""" The Job Wrapper Class is instantiated with arguments tailored for running a particular job. The JobWrapper starts a thread for execution of the job and a Watchdog Agent that can monitor its progress. .. literalinclude:: ../ConfigTemplate.cfg :start-after: ##BEGIN JobWrapper :end-before: ##END :caption: JobWrapper options """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division __RCSID__ = "89340ba83 (2021-12-16 12:50:22 +0100) Federico Stagni <federico.stagni@cern.ch>" import os import stat import re import sys import time import shutil import threading import tarfile import glob import json import distutils.spawn import six from six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote as urlunquote import DIRAC from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gConfig, gLogger from DIRAC.AccountingSystem.Client.Types.Job import Job as AccountingJob from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DErrno from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import List from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import Time from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping import getSEsForSite from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ModuleFactory import ModuleFactory from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Subprocess import systemCall from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Subprocess import Subprocess from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.File import getGlobbedTotalSize, getGlobbedFiles from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Version import getCurrentVersion from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Adler import fileAdler from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.PathFinder import getSystemSection from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import getVOForGroup from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.FailoverTransfer import FailoverTransfer from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Utilities.DMSHelpers import resolveSEGroup from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.PoolXMLFile import getGUID from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.Request import Request from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.Operation import Operation from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.ReqClient import ReqClient from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.private.RequestValidator import RequestValidator from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.JobWrapper.Watchdog import Watchdog from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.JobStateUpdateClient import JobStateUpdateClient from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.JobMonitoringClient import JobMonitoringClient from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.JobManagerClient import JobManagerClient from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.SandboxStoreClient import SandboxStoreClient from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.JobReport import JobReport from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client import JobStatus from DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client import JobMinorStatus EXECUTION_RESULT = {} class JobWrapper(object): """The only user of the JobWrapper is the JobWrapperTemplate""" ############################################################################# def __init__(self, jobID=None, jobReport=None): """Standard constructor""" self.initialTiming = os.times() self.section = os.path.join(getSystemSection("WorkloadManagement/JobWrapper"), "JobWrapper") # Create the accounting report self.accountingReport = AccountingJob() # Initialize for accounting self.wmsMajorStatus = "unknown" self.wmsMinorStatus = "unknown" # Set now as start time self.accountingReport.setStartTime() if not jobID: self.jobID = 0 else: self.jobID = jobID self.siteName = DIRAC.siteName() if jobReport: self.jobReport = jobReport else: self.jobReport = JobReport(self.jobID, "JobWrapper@%s" % self.siteName) self.failoverTransfer = FailoverTransfer() self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("JobWrapper[%s]" % self.jobID) self.log.showHeaders(True) # self.root is the path the Wrapper is running at self.root = os.getcwd() # self.localSiteRoot is the path where the local DIRAC installation used to run the payload # is taken from self.localSiteRoot = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/Root", DIRAC.rootPath) # FIXME: Why do we need to load any .cfg file here???? self.__loadLocalCFGFiles(self.localSiteRoot) result = getCurrentVersion() if result["OK"]: self.diracVersion = result["Value"] else: self.diracVersion = "DIRAC version %s" % DIRAC.version self.maxPeekLines = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/MaxJobPeekLines", 20) if self.maxPeekLines < 0: self.maxPeekLines = 0 self.defaultCPUTime = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/DefaultCPUTime", 600) self.defaultOutputFile = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/DefaultOutputFile", "std.out") self.defaultErrorFile = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/DefaultErrorFile", "std.err") self.diskSE = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/DiskSE", ["-disk", "-DST", "-USER"]) self.tapeSE = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/TapeSE", ["-tape", "-RDST", "-RAW"]) self.failoverRequestDelay = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/FailoverRequestDelay", 45) self.sandboxSizeLimit = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/OutputSandboxLimit", 1024 * 1024 * 10) self.cleanUpFlag = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/CleanUpFlag", True) self.boincUserID = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/BoincUserID", 0) self.pilotRef = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/PilotReference", "Unknown") self.cpuNormalizationFactor = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/CPUNormalizationFactor", 0.0) self.bufferLimit = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/BufferLimit", 10485760) self.defaultOutputSE = resolveSEGroup(gConfig.getValue("/Resources/StorageElementGroups/SE-USER", [])) self.defaultCatalog = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/DefaultCatalog", []) self.masterCatalogOnlyFlag = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/MasterCatalogOnlyFlag", True) self.defaultFailoverSE = resolveSEGroup(gConfig.getValue("/Resources/StorageElementGroups/Tier1-Failover", [])) self.defaultOutputPath = "" self.retryUpload = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/RetryUpload", False) self.dm = DataManager() self.fc = FileCatalog() self.log.verbose("===========================================================================") self.log.verbose("Version %s" % (__RCSID__)) self.log.verbose(self.diracVersion) self.currentPID = os.getpid() self.log.verbose("Job Wrapper started under PID: %s" % self.currentPID) # Define a new process group for the job wrapper self.parentPGID = os.getpgid(self.currentPID) self.log.verbose("Job Wrapper parent process group ID: %s" % self.parentPGID) os.setpgid(self.currentPID, self.currentPID) self.currentPGID = os.getpgid(self.currentPID) self.log.verbose("Job Wrapper process group ID: %s" % self.currentPGID) self.log.verbose("==========================================================================") self.log.verbose("sys.path is: \n%s" % "\n".join(sys.path)) self.log.verbose("==========================================================================") if "PYTHONPATH" not in os.environ: self.log.verbose("PYTHONPATH is: null") else: pypath = os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] self.log.verbose("PYTHONPATH is: \n%s" % "\n".join(pypath.split(":"))) self.log.verbose("==========================================================================") if "LD_LIBRARY_PATH_SAVE" in os.environ: if "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in os.environ: os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] += ":" + os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH_SAVE"] else: os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH_SAVE"] if "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" not in os.environ: self.log.verbose("LD_LIBRARY_PATH is: null") else: ldpath = os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] self.log.verbose("LD_LIBRARY_PATH is: \n%s" % "\n".join(ldpath.split(":"))) self.log.verbose("==========================================================================") if not self.cleanUpFlag: self.log.verbose("CleanUp Flag is disabled by configuration") # Failure flag self.failedFlag = True # Set defaults for some global parameters to be defined for the accounting report self.owner = "unknown" self.jobGroup = "unknown" self.jobType = "unknown" self.processingType = "unknown" self.userGroup = "unknown" self.jobClass = "unknown" self.inputDataFiles = 0 self.outputDataFiles = 0 self.inputDataSize = 0 self.inputSandboxSize = 0 self.outputSandboxSize = 0 self.outputDataSize = 0 self.processedEvents = 0 self.numberOfProcessors = 1 self.jobAccountingSent = False self.jobArgs = {} self.optArgs = {} self.ceArgs = {} ############################################################################# def initialize(self, arguments): """Initializes parameters and environment for job.""" self.__report(status=JobStatus.RUNNING, minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.JOB_INITIALIZATION, sendFlag=True) self.log.info("Starting Job Wrapper Initialization for Job", self.jobID) self.jobArgs = arguments["Job"] self.log.verbose(self.jobArgs) self.ceArgs = arguments["CE"] self.log.verbose(self.ceArgs) self.__setInitialJobParameters() self.optArgs = arguments.get("Optimizer", {}) # Fill some parameters for the accounting report self.owner = self.jobArgs.get("Owner", self.owner) self.jobGroup = self.jobArgs.get("JobGroup", self.jobGroup) self.jobType = self.jobArgs.get("JobType", self.jobType) dataParam = self.jobArgs.get("InputData", []) if dataParam and not isinstance(dataParam, list): dataParam = [dataParam] self.inputDataFiles = len(dataParam) dataParam = self.jobArgs.get("OutputData", []) if dataParam and not isinstance(dataParam, list): dataParam = [dataParam] self.outputDataFiles = len(dataParam) self.processingType = self.jobArgs.get("ProcessingType", self.processingType) self.userGroup = self.jobArgs.get("OwnerGroup", self.userGroup) self.jobClass = self.jobArgs.get("JobSplitType", self.jobClass) # Prepare the working directory, cd to there, and copying eventual extra arguments in it if self.jobID: if os.path.exists(str(self.jobID)): shutil.rmtree(str(self.jobID)) os.mkdir(str(self.jobID)) os.chdir(str(self.jobID)) extraOpts = self.jobArgs.get("ExtraOptions", "") if extraOpts and "dirac-jobexec" in self.jobArgs.get("Executable", "").strip(): if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (self.root, extraOpts)): shutil.copyfile("%s/%s" % (self.root, extraOpts), extraOpts) self.__loadLocalCFGFiles(self.localSiteRoot) else: self.log.info("JobID is not defined, running in current directory") with open("job.info", "w") as infoFile: infoFile.write(self.__dictAsInfoString(self.jobArgs, "/Job")) self.log.debug("Environment used") self.log.debug("================") self.log.debug(json.dumps(dict(os.environ), indent=4)) ############################################################################# def __setInitialJobParameters(self): """Sets some initial job parameters""" parameters = [] parameters.append(("Pilot_Reference", self.ceArgs.get("PilotReference", self.pilotRef))) if "LocalSE" in self.ceArgs: parameters.append(("AgentLocalSE", ",".join(self.ceArgs["LocalSE"]))) if "CPUNormalizationFactor" in self.ceArgs: parameters.append(("CPUNormalizationFactor", self.ceArgs["CPUNormalizationFactor"])) if self.boincUserID: parameters.append(("BoincUserID", self.boincUserID)) parameters.append(("PilotAgent", self.diracVersion)) parameters.append(("JobWrapperPID", self.currentPID)) return self.__setJobParamList(parameters) ############################################################################# def __loadLocalCFGFiles(self, localRoot): """Loads any extra CFG files residing in the local DIRAC site root.""" files = os.listdir(localRoot) self.log.debug("Checking directory %s for *.cfg files" % localRoot) for localFile in files: if re.search(".cfg$", localFile): gConfig.loadFile("%s/%s" % (localRoot, localFile)) self.log.verbose("Found local .cfg file '%s'" % localFile) ############################################################################# def __dictAsInfoString(self, dData, infoString="", currentBase=""): for key in dData: value = dData[key] if isinstance(value, dict): infoString = self.__dictAsInfoString(value, infoString, "%s/%s" % (currentBase, key)) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): if value and value[0] == "[": infoString += "%s/%s = %s\n" % (currentBase, key, " ".join(value)) else: infoString += "%s/%s = %s\n" % (currentBase, key, ", ".join(value)) else: infoString += "%s/%s = %s\n" % (currentBase, key, str(value)) return infoString ############################################################################# def execute(self): """The main execution method of the Job Wrapper""" self.log.info("Job Wrapper is starting execution phase for job %s" % (self.jobID)) os.environ["DIRACJOBID"] = str(self.jobID) os.environ["DIRACROOT"] = self.localSiteRoot self.log.verbose("DIRACROOT = %s" % (self.localSiteRoot)) os.environ["DIRACSITE"] = DIRAC.siteName() self.log.verbose("DIRACSITE = %s" % (DIRAC.siteName())) os.environ["DIRAC_PROCESSORS"] = str(self.ceArgs.get("Processors", 1)) self.log.verbose("DIRAC_PROCESSORS = %s" % (self.ceArgs.get("Processors", 1))) os.environ["DIRAC_WHOLENODE"] = str(self.ceArgs.get("WholeNode", False)) self.log.verbose("DIRAC_WHOLENODE = %s" % (self.ceArgs.get("WholeNode", False))) errorFile = self.jobArgs.get("StdError", self.defaultErrorFile) outputFile = self.jobArgs.get("StdOutput", self.defaultOutputFile) if "CPUTime" in self.jobArgs: jobCPUTime = int(self.jobArgs["CPUTime"]) else: self.log.info( "Job has no CPU time limit specified, ", "applying default of %s to %s" % (self.defaultCPUTime, self.jobID), ) jobCPUTime = self.defaultCPUTime self.numberOfProcessors = int(self.jobArgs.get("NumberOfProcessors", 1)) jobMemory = 0.0 if "Memory" in self.jobArgs: # Job specifies memory in GB, internally use KB jobMemory = int(self.jobArgs["Memory"]) * 1024.0 * 1024.0 if "Executable" in self.jobArgs: executable = self.jobArgs[ "Executable" ].strip() # This is normally dirac-jobexec script, but not necessarily else: msg = "Job %s has no specified executable" % (self.jobID) self.log.warn(msg) return S_ERROR(msg) # In case the executable is dirac-jobexec, # the argument should include the jobDescription.xml file jobArguments = self.jobArgs.get("Arguments", "") # This is a workaround for Python 2 style installations if six.PY3 and executable == "$DIRACROOT/scripts/dirac-jobexec": self.log.warn( 'Replaced job executable "$DIRACROOT/scripts/dirac-jobexec" with ' '"dirac-jobexec". Please fix your submission script!' ) executable = "dirac-jobexec" executable = os.path.expandvars(executable) exeThread = None spObject = None if re.search("DIRACROOT", executable): executable = executable.replace("$DIRACROOT", self.localSiteRoot) self.log.verbose("Replaced $DIRACROOT for executable as %s" % (self.localSiteRoot)) # Try to find the executable on PATH if "/" not in executable: # Returns None if the executable is not found so use "or" to leave it unchanged executable = distutils.spawn.find_executable(executable) or executable # Make the full path since . is not always in the PATH executable = os.path.abspath(executable) if not os.access(executable, os.X_OK): try: os.chmod(executable, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH) except OSError: self.log.warn("Failed to change mode to 775 for the executable", executable) exeEnv = dict(os.environ) if "ExecutionEnvironment" in self.jobArgs: self.log.verbose("Adding variables to execution environment") variableList = self.jobArgs["ExecutionEnvironment"] if isinstance(variableList, six.string_types): variableList = [variableList] for var in variableList: nameEnv = var.split("=")[0] valEnv = urlunquote(var.split("=")[1]) exeEnv[nameEnv] = valEnv self.log.verbose("%s = %s" % (nameEnv, valEnv)) if os.path.exists(executable): # the actual executable is not yet running: it will be in few lines self.__report(minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.APPLICATION, sendFlag=True) spObject = Subprocess(timeout=False, bufferLimit=int(self.bufferLimit)) command = executable if jobArguments: command += " " + jobArguments self.log.verbose("Execution command: %s" % (command)) maxPeekLines = self.maxPeekLines exeThread = ExecutionThread(spObject, command, maxPeekLines, outputFile, errorFile, exeEnv) exeThread.start() payloadPID = None for seconds in range(5, 40, 5): time.sleep(seconds) payloadPID = spObject.getChildPID() if payloadPID: self.__setJobParam("PayloadPID", payloadPID) break if not payloadPID: return S_ERROR("Payload process could not start after 140 seconds") else: self.__report(status=JobStatus.FAILED, minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.APP_NOT_FOUND, sendFlag=True) return S_ERROR("Path to executable %s not found" % (executable)) watchdog = Watchdog( pid=self.currentPID, exeThread=exeThread, spObject=spObject, jobCPUTime=jobCPUTime, memoryLimit=jobMemory, processors=self.numberOfProcessors, jobArgs=self.jobArgs, ) self.log.verbose("Initializing Watchdog instance") watchdog.initialize() self.log.verbose("Calibrating Watchdog instance") watchdog.calibrate() # do not kill Test jobs by CPU time if self.jobArgs.get("JobType", "") == "Test": watchdog.testCPUConsumed = False if "DisableCPUCheck" in self.jobArgs: watchdog.testCPUConsumed = False if exeThread.is_alive(): self.log.info("Application thread is started in Job Wrapper") watchdog.run() else: self.log.warn("Application thread stopped very quickly...") if exeThread.is_alive(): self.log.warn("Watchdog exited before completion of execution thread") while exeThread.is_alive(): time.sleep(5) outputs = None if "Thread" in EXECUTION_RESULT: threadResult = EXECUTION_RESULT["Thread"] if not threadResult["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to execute the payload", threadResult["Message"]) self.__report(status=JobStatus.FAILED, minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.APP_THREAD_FAILED, sendFlag=True) if "Value" in threadResult: outs = threadResult["Value"] if outs: self.__setJobParam("ApplicationError", outs[0], sendFlag=True) else: self.__setJobParam("ApplicationError", "None reported", sendFlag=True) else: outputs = threadResult["Value"] else: # if the execution thread didn't complete self.log.error("Application thread did not complete") self.__report(status=JobStatus.FAILED, minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.APP_THREAD_NOT_COMPLETE, sendFlag=True) self.__setJobParam("ApplicationError", JobMinorStatus.APP_THREAD_NOT_COMPLETE, sendFlag=True) return S_ERROR("No outputs generated from job execution") if "CPU" in EXECUTION_RESULT: cpuString = " ".join(["%.2f" % x for x in EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"]]) self.log.info("EXECUTION_RESULT[CPU] in JobWrapper execute", cpuString) if watchdog.checkError: # In this case, the Watchdog has killed the Payload and the ExecutionThread can not get the CPU statistics # os.times only reports for waited children # Take the CPU from the last value recorded by the Watchdog self.__report(status=JobStatus.FAILED, minorStatus=watchdog.checkError, sendFlag=True) if "CPU" in EXECUTION_RESULT: if "LastUpdateCPU(s)" in watchdog.currentStats: EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"][0] = 0 EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"][0] = 0 EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"][0] = 0 EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"][0] = watchdog.currentStats["LastUpdateCPU(s)"] if watchdog.currentStats: self.log.info( "Statistics collected by the Watchdog:\n ", "\n ".join(["%s: %s" % items for items in watchdog.currentStats.items()]), ) # can be an iterator if outputs: status = threadResult["Value"][0] # the status of the payload execution # Send final heartbeat of a configurable number of lines here self.log.verbose("Sending final application standard output heartbeat") self.__sendFinalStdOut(exeThread) self.log.verbose("Execution thread status = %s" % (status)) if not watchdog.checkError and not status: self.failedFlag = False self.__report(status=JobStatus.COMPLETING, minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.APP_SUCCESS, sendFlag=True) elif not watchdog.checkError: self.__report(status=JobStatus.COMPLETING, minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.APP_ERRORS, sendFlag=True) if status in (DErrno.EWMSRESC, DErrno.EWMSRESC & 255): # the status will be truncated to 0xDE (222) self.log.verbose("job will be rescheduled") self.__report(minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.GOING_RESCHEDULE, sendFlag=True) return S_ERROR(DErrno.EWMSRESC, "Job will be rescheduled") else: return S_ERROR("No outputs generated from job execution") self.log.info("Checking directory contents after execution:") res = systemCall(5, ["ls", "-al"]) if not res["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to list the current directory", res["Message"]) elif res["Value"][0]: self.log.error("Failed to list the current directory", res["Value"][2]) else: # no timeout and exit code is 0 self.log.info(res["Value"][1]) return S_OK() ############################################################################# def __sendFinalStdOut(self, exeThread): """After the Watchdog process has finished, this function sends a final report to be presented in the StdOut in the web page via the heartbeat mechanism. """ cpuConsumed = self.__getCPU()["Value"] self.log.info("Total CPU Consumed is: %s" % cpuConsumed[1]) self.