""" This module contains constants and lists for the possible job minor statuses. """ __RCSID__ = "15bc8dffc (2021-11-29 11:30:19 +0100) Philippe Charpentier " # APPLICATION = "Application" # APP_NOT_FOUND = "Application not found" # APP_THREAD_FAILED = "Application thread failed" # APP_THREAD_NOT_COMPLETE = "Application thread did not complete" # APP_SUCCESS = "Application Finished Successfully" # APP_ERRORS = "Application Finished With Errors" # DOWNLOADING_INPUT_SANDBOX = "Downloading InputSandbox" # DOWNLOADING_INPUT_SANDBOX_LFN = "Downloading InputSandbox LFN(s)" # FAILED_DOWNLOADING_INPUT_SANDBOX = "Failed Downloading InputSandbox" # FAILED_DOWNLOADING_INPUT_SANDBOX_LFN = "Failed Downloading InputSandbox LFN(s)" # FAILED_SENDING_REQUESTS = "Failed sending requests" # EXEC_COMPLETE = "Execution Complete" # EXCEPTION_DURING_EXEC = "Exception During Execution" # GOING_RESCHEDULE = "Going to reschedule job" # INPUT_DATA_RESOLUTION = "Input Data Resolution" # PILOT_AGENT_SUBMISSION = "Pilot Agent Submission" # PENDING_REQUESTS = "Pending Requests" # JOB_EXCEEDED_CPU = "Job has reached the CPU limit of the queue" # JOB_EXCEEDED_WALL_CLOCK = "Job has exceeded maximum wall clock time" # JOB_INITIALIZATION = "Job Initialization" # JOB_INSUFFICIENT_DISK = "Job has insufficient disk space to continue" # JOB_WRAPPER_INITIALIZATION = "Job Wrapper Initialization" # JOB_WRAPPER_EXECUTION = "JobWrapper execution" # MARKED_FOR_TERMINATION = "Marked for termination" # RECEIVED_KILL_SIGNAL = "Received Kill signal" # RESOLVING_OUTPUT_SANDBOX = "Resolving Output Sandbox" # STALLED_PILOT_NOT_RUNNING = "Job stalled: pilot not running" # UPLOADING_OUTPUT_SANDBOX = "Uploading Output Sandbox" # OUTPUT_SANDBOX_UPLOADED = "Output Sandbox Uploaded" # UPLOADING_OUTPUT_DATA = "Uploading Output Data" # UPLOADING_JOB_OUTPUTS = "Uploading Outputs" # OUTPUT_DATA_UPLOADED = "Output Data Uploaded" # WATCHDOG_STALLED = "Watchdog identified this job as stalled" # ILLEGAL_JOB_JDL = "Illegal Job JDL" # INPUT_NOT_AVAILABLE = "Input Data Not Available" # INPUT_CONTAINS_SLASHES = "Input data contains //" # INPUT_INCORRECT = "Input data not correctly specified" # NO_CANDIDATE_SITE_FOUND = "No candidate sites available"