""" DIRAC - Distributed Infrastructure with Remote Agent Control The distributed data production and analysis system of LHCb and other VOs. DIRAC is a software framework for distributed computing which allows to integrate various computing resources in a single system. At the same time it integrates all kinds of computing activities like Monte Carlo simulations, data processing, or final user analysis. It is build as number of cooperating systems: - Accounting - Configuration - Core - Base - DISET - Security - Utilities - Workflow - Framework - RequestManagement - Resources - Transformation Which are used by other system providing functionality to the end user: - DataManagement - Interfaces - ResourceStatus - StorageManagement - WorkloadManagement It defines the following data members: - majorVersion: DIRAC Major version number - minorVersion: DIRAC Minor version number - patchLevel: DIRAC Patch level number - preVersion: DIRAC Pre release number - version: DIRAC version string - errorMail: mail address for important errors - alarmMail: mail address for important alarms - pythonPath: absolute real path to the directory that contains this file - rootPath: absolute real path to the parent of DIRAC.pythonPath It loads Modules from : - DIRAC.Core.Utililies It loads: - S_OK: OK return structure - S_ERROR: ERROR return structure - gLogger: global Logger object - gConfig: global Config object It defines the following functions: - abort: aborts execution - exit: finish execution using callbacks - siteName: returns DIRAC name for current site - getPlatform(): DIRAC platform string for current host - getPlatformTuple(): DIRAC platform tuple for current host """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division import sys import os import platform as pyPlatform from pkgutil import extend_path import re import six __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__) # Set the environment variable such that openssl accepts proxy cert # Sadly, this trick was removed in openssl >= 1.1.0 # https://github.com/openssl/openssl/commit/8e21938ce3a5306df753eb40a20fe30d17cf4a68 # Lets see if they would accept to put it back # https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/8177 os.environ["OPENSSL_ALLOW_PROXY_CERTS"] = "True" __RCSID__ = "835d22caa (2022-01-07 14:02:03 +0100) Andrei Tsaregorodtsev " # Now that's one hell of a hack :) # _strptime is not thread safe, resulting in obscure callstack # whenever you would have multiple threads and calling datetime.datetime.strptime # (AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_strptime') # Importing _strptime before instantiating the threads seem to be a working workaround import _strptime # Define Version if six.PY3: from pkg_resources import get_distribution, DistributionNotFound try: __version__ = get_distribution(__name__).version version = __version__ except DistributionNotFound: # package is not installed version = "Unknown" else: majorVersion = 7 minorVersion = 3 patchLevel = 15 preVersion = 0 version = "v%sr%s" % (majorVersion, minorVersion) # Make it so that __version__ is always PEP-440 style __version__ = "%s.%s" % (majorVersion, minorVersion) if patchLevel: version = "%sp%s" % (version, patchLevel) __version__ += ".%s" % patchLevel if preVersion: version = "%s-pre%s" % (version, preVersion) __version__ += "a%s" % preVersion errorMail = "dirac.alarms@gmail.com" alarmMail = "dirac.alarms@gmail.com" def isPy3VersionNumber(releaseVersion): """Returns True if the releaseVersion is a PEP-440 style string. This is the `is_canonical` function defined in PEP-440 Appendix B :param str releaseVersion: The software version to use """ return ( re.match( r"^([1-9][0-9]*!)?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*))*((a|b|rc)(0|[1-9][0-9]*))?(\.post(0|[1-9][0-9]*))?(\.dev(0|[1-9][0-9]*))?$", releaseVersion, ) is not None ) def convertToPy3VersionNumber(releaseVersion): """Convert the releaseVersion into a PEP-440 style string :param str releaseVersion: The software version to use """ VERSION_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^(?:v)?(\d+)[r\.](\d+)(?:[p\.](\d+))?(?:(?:-pre|a)?(\d+))?$") match = VERSION_PATTERN.match(releaseVersion) # If the regex fails just return the original version if not match: return releaseVersion major, minor, patch, pre = match.groups() version = major + "." + minor version += "." + (patch or "0") if pre: version += "a" + pre return version def _computeRootPath(rootPath): """Compute the root of the DIRAC installation Detects if the installation is a server-style versioned installation by recognising a folder structure like: ``versions/vX.Y.Z-$(uname -m)-TIMESTAMP/`` :param str rootPath: The result of ``sys.base_prefix`` :return: bool """ import re from pathlib import Path # pylint: disable=import-error rootPath = Path(rootPath).resolve() versionsPath = rootPath.parent if versionsPath.parent.name != "versions": return str(rootPath) # VERSION-INSTALL_TIME pattern1 = re.compile(r"v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+[^\-]*)\-(\d+)") # $(uname -s)-$(uname -m) pattern2 = re.compile(r"([^\-]+)-([^\-]+)") if pattern1.fullmatch(versionsPath.name) and pattern2.fullmatch(rootPath.name): # This is a versioned install return str(versionsPath.parent.parent) else: return str(rootPath) # Set rootPath of DIRAC installation if six.PY3: rootPath = _computeRootPath(sys.base_prefix) # pylint: disable=no-member else: pythonPath = os.path.realpath(__path__[0]) rootPath = os.path.dirname(pythonPath) # Import DIRAC.Core.Utils modules # from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import * from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Network import getFQDN from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ReturnValues import S_OK, S_ERROR # Logger from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.Logger import gLogger # Configuration client from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Config import gConfig __siteName = False def siteName(): """ Determine and return DIRAC name for current site """ global __siteName if not __siteName: __siteName = gConfig.getValue("/LocalSite/Site") if not __siteName: # Some Defaults if not present in the configuration FQDN = getFQDN() if len(FQDN.split(".")) > 2: # Use the last component of the FQDN as country code if there are more than 2 components __siteName = "DIRAC.Client.%s" % FQDN.split(".")[-1] else: # else use local as country code __siteName = "DIRAC.Client.local" return __siteName # platform detection from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Platform import getPlatformString, getPlatform, getPlatformTuple def exit(exitCode=0): """ Finish execution using callbacks """ sys.exit(exitCode) def abort(exitCode, *args, **kwargs): """ Abort execution """ try: gLogger.fatal(*args, **kwargs) os._exit(exitCode) except OSError: gLogger.exception("Error while executing DIRAC.abort") os._exit(exitCode) def extension_metadata(): return { "primary_extension": True, "priority": 0, "setups": { "DIRAC-Certification": "https://lbcertifdirac70.cern.ch:9135/Configuration/Server", "DIRAC-CertifOauth": "dips://lbcertifdiracoauth.cern.ch:9135/Configuration/Server", }, }