__setJobParam("TotalCPUTime(s)", cpuConsumed[0]) normCPU = cpuConsumed[0] * self.cpuNormalizationFactor self.__setJobParam("NormCPUTime(s)", normCPU) if self.cpuNormalizationFactor: self.log.info("Normalized CPU Consumed is:", normCPU) result = exeThread.getOutput(self.maxPeekLines) if not result["OK"]: lines = 0 appStdOut = "" else: lines = len(result["Value"]) appStdOut = "\n".join(result["Value"]) header = "Last %s lines of application output from JobWrapper on %s :" % (lines, Time.toString()) border = "=" * len(header) cpuTotal = "CPU Total: %s (h:m:s)" % cpuConsumed[1] cpuTotal += " Normalized CPU Total %.1f s @ HEP'06" % normCPU header = "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (border, header, cpuTotal, border) appStdOut = header + appStdOut self.log.info(appStdOut) heartBeatDict = {} staticParamDict = {"StandardOutput": appStdOut} if self.jobID: result = JobStateUpdateClient().sendHeartBeat(self.jobID, heartBeatDict, staticParamDict) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Problem sending final heartbeat from JobWrapper", result["Message"]) return ############################################################################# def __getCPU(self): """Uses os.times() to get CPU time and returns HH:MM:SS after conversion.""" # TODO: normalize CPU consumed via scale factor cpuString = " ".join(["%.2f" % x for x in EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"]]) self.log.info("EXECUTION_RESULT[CPU] in __getCPU", cpuString) utime, stime, cutime, cstime, _elapsed = EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"] cpuTime = utime + stime + cutime + cstime self.log.verbose("Total CPU time consumed = %s" % (cpuTime)) result = self.__getCPUHMS(cpuTime) return result ############################################################################# def __getCPUHMS(self, cpuTime): mins, secs = divmod(cpuTime, 60) hours, mins = divmod(mins, 60) humanTime = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, mins, secs) self.log.verbose("Human readable CPU time is: %s" % humanTime) return S_OK((cpuTime, humanTime)) ############################################################################# def resolveInputData(self): """Input data is resolved here using a VO specific plugin module.""" self.__report( minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.INPUT_DATA_RESOLUTION, sendFlag=True ) # if we are here, the status should be "Running" # What is this input data? - and exit if there's no input inputData = self.jobArgs["InputData"] if not inputData: msg = "Job Wrapper cannot resolve local replicas of input data with null job input data parameter " self.log.error(msg) return S_ERROR(msg) else: if isinstance(inputData, six.string_types): inputData = [inputData] lfns = [fname.replace("LFN:", "") for fname in inputData] self.log.verbose("Job input data requirement is \n%s" % ",\n".join(lfns)) # Does this site have local SEs? - not failing if it doesn't if "LocalSE" in self.ceArgs: localSEList = self.ceArgs["LocalSE"] else: localSEList = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/LocalSE", []) if not localSEList: self.log.warn("Job has input data requirement but no site LocalSE defined") else: if isinstance(localSEList, six.string_types): localSEList = List.fromChar(localSEList) self.log.info("Site has the following local SEs: %s" % ", ".join(localSEList)) # How to get this data? if "InputDataModule" not in self.jobArgs: self.log.warn("Job has no input data resolution module specified, using the default one") inputDataPolicy = "DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.InputDataResolution" else: inputDataPolicy = self.jobArgs["InputDataModule"] self.log.verbose("Job input data resolution policy module is %s" % (inputDataPolicy)) # Now doing the real stuff optReplicas = {} if self.optArgs: try: optDict, _length = DEncode.decode(self.optArgs["InputData"]) optReplicas = optDict["Value"] self.log.info("Found optimizer catalog result") self.log.verbose(optReplicas) except Exception as x: self.log.warn(str(x)) self.log.warn("Optimizer information could not be converted to a dictionary will call catalog directly") result = self.__checkFileCatalog(lfns, optReplicas) if not result["OK"]: self.log.info("Could not obtain replica information from Optimizer File Catalog information") self.log.warn(result) result = self.__checkFileCatalog(lfns) if not result["OK"]: self.log.warn("Could not obtain replica information from File Catalog directly") self.log.warn(result) return S_ERROR(result["Message"]) else: resolvedData = result else: resolvedData = result # add input data size to accounting report (since resolution successful) for lfn, mdata in resolvedData["Value"]["Successful"].items(): # can be an iterator if "Size" in mdata: lfnSize = mdata["Size"] if not isinstance(lfnSize, six.integer_types): try: lfnSize = int(lfnSize) except ValueError: lfnSize = 0 self.log.info("File size for LFN was not an integer, setting size to 0", lfn) self.inputDataSize += lfnSize configDict = { "JobID": self.jobID, "LocalSEList": localSEList, "DiskSEList": self.diskSE, "TapeSEList": self.tapeSE, } self.log.info(configDict) argumentsDict = { "FileCatalog": resolvedData, "Configuration": configDict, "InputData": lfns, "Job": self.jobArgs, } self.log.info(argumentsDict) moduleFactory = ModuleFactory() self.log.verbose("Now starting execution of input data policy module") moduleInstance = moduleFactory.getModule(inputDataPolicy, argumentsDict) if not moduleInstance["OK"]: return moduleInstance module = moduleInstance["Value"] result = module.execute() if not result["OK"]: self.log.warn("Input data resolution failed") return result return S_OK() ############################################################################# def __checkFileCatalog(self, lfns, optReplicaInfo=None): """This function returns dictionaries containing all relevant parameters to allow data access from the relevant file catalogue. Optionally, optimizer parameters can be supplied here but if these are not sufficient, the file catalogue is subsequently consulted. N.B. this will be considerably simplified when the DMS evolves to have a generic FC interface and a single call for all available information. """ replicas = optReplicaInfo if not replicas: replicas = self.__getReplicaMetadata(lfns) if not replicas["OK"]: return replicas self.log.verbose(replicas) failedGUIDs = [] for lfn, reps in replicas["Value"]["Successful"].items(): # can be an iterator if "GUID" not in reps: failedGUIDs.append(lfn) if failedGUIDs: self.log.info("The following file(s) were found not to have a GUID:\n%s" % ",\n".join(failedGUIDs)) if failedGUIDs: return S_ERROR("File metadata is not available") return replicas ############################################################################# def __getReplicaMetadata(self, lfns): """Wrapper function to consult catalog for all necessary file metadata and check the result. """ start = time.time() # We are in a job, therefore interested in replicas for jobs repsResult = self.dm.getReplicasForJobs(lfns) timing = time.time() - start self.log.info("Replica Lookup Time: %.2f seconds " % (timing)) if not repsResult["OK"]: self.log.warn(repsResult["Message"]) return repsResult badLFNCount = 0 badLFNs = [] catalogResult = repsResult["Value"] for lfn, cause in catalogResult.get("Failed", {}).items(): # can be an iterator badLFNCount += 1 badLFNs.append("LFN:%s Problem: %s" % (lfn, cause)) for lfn, replicas in catalogResult.get("Successful", {}).items(): # can be an iterator if not replicas: badLFNCount += 1 badLFNs.append("LFN:%s Problem: Null replica value" % (lfn)) if badLFNCount: self.log.warn("Job Wrapper found %s problematic LFN(s) for job %s" % (badLFNCount, self.jobID)) param = "\n".join(badLFNs) self.log.info(param) self.__setJobParam("MissingLFNs", param) return S_ERROR(JobMinorStatus.INPUT_NOT_AVAILABLE) # Must retrieve GUIDs from FC for files start = time.time() guidDict = self.fc.getFileMetadata(lfns) timing = time.time() - start self.log.info("GUID Lookup Time: %.2f seconds " % (timing)) if not guidDict["OK"]: self.log.warn("Failed to retrieve GUIDs from file catalog") self.log.warn(guidDict["Message"]) return guidDict failed = guidDict["Value"]["Failed"] if failed: self.log.warn("Could not retrieve GUIDs from catalog for the following files") self.log.warn(failed) return S_ERROR("Missing GUIDs") for lfn, reps in repsResult["Value"]["Successful"].items(): # can be an iterator guidDict["Value"]["Successful"][lfn].update(reps) catResult = guidDict return catResult ############################################################################# def processJobOutputs(self): """Outputs for a job may be treated here.""" # first iteration of this, no checking of wildcards or oversize sandbox files etc. outputSandbox = self.jobArgs.get("OutputSandbox", []) if isinstance(outputSandbox, six.string_types): outputSandbox = [outputSandbox] if outputSandbox: self.log.verbose("OutputSandbox files are: %s" % ", ".join(outputSandbox)) outputData = self.jobArgs.get("OutputData", []) if outputData and isinstance(outputData, six.string_types): outputData = outputData.split(";") if outputData: self.log.verbose("OutputData files are: %s" % ", ".join(outputData)) # First resolve any wildcards for output files and work out if any files are missing resolvedSandbox = self.__resolveOutputSandboxFiles(outputSandbox) if not resolvedSandbox["OK"]: self.log.warn("Output sandbox file resolution failed:") self.log.warn(resolvedSandbox["Message"]) self.__report(status=JobStatus.FAILED, minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.RESOLVING_OUTPUT_SANDBOX) fileList = resolvedSandbox["Value"]["Files"] missingFiles = resolvedSandbox["Value"]["Missing"] if missingFiles: self.jobReport.setJobParameter("OutputSandboxMissingFiles", ", ".join(missingFiles), sendFlag=False) if "Owner" not in self.jobArgs: msg = "Job has no owner specified" self.log.warn(msg) return S_OK(msg) # Do not overwrite in case of Error if not self.failedFlag: self.__report(status=JobStatus.COMPLETING, minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.UPLOADING_OUTPUT_SANDBOX) uploadOutputDataInAnyCase = False if fileList and self.jobID: self.outputSandboxSize = getGlobbedTotalSize(fileList) self.log.info("Attempting to upload Sandbox with limit:", self.sandboxSizeLimit) sandboxClient = SandboxStoreClient() result_sbUpload = sandboxClient.uploadFilesAsSandboxForJob( fileList, self.jobID, "Output", self.sandboxSizeLimit ) # 1024*1024*10 if not result_sbUpload["OK"]: self.log.error("Output sandbox upload failed with message", result_sbUpload["Message"]) outputSandboxData = result_sbUpload.get("SandboxFileName") if outputSandboxData: self.log.info("Attempting to upload %s as output data" % (outputSandboxData)) if self.failedFlag: outputData = [outputSandboxData] uploadOutputDataInAnyCase = True else: outputData.append(outputSandboxData) self.jobReport.setJobParameter("OutputSandbox", "Sandbox uploaded to grid storage", sendFlag=False) self.jobReport.setJobParameter( "OutputSandboxLFN", self.__getLFNfromOutputFile(outputSandboxData)[0], sendFlag=False ) else: self.log.info("Could not get SandboxFileName to attempt upload to Grid storage") return S_ERROR( "Output sandbox upload failed and no file name supplied for failover to Grid storage" ) else: # Do not overwrite in case of Error if not self.failedFlag: self.__report(status=JobStatus.COMPLETING, minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.OUTPUT_SANDBOX_UPLOADED) self.log.info("Sandbox uploaded successfully") if (outputData and not self.failedFlag) or uploadOutputDataInAnyCase: # Do not upload outputdata if the job has failed. # The exception is when the outputData is what was the OutputSandbox, which should be uploaded in any case outputSE = self.jobArgs.get("OutputSE", self.defaultOutputSE) if isinstance(outputSE, six.string_types): outputSE = [outputSE] outputPath = self.jobArgs.get("OutputPath", self.defaultOutputPath) if not isinstance(outputPath, six.string_types): outputPath = self.defaultOutputPath if not outputSE and not self.defaultFailoverSE: return S_ERROR("No output SEs defined in VO configuration") result_transferODF = self.__transferOutputDataFiles(outputData, outputSE, outputPath) # now that we (tried to) transfer the output files, # including possibly oversized Output Sandboxes, # we delete the local output sandbox tarfile in case it's still there. if not result_sbUpload["OK"]: outputSandboxData = result_sbUpload.get("SandboxFileName") if outputSandboxData: try: os.unlink(outputSandboxData) except OSError: pass if not result_transferODF["OK"]: return result_transferODF return S_OK("Job outputs processed") ############################################################################# def __resolveOutputSandboxFiles(self, outputSandbox): """Checks the output sandbox file list and resolves any specified wildcards. Also tars any specified directories. """ missing = [] okFiles = [] for i in outputSandbox: self.log.verbose("Looking at OutputSandbox file/directory/wildcard: %s" % i) globList = glob.glob(i) for check in globList: if os.path.isfile(check): self.log.verbose("Found locally existing OutputSandbox file: %s" % check) okFiles.append(check) if os.path.isdir(check): self.log.verbose("Found locally existing OutputSandbox directory: %s" % check) cmd = ["tar", "cf", "%s.tar" % check, check] result = systemCall(60, cmd) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Failed to create OutputSandbox tar", result["Message"]) elif result["Value"][0]: self.log.error("Failed to create OutputSandbox tar", result["Value"][2]) if os.path.isfile("%s.tar" % (check)): self.log.verbose("Appending %s.tar to OutputSandbox" % check) okFiles.append("%s.tar" % (check)) else: self.log.warn("Could not tar OutputSandbox directory: %s" % check) missing.append(check) for i in outputSandbox: if i not in okFiles: if not "%s.tar" % i in okFiles: if not re.search(r"\*", i): if i not in missing: missing.append(i) result = {"Missing": missing, "Files": okFiles} return S_OK(result) ############################################################################# def __transferOutputDataFiles(self, outputData, outputSE, outputPath): """Performs the upload and registration in the File Catalog(s)""" self.log.verbose("Uploading output data files") self.__report(minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.UPLOADING_OUTPUT_DATA) # the major status should be "Completing" self.log.info("Output data files %s to be uploaded to %s SE" % (", ".join(outputData), outputSE)) missing = [] uploaded = [] # Separate outputdata in the form of lfns and local files lfnList = [] nonlfnList = [] for out in outputData: if out.lower().find("lfn:") != -1: lfnList.append(out) else: nonlfnList.append(out) # Check whether list of outputData has a globbable pattern globbedOutputList = List.uniqueElements(getGlobbedFiles(nonlfnList)) if globbedOutputList != nonlfnList and globbedOutputList: self.log.info( "Found a pattern in the output data file list, files to upload are:", ", ".join(globbedOutputList) ) nonlfnList = globbedOutputList outputData = lfnList + nonlfnList pfnGUID = {} result = getGUID(outputData) if not result["OK"]: self.log.warn( "Failed to determine POOL GUID(s) for output file list (OK if not POOL files)", result["Message"] ) else: pfnGUID = result["Value"] for outputFile in outputData: (lfn, localfile) = self.__getLFNfromOutputFile(outputFile, outputPath) if not os.path.exists(localfile): self.log.error("Missing specified output data file:", outputFile) continue # # file size localfileSize = getGlobbedTotalSize(localfile) self.outputDataSize += getGlobbedTotalSize(localfile) outputFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), localfile) # # file GUID fileGUID = pfnGUID[localfile] if localfile in pfnGUID else None if fileGUID: self.log.verbose("Found GUID for file from POOL XML catalogue %s" % localfile) # # file checksum cksm = fileAdler(outputFilePath) fileMetaDict = { "Size": localfileSize, "LFN": lfn, "ChecksumType": "Adler32", "Checksum": cksm, "GUID": fileGUID, } outputSEList = self.__getSortedSEList(outputSE) upload = self.failoverTransfer.transferAndRegisterFile( fileName=localfile, localPath=outputFilePath, lfn=lfn, destinationSEList=outputSEList, fileMetaDict=fileMetaDict, fileCatalog=self.defaultCatalog, masterCatalogOnly=self.masterCatalogOnlyFlag, retryUpload=self.retryUpload, ) if upload["OK"]: self.log.info( '"%s" successfully uploaded to "%s" as "LFN:%s"' % (localfile, upload["Value"]["uploadedSE"], lfn) ) uploaded.append(lfn) continue self.log.error( "Could not putAndRegister file", "%s with LFN %s to %s with GUID %s trying failover storage" % (localfile, lfn, ", ".join(outputSEList), fileGUID), ) if not self.defaultFailoverSE: self.log.info( "No failover SEs defined for JobWrapper,", "cannot try to upload output file %s anywhere else." % outputFile, ) missing.append(outputFile) continue failoverSEs = self.__getSortedSEList(self.defaultFailoverSE) targetSE = outputSEList[0] result = self.failoverTransfer.transferAndRegisterFileFailover( fileName=localfile, localPath=outputFilePath, lfn=lfn, targetSE=targetSE, failoverSEList=failoverSEs, fileMetaDict=fileMetaDict, fileCatalog=self.defaultCatalog, masterCatalogOnly=self.masterCatalogOnlyFlag, ) if not result["OK"]: self.log.error("Completely failed to upload file to failover SEs", result["Message"]) missing.append(outputFile) else: self.log.info("File %s successfully uploaded to failover storage element" % lfn) uploaded.append(lfn) # For files correctly uploaded must report LFNs to job parameters if uploaded: report = ", ".join(uploaded) # In case the VO payload has also uploaded data using the same parameter # name this should be checked prior to setting. result = JobMonitoringClient().getJobParameter(int(self.jobID), "UploadedOutputData") if result["OK"]: if "UploadedOutputData" in result["Value"]: report += ", %s" % result["Value"]["UploadedOutputData"] self.jobReport.setJobParameter("UploadedOutputData", report, sendFlag=False) # TODO Notify the user of any output data / output sandboxes if missing: self.__setJobParam("OutputData", "MissingFiles: %s" % ", ".join(missing)) self.__report(status=JobStatus.FAILED, minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.UPLOADING_OUTPUT_DATA) return S_ERROR("Failed to upload OutputData") self.__report(status=JobStatus.COMPLETING, minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.OUTPUT_DATA_UPLOADED) return S_OK("OutputData uploaded successfully") ############################################################################# def __getSortedSEList(self, seList): """Randomize SE, putting first those that are Local/Close to the Site""" if not seList: return seList localSEs = [] otherSEs = [] siteSEs = [] seMapping = getSEsForSite(DIRAC.siteName()) if seMapping["OK"] and seMapping["Value"]: siteSEs = seMapping["Value"] for seName in seList: if seName in siteSEs: localSEs.append(seName) else: otherSEs.append(seName) return List.randomize(localSEs) + List.randomize(otherSEs) ############################################################################# def __getLFNfromOutputFile(self, outputFile, outputPath=""): """Provides a generic convention for VO output data files if no path is specified. """ if not re.search("^LFN:", outputFile): localfile = outputFile initial = self.owner[:1] vo = getVOForGroup(self.userGroup) if not vo: vo = "dirac" ops = Operations(vo=vo) user_prefix = ops.getValue("LFNUserPrefix", "user") basePath = "/" + vo + "/" + user_prefix + "/" + initial + "/" + self.owner if outputPath: # If output path is given, append it to the user path and put output files in this directory if outputPath.startswith("/"): outputPath = outputPath[1:] else: # By default the output path is constructed from the job id subdir = str(int(self.jobID / 1000)) outputPath = subdir + "/" + str(self.jobID) lfn = os.path.join(basePath, outputPath, os.path.basename(localfile)) else: # if LFN is given, take it as it is localfile = os.path.basename(outputFile.replace("LFN:", "")) lfn = outputFile.replace("LFN:", "") return (lfn, localfile) ############################################################################# def transferInputSandbox(self, inputSandbox): """Downloads the input sandbox for the job""" sandboxFiles = [] registeredISB = [] lfns = [] self.__report(minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.DOWNLOADING_INPUT_SANDBOX) # Should be in "Running" status if not isinstance(inputSandbox, (list, tuple)): inputSandbox = [inputSandbox] for isb in inputSandbox: if isb.find("LFN:") == 0 or isb.find("lfn:") == 0: lfns.append(isb) else: if isb.find("SB:") == 0: registeredISB.append(isb) else: sandboxFiles.append(os.path.basename(isb)) self.log.info("Downloading InputSandbox for job %s: %s" % (self.jobID, ", ".join(sandboxFiles))) if os.path.exists("%s/inputsandbox" % (self.root)): # This is a debugging tool, get the file from local storage to debug Job Wrapper sandboxFiles.append("jobDescription.xml") for inputFile in sandboxFiles: if os.path.exists("%s/inputsandbox/%s" % (self.root, inputFile)): self.log.info("Getting InputSandbox file %s from local directory for testing" % (inputFile)) shutil.copy(self.root + "/inputsandbox/" + inputFile, inputFile) result = S_OK(sandboxFiles) else: if registeredISB: for isb in registeredISB: self.log.info("Downloading Input SandBox %s" % isb) result = SandboxStoreClient().downloadSandbox(isb) if not result["OK"]: self.__report(minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.FAILED_DOWNLOADING_INPUT_SANDBOX) return S_ERROR("Cannot download Input sandbox %s: %s" % (isb, result["Message"])) else: self.inputSandboxSize += result["Value"] if lfns: self.log.info("Downloading Input SandBox LFNs, number of files to get", len(lfns)) self.__report(minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.DOWNLOADING_INPUT_SANDBOX_LFN) lfns = [fname.replace("LFN:", "").replace("lfn:", "") for fname in lfns] download = self.dm.getFile(lfns) if not download["OK"]: self.log.warn(download) self.__report(minorStatus=JobMinorStatus.FAILED_DOWNLOADING_INPUT_SANDBOX_LFN) return S_ERROR(download["Message"]) failed = download["Value"]["Failed"] if failed: self.log.warn("Could not download InputSandbox LFN(s)") self.log.warn(failed) return S_ERROR(str(failed)) for lfn in lfns: if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (self.root, os.path.basename(download["Value"]["Successful"][lfn]))): sandboxFiles.append(os.path.basename(download["Value"]["Successful"][lfn])) userFiles = sandboxFiles + [os.path.basename(lfn) for lfn in lfns] for possibleTarFile in userFiles: if not os.path.exists(possibleTarFile): continue try: if os.path.isfile(possibleTarFile) and tarfile.is_tarfile(possibleTarFile): self.log.info("Unpacking input sandbox file %s" % (possibleTarFile)) with tarfile.open(possibleTarFile, "r") as tarFile: for member in tarFile.getmembers(): tarFile.extract(member, os.getcwd()) except Exception as x: return S_ERROR("Could not untar %s with exception %s" % (possibleTarFile, str(x))) if userFiles: self.inputSandboxSize = getGlobbedTotalSize(userFiles) self.log.info( "Total size of input sandbox:", "%0.2f MiB (%s bytes)" % (self.inputSandboxSize / 1048576.0, self.inputSandboxSize), ) return S_OK("InputSandbox downloaded") ############################################################################# def finalize(self): """Perform any final actions to clean up after job execution.""" self.log.info("Running JobWrapper finalization") # find if there are pending failover requests requests = self.__getRequestFiles() outputDataRequest = self.failoverTransfer.getRequest() requestFlag = len(requests) > 0 or not outputDataRequest.isEmpty() finalStatus = "" finalMinorStatus = "" prString = "Job finished " if self.failedFlag: prString += "with errors" finalStatus = JobStatus.FAILED else: prString += "successfully" if requestFlag: finalStatus = JobStatus.COMPLETED else: finalStatus = JobStatus.DONE finalMinorStatus = JobMinorStatus.EXEC_COMPLETE # send the failover request if any (also for failed jobs) res = self.sendFailoverRequest() if not res["OK"]: # This means that the request could not be set (this should "almost never" happen) finalStatus = JobStatus.FAILED finalMinorStatus = JobMinorStatus.FAILED_SENDING_REQUESTS self.failedFlag = True elif res["Value"]: # A request was sent, change the minor status finalMinorStatus = JobMinorStatus.PENDING_REQUESTS requestFlag = True # Set the final status of the job self.log.info(prString, "with%s pending requests" % ("" if requestFlag else " no")) self.log.info("Final job status", "%s ; %s" % (finalStatus, finalMinorStatus)) self.__report(status=finalStatus, minorStatus=finalMinorStatus, sendFlag=True) # Sending the last accounting report if not self.jobID: self.log.debug("No accounting to be sent since running locally") else: # Final status and minorStatus are already set result = self.sendJobAccounting() if not result["OK"]: # This should be really rare, as the accounting report also sends failover requests self.log.warn( "JobAccountingFailure", "Could not send job accounting with result: \n%s" % result["Message"] ) self.log.warn( "JobAccountingFailure", "The job won't fail, but the accounting for this job won't be sent" ) self.__cleanUp() return 1 if self.failedFlag else 0 ############################################################################# def sendJobAccounting(self, status="", minorStatus=""): """Send WMS accounting data.""" if self.jobAccountingSent: return S_OK() if status: self.wmsMajorStatus = status if minorStatus: self.wmsMinorStatus = minorStatus self.accountingReport.setEndTime() # CPUTime and ExecTime if "CPU" not in EXECUTION_RESULT: # If the payload has not started execution (error with input data, SW, SB,...) # Execution result is not filled use self.initialTiming self.log.info("EXECUTION_RESULT[CPU] missing in sendJobAccounting") finalStat = os.times() EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"] = [] for i, _ in enumerate(finalStat): EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"].append(finalStat[i] - self.initialTiming[i]) cpuString = " ".join(["%.2f" % x for x in EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"]]) self.log.info("EXECUTION_RESULT[CPU] in sendJobAccounting", cpuString) utime, stime, cutime, cstime, elapsed = EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"] cpuTime = utime + stime + cutime + cstime execTime = elapsed diskSpaceConsumed = getGlobbedTotalSize(os.path.join(self.root, str(self.jobID))) # Fill the data acData = { "User": self.owner, "UserGroup": self.userGroup, "JobGroup": self.jobGroup, "JobType": self.jobType, "JobClass": self.jobClass, "ProcessingType": self.processingType, "FinalMajorStatus": self.wmsMajorStatus, "FinalMinorStatus": self.wmsMinorStatus, "CPUTime": cpuTime, # Based on the factor to convert raw CPU to Normalized units (based on the CPU Model) "NormCPUTime": cpuTime * self.cpuNormalizationFactor, "ExecTime": execTime * self.numberOfProcessors, "InputDataSize": self.inputDataSize, "OutputDataSize": self.outputDataSize, "InputDataFiles": self.inputDataFiles, "OutputDataFiles": self.outputDataFiles, "DiskSpace": diskSpaceConsumed, "InputSandBoxSize": self.inputSandboxSize, "OutputSandBoxSize": self.outputSandboxSize, "ProcessedEvents": self.processedEvents, } self.log.verbose("Accounting Report is:") self.log.verbose(acData) self.accountingReport.setValuesFromDict(acData) result = self.accountingReport.commit() # Even if it fails a failover request will be created self.jobAccountingSent = True return result ############################################################################# def sendFailoverRequest(self): """Create and send a combined job failover request if any""" request = Request() # Forbid the request to be executed within the requested delay request.delayNextExecution(self.failoverRequestDelay) requestName = "job_%s" % self.jobID if "JobName" in self.jobArgs: # To make the request names more appealing for users jobName = self.jobArgs["JobName"] if isinstance(jobName, six.string_types) and jobName: jobName = jobName.replace(" ", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace('"', "") jobName = jobName.replace(".", "").replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(":", "") requestName = "%s_%s" % (jobName, requestName) request.RequestName = requestName.replace('"', "") request.JobID = self.jobID request.SourceComponent = "Job_%s" % self.jobID # Failover transfer requests for storedOperation in self.failoverTransfer.request: request.addOperation(storedOperation) # Any other requests in the current directory rfiles = self.__getRequestFiles() for rfname in rfiles: with open(rfname, "r") as rFile: requestStored = Request(json.load(rFile)) for storedOperation in requestStored: request.addOperation(storedOperation) # JobReport part result = self.jobReport.generateForwardDISET() if result["OK"]: if isinstance(result["Value"], Operation): self.log.info("Adding a job state update DISET operation to the request") request.addOperation(result["Value"]) else: self.log.warn("JobReportFailure", "Could not generate a forwardDISET operation: %s" % result["Message"]) self.log.warn("JobReportFailure", "The job won't fail, but the jobLogging info might be incomplete") if len(request): # The request is ready, send it now isValid = RequestValidator().validate(request) if not isValid["OK"]: self.log.error("Failover request is not valid", isValid["Message"]) self.log.error("Job will fail, first trying to print out the content of the request") reqToJSON = request.toJSON() if reqToJSON["OK"]: print(str(reqToJSON["Value"])) else: self.log.error("Something went wrong creating the JSON from request", reqToJSON["Message"]) return S_ERROR() else: # We try several times to put the request before failing the job: # it is very important that requests go through, # or the job will be in an unclear status # (workflow ok, but, e.g., the output files won't be registered). # It's a poor man solution, but I don't see fancy alternatives for counter in range(10): requestClient = ReqClient() result = requestClient.putRequest(request) if result["OK"]: resDigest = request.getDigest() digest = resDigest["Value"] self.jobReport.setJobParameter("PendingRequest", digest) return S_OK(request) else: self.log.error( "Failed to set failover request", "%d: %s. Re-trying..." % (counter, result["Message"]) ) del requestClient time.sleep(counter ** 3) if not result["OK"]: return result return S_OK() ############################################################################# def __getRequestFiles(self): """Simple wrapper to return the list of request files.""" return glob.glob("*_request.json") ############################################################################# def __cleanUp(self): """Cleans up after job processing. Can be switched off via environment variable DO_NOT_DO_JOB_CLEANUP or by JobWrapper configuration option. """ # Environment variable is a feature for DIRAC (helps local debugging). if "DO_NOT_DO_JOB_CLEANUP" in os.environ or not self.cleanUpFlag: cleanUp = False else: cleanUp = True os.chdir(self.root) if cleanUp: self.log.verbose("Cleaning up job working directory") if os.path.exists(str(self.jobID)): shutil.rmtree(str(self.jobID)) ############################################################################# def __report(self, status="", minorStatus="", sendFlag=False): """Wraps around setJobStatus of jobReport object""" self.log.verbose("setJobStatus", "(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (self.jobID, status, minorStatus, "JobWrapper")) if status: self.wmsMajorStatus = status if minorStatus: self.wmsMinorStatus = minorStatus jobStatus = self.jobReport.setJobStatus(status=status, minorStatus=minorStatus, sendFlag=sendFlag) if not jobStatus["OK"]: self.log.warn("Failed setting job status", jobStatus["Message"]) return jobStatus ############################################################################# def __setJobParam(self, name, value, sendFlag=False): """Wraps around setJobParameter of JobReport client""" jobParam = self.jobReport.setJobParameter(str(name), str(value), sendFlag) if not jobParam["OK"]: self.log.warn("Failed setting job parameter", jobParam["Message"]) if self.jobID: self.log.verbose("setJobParameter", "(%s,%s,%s)" % (self.jobID, name, value)) return jobParam ############################################################################# def __setJobParamList(self, value, sendFlag=False): """Wraps around setJobParameters of JobReport client""" jobParam = self.jobReport.setJobParameters(value, sendFlag) if not jobParam["OK"]: self.log.warn(jobParam["Message"]) if self.jobID: self.log.verbose("setJobParameters(%s,%s)" % (self.jobID, value)) return jobParam ############################################################################### ############################################################################### class ExecutionThread(threading.Thread): ############################################################################# def __init__(self, spObject, cmd, maxPeekLines, stdoutFile, stderrFile, exeEnv): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.cmd = cmd self.spObject = spObject self.outputLines = [] self.maxPeekLines = maxPeekLines self.stdout = stdoutFile self.stderr = stderrFile self.exeEnv = exeEnv ############################################################################# def run(self): """Method representing the thread activity. This one overrides the ~threading.Thread `run` method """ log = gLogger.getSubLogger("ExecutionThread") # FIXME: why local instances of object variables are created? cmd = self.cmd spObject = self.spObject start = time.time() initialStat = os.times() log.verbose("Cmd called", cmd) output = spObject.systemCall(cmd, env=self.exeEnv, callbackFunction=self.sendOutput, shell=True) log.verbose("Output of system call within execution thread: %s" % output) EXECUTION_RESULT["Thread"] = output timing = time.time() - start EXECUTION_RESULT["Timing"] = timing finalStat = os.times() EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"] = [] for i, _ in enumerate(finalStat): EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"].append(finalStat[i] - initialStat[i]) cpuString = " ".join(["%.2f" % x for x in EXECUTION_RESULT["CPU"]]) log.info("EXECUTION_RESULT[CPU] after Execution of spObject.systemCall", cpuString) log.info("EXECUTION_RESULT[Thread] after Execution of spObject.systemCall", str(EXECUTION_RESULT["Thread"])) ############################################################################# def getCurrentPID(self): return self.spObject.getChildPID() ############################################################################# def sendOutput(self, stdid, line): if stdid == 0 and self.stdout: with open(self.stdout, "a+") as outputFile: print(line, file=outputFile) elif stdid == 1 and self.stderr: with open(self.stderr, "a+") as errorFile: print(line, file=errorFile) self.outputLines.append(line) size = len(self.outputLines) if size > self.maxPeekLines: # reduce max size of output peeking self.outputLines.pop(0) ############################################################################# def getOutput(self, lines=0): if self.outputLines: # restrict to smaller number of lines for regular # peeking by the watchdog # FIXME: this is multithread, thus single line would be better if lines: size = len(self.outputLines) cut = size - lines self.outputLines = self.outputLines[cut:] return S_OK(self.outputLines) return S_ERROR("No Job output found") def rescheduleFailedJob(jobID, minorStatus, jobReport=None): """Function for rescheduling a jobID, setting a minorStatus""" rescheduleResult = JobStatus.RESCHEDULED try: gLogger.warn("Failure during %s" % (minorStatus)) # Setting a job parameter does not help since the job will be rescheduled, # instead set the status with the cause and then another status showing the # reschedule operation. if not jobReport: gLogger.info("Creating a new JobReport Object") jobReport = JobReport(int(jobID), "JobWrapper") jobReport.setApplicationStatus("Failed %s " % minorStatus, sendFlag=False) jobReport.setJobStatus(status=JobStatus.RESCHEDULED, minorStatus=minorStatus, sendFlag=False) # We must send Job States and Parameters before it gets reschedule jobReport.sendStoredStatusInfo() jobReport.sendStoredJobParameters() gLogger.info("Job will be rescheduled after exception during execution of the JobWrapper") result = JobManagerClient().rescheduleJob(int(jobID)) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.warn(result["Message"]) if "Maximum number of reschedulings is reached" in result["Message"]: rescheduleResult = JobStatus.FAILED return rescheduleResult except Exception: gLogger.exception("JobWrapperTemplate failed to reschedule Job") return JobStatus.FAILED