declareInstanceRunning(self.uniqueID, self.ipAddress) if result["OK"]: self.log.info("Declared instance running") return result self.log.error("Could not declare instance running", result["Message"]) if i < retries - 1: self.log.info("Sleeping for %d seconds and retrying" % sleepTime) time.sleep(sleepTime) return S_ERROR("Could not declare instance running after %d retries" % retries) def initialize(self): self.am_disableMonitoring() self.op = Operations.Operations() # Init vars self.runningPod = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/RunningPod") self.log.info("Running pod name of the image is %s" % self.runningPod) self.vmID = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/VMID") self.__loadHistory = [] self.vmLoadAvgTimespan = None self.vmJobWrappersLocation = None self.haltPeriod = None self.haltBeforeMargin = None self.heartBeatPeriod = None self.am_setOption("MaxCycles", 0) self.am_setOption("PollingTime", 60) # Discover net address self.ipAddress = None netData = Network.discoverInterfaces() for iface in sorted(netData): # Warning! On different clouds interface name may be different(eth, ens, ...) if "eth" in iface or "ens" in iface: self.ipAddress = netData[iface]["ip"] self.log.info("IP Address is %s" % self.ipAddress) break # Declare instance running self.uniqueID = "" result = virtualMachineDB.getUniqueIDByName(self.vmID) if result["OK"]: self.uniqueID = result["Value"] result = self.__declareInstanceRunning() if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Could not declare instance running", result["Message"]) self.__haltInstance() return S_ERROR("Halting!") self.__instanceInfo = result["Value"] # Get the cs config result = self.__getCSConfig() if not result["OK"]: return result return S_OK() def __isJobAgentRunning(self): isRunning = False for proc in psutil.process_iter(["cmdline"]): if "WorkloadManagement/JobAgent" in proc.info["cmdline"]: isRunning = True return isRunning def __getLoadAvg(self): result = self.__getCSConfig() if not result["OK"]: return result with open("/proc/loadavg", "r") as fd: data = [float(v) for v in List.fromChar(fd.read(), " ")[:3]] self.__loadHistory.append(data) numRequiredSamples = max(self.vmLoadAvgTimespan / self.am_getPollingTime(), 1) while len(self.__loadHistory) > numRequiredSamples: self.__loadHistory.pop(0) self.log.info("Load averaged over %d seconds" % self.vmLoadAvgTimespan) self.log.info(" %d/%s required samples to average load" % (len(self.__loadHistory), numRequiredSamples)) avgLoad = 0 for f in self.__loadHistory: avgLoad += f[0] return avgLoad / len(self.__loadHistory), len(self.__loadHistory) == numRequiredSamples def __getNumJobWrappers(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.vmJobWrappersLocation): return 0 self.log.info("VM job wrappers path: %s" % self.vmJobWrappersLocation) jdlList = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.vmJobWrappersLocation, "*.jdl")) jdlList += glob.glob(os.path.join(self.vmJobWrappersLocation, "*", "*.jdl")) return len(jdlList) def execute(self): # Get load avgLoad, avgRequiredSamples = self.__getLoadAvg() self.log.info("Load Average is %.2f" % avgLoad) if not avgRequiredSamples: self.log.info(" Not all required samples yet there") # Do we need to send heartbeat? with open("/proc/uptime") as fd: uptime = float(List.fromChar(fd.read().strip(), " ")[0]) hours = int(uptime / 3600) minutes = int(uptime - hours * 3600) / 60 seconds = uptime - hours * 3600 - minutes * 60 self.log.info("Uptime is %.2f (%d:%02d:%02d)" % (uptime, hours, minutes, seconds)) # Num jobs numJobs = self.__getNumJobWrappers() self.log.info("There are %d job wrappers" % numJobs) if uptime % self.heartBeatPeriod <= self.am_getPollingTime(): # Heartbeat time! self.log.info("Sending hearbeat...") result = virtualMachineDB.instanceIDHeartBeat( self.uniqueID, avgLoad, numJobs, 0, 0, ) status = None if result["OK"]: self.log.info(" heartbeat sent!") status = result["Value"] else: if "Transition" in result["Message"]: self.log.error("Error on service:", result["Message"]) status = result["State"] else: self.log.error("Connection error", result["Message"]) if status: self.__processHeartBeatMessage(status, avgLoad) # Halt only if JobAgent is not running any longer jobAgentRunning = self.__isJobAgentRunning() self.log.info("JobAgent running: %s" % jobAgentRunning) if uptime % self.haltPeriod + self.haltBeforeMargin > self.haltPeriod: if not jobAgentRunning: self.log.info("JobAgent not running, stopping instance") self.__haltInstance(avgLoad) return S_OK() def __processHeartBeatMessage(self, hbMsg, avgLoad=0.0): if hbMsg == "stop": # Write stop file for jobAgent self.log.info("Received STOP signal. Writing stop files...") for agentName in ["WorkloadManagement/JobAgent"]: ad = os.path.join(*agentName.split("/")) stopDir = os.path.join(gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/InstancePath", rootPath), "control", ad) stopFile = os.path.join(stopDir, "stop_agent") try: if not os.path.isdir(stopDir): os.makedirs(stopDir) fd = open(stopFile, "w") fd.write("stop!") fd.close() self.log.info("Wrote stop file %s for agent %s" % (stopFile, agentName)) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Could not write stop agent file", stopFile) if hbMsg == "halt": self.__haltInstance(avgLoad) def __haltInstance(self, avgLoad=0.0): self.log.info("Halting instance...") retries = 3 sleepTime = 10 for i in range(retries): result = virtualMachineDB.declareInstanceHalting(self.uniqueID, avgLoad) if result["OK"]: self.log.info("Declared instance halting") break self.log.error("Could not send halting state:", result["Message"]) if i < retries - 1: self.log.info("Sleeping for %d seconds and retrying" % sleepTime) time.sleep(sleepTime) # self.log.info( "Executing system halt..." ) # os.system( "halt" )