""" A set of utilities used in the WMS services Requires the Nordugrid ARC plugins. In particular : nordugrid-arc-python """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function __RCSID__ = "e5d3c4e56 (2021-10-19 18:18:59 +0200) aldbr " from tempfile import mkdtemp import shutil from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gLogger, gConfig from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getQueue from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import getGroupOption from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.ProxyManagerClient import gProxyManager from DIRAC.Resources.Computing.ComputingElementFactory import ComputingElementFactory # List of files to be inserted/retrieved into/from pilot Output Sandbox # first will be defined as StdOut in JDL and the second as StdErr outputSandboxFiles = ["StdOut", "StdErr"] COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 60 ########################################################################### def getGridEnv(): gridEnv = "" setup = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "") if setup: instance = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setups/%s/WorkloadManagement" % setup, "") if instance: gridEnv = gConfig.getValue("/Systems/WorkloadManagement/%s/GridEnv" % instance, "") return gridEnv def getPilotCE(pilotDict): """Instantiate and return a CE bound to a pilot""" ceFactory = ComputingElementFactory() result = getQueue(pilotDict["GridSite"], pilotDict["DestinationSite"], pilotDict["Queue"]) if not result["OK"]: return result queueDict = result["Value"] gridEnv = getGridEnv() queueDict["GridEnv"] = gridEnv queueDict["WorkingDirectory"] = mkdtemp() result = ceFactory.getCE(pilotDict["GridType"], pilotDict["DestinationSite"], queueDict) if not result["OK"]: shutil.rmtree(queueDict["WorkingDirectory"]) return result ce = result["Value"] return S_OK(ce) def getPilotProxy(pilotDict): """Get a proxy bound to a pilot""" owner = pilotDict["OwnerDN"] group = pilotDict["OwnerGroup"] groupVOMS = getGroupOption(group, "VOMSRole", group) result = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup(owner, groupVOMS) if not result["OK"]: gLogger.error("Could not get proxy:", 'User "%s" Group "%s" : %s' % (owner, groupVOMS, result["Message"])) return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy") proxy = result["Value"] return S_OK(proxy) def getPilotRef(pilotReference, pilotDict): """Add the pilotStamp to the pilotReference, if the pilotStamp is in the dictionary, otherwise return unchanged pilotReference. """ pilotStamp = pilotDict["PilotStamp"] pRef = pilotReference if pilotStamp: pRef = pRef + ":::" + pilotStamp return S_OK(pRef) def killPilotsInQueues(pilotRefDict): """kill pilots queue by queue :params dict pilotRefDict: a dict of pilots in queues """ ceFactory = ComputingElementFactory() failed = [] for key, pilotDict in pilotRefDict.items(): owner, group, site, ce, queue = key.split("@@@") result = getQueue(site, ce, queue) if not result["OK"]: return result queueDict = result["Value"] gridType = pilotDict["GridType"] result = ceFactory.getCE(gridType, ce, queueDict) if not result["OK"]: return result ce = result["Value"] # FIXME: quite hacky. Should be either removed, or based on some flag if gridType in ["CREAM", "ARC", "Globus", "HTCondorCE"]: group = getGroupOption(group, "VOMSRole", group) ret = gProxyManager.getPilotProxyFromVOMSGroup(owner, group) if not ret["OK"]: gLogger.error("Could not get proxy:", 'User "%s" Group "%s" : %s' % (owner, group, ret["Message"])) return S_ERROR("Failed to get the pilot's owner proxy") proxy = ret["Value"] ce.setProxy(proxy) pilotList = pilotDict["PilotList"] result = ce.killJob(pilotList) if not result["OK"]: failed.extend(pilotList) return failed