""" The input data resolution module is a plugin that allows to define VO input data policy in a simple way using existing utilities in DIRAC or extension code supplied by the VO. The arguments dictionary from the Job Wrapper includes the file catalogue result and in principle has all the necessary information to resolve input data for applications. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import six import DIRAC from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gLogger from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ModuleFactory import ModuleFactory from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.PoolXMLSlice import PoolXMLSlice from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations __RCSID__ = "c59810311 (2021-10-01 10:44:25 +0200) Chris Burr " COMPONENT_NAME = "InputDataResolution" CREATE_CATALOG = False class InputDataResolution(object): """Defines the Input Data Policy""" ############################################################################# def __init__(self, argumentsDict): """Standard constructor""" self.arguments = argumentsDict self.name = COMPONENT_NAME self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.name) op = Operations() self.arguments.setdefault("Configuration", {})["AllReplicas"] = op.getValue( "InputDataPolicy/AllReplicas", False ) self.arguments["Configuration"].setdefault("Protocol", op.getValue("InputDataPolicy/Protocols/Local", [])) self.arguments["Configuration"].setdefault( "RemoteProtocol", op.getValue("InputDataPolicy/Protocols/Remote", []) ) # By default put input data into the current directory self.arguments.setdefault("InputDataDirectory", "CWD") ############################################################################# def execute(self): """Given the arguments from the Job Wrapper, this function calls existing utilities in DIRAC to resolve input data. """ resolvedInputData = self.__resolveInputData() if not resolvedInputData["OK"]: self.log.error("InputData resolution failed with result:\n%s" % (resolvedInputData["Message"])) return resolvedInputData # For local running of this module we can expose an option to ignore missing files ignoreMissing = self.arguments.get("IgnoreMissing", False) # Missing some of the input files is a fatal error unless ignoreMissing option is defined failedReplicas = resolvedInputData["Value"].get("Failed", {}) if failedReplicas and not ignoreMissing: self.log.error("Failed to obtain access to the following files:\n%s" % ("\n".join(sorted(failedReplicas)))) return S_ERROR("Failed to access some of requested input data") if not resolvedInputData["Value"].get("Successful"): return S_ERROR("Could not access any requested input data") if CREATE_CATALOG: res = self._createCatalog(resolvedInputData) if not res["OK"]: return res return resolvedInputData ############################################################################# def _createCatalog(self, resolvedInputData, catalogName="pool_xml_catalog.xml", pfnType="ROOT_All"): """By default uses PoolXMLSlice, VO extensions can modify at will""" resolvedData = resolvedInputData["Successful"] tmpDict = {} for lfn, mdata in resolvedData.items(): tmpDict[lfn] = mdata tmpDict[lfn]["pfntype"] = pfnType self.log.verbose("Adding PFN file type %s for LFN:%s" % (pfnType, lfn)) catalogName = self.arguments["Configuration"].get("CatalogName", catalogName) self.log.verbose("Catalog name will be: %s" % catalogName) resolvedData = tmpDict appCatalog = PoolXMLSlice(catalogName) return appCatalog.execute(resolvedData) ############################################################################# def __resolveInputData(self): """This method controls the execution of the DIRAC input data modules according to the VO policy defined in the configuration service. """ site = self.arguments["Configuration"].get("SiteName", DIRAC.siteName()) self.arguments.setdefault("Job", {}) policy = self.arguments["Job"].get("InputDataPolicy", []) if policy: # In principle this can be a list of modules with the first taking precedence if isinstance(policy, six.string_types): policy = [policy] self.log.info("Job has a specific policy setting: %s" % (", ".join(policy))) else: self.log.debug("Attempting to resolve input data policy for site %s" % site) inputDataPolicy = Operations().getOptionsDict("InputDataPolicy") if not inputDataPolicy["OK"]: return S_ERROR("Could not resolve InputDataPolicy from Operations InputDataPolicy") options = inputDataPolicy["Value"] policy = options.get(site, options.get("Default", [])) if policy: policy = [x.strip() for x in policy.split(",")] if site in options: prStr = "Found specific" else: prStr = "Applying default" self.log.info("%s input data policy for site %s:\n%s" % (prStr, site, "\n".join(policy))) dataToResolve = [] # if none, all supplied input data is resolved successful = {} for modulePath in policy: result = self.__runModule(modulePath, dataToResolve) if not result["OK"]: self.log.warn("Problem during %s execution" % modulePath) return result result = result["Value"] successful.update(result.get("Successful", {})) dataToResolve = result.get("Failed", []) if dataToResolve: self.log.info("%s failed for the following files:\n%s" % (modulePath, "\n".join(dataToResolve))) else: self.log.info("All replicas resolved after %s execution" % (modulePath)) break if successful: self.log.verbose("Successfully resolved:", str(successful)) return S_OK({"Successful": successful, "Failed": dataToResolve}) ############################################################################# def __runModule(self, modulePath, remainingReplicas): """This method provides a way to run the modules specified by the VO that govern the input data access policy for the current site. Using the InputDataPolicy section from Operations different modules can be defined for particular sites or for InputDataPolicy defined in the JDL of the jobs. """ self.log.info("Attempting to run %s" % (modulePath)) moduleFactory = ModuleFactory() moduleInstance = moduleFactory.getModule(modulePath, self.arguments) if not moduleInstance["OK"]: return moduleInstance module = moduleInstance["Value"] result = module.execute(remainingReplicas) return result # EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#EOF